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198 lines
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198 lines
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13 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
15 years ago
12 years ago
$string['attendance:addinstance'] = 'Add a new attendance activity';
15 years ago
$string['Aacronym'] = 'A';
$string['Afull'] = 'Absent';
$string['Eacronym'] = 'E';
$string['Efull'] = 'Excused';
$string['Lacronym'] = 'L';
$string['Lfull'] = 'Late';
$string['Pacronym'] = 'P';
$string['Pfull'] = 'Present';
$string['acronym'] = 'Acronym';
$string['add'] = 'Add';
$string['addmultiplesessions'] = 'Add multiple sessions';
$string['addsession'] = 'Add session';
$string['allcourses'] = 'All courses';
15 years ago
$string['all'] = 'All';
14 years ago
$string['allpast'] = 'All past';
13 years ago
$string['attendancedata'] = 'Attendance data';
15 years ago
$string['attendanceforthecourse'] = 'Attendance for the course';
$string['attendancegrade'] = 'Attendance grade';
$string['attendancenotstarted'] = 'Attendance has not started yet for this course';
$string['attendancepercent'] = 'Attendance percent';
$string['attendancereport'] = 'Attendance report';
$string['attendancesuccess'] = 'Attendance has been successfully taken';
$string['attendanceupdated'] = 'Attendance successfully updated';
12 years ago
$string['attendance:canbelisted'] = 'Appears in the roster';
$string['attendance:changepreferences'] = 'Changing Preferences';
$string['attendance:changeattendances'] = 'Changing Attendances';
$string['attendance:export'] = 'Export Reports';
$string['attendance:manageattendances'] = 'Manage Attendances';
$string['attendance:takeattendances'] = 'Taking Attendances';
$string['attendance:view'] = 'Viewing Attendances';
$string['attendance:viewreports'] = 'Viewing Reports';
$string['attforblockdirstillexists'] = 'old mod/attforblock directory still exists - you must delete this directory on your server before running this upgrade.';
15 years ago
$string['attrecords'] = 'Attendances records';
15 years ago
$string['calclose'] = 'Close';
14 years ago
$string['calmonths'] = 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December';
15 years ago
$string['calshow'] = 'Choose date';
$string['caltoday'] = 'Today';
14 years ago
$string['calweekdays'] = 'Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa';
12 years ago
$string['cannottakeforgroup'] = 'You can\'t take attendance for group "{$a}"';
14 years ago
$string['changeattendance'] = 'Change attendance';
15 years ago
$string['changeduration'] = 'Change duration';
$string['changesession'] = 'Change session';
14 years ago
$string['column'] = 'column';
$string['columns'] = 'columns';
15 years ago
$string['commonsession'] = 'Common';
14 years ago
$string['commonsessions'] = 'Common';
15 years ago
$string['countofselected'] = 'Count of selected';
14 years ago
$string['copyfrom'] = 'Copy attendance data from';
15 years ago
$string['createmultiplesessions'] = 'Create multiple sessions';
14 years ago
$string['createmultiplesessions_help'] = 'This function allows you to create multiple sessions in one simple step.
* <strong>Session Start Date</strong>: Select the start date of your course (the first day of class)
* <strong>Session End Date</strong>: Select the last day of class (the last day you want to take attendance).
* <strong>Session Days</strong>: Select the days of the week when your class will meet (for example, Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
* <strong>Frequency</strong>: This allows for a frequency setting. If your class will meet every week, select 1; if it will meet every other week, select 2; every 3rd week, select 3, etc.
15 years ago
$string['createonesession'] = 'Create one session for the course';
15 years ago
$string['days'] = 'Day';
15 years ago
$string['defaults'] = 'Defaults';
14 years ago
$string['defaultdisplaymode'] = 'Default display mode';
15 years ago
$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
$string['deletelogs'] = 'Delete attendance data';
$string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
$string['deletesession'] = 'Delete session';
$string['deletesessions'] = 'Delete all sessions';
$string['deletingsession'] = 'Deleting session for the course';
$string['deletingstatus'] = 'Deleting status for the course';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['display'] = 'Display';
14 years ago
$string['displaymode'] = 'Display mode';
15 years ago
$string['downloadexcel'] = 'Download in Excel format';
$string['downloadooo'] = 'Download in OpenOffice format';
$string['downloadtext'] = 'Download in text format';
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
$string['editsession'] = 'Edit Session';
14 years ago
$string['endtime'] = 'Session end time';
15 years ago
$string['endofperiod'] = 'End of period';
14 years ago
$string['enrolmentend'] = 'User enrolment ends {$a}';
14 years ago
$string['enrolmentstart'] = 'User enrolment starts {$a}';
$string['enrolmentsuspended'] = 'Enrolment suspended';
15 years ago
$string['errorgroupsnotselected'] = 'Select one or more groups';
15 years ago
$string['errorinaddingsession'] = 'Error in adding session';
$string['erroringeneratingsessions'] = 'Error in generating sessions ';
13 years ago
$string['gradebookexplanation'] = 'Grade in gradebook';
$string['gradebookexplanation_help'] = 'The Attendance module displays your current attendance grade based on the number of points you have earned to date and the number of points that could have been earned to date; it does not include class periods in the future. In the gradebook, your attendance grade is based on your current attendance percentage and the number of points that can be earned over the entire duration of the course, including future class periods. As such, your attendance grades displayed in the Attendance module and in the gradebook may not be the same number of points but they are the same percentage.
