$string['pluginname_desc'] = 'With this plug-in users can apply to be enrolled in a course. A teacher or site manager will then have to approve the enrollment before the user gets enrolled.';
$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.<br/>{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
$string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.<br/>{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
$string['notification'] = '<b>Enrolllment application successfully sent</b>. <br/><br/>You will be informed by email when your enrollment has been confirmed.';
$string['sendmailtoteacher'] = 'Send email notification to teachers';
$string['sendmailtomanager'] = 'Send email notification to managers';