134 lines
6.4 KiB

<?PHP // $Id: attforblock.php,v 2009/04/12 17:50:11 dlnsk Exp $
// attendanceblk.php - created with Moodle 1.5.3+ (2005060230)
$string['Aacronym'] = 'A';
$string['Afull'] = 'Absent';
$string['Eacronym'] = 'E';
$string['Efull'] = 'Excused';
$string['Lacronym'] = 'L';
$string['Lfull'] = 'Late';
$string['Pacronym'] = 'P';
$string['Pfull'] = 'Present';
$string['acronym'] = 'Acronym';
$string['add'] = 'Add';
$string['addmultiplesessions'] = 'Add multiple sessions';
$string['addsession'] = 'Add session';
$string['allcourses'] = 'All courses';
$string['all'] = 'All';
$string['alltaken'] = 'All taken';
$string['attendanceforthecourse'] = 'Attendance for the course';
$string['attendancegrade'] = 'Attendance grade';
$string['attendancenotstarted'] = 'Attendance has not started yet for this course';
$string['attendancepercent'] = 'Attendance percent';
$string['attendancereport'] = 'Attendance report';
$string['attendancesuccess'] = 'Attendance has been successfully taken';
$string['attendanceupdated'] = 'Attendance successfully updated';
$string['attforblock:changepreferences'] = 'Changing Preferences';
$string['attforblock:changeattendances'] = 'Changing Attendances';
$string['attforblock:export'] = 'Export Reports';
$string['attforblock:manageattendances'] = 'Manage Attendances';
$string['attforblock:takeattendances'] = 'Taking Attendances';
$string['attforblock:view'] = 'Viewing Attendances';
$string['attforblock:viewreports'] = 'Viewing Reports';
$string['attrecords'] = 'Attendances records';
$string['calclose'] = 'Close';
$string['calmonths'] = '\"January\", \"February\", \"March\", \"April\", \"May\", \"June\", \"July\", \"August\", \"September\", \"October\", \"November\", \"December\"';
$string['calshow'] = 'Choose date';
$string['caltoday'] = 'Today';
$string['calweekdays'] = ' \"Su\", \"Mo\", \"Tu\", \"We\", \"Th\", \"Fr\", \"Sa\"';
$string['changeduration'] = 'Change duration';
$string['changesession'] = 'Change session';
$string['commonsession'] = 'Common';
$string['commonsessions'] = 'Common';
$string['countofselected'] = 'Count of selected';
$string['createmultiplesessions'] = 'Create multiple sessions';
$string['createonesession'] = 'Create one session for the course';
$string['days'] = 'Day';
$string['defaults'] = 'Defaults';
$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
$string['deletelogs'] = 'Delete attendance data';
$string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
$string['deletesession'] = 'Delete session';
$string['deletesessions'] = 'Delete all sessions';
$string['deletingsession'] = 'Deleting session for the course';
$string['deletingstatus'] = 'Deleting status for the course';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['display'] = 'Display';
$string['downloadexcel'] = 'Download in Excel format';
$string['downloadooo'] = 'Download in OpenOffice format';
$string['downloadtext'] = 'Download in text format';
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
$string['editsession'] = 'Edit Session';
$string['endofperiod'] = 'End of period';
$string['errorgroupsnotselected'] = 'Select one or more groups';
$string['errorinaddingsession'] = 'Error in adding session';
$string['erroringeneratingsessions'] = 'Error in generating sessions ';
$string['groupsession'] = 'Group';
$string['hiddensessions'] = 'Hidden sessions';
$string['identifyby'] = 'Identify student by';
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
$string['moduledescription'] = 'You can add only one module Attendance per course.<br />Removal of this module will not entail removal of the data!';
$string['modulename'] = 'Attendance';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Attendances';
$string['months'] = 'Months';
$string['myvariables'] = 'My Variables';
$string['newdate'] = 'New date';
$string['newduration'] = 'New duration';
$string['noattforuser'] = 'No attendance records exist for the user';
$string['nodescription'] = 'Regular class session';
$string['noguest'] = 'Guest can\'t see attendance';
$string['nogroups'] = 'You can\'t add group sessions. No groups exists in course.';
$string['noofdaysabsent'] = 'No of days absent';
$string['noofdaysexcused'] = 'No of days excused';
$string['noofdayslate'] = 'No of days late';
$string['noofdayspresent'] = 'No of days present';
$string['nosessiondayselected'] = 'No Session day selected';
$string['nosessionexists'] = 'No Session exists for this course';
$string['notfound'] = 'Attendance activity not found in this course!';
$string['olddate'] = 'Old date';
$string['period'] = 'Frequency';
$string['remarks'] = 'Remarks';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['resetdescription'] = 'Remember that deleting attendance data will erase information from database. You can just hide older sessions having changed start date of course!';
$string['resetstatuses'] = 'Reset statuses to default';
$string['restoredefaults'] = 'Restore defaults';
$string['session'] = 'Session';
$string['sessionadded'] = 'Session successfully added';
$string['sessionalreadyexists'] = 'Session already exists for this date';
$string['sessiondate'] = 'Session Date';
$string['sessiondays'] = 'Session Days';
$string['sessiondeleted'] = 'Session successfully deleted';
$string['sessionenddate'] = 'Session end date';
$string['sessionexist'] = 'Session not added (already exists)!';
$string['sessions'] = 'Sessions';
$string['sessionscompleted'] = 'Sessions completed';
$string['sessionsgenerated'] = 'Sessions successfully generated';
$string['sessionstartdate'] = 'Session start date';
$string['sessiontype'] = 'Session type';
$string['sessiontypeshort'] = 'Type';
$string['sessionupdated'] = 'Session successfully updated';
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['showdefaults'] = 'Show defaults';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['statusdeleted'] = 'Status deleted';
$string['strftimedm'] = '%%d.%%m';
$string['strftimedmy'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y';
$string['strftimedmyhm'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H.%%M'; // line added to allow multiple sessions in the same day
$string['strftimedmyw'] = '%%d.%%m.%%y&nbsp;(%%a)';
$string['strftimehm'] = '%%H:%%M'; //line added to allow display of time
$string['strftimeshortdate'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y';
$string['studentid'] = 'Student ID';
$string['takeattendance'] = 'Take attendance';
$string['thiscourse'] = 'This course';
$string['update'] = 'Update';
$string['variable'] = 'variable';
$string['variablesupdated'] = 'Variables successfully updated';
$string['versionforprinting'] = 'version for printing';
$string['week'] = 'week(s)';
$string['weeks'] = 'Weeks';
$string['youcantdo'] = 'You can\'t do anything';