diff --git a/lang/es/enrol_apply.php b/lang/es/enrol_apply.php
index 7943e31..d583548 100644
--- a/lang/es/enrol_apply.php
+++ b/lang/es/enrol_apply.php
@@ -12,14 +12,12 @@
// The name of your plugin. Displayed on admin menus.
$string['enrolname'] = 'Matrículas solicitadas';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Matrículas solicitadas';
+$string['pluginname_desc'] = 'With this plugin users can apply to a course and a teacher have to comfirm before the user gets enroled.'; // needs to be translated
$string['confirmmailsubject'] = 'Asunto del correo de confirmación';
$string['confirmmailcontent'] = 'Contenido del correo de confirmación';
$string['cancelmailsubject'] = 'Asunto del correo de cancelación';
$string['cancelmailcontent'] = 'Contenido del correo de cancelación';
-$string['mailaddress'] = 'Send mail address'; // Those configuration parameters
-$string['mailusername'] = 'Send mail username'; // are commented out in code
-$string['mailpassword'] = 'Send mail password'; // Couldn't make an accurate translation without seen those in action
$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Por favor, use marcas especiales que se substituirán en el contenido del correo.
{firstname}:Nombre registrado por el usuario; {content}:Nombre del curso';
$string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Por favor, use marcas especiales que se substituirán en el contenido del correo.
{firstname}:Nombre registrado por el usuario; {content}:Nombre del curso';
@@ -41,8 +39,13 @@ $string['apply:manage'] = 'Gestionar matrículas solicitadas'; // Needs more ins
$string['apply:unenrol'] = 'Cancelar usuarios del curso'; // Needs more insight
$string['apply:unenrolapply'] = 'Cancelarse a si mismo del curso'; // Needs more insight. Very ugly translation!
-// Description of your plugin. Shown on the plugin's configuration screen.
-$string['description'] = '';
$string['notification'] = 'Solicitud de matriculación enviada correctamente.
Será notificado por correo electrónico en cuanto se confirme su matriculación.';
+$string['sendmailtoteacher'] = 'Send email notification to teachers'; // needs to be translated
+$string['mailtoteacher_suject'] = 'New Enrollment request!'; // needs to be translated
+$string['editdescription'] = 'Textarea description'; // needs to be translated
+$string['applymanage'] = 'Manage enrolment applications'; // needs to be translated
+$string['status_desc'] = 'Allow course access of internally enrolled users.'; // needs to be translated
\ No newline at end of file