For example, if you have earned 8 of 10 points to date (80% attendance) and attendance for the entire course is worth 50 points, the Attendance module will display 8/10 and the gradebook will display 40/50. You have not yet earned 40 points but 40 is the equivalent point value to your current attendance percentage of 80%. The point value you have earned in the Attendance module can never decrease, as it is based only on attendance to date; however, the attendance point value shown in the gradebook may increase or decrease depending on your future attendance, as it is based on attendance for the entire course.';
14 years ago
$string['gridcolumns'] = 'Grid columns';
15 years ago
$string['groupsession'] = 'Group';
15 years ago
$string['hiddensessions'] = 'Hidden sessions';
14 years ago
$string['hiddensessions_help'] = '
Session hides if course\'s start date older than its date. Change start date of course and hidden sessions will be shown.
You can use this feature to hide older sessions instead delete. Remember than only visible sessions using in Gradebook.';
15 years ago
$string['identifyby'] = 'Identify student by';
14 years ago
$string['includeall'] = 'Select all sessions';
15 years ago
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
14 years ago
$string['jumpto'] = 'Jump to';
15 years ago
$string['modulename'] = 'Attendance';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Attendances';
$string['months'] = 'Months';
$string['myvariables'] = 'My Variables';
$string['newdate'] = 'New date';
$string['newduration'] = 'New duration';
$string['noattforuser'] = 'No attendance records exist for the user';
$string['nodescription'] = 'Regular class session';
$string['noguest'] = 'Guest can\'t see attendance';
15 years ago
$string['nogroups'] = 'You can\'t add group sessions. No groups exists in course.';
15 years ago
$string['noofdaysabsent'] = 'No of days absent';
$string['noofdaysexcused'] = 'No of days excused';
$string['noofdayslate'] = 'No of days late';
$string['noofdayspresent'] = 'No of days present';
$string['nosessiondayselected'] = 'No Session day selected';
$string['nosessionexists'] = 'No Session exists for this course';
14 years ago
$string['nosessionsselected'] = 'No sessions selected';
15 years ago
$string['notfound'] = 'Attendance activity not found in this course!';
12 years ago
$string['noupgradefromthisversion'] = 'The Attendance module cannot upgrade from the version of attforblock you have installed. - please delete attforblock or upgrade it to the latest version before isntalling the new attendance module';
15 years ago
$string['olddate'] = 'Old date';
$string['period'] = 'Frequency';
14 years ago
$string['pluginname'] = 'Attendance';
14 years ago
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Attendance administration';
14 years ago
$string['remarks'] = 'Remarks';
15 years ago
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['resetdescription'] = 'Remember that deleting attendance data will erase information from database. You can just hide older sessions having changed start date of course!';
$string['resetstatuses'] = 'Reset statuses to default';
$string['restoredefaults'] = 'Restore defaults';
14 years ago
$string['save'] = 'Save attendance';
14 years ago
$string['session'] = 'Session';
14 years ago
$string['session_help'] = 'Session';
15 years ago
$string['sessionadded'] = 'Session successfully added';
$string['sessionalreadyexists'] = 'Session already exists for this date';
$string['sessiondate'] = 'Session Date';
$string['sessiondays'] = 'Session Days';
$string['sessiondeleted'] = 'Session successfully deleted';
$string['sessionenddate'] = 'Session end date';
$string['sessionexist'] = 'Session not added (already exists)!';
$string['sessions'] = 'Sessions';
$string['sessionscompleted'] = 'Sessions completed';
14 years ago
$string['sessionsids'] = 'IDs of sessions: ';
15 years ago
$string['sessionsgenerated'] = 'Sessions successfully generated';
13 years ago
$string['sessionsnotfound'] = 'There is no sessions in the selected timespan';
15 years ago
$string['sessionstartdate'] = 'Session start date';
15 years ago
$string['sessiontype'] = 'Session type';
14 years ago
$string['sessiontype_help'] = 'There are two types of sessions: common and groups. Ability to add different types depends on activity group mode.
* In group mode "No groups" you can add only common sessions.
* In group mode "Visible groups" you can add common and group sessions.
* In group mode "Separate groups" you can add only group sessions.
15 years ago
$string['sessiontypeshort'] = 'Type';
15 years ago
$string['sessionupdated'] = 'Session successfully updated';
14 years ago
$string['setallstatusesto'] = 'Set status for all users to «{$a}»';
15 years ago
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['showdefaults'] = 'Show defaults';
14 years ago
$string['showduration'] = 'Show duration';
14 years ago
$string['sortedgrid'] = 'Sorted grid';
$string['sortedlist'] = 'Sorted list';
14 years ago
$string['startofperiod'] = 'Start of period';
15 years ago
$string['status'] = 'Status';
13 years ago
$string['statuses'] = 'Statuses';
15 years ago
$string['statusdeleted'] = 'Status deleted';
12 years ago
$string['strftimedm'] = '%d.%m';
$string['strftimedmy'] = '%d.%m.%Y';
12 years ago
$string['strftimedmyhm'] = '%d.%m.%Y %H.%M'; // Line added to allow multiple sessions in the same day.
12 years ago
$string['strftimedmyw'] = '%d.%m.%y (%a)';
12 years ago
$string['strftimehm'] = '%H:%M'; // Line added to allow display of time.
12 years ago
$string['strftimeshortdate'] = '%d.%m.%Y';
15 years ago
$string['studentid'] = 'Student ID';
$string['takeattendance'] = 'Take attendance';
$string['thiscourse'] = 'This course';
12 years ago
$string['tablerenamefailed'] = 'Rename of old attforblock table to attendance failed';
15 years ago
$string['update'] = 'Update';
$string['variable'] = 'variable';
$string['variablesupdated'] = 'Variables successfully updated';
$string['versionforprinting'] = 'version for printing';
14 years ago
$string['viewmode'] = 'View mode';
15 years ago
$string['week'] = 'week(s)';
$string['weeks'] = 'Weeks';
$string['youcantdo'] = 'You can\'t do anything';