// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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 * Attendance task - auto mark.
 * @package    mod_attendance
 * @copyright  2017 onwards Dan Marsden http://danmarsden.com
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace mod_attendance\task;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/attendance/locallib.php');
 * get_scores class, used to get scores for submitted files.
 * @package    mod_attendance
 * @copyright  2017 onwards Dan Marsden http://danmarsden.com
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class auto_mark extends \core\task\scheduled_task {
     * Returns localised general event name.
     * @return string
    public function get_name() {
        // Shown in admin screens.
        return get_string('automarktask', 'mod_attendance');

     * Execte the task.
    public function execute() {
        global $DB;
        // Create some cache vars - might be nice to restructure this and make a smaller number of sql calls.
        $cachecm = array();
        $cacheatt = array();
        $cachecourse = array();
        $now = time(); // Store current time to use in queries so they all match nicely.

        $sessions = $DB->get_recordset_select('attendance_sessions',
            'automark > 0 AND automarkcompleted < 2 AND sessdate < ? ', array($now));

        foreach ($sessions as $session) {
            if ($session->sessdate + $session->duration < $now || // If session is over.
                // OR if session is currently open and automark is set to do all.
                ($session->sessdate < $now && $session->automark == 1)) {

                $userfirstaccess = array();
                $donesomething = false; // Only trigger grades/events when an update actually occurs.
                $sessionover = false; // Is this session over?
                if ($session->sessdate + $session->duration < $now) {
                    $sessionover = true;

                // Store cm/att/course in cachefields so we don't make unnecessary db calls.
                // Would probably be nice to grab this stuff outside of the loop.
                // Make sure this status set has something to setunmarked.
                $setunmarked = $DB->get_field('attendance_statuses', 'id',
                    array('attendanceid' => $session->attendanceid, 'setnumber' => $session->statusset,
                          'setunmarked' => 1, 'deleted' => 0));
                if (empty($setunmarked)) {
                    mtrace("No unmarked status configured for session id: ".$session->id);
                if (empty($cacheatt[$session->attendanceid])) {
                    $cacheatt[$session->attendanceid] = $DB->get_record('attendance', array('id' => $session->attendanceid));
                if (empty($cachecm[$session->attendanceid])) {
                    $cachecm[$session->attendanceid] = get_coursemodule_from_instance('attendance',
                        $session->attendanceid, $cacheatt[$session->attendanceid]->course);
                $courseid = $cacheatt[$session->attendanceid]->course;
                if (empty($cachecourse[$courseid])) {
                    $cachecourse[$courseid] = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));
                $context = \context_module::instance($cachecm[$session->attendanceid]->id);

                $pageparams = new \mod_attendance_take_page_params();
                $pageparams->group = $session->groupid;
                if (empty($session->groupid)) {
                    $pageparams->grouptype  = 0;
                } else {
                    $pageparams->grouptype  = 1;
                $pageparams->sessionid  = $session->id;

                if ($session->automark == 1) {
                    $userfirstacess = array();
                    // If set to do full automarking, get all users that have accessed course during session open.
                    $id = $DB->sql_concat('userid', 'ip'); // Users may access from multiple ip, make the first field unique.
                    $sql = "SELECT $id, userid, ip, min(timecreated) as timecreated
                             FROM {logstore_standard_log}
                            WHERE courseid = ? AND timecreated > ? AND timecreated < ?
                         GROUP BY userid, ip";

                    $timestart = $session->sessdate;
                    if (empty($session->lasttakenby) && $session->lasttaken > $timestart) {
                        // If the last time session was taken it was done automatically, use the last time taken
                        // as the start time for the logs we are interested in to help with performance.
                        $timestart = $session->lasttaken;
                    $duration = $session->duration;
                    if (empty($duration)) {
                        $duration = get_config('attendance', 'studentscanmarksessiontimeend') * 60;
                    $timeend = $timestart + $duration;
                    $logusers = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array($courseid, $timestart, $timeend));
                    // Check if user access is in allowed subnet.
                    foreach ($logusers as $loguser) {
                        if (!empty($session->subnet) && !address_in_subnet($loguser->ip, $session->subnet)) {
                            // This record isn't in the right subnet.
                        if (empty($userfirstaccess[$loguser->userid]) ||
                            $userfirstaccess[$loguser->userid] > $loguser->timecreated) {
                            // Users may have accessed from mulitple ip addresses, find the earliest access.
                            $userfirstaccess[$loguser->userid] = $loguser->timecreated;

                // Get all unmarked students.
                $att = new \mod_attendance_structure($cacheatt[$session->attendanceid],
                    $cachecm[$session->attendanceid], $cachecourse[$courseid], $context, $pageparams);

                $users = $att->get_users($session->groupid, 0);

                $existinglog = $DB->get_recordset('attendance_log', array('sessionid' => $session->id));
                $updated = 0;

                foreach ($existinglog as $log) {
                    if (empty($log->statusid)) {
                        if ($sessionover || !empty($userfirstaccess[$log->studentid])) {
                            // Status needs updating.
                            if ($sessionover) {
                                $log->statusid = $setunmarked;
                            } else if (!empty($userfirstaccess[$log->studentid])) {
                                $log->statusid = $att->get_automark_status($userfirstaccess[$log->studentid], $session->id);
                            if (!empty($log->statusid)) {
                                $log->timetaken = $now;
                                $log->takenby = 0;
                                $log->remarks = get_string('autorecorded', 'attendance');

                                $DB->update_record('attendance_log', $log);
                                $donesomething = true;
                mtrace($updated . " session status updated");

                $newlog = new \stdClass();
                $newlog->timetaken = $now;
                $newlog->takenby = 0;
                $newlog->sessionid = $session->id;
                $newlog->remarks = get_string('autorecorded', 'attendance');
                $newlog->statusset = implode(',', array_keys( (array)$att->get_statuses()));

                $added = 0;
                foreach ($users as $user) {
                    if ($sessionover || !empty($userfirstaccess[$user->id])) {
                        if ($sessionover) {
                            $newlog->statusid = $setunmarked;
                        } else if (!empty($userfirstaccess[$user->id])) {
                            $newlog->statusid = $att->get_automark_status($userfirstaccess[$user->id], $session->id);
                        if (!empty($newlog->statusid)) {
                            $newlog->studentid = $user->id;
                            $DB->insert_record('attendance_log', $newlog);
                            $donesomething = true;
                mtrace($added . " session status inserted");

                // Update lasttaken time and automarkcompleted for this session.
                $session->lasttaken = $now;
                $session->lasttakenby = 0;
                if ($sessionover) {
                    $session->automarkcompleted = 2;
                } else {
                    $session->automarkcompleted = 1;

                $DB->update_record('attendance_sessions', $session);

                if ($donesomething) {
                    if ($att->grade != 0) {

                    $params = array(
                        'sessionid' => $att->pageparams->sessionid,
                        'grouptype' => $att->pageparams->grouptype);
                    $event = \mod_attendance\event\attendance_taken::create(array(
                        'objectid' => $att->id,
                        'context' => $att->context,
                        'other' => $params));
                    $event->add_record_snapshot('course_modules', $att->cm);
                    $event->add_record_snapshot('attendance_sessions', $session);