124 Commits (5336fa484b72c6798c0b18273b2e9a93b8a31d5c)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Chris Stones 0b5247fd9f SORT_LASTNAME needed a prefix 13 years ago
Artem Andreev 032c54637a Removed prefixes for attforblock methods. Fixed errors and notices. 14 years ago
Chris Stones e91283a339 Appending prefixes to non prefixed functions and defines 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 582387d800 Removed restriction on taking attendance for users who enrolled in course after end of session. Instead of this, warning about date of student enrollment displayed on the take attendance page. 14 years ago
Artem Andreev ab2968730a Implemented attforblock_user_outline and attforblock_user_outline 14 years ago
Artem Andreev b004f67c37 Implemented logging 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 7da2422789 Implemented export.php 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 3515e99655 Some refactoring: sesstype and sessgroupslist moved to att_page_with_filter_controls + reimplemented theirs calculations. 14 years ago
Artem Andreev edb3bc1953 Replaced anywhere: VIEW_ALLTAKEN => VIEW_ALLPAST; $string['alltaken'] =>$string['allpast']. Language strings didn't replaced for de and sv language packs because of problems with some symbols in file. 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 276c604098 Implemented preferences.php (previously attsettings.php) 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 9d8c2e8c93 Implemented report.php with enhancements of displaying user enrolment status 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 88805f0aef Implemented ACTION_DELETE, ACTION_DELETE_SELECTED, ACTION_CHANGE_DURATION for sessions.php 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 5ab1858860 Improvements to select all/deselect all controls 14 years ago
Artem Andreev cbaf375f62 Implemented view.php 14 years ago
Artem Andreev b55a30c340 Implemented "This course" mode of view.php + related refactoring + enhancement: taken into account information about students enrolment(start/end date). 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 1ee0f2cf30 Implemented take.php (previously attendance.php) 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 2b3b13f425 Unfinished implementation take.php (previously attendance.php) with enhancement: take into account information about students enrolment(status, start date). 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 9049a7f750 Implemented session editing 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 345b969c6f Implemented adding of sessions with enhancement: HTML-editor for session description with ability to add links, files, formatting, etc 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 3c5459f8ac On manage.php implemented session types selector. Code of renderable components moved from locallib.php into renderables.php 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 61349c25a0 Implemented button date picker through YUI calendar + some refactoring of renderer.php and locallib.php 14 years ago
Artem Andreev 1348ffcab4 First implementation (unfinished) manage.php + related classes (attforblock_permissions, attforblock), renderable components (attforblock_tabs, attforblock_filter_controls - not finished, attforblock_sessions_manage_data) and appropriate renderers (render_attforblock_tabs, render_attforblock_filter_controls, render_attforblock_sessions_manage_data) 14 years ago