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23 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
5b468f74af | 9 years ago |
f2c3ea94fe | 9 years ago |
1843e854bc | 9 years ago |
befaeaccd9 | 10 years ago |
af5a743a2b | 10 years ago |
dfd65ea0e7 | 10 years ago |
7302a019ce | 10 years ago |
d3abd673d3 | 10 years ago |
68e9ef6276 | 10 years ago |
733e55f67d | 10 years ago |
9ebe730689 | 10 years ago |
0c1346dd55 | 10 years ago |
61f61982eb | 10 years ago |
1c5f2b75ab | 10 years ago |
26bae46805 | 10 years ago |
e7d3e90b59 | 10 years ago |
ded677cd45 | 10 years ago |
f088046122 | 10 years ago |
da16ecdcaa | 10 years ago |
2bd8b1462c | 10 years ago |
4995ecabe7 | 10 years ago |
f62a93bd86 | 10 years ago |
8d314052ee | 10 years ago |
13 changed files with 180 additions and 37 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
language: php |
sudo: false |
cache: |
directories: |
- $HOME/.composer/cache |
php: |
# - 5.4 |
# - 5.5 |
- 5.6 |
- 7.0 |
matrix: |
allow_failures: |
- php: 7.0 |
env: |
matrix: |
before_install: |
- cd ../.. |
- composer selfupdate |
- composer create-project -n --no-dev moodlerooms/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^1 |
- export PATH="$(cd ci/bin; pwd):$(cd ci/vendor/bin; pwd):$PATH" |
install: |
- moodle-plugin-ci install |
script: |
- moodle-plugin-ci phplint |
- moodle-plugin-ci phpcpd |
- moodle-plugin-ci phpmd |
- moodle-plugin-ci codechecker |
- moodle-plugin-ci csslint |
- moodle-plugin-ci shifter |
- moodle-plugin-ci jshint |
- moodle-plugin-ci phpunit |
- moodle-plugin-ci behat |
@ -1,21 +1,15 @@ |
========== |
The "Attendance" module was developed by |
The Attendance module is supported and maintained by Dan Marsden |
The Attendance module was previously developed by |
Dmitry Pupinin, Novosibirsk, Russia, |
Artem Andreev, Taganrog, Russia. |
This block may be distributed under the terms of the General Public License |
(see for details) |
========== |
The attendance module and block are designed to allow instructors of a course keep an attendance log of the students in their courses. The instructor will setup the frequency of his classes (# of days per week & length of course) and the attendance is ready for use. To take attendance, the instructor clicks on the "Update Attendance" button and is presented with a list of all the students in that course, along with 4 options: Present, Absent, Late & Excused, with a Remarks textbox. Instructors can download the attendance for their course in Excel format or text format. |
Only the instructor can update the attendance data. However, a student gets to see his attendance record. |
========== |
The attendance module follows standard installation procedure. |
The Attendance module allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register. |
It is primarily used in blended-learning environments where students are required to attend classes, lectures and tutorials and allows |
the teacher to track and optionally provide a grade for the students attendance. |
1. Create folder <path to your moodle dir>/mod/attendance. |
2. Extract files from folder inside archive to created folder. |
3. Visit page Home ► Site administration ► Notifications to complete installation. |
Sessions can be configured to allow students to record their own attendance and a range of different reports are available. |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
@mod @uon @mod_attendance @mod_attendance_preferences |
Feature: Teachers can't change status variables to have empty acronyms or descriptions |
In order to update status variables |
As a teacher |
I need to see an error notice below each acronym / description that I try to set to be empty |
Background: |
Given the following "courses" exist: |
| fullname | shortname | summary | category | |
| Course 1 | C101 | Prove the attendance activity settings works | 0 | |
And the following "users" exist: |
| username | firstname | lastname | |
| student1 | Sam | Student | |
| teacher1 | Teacher | One | |
And the following "course enrolments" exist: |
| user | course | role | |
| student1 | C101 | student | |
| teacher1 | C101 | editingteacher | |
And I log in as "teacher1" |
And I follow "Course 1" |
And I turn editing mode on |
And I add a "Attendance" to section "1" |
And I press "Save and display" |
And I follow "Settings" |
@javascript |
Scenario: Teachers can add status variables |
# Set the second status acronym to be empty |
Given I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/input" to "" |
# Set the second status description to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/input" to "" |
# Set the second status grade to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]/input" to "" |
When I click on "Update" "button" in the "#preferencesform" "css_element" |
Then I should see "Empty acronyms are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p" "xpath_element" |
And I should see "Empty descriptions are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/p" "xpath_element" |
And I click on "Update" "button" in the "#preferencesform" "css_element" |
# Set the first status acronym to be empty |
Given I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/input" to "" |
# Set the first status description to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/input" to "" |
# Set the first status grade to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[4]/input" to "" |
# Set the third status acronym to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input" to "" |
# Set the third status description to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/input" to "" |
# Set the third status grade to be empty |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[4]/input" to "" |
When I click on "Update" "button" in the "#preferencesform" "css_element" |
Then I should see "Empty acronyms are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p" "xpath_element" |
And I should see "Empty descriptions are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/p" "xpath_element" |
And I should see "Empty acronyms are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/p" "xpath_element" |
And I should see "Empty descriptions are not allowed" in the "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/p" "xpath_element" |
Reference in new issue