$string['attforblockdirstillexists'] = 'old mod/attforblock directory still exists - you must delete this directory on your server before running this upgrade.';
$string['confirmdeleteuser'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'{$a->fullname}\' ({$a->email})?<br/>All of their attendance records will be permanently deleted.';
* <strong>Repeat on</strong>: Select the days of the week when your class will meet (for example, Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
* <strong>Repeat every</strong>: This allows for a frequency setting. If your class will meet every week, select 1; if it will meet every other week, select 2; every 3rd week, select 3, etc.
* <strong>Repeat until</strong>: Select the last day of class (the last day you want to take attendance).
$string['defaultsubnet_help'] = 'Attendance recording may be restricted to particular subnets by specifying a comma-separated list of partial or full IP addresses. This is the default value used when creating new sessions.';
$string['enablecalendar_desc'] = 'If enabled, a calendar event will be created for each attendance session. After changing this setting you should run the reset calendar report.';
$string['enablewarnings_desc'] = 'This allows a warning set to be defined for an attendance and email notifications to users when attendance drops below the configured threshold. <br/><strong>WARNING: This is a new feature and has not been tested extensively. Please use at your own-risk and provide feeback in the moodle forums if you find it works well.</strong>';
$string['gradebookexplanation'] = 'Grade in gradebook';
$string['gradebookexplanation_help'] = 'The Attendance module displays your current attendance grade based on the number of points you have earned to date and the number of points that could have been earned to date; it does not include class periods in the future. In the gradebook, your attendance grade is based on your current attendance percentage and the number of points that can be earned over the entire duration of the course, including future class periods. As such, your attendance grades displayed in the Attendance module and in the gradebook may not be the same number of points but they are the same percentage.
For example, if you have earned 8 of 10 points to date (80% attendance) and attendance for the entire course is worth 50 points, the Attendance module will display 8/10 and the gradebook will display 40/50. You have not yet earned 40 points but 40 is the equivalent point value to your current attendance percentage of 80%. The point value you have earned in the Attendance module can never decrease, as it is based only on attendance to date; however, the attendance point value shown in the gradebook may increase or decrease depending on your future attendance, as it is based on attendance for the entire course.';
$string['modulename_help'] = 'The attendance activity module enables a teacher to take attendance during class and students to view their own attendance record.
The teacher can create multiple sessions and can mark the attendance status as "Present", "Absent", "Late", or "Excused" or modify the statuses to suit their needs.
Reports are available for the entire class or individual students.';
$string['warningdesc'] = 'These warnings will be automatically added to any new attendance activities. If more than one warning is triggered at exactly the same time, only the warning with the lower warning threshold will be sent.';
$string['noupgradefromthisversion'] = 'The Attendance module cannot upgrade from the version of attforblock you have installed. - please delete attforblock or upgrade it to the latest version before isntalling the new attendance module';
$string['passwordgrp_help'] = 'If set students will be required to enter this password before they can set their own attendance status for the session. If empty, no password is required.';
$string['pointsallsessions'] = 'Points over all sessions';
$string['pointssessionscompleted'] = 'Points over taken sessions';
$string['priorto'] = 'The session date is prior to the course start date ({$a}) so that the new sessions scheduled before this date will be hidden (not accessible). You can change the course start date at any time (see course settings) in order to have access to earlier sessions.<br><br>Please change the session date or just click the "Add session" button again to confirm?';
$string['requiresubnet_help'] = 'Attendance recording may be restricted to particular subnets by specifying a comma-separated list of partial or full IP addresses.';
$string['resetcaledarcreate'] = 'Calendar events have been enabled but a number of existing sessions do not have events. Do you want to create calendar events for all existing sessions?';
$string['resetcaledardelete'] = 'Calendar events have been disabled but a number of existing sessions have events that should be deleted. Do you want to delete all existing events?';
$string['resetdescription'] = 'Remember that deleting attendance data will erase information from database. You can just hide older sessions having changed start date of course!';
$string['resetstatuses'] = 'Reset statuses to default';
$string['sessiontype_help'] = 'You can add sessions for all students or for a group of students. Ability to add different types depends on activity group mode.
$string['studentavailability'] = 'Available for students (minutes)';
$string['studentavailability_help'] = 'When students are marking their own attendance, the number of minutes after session starts that this status is available.
<br/>If empty, this status will always be available, If set to 0 it will always be hidden to students.';
$string['studentscanmark'] = 'Allow students to record own attendance';
$string['studentscanmark_desc'] = 'If checked, teachers will be able to allow students to mark their own attendance.';
$string['studentscanmark_help'] = 'If checked students will be able to change their own attendance status for the session.';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontime'] = 'Students record attendance during session time';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontime_desc'] = 'If checked students can only record their attendance during the session.';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontimeend'] = 'Session end (minutes)';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontimeend_desc'] = 'If the session does not have an end time, how many minutes should the session be available for students to record their attendance.';
$string['subnetactivitylevel'] = 'Allow subnet config at activity level';
$string['subnetactivitylevel_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can override the default subnet at the activity level when creating an attendance. Otherwise the site default will be used when creating a session.';
$string['thirdpartyemailtext'] = '{$a->firstname} {$a->lastname} attendance within {$a->coursename} {$a->aname} is lower than {$a->warningpercent} ({$a->percent})';
$string['thirdpartyemailtextfooter'] = 'You are receiving this because the teacher of this course has added your email to the recipient’s list';
$string['thirdpartyemails'] = 'Notify other users';
$string['thirdpartyemails_help'] = 'List of other users who will be notified. (requires the capability mod/attendance:viewreports)';