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<XMLDB PATH= "mod/attendance/db" VERSION= "20161107" COMMENT= "XMLDB file for Moodle mod/attendance"
<TABLE NAME= "attendance" COMMENT= "Attendance module table" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" COMMENT= "id of the table, please edit me" />
<FIELD NAME= "course" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "grade" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "100" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "This is maximum grade for instance" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "The time the settings for this attendance instance were last modified." />
<FIELD NAME= "subnet" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "add ability to restrict by IP." />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for attendance" />
<INDEX NAME= "course" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "course" />
<TABLE NAME= "attendance_sessions" COMMENT= "attendance_sessions table retrofitted from MySQL" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "attendanceid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "groupid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "sessdate" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "duration" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "lasttaken" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "lasttakenby" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "description" TYPE= "text" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "descriptionformat" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "2" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "studentscanmark" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "1" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "statusset" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "5" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Which set of statuses to use" />
<FIELD NAME= "caleventid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for attendance_sessions" />
<INDEX NAME= "attendanceid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "attendanceid" />
<INDEX NAME= "groupid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "groupid" />
<INDEX NAME= "sessdate" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "sessdate" />
<INDEX NAME= "caleventid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "caleventid" />
<TABLE NAME= "attendance_log" COMMENT= "attendance_log table retrofitted from MySQL" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "sessionid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "studentid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "statusid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "link with attendance_status table" />
<FIELD NAME= "statusset" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "100" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "timetaken" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "When attendance of this student was taken" />
<FIELD NAME= "takenby" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "remarks" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for attendance_log" />
<INDEX NAME= "sessionid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "sessionid" />
<INDEX NAME= "studentid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "studentid" />
<INDEX NAME= "statusid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "statusid" />
<TABLE NAME= "attendance_statuses" COMMENT= "attendance_statuses table retrofitted from MySQL" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "attendanceid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "acronym" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "2" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "description" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "30" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "grade" TYPE= "number" LENGTH= "5" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" DECIMALS= "2" />
<FIELD NAME= "visible" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "1" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "1" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "deleted" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "1" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<FIELD NAME= "setnumber" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "5" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Allows different sets of statuses to be allocated to different sessions" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for attendance_settings" />
<INDEX NAME= "attendanceid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "attendanceid" />
<INDEX NAME= "visible" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "visible" />
<INDEX NAME= "deleted" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "deleted" />
<TABLE NAME= "attendance_tempusers" COMMENT= "Stores temporary users details" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "studentid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "student id" />
<FIELD NAME= "courseid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "course id" />
<FIELD NAME= "fullname" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "100" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "temp user fullname" />
<FIELD NAME= "email" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "100" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "temporary user email" />
<FIELD NAME= "created" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "unix timestamp for temp user creation" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" />
<INDEX NAME= "courseid" UNIQUE= "false" FIELDS= "courseid" />
<INDEX NAME= "studentid" UNIQUE= "true" FIELDS= "studentid" />