diff --git a/apply.php b/apply.php
index d0fe2df..df7fd4a 100644
--- a/apply.php
+++ b/apply.php
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ $userenrolments = optional_param_array('userenrolments', null, PARAM_INT);
if ($userenrolments != null) {
if ($_POST ['type'] == 'confirm') {
+ } elseif ($_POST ['type'] == 'wait') {
+ waitEnrolment ($userenrolments);
} elseif ($_POST ['type'] == 'cancel') {
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ $enrols = getAllEnrolment ($enrolid);
echo $OUTPUT->header ();
echo $OUTPUT->heading ( get_string ( 'confirmusers', 'enrol_apply' ) );
+echo get_string('confirmusers_desc', 'enrol_apply');
echo '
-echo '';
+echo '';
echo $OUTPUT->footer ();
diff --git a/lang/de/enrol_apply.php b/lang/de/enrol_apply.php
index 244dd3a..e2c331c 100644
--- a/lang/de/enrol_apply.php
+++ b/lang/de/enrol_apply.php
@@ -16,18 +16,23 @@ $string['pluginname_desc'] = 'With this plugin users can apply to a course and a
$string['confirmmailsubject'] = 'E-Mail-Betreff für Bestätigung der Einschreibung';
$string['confirmmailcontent'] = 'E-Mail für Bestätigung der Einschreibung';
+$string['waitmailsubject'] = 'E-Mail-Betreff für Benachrichtigung über das setzen auf Warteliste';
+$string['waitmailcontent'] = 'E-Mail für Benachrichtigung über das setzen auf Warteliste';
$string['cancelmailsubject'] = 'Mail-Betreff für Verwerfen der Einschreibung';
$string['cancelmailcontent'] = 'Mail für Verwerfen der Einschreibung';
$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Bitte benutzen Sie die Spezialmarkierungen, um den gewünschten Mailinhalt zu ersetzen.
{firstname}:Registrierungsname; {content}:Kursname';
+$string['waitmailcontent_desc'] = 'Bitte benutzen Sie die Spezialmarkierungen, um den gewünschten Mailinhalt zu ersetzen.
{firstname}:Registrierungsname; {content}:Kursname';
$string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Bitte benutzen Sie die Spezialmarkierungen, um den gewünschten Mailinhalt zu ersetzen.
{firstname}:Registrierungsname; {content}:Kursname';
$string['confirmusers'] = 'Einschreibung bestätigen';
+$string['confirmusers_desc'] = 'Nutzer in grau hinterlegten Zeilen befinden sich auf der Warteliste und können noch nachträglich dem Kurs hinzugefügt oder gelöscht werden.';
$string['coursename'] = 'Kurs';
$string['applyuser'] = 'Voname / Nachname';
$string['applyusermail'] = 'Email';
$string['applydate'] = 'Einschreibungsdatum';
$string['btnconfirm'] = 'Einschreibungsanfragen bestätigen';
+$string['btnwait'] = 'markierte Nutzer auf die Warteliste setzen';
$string['btncancel'] = ' Einschreibungsanfragen ablehnen';
$string['enrolusers'] = 'Benutzer manuell einschreiben';
diff --git a/lang/en/enrol_apply.php b/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
index bd22069..371e691 100644
--- a/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
+++ b/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
@@ -16,18 +16,23 @@ $string['pluginname_desc'] = 'With this plug-in users can apply to be enrolled i
$string['confirmmailsubject'] = 'Confirmation email subject';
$string['confirmmailcontent'] = 'Confirmation email content';
+$string['waitmailsubject'] = 'Waiting list mail subject';
+$string['waitmailcontent'] = 'Waiting list mail content';
$string['cancelmailsubject'] = 'Cancelation email subject';
$string['cancelmailcontent'] = 'Cancelation email content';
$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
+$string['waitmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
$string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
$string['confirmusers'] = 'Enrol Confirm';
+$string['confirmusers_desc'] = 'Users in gray colored rows are on the waiting list.';
$string['coursename'] = 'Course';
$string['applyuser'] = 'First name / Surname';
$string['applyusermail'] = 'Email';
$string['applydate'] = 'Enrol date';
$string['btnconfirm'] = 'Confirm requests';
+$string['btnwait'] = 'put marked users on waiting list';
$string['btncancel'] = 'Cancel requests';
$string['enrolusers'] = 'Enrol users';
diff --git a/lib.php b/lib.php
index 65b73f1..2ee7744 100644
--- a/lib.php
+++ b/lib.php
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
function getAllEnrolment($id = null) {
global $DB;
if ($id) {
- $sql = 'SELECT ue.userid,ue.id,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.email,u.picture,c.fullname as course,ue.timecreated
+ $sql = 'SELECT ue.userid,ue.id,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.email,u.picture,c.fullname as course,ue.timecreated,ue.status
FROM {course} c
JOIN {enrol} e
ON e.courseid = c.id
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ function getAllEnrolment($id = null) {
ON ue.enrolid = e.id
JOIN {user} u
ON ue.userid = u.id
- WHERE ue.status = 1
+ WHERE ue.status != 0
AND e.id = ?';
$userenrolments = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($id));
} else {
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ function getAllEnrolment($id = null) {
ON ue.enrolid = e.id
LEFT JOIN {course} c
ON e.courseid = c.id
- WHERE ue.status = 1
+ WHERE ue.status != 0
AND e.enrol = ?';
$userenrolments = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('apply'));
@@ -289,6 +289,20 @@ function confirmEnrolment($enrols){
+function waitEnrolment($enrols){
+ global $DB;
+ global $CFG;
+ foreach ($enrols as $enrol){
+ @$enroluser->id = $enrol;
+ @$enroluser->status = 2;
+ if($DB->update_record('user_enrolments',$enroluser)){
+ $info = getRelatedInfo($enrol);
+ sendWaitMail($info);
+ }
+ }
function cancelEnrolment($enrols){
global $DB;
foreach ($enrols as $enrol){
@@ -323,6 +337,21 @@ function sendConfirmMail($info){
email_to_user($info, $contact, $apply_setting['confirmmailsubject']->value, html_to_text($body), $body);
+function sendWaitMail($info){
+ global $DB;
+ global $CFG;
+ //global $USER;
+ $apply_setting = $DB->get_records_sql("select name,value from ".$CFG->prefix."config_plugins where plugin='enrol_apply'");
+ $replace = array('firstname'=>$info->firstname,'content'=>format_string($info->coursename),'lastname'=>$info->lastname,'username'=>$info->username);
+ $body = get_config('enrol_apply', 'waitmailcontent');
+ $body = updateMailContent($body,$replace);
+ $contact = get_admin();
+ //confirm mail will sent by the admin
+ //$contact = $USER;
+ email_to_user($info, $contact, get_config('enrol_apply', 'waitmailsubject'), html_to_text($body), $body);
function sendConfirmMailToTeachers($instance,$info,$applydescription){
global $DB;
global $CFG;
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index c672475..de61af9 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
$settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_apply_confirmmailcontent', '', get_string('confirmmailcontent_desc', 'enrol_apply')));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_confightmleditor('enrol_apply/confirmmailcontent', get_string('confirmmailcontent', 'enrol_apply'),'utf-8',''));
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('enrol_apply/waitmailsubject','',get_string('waitmailsubject', 'enrol_apply'),null,PARAM_TEXT,60));
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_apply_waitmailcontent', '', get_string('waitmailcontent_desc', 'enrol_apply')));
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_confightmleditor('enrol_apply/waitmailcontent', get_string('waitmailcontent', 'enrol_apply'),'utf-8',''));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('enrol_apply/cancelmailsubject','',get_string('cancelmailsubject', 'enrol_apply'),null,PARAM_TEXT,60));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_apply_cancelmailcontent', '', get_string('cancelmailcontent_desc', 'enrol_apply')));