{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username'; $string['waitmail_heading'] = 'Waiting list email'; $string['waitmail_desc'] = ''; $string['waitmailsubject'] = 'Waiting list mail subject'; $string['waitmailsubject_desc'] = ''; $string['waitmailcontent'] = 'Waiting list mail content'; $string['waitmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username'; $string['cancelmail_heading'] = 'Cancelation email'; $string['cancelmail_desc'] = ''; $string['cancelmailsubject'] = 'Cancelation email subject'; $string['cancelmailsubject_desc'] = ''; $string['cancelmailcontent'] = 'Cancelation email content'; $string['cancelmailcontent_desc'] = 'Please use the following special marks to replace email content with data from Moodle.
{firstname}:The first name of the user; {content}:The course name;{lastname}:The last name of the user;{username}:The users registration username'; $string['notify_heading'] = 'Notification settings'; $string['notify_desc'] = 'Define who gets notified about new enrolment applications.'; $string['sendmailtoteacher'] = 'Send email notification to teachers'; $string['sendmailtomanager'] = 'Send email notification to managers'; $string['confirmusers'] = 'Enrol Confirm'; $string['confirmusers_desc'] = 'Users in gray colored rows are on the waiting list.'; $string['coursename'] = 'Course'; $string['applyuser'] = 'First name / Surname'; $string['applyusermail'] = 'Email'; $string['applydate'] = 'Enrol date'; $string['btnconfirm'] = 'Confirm requests'; $string['btnwait'] = 'put marked users on waiting list'; $string['btncancel'] = 'Cancel requests'; $string['enrolusers'] = 'Enrol users'; $string['status'] = 'Allow Course enrol confirmation'; $string['confirmenrol'] = 'Manage application'; $string['apply:config'] = 'Configure apply enrol instances'; $string['apply:enrol'] = 'Enrol users'; $string['apply:manage'] = 'Manage apply enrolment'; $string['apply:unenrol'] = 'Cancel users from the course'; $string['apply:unenrolapply'] = 'Cancel self from the course'; // is this necessary now? $string['apply:unenrolself'] = 'Cancel self from the course'; $string['notification'] = 'Enrolment application successfully sent.

You will be informed by email when your enrolment has been confirmed.'; $string['mailtoteacher_suject'] = 'New Enrolment request!'; $string['editdescription'] = 'Textarea description'; $string['comment'] = 'Comment'; $string['applymanage'] = 'Manage enrolment applications'; $string['status_desc'] = 'Allow course access of internally enrolled users.'; $string['user_profile'] = 'User Profile'; $string['show_standard_user_profile'] = 'Show standard user profile fields on enrolment screen'; $string['show_extra_user_profile'] = 'Show extra user profile fields on enrolment screen'; ?>