diff --git a/edit.php b/edit.php
index e0a57c8..290626f 100644
--- a/edit.php
+++ b/edit.php
@@ -88,27 +88,29 @@ if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
// Convert back to string for storing in enrol table.
$data->customtext2 = implode(',', $notify);
if ($instance->id) {
- $instance->status = $data->status;
- $instance->name = $data->name;
- $instance->customtext1 = $data->customtext1;
- $instance->customtext2 = $data->customtext2;
- $instance->customint1 = $data->customint1;
- $instance->customint2 = $data->customint2;
- $instance->customint3 = $data->customint3;
- $instance->roleid = $data->roleid;
+ $instance->status = $data->status;
+ $instance->name = $data->name;
+ $instance->customtext1 = $data->customtext1;
+ $instance->customtext2 = $data->customtext2;
+ $instance->customint1 = $data->customint1;
+ $instance->customint2 = $data->customint2;
+ $instance->customint3 = $data->customint3;
+ $instance->roleid = $data->roleid;
+ $instance->enrolperiod = $data->enrolperiod;
$instance->timemodified = time();
$DB->update_record('enrol', $instance);
} else {
$fields = array(
- 'status' => $data->status,
- 'name' => $data->name,
- 'roleid' => $data->roleid,
- 'customint1' => $data->customint1,
- 'customint2' => $data->customint2,
- 'customint3' => $data->customint3,
- 'customtext1' => $data->customtext1,
- 'customtext2' => $data->customtext2);
+ 'status' => $data->status,
+ 'name' => $data->name,
+ 'roleid' => $data->roleid,
+ 'customint1' => $data->customint1,
+ 'customint2' => $data->customint2,
+ 'customint3' => $data->customint3,
+ 'customtext1' => $data->customtext1,
+ 'customtext2' => $data->customtext2,
+ 'enrolperiod' => $data->enrolperiod
+ );
$plugin->add_instance($course, $fields);
diff --git a/edit_form.php b/edit_form.php
index 8853217..db7efae 100644
--- a/edit_form.php
+++ b/edit_form.php
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ class enrol_apply_edit_form extends moodleform {
$mform->setType('customint3', PARAM_INT);
$mform->setDefault('customint3', $plugin->get_config('customint3'));
+ $options = array('optional' => true, 'defaultunit' => 86400);
+ $mform->addElement('duration', 'enrolperiod', get_string('defaultperiod', 'enrol_apply'), $options);
+ $mform->setDefault('enrolperiod', $plugin->get_config('enrolperiod'));
+ $mform->addHelpButton('enrolperiod', 'defaultperiod', 'enrol_apply');
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'courseid');
diff --git a/lang/en/enrol_apply.php b/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
index b464561..ec2c31a 100644
--- a/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
+++ b/lang/en/enrol_apply.php
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $string['confirmmail_desc'] = '';
$string['confirmmailsubject'] = 'Confirmation email subject';
$string['confirmmailsubject_desc'] = '';
$string['confirmmailcontent'] = 'Confirmation email content';
-$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username';
+$string['confirmmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username;{timeend}: The enrolment expiration date';
$string['waitmail_heading'] = 'Waiting list email';
$string['waitmail_desc'] = '';
@@ -106,3 +106,11 @@ $string['maxenrolledreached_right'] = 'has already been reached.';
$string['maxenrolled_tip_1'] = 'out of';
$string['maxenrolled_tip_2'] = 'seats already booked.';
+$string['defaultperiod'] = 'Default enrolment duration';
+$string['defaultperiod_desc'] = 'Default length of time that the enrolment is valid. If set to zero, the enrolment duration will be unlimited by default.';
+$string['defaultperiod_help'] = 'Default length of time that the enrolment is valid, starting with the moment the user is enrolled. If disabled, the enrolment duration will be unlimited by default.';
+$string['expiry_heading'] = 'Expiry settings';
+$string['expiry_desc'] = '';
+$string['expiredaction'] = 'Enrolment expiry action';
+$string['expiredaction_help'] = 'Select action to carry out when user enrolment expires. Please note that some user data and settings are purged from course during course unenrolment.';
diff --git a/lib.php b/lib.php
index c8ae0f1..17abb1d 100644
--- a/lib.php
+++ b/lib.php
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
$fields['customint1'] = $this->get_config('show_standard_user_profile');
$fields['customint2'] = $this->get_config('show_extra_user_profile');
$fields['customtext2'] = $this->get_config('notifycoursebased') ? '$@ALL@$' : '';
+ $fields['enrolperiod'] = $this->get_config('enrolperiod', 0);
return $fields;
@@ -260,12 +261,19 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
- $this->update_user_enrol($instance, $userenrolment->userid, ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, time());
+ // Set timestart and timeend if an enrolment duration is set.
