libdir . '/gradelib.php'); class attforblock_permissions { private $canview = null; private $canviewreports = null; private $cantake = null; private $canchange = null; private $canmanage = null; private $canchangepreferences = null; private $canexport = null; private $canbelisted = null; private $context; public function __construct($context) { $this->context = $context; } public function can_view() { if (is_null($this->canview)) $this->canview = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:view', $this->context); return $this->canview; } public function can_viewreports() { if (is_null($this->canviewreports)) $this->canviewreports = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:viewreports', $this->context); return $this->canviewreports; } public function can_take() { if (is_null($this->cantake)) $this->cantake = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:takeattendances', $this->context); return $this->cantake; } public function can_change() { if (is_null($this->canchange)) $this->canchange = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:changeattendances', $this->context); return $this->canchange; } public function can_manage() { if (is_null($this->canmanage)) $this->canmanage = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:manageattendances', $this->context); return $this->canmanage; } public function can_change_preferences() { if (is_null($this->canchangepreferences)) $this->canchangepreferences = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:changepreferences', $this->context); return $this->canchangepreferences; } public function can_export() { if (is_null($this->canexport)) $this->canexport = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:export', $this->context); return $this->canexport; } public function can_be_listed() { if (is_null($this->canbelisted)) $this->canbelisted = has_capability ('mod/attforblock:canbelisted', $this->context); return $this->canbelisted; } } class attforblock { const SESSION_COMMON = 1; const SESSION_GROUP = 2; const VIEW_DAYS = 1; const VIEW_WEEKS = 2; const VIEW_MONTHS = 3; const VIEW_ALLTAKEN = 4; const VIEW_ALL = 5; const SELECTOR_NONE = 1; const SELECTOR_GROUP = 2; const SELECTOR_SESS_TYPE = 3; const SORTED_LIST = 1; const SORTED_GRID = 2; const DEFAULT_VIEW = attforblock::VIEW_WEEKS; const DEFAULT_CURDATE = 0; const DEFAULT_VIEW_TAKE = attforblock::SORTED_LIST; const DEFAULT_SHOWENDTIME = 0; /** @var stdclass course module record */ public $cm; /** @var stdclass course record */ public $course; /** @var stdclass context object */ public $context; /** @var int attendance instance identifier */ public $id; /** @var string attendance activity name */ public $name; /** @var float number (10, 5) unsigned, the maximum grade for attendance */ public $grade; /** @var int current view mode */ public $view = self::DEFAULT_VIEW; /** @var int $view and $curdate specify displaed date range */ public $curdate = self::DEFAULT_CURDATE; /** @var int start date of displayed date range */ public $startdate; /** @var int end date of displayed date range */ public $enddate; /** @var int view mode of taking attendance page*/ public $view_take = self::DEFAULT_VIEW_TAKE; /** @var int whether sessions end time will be displayed on manage.php */ public $showendtime = self::DEFAULT_SHOWENDTIME; /** @var attforblock_permissions permission of current user for attendance instance*/ public $perm; /** * Initializes the attendance API instance using the data from DB * * Makes deep copy of all passed records properties. Replaces integer $course attribute * with a full database record (course should not be stored in instances table anyway). * * @param stdClass $dbrecord Attandance instance data from {attforblock} table * @param stdClass $cm Course module record as returned by {@link get_coursemodule_from_id()} * @param stdClass $course Course record from {course} table * @param stdClass $context The context of the workshop instance */ public function __construct(stdclass $dbrecord, stdclass $cm, stdclass $course, stdclass $context=null) { foreach ($dbrecord as $field => $value) { if (property_exists('attforblock', $field)) { $this->{$field} = $value; } else { throw new coding_exception('The attendance table has field for which there is no property in the attforblock class'); } } $this->cm = $cm; $this->course = $course; if (is_null($context)) { $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id); } else { $this->context = $context; } $this->perm = new attforblock_permissions($this->context); } public function init_view_params($view=NULL, $curdate=NULL, $view_take=NULL, $showendtime=NULL) { global $SESSION; if (isset($view)) { $SESSION->attcurrentattview[$this->course->id] = $view; $this->view = $view; } elseif (isset($SESSION->attcurrentattview[$this->course->id])) { $this->view = $SESSION->attcurrentattview[$this->course->id]; } if ($curdate) { $SESSION->attcurrentattdate[$this->course->id] = $curdate; $this->curdate = $curdate; } elseif (isset($SESSION->attcurrentattdate[$this->course->id])) { $this->curdate = $SESSION->attcurrentattdate[$this->course->id]; } else { $this->curdate = time(); } if (isset($view_take)) { set_user_preference("attforblock_view_take", $view_take); $this->view_take = $view_take; } else { $this->view_take = get_user_preferences("attforblock_view_take", $this->view_take); } if (isset($showendtime)) { set_user_preference("attforblock_showendtime", $showendtime); $this->showendtime = $showendtime; } else { $this->showendtime = get_user_preferences("attforblock_showendtime", $this->showendtime); } $this->init_start_end_date(); } private function init_start_end_date() { $date = usergetdate($this->curdate); $mday = $date['mday']; $wday = $date['wday']; $mon = $date['mon']; $year = $date['year']; switch ($this->view) { case self::VIEW_DAYS: $this->startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday); $this->enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 1); break; case self::VIEW_WEEKS: $this->startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday - $wday + 1); $this->enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 7 - $wday + 1) - 1; break; case self::VIEW_MONTHS: $this->startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon); $this->enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon + 1); break; case self::VIEW_ALLTAKEN: $this->startdate = 1; $this->enddate = time(); break; case self::VIEW_ALL: $this->startdate = 0; $this->enddate = 0; break; } } /** * Returns today sessions for this attendance * * Fetches data from {attendance_sessions} * * @return array of records or an empty array */ public function get_today_sessions() { global $DB; $today = time(); // because we compare with database, we don't need to use usertime() $sql = "SELECT id, groupid, lasttaken FROM {attendance_sessions} WHERE :time BETWEEN sessdate AND (sessdate + duration) AND courseid = :cid AND attendanceid = :aid"; $params = array( 'time' => $today, 'cid' => $this->course->id, 'aid' => $this->id); return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } /** * Returns count of hidden sessions for this attendance * * Fetches data from {attendance_sessions} * * @return count of hidden sessions */ public function get_hidden_sessions_count() { global $DB; $where = "courseid = :cid AND attendanceid = :aid AND sessdate < :csdate"; $params = array( 'cid' => $this->course->id, 'aid' => $this->id, 'csdate'=> $this->course->startdate); return $DB->count_records_select('attendance_sessions', $where, $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of manage.php for attendance instance */ public function url_manage() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/manage.php', $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of sessions.php for attendance instance */ public function url_sessions() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/sessions.php', $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of report.php for attendance instance */ public function url_report() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/report.php', $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of export.php for attendance instance */ public function url_export() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/export.php', $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of attsettings.php for attendance instance */ public function url_settings() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/attsettings.php', $params); } /** * @return moodle_url of attendances.php for attendance instance */ public function url_take() { $params = array('id' => $this->cm->id); return new moodle_url('/mod/attforblock/attendances.php', $params); } } /** * Represents info about attendance tabs. * * Proxy class for security reasons (renderers must not have access to all attforblock methods) * */ class attforblock_tabs implements renderable { const TAB_SESSIONS = 'sessions'; const TAB_ADD = 'add'; const TAB_REPORT = 'report'; const TAB_EXPORT = 'export'; const TAB_SETTINGS = 'settings'; public $currenttab; /** @var attforblock */ private $att; /** * Prepare info about sessions for attendance taking into account view parameters. * * @param attforblock $att instance * @param $currenttab - one of attforblock_tabs constants */ public function __construct(attforblock $att, $currenttab=self::TAB_SESSIONS) { $this->att = $att; $this->currenttab = $currenttab; } /** * Return array of rows where each row is an array of tab objects * taking into account permissions of current user */ public function get_tabs() { $toprow = array(); if ($this->att->perm->can_manage() or $this->att->perm->can_take() or $this->att->perm->can_change()) { $toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_SESSIONS, $this->att->url_sessions()->out(), get_string('sessions','attforblock')); } if ($this->att->perm->can_manage()) { $toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_ADD, $this->att->url_sessions()->out(true, array('action' => 'add')), get_string('add','attforblock')); } if ($this->att->perm->can_viewreports()) { $toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_REPORT, $this->att->url_report()->out(), get_string('report','attforblock')); } if ($this->att->perm->can_export()) { $toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_EXPORT, $this->att->url_export()->out(), get_string('export','quiz')); } if ($this->att->perm->can_change_preferences()) { $toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_SETTINGS, $this->att->url_settings()->out(), get_string('settings','attforblock')); } return array($toprow); } } class attforblock_filter_controls implements renderable { /** @var int current view mode */ public $view; public $prevcur; public $nextcur; public $curdatetxt; private $att; public function __construct(attforblock $att) { $this->view = $att->view; $date = usergetdate($att->curdate); $mday = $date['mday']; $wday = $date['wday']; $mon = $date['mon']; $year = $date['year']; switch ($this->view) { case attforblock::VIEW_DAYS: $format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attforblock'); $this->prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday - 1); $this->nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 1); $this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->startdate, $format); break; case attforblock::VIEW_WEEKS: $format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attforblock'); $this->prevcur = $att->startdate - WEEKSECS; $this->nextcur = $att->startdate + WEEKSECS; $this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->startdate, $format)." - ".userdate($att->enddate, $format); break; case attforblock::VIEW_MONTHS: $format = '%B'; $this->prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon - 1); $this->nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon + 1); $this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->startdate, $format); break; } $this->att = $att; } public function url($params=NULL) { global $PAGE; return new moodle_url($PAGE->url, $params); } } /** * Represents info about attendance sessions taking into account view parameters. * */ class attforblock_sessions_manage_data implements renderable { /** @var int start date of displayed date range */ public $startdate; /** @var int end date of displayed date range */ public $enddate; /** @var array of sessions*/ public $sessions; /** @var int number of hidden sessions (sessions before $course->startdate)*/ public $hiddensessionscount; /** @var attforblock_permissions permission of current user for attendance instance*/ public $perm; /** @var int whether sessions end time will be displayed */ public $showendtime; public $groups; public $hiddensesscount; /** @var attforblock */ private $att; /** * Prepare info about attendance sessions taking into account view parameters. * * @param attforblock $att instance */ public function __construct(attforblock $att) { global $DB; $this->perm = $att->perm; $this->showendtime = $att->showendtime; $this->startdate = $att->startdate; $this->enddate = $att->enddate; if ($this->startdate && $this->enddate) { $where = "courseid=:cid AND attendanceid = :aid AND sessdate >= :csdate AND sessdate >= :sdate AND sessdate < :edate"; } else { $where = "courseid=:cid AND attendanceid = :aid AND sessdate >= :csdate"; } $params = array( 'cid' => $att->course->id, 'aid' => $att->id, 'csdate' => $att->course->startdate, 'sdate' => $this->startdate, 'edate' => $this->enddate/*, 'cgroup' => $currentgroup*/); $this->sessions = $DB->get_records_select('attendance_sessions', $where, $params, 'sessdate asc'); $where = "courseid = :cid AND attendanceid = :aid AND sessdate < :csdate"; $params = array( 'cid' => $att->course->id, 'aid' => $att->id, 'csdate' => $att->course->startdate); $this->hiddensessionscount = $DB->count_records_select('attendance_sessions', $where, $params); $this->groups = groups_get_all_groups($att->course->id); $this->hiddensessionscount = $att->get_hidden_sessions_count(); $this->att = $att; } public function url_take($sessionid, $grouptype=NULL) { $params = array('sessionid' => $sessionid); $url = new moodle_url($this->att->url_take(), $params); if (isset($grouptype)) $url->param('grouptype', $grouptype); return $url; } /** * Must be called without or with both parameters */ public function url_sessions($sessionid=NULL, $action=NULL) { $url = new moodