$string['confirmmailsubject'] = 'Confirm mail subject';
$string['confirmmailcontent'] = 'Confirm mail content';
$string['cancelmailsubject'] = 'Cancel mail subject';
$string['cancelmailcontent'] = 'Cancel mail sontent';
$string['mailaddress'] = 'Send mail address';
$string['mailusername'] = 'Send mail username';
$string['mailpassword'] = 'Send mail password';
$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use special marks designated email content replaced.<br>{firstname}:Registration name; {content}:Course name';
$string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use special marks designated email content replaced.<br>{firstname}:Registration name; {content}:Course name';
$string['apply:unenrol'] = 'Cancel users from course';
$string['apply:unenrolapply'] = 'Cancel self from the course';
// Description of your plugin. Shown on the plugin's configuration screen.
$string['description'] = '';
$string['notification'] = '<b>Enrollment Application successfully sent</b>. <br/><br/>You will be informed by email as soon as your enrollment has been confirmed. If you want to enroll to other courses, please click "course catalogue" in the top menu.';
$string['sendmailtoteacher'] = 'Send email notification to teachers';