// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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* Contains the mobile output class for the attendance
* @package mod_attendance
* @copyright 2018 Dan Marsden
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_attendance\output;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Mobile output class for the attendance.
* @copyright 2018 Dan Marsden
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class mobile {
* Returns the initial page when viewing the activity for the mobile app.
* @param array $args Arguments from tool_mobile_get_content WS
* @return array HTML, javascript and other data
public static function mobile_view_activity($args) {
global $OUTPUT, $DB, $USER, $USER, $CFG;
$args = (object) $args;
$cmid = $args->cmid;
$courseid = $args->courseid;
$groupid = empty($args->group) ? 0 : $args->group; // By default, group 0.
// Capabilities check.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('attendance', $cmid);
require_login($courseid, false , $cm, true, true);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
require_capability('mod/attendance:view', $context);
$attendance = $DB->get_record('attendance', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$data = array(); // Data to pass to renderer.
$data['cmid'] = $cmid;
$data['courseid'] = $courseid;
$data['attendance'] = $attendance;
$data['attendancefunction'] = 'mobile_take_attendance';
$isteacher = false;
if (has_capability('mod/attendance:takeattendances', $context)) {
$isteacher = true;
$data['attendancefunction'] = 'mobile_take_attendance_all';
// Add stats for this use to output.
$pageparams = new \mod_attendance_view_page_params();
$pageparams->studentid = $USER->id;
$pageparams->mode = \mod_attendance_view_page_params::MODE_THIS_COURSE;
$pageparams->view = 5; // Show all sessions for this course?
$att = new \mod_attendance_structure($attendance, $cm, $course, $context, $pageparams);
$summary = new \mod_attendance_summary($att->id, array($USER->id), $att->pageparams->startdate,
$data['summary'] = $summary->get_all_sessions_summary_for($USER->id);
// Get list of sessions within the next 24hrs and in last 6hrs.
// TODO: provide way of adjusting which sessions to show in app.
$time = time() - (6 * 60 * 60);
$data['sessions'] = array();
if ($isteacher) {
$sessions = array(); // Support for teacher marking not implemented yet.
} else {
$sessions = $DB->get_records_select('attendance_sessions',
'attendanceid = ? AND sessdate > ? ORDER BY sessdate', array($attendance->id, $time));
if (!empty($sessions)) {
$userdata = new \attendance_user_data($att, $USER->id, true);
foreach ($sessions as $sess) {
if (!$isteacher && empty($userdata->sessionslog['c'.$sess->id])) {
// This session isn't viewable to this student - probably a group session.
list($canmark, $unused) = attendance_can_student_mark($sess, false);
if ($isteacher || $canmark) {
$html = array('time' => attendance_construct_session_time($sess->sessdate, $sess->duration));
if (!empty($sess->groupid)) {
// TODO In-efficient way to get group name - we should get all groups in one query.
$groupname = $DB->get_field('groups', 'name', array('id' => $sess->groupid));
$html['time'] .= ' ('.$groupname.')';
if (!$isteacher && !empty($userdata->sessionslog['c'.$sess->id]->statusid)) {
$html['currentstatus'] = $userdata->statuses[$userdata->sessionslog['c'.$sess->id]->statusid]->description;
} else {
$html['sessid'] = $sess->id;
$data['sessions'][] = $html;
return [
'templates' => [
'id' => 'main',
'html' => $OUTPUT->render_from_template('mod_attendance/mobile_view_page', $data),
'javascript' => '',
'otherdata' => ''
* Returns the form to take attendance for the mobile app.
* @param array $args Arguments from tool_mobile_get_content WS
* @return array HTML, javascript and other data
public static function mobile_take_attendance($args) {
global $OUTPUT, $DB, $CFG;
$args = (object) $args;
$cmid = $args->cmid;
$courseid = $args->courseid;
$sessid = $args->sessid;
$takenstatus = empty($args->status) ? '' : $args->status;
// Capabilities check.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('attendance', $cmid);
require_login($courseid, false , $cm, true, true);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
require_capability('mod/attendance:view', $context);
$attendance = $DB->get_record('attendance', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$attforsession = $DB->get_record('attendance_sessions', array('id' => $sessid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$pageparams = new \mod_attendance_sessions_page_params();
$pageparams->sessionid = $sessid;
$att = new \mod_attendance_structure($attendance, $cm, $course, $context, $pageparams);
$data = array(); // Data to pass to renderer.
$data['attendance'] = $attendance;
$data['cmid'] = $cmid;
$data['courseid'] = $courseid;
$data['sessid'] = $sessid;
$data['messages'] = array();
$data['showmessage'] = false;
$data['showstatuses'] = true;
$data['statuses'] = array();
$data['disabledduetotime'] = false;
list($canmark, $reason) = attendance_can_student_mark($attforsession, false);
// Check if subnet is set and if the user is in the allowed range.
if (!$canmark) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = $reason; // Lang string to show as a message.
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
} else if (!empty($attforsession->subnet) && !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $attforsession->subnet)) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'subnetwrong'; // Lang string to show as a message.
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
} else if ($attforsession->autoassignstatus && empty($attforsession->studentpassword)) {
$statusid = attendance_session_get_highest_status($att, $attforsession);
if (empty($statusid)) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendance_no_status';
$take = new \stdClass();
$take->status = $statusid;
$take->sessid = $attforsession->id;
$success = $att->take_from_student($take);
if ($success) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendancesuccess'; // Lang string to show as a message.
} else {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendance_already_submitted'; // Lang string to show as a message.
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
} else {
// Show user form for submitting a status.
$statuses = $att->get_statuses();
// Check if user has access to all statuses.
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
if ($status->studentavailability === '0') {
if (!empty($status->studentavailability) &&
time() > $attforsession->sessdate + ($status->studentavailability * 60)) {
$data['disabledduetotime'] = true;
$data['statuses'][] = array('stid' => $status->id, 'description' => $status->description);
if (empty($data['statuses'])) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendance_no_status';
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
} else if (!empty($takenstatus)) {
// Check if user has submitted a status.
if (empty($statuses[$takenstatus])) {
// This status has probably expired and is not available - they need to choose a new one.
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'invalidstatus';
} else {
$take = new \stdClass();
$take->status = $takenstatus;
$take->sessid = $attforsession->id;
$success = $att->take_from_student($take);
if ($success) {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendancesuccess'; // Lang string to show as a message.
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
} else {
$data['messages'][]['string'] = 'attendance_already_submitted'; // Lang string to show as a message.
$data['showstatuses'] = false; // Hide all statuses.
if (!empty($data['messages'])) {
$data['showmessage'] = true;
return [
'templates' => [
'id' => 'main',
'html' => $OUTPUT->render_from_template('mod_attendance/mobile_take_attendance', $data),
'javascript' => '',
'otherdata' => ''