+ $userenrolment->timestart = time();
+ $userenrolment->timeend = 0;
+ if ($instance->enrolperiod) {
+ $userenrolment->timeend = $userenrolment->timestart + $instance->enrolperiod;
+ }
+ $this->update_user_enrol($instance, $userenrolment->userid, ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, $userenrolment->timestart, $userenrolment->timeend);
$DB->delete_records('enrol_apply_applicationinfo', array('userenrolmentid' => $enrol));
- $userenrolment->userid,
+ $userenrolment,
get_config('enrol_apply', 'confirmmailsubject'),
get_config('enrol_apply', 'confirmmailcontent'));
@@ -293,7 +301,7 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
- $userenrolment->userid,
+ $userenrolment,
get_config('enrol_apply', 'waitmailsubject'),
get_config('enrol_apply', 'waitmailcontent'));
@@ -327,23 +335,23 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
- $userenrolment->userid,
+ $userenrolment,
get_config('enrol_apply', 'cancelmailsubject'),
get_config('enrol_apply', 'cancelmailcontent'));
- private function notify_applicant($instance, $userid, $type, $subject, $content) {
+ private function notify_applicant($instance, $userenrolment, $type, $subject, $content) {
global $CFG;
// Required for course_get_url() function.
$course = get_course($instance->courseid);
- $user = core_user::get_user($userid);
+ $user = core_user::get_user($userenrolment->userid);
- $content = $this->update_mail_content($content, $course, $user);
+ $content = $this->update_mail_content($content, $course, $user, $userenrolment);
$message = new enrol_apply_notification(
@@ -476,12 +484,14 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
return get_users_from_config($this->get_config('notifyglobal'), 'enrol/apply:manageapplications');
- private function update_mail_content($content, $course, $user) {
+ private function update_mail_content($content, $course, $user, $userenrolment) {
$replace = array(
'firstname' => $user->firstname,
- 'content' => format_string($course->fullname),
- 'lastname' => $user->lastname,
- 'username' => $user->username);
+ 'content' => format_string($course->fullname),
+ 'lastname' => $user->lastname,
+ 'username' => $user->username,
+ 'timeend' => !empty($userenrolment->timeend) ? userdate($userenrolment->timeend) : ''
+ );
foreach ($replace as $key => $val) {
$content = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $val, $content);
@@ -513,4 +523,12 @@ class enrol_apply_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
public function restore_user_enrolment(restore_enrolments_structure_step $step, $data, $instance, $userid, $oldinstancestatus) {
$this->enrol_user($instance, $userid, null, $data->timestart, $data->timeend, $oldinstancestatus);
+ /**
+ * Enrol cron support.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function cron() {
+ $trace = new text_progress_trace();
+ $this->process_expirations($trace);
+ }
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index 7f4601e..b562c37 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
$settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_apply_enrolname', '', get_string('pluginname_desc', 'enrol_apply')));
// Confirm mail settings...
@@ -97,6 +96,23 @@ if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
+ // Expiry settings.
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_heading(
+ 'enrol_apply_expiry',
+ get_string('expiry_heading', 'enrol_apply'),
+ get_string('expiry_desc', 'enrol_apply')));
+ $options = array(
+ ENROL_EXT_REMOVED_KEEP => get_string('extremovedkeep', 'enrol'),
+ ENROL_EXT_REMOVED_SUSPEND => get_string('extremovedsuspend', 'enrol'),
+ ENROL_EXT_REMOVED_SUSPENDNOROLES => get_string('extremovedsuspendnoroles', 'enrol'),
+ ENROL_EXT_REMOVED_UNENROL => get_string('extremovedunenrol', 'enrol'),
+ );
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configselect('enrol_apply/expiredaction',
+ get_string('expiredaction', 'enrol_apply'),
+ get_string('expiredaction_help', 'enrol_apply'),
+ $options));
// Enrol instance defaults...
$settings->add(new admin_setting_heading('enrol_manual_defaults',
get_string('enrolinstancedefaults', 'admin'), get_string('enrolinstancedefaults_desc', 'admin')));
@@ -132,6 +148,9 @@ if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
get_string('notifycoursebased', 'enrol_apply'),
get_string('notifycoursebased_desc', 'enrol_apply'),
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configduration('enrol_apply/enrolperiod',
+ get_string('defaultperiod', 'enrol_apply'), get_string('defaultperiod_desc', 'enrol_apply'), 0));
if ($hassiteconfig) { // Needs this condition or there is error on login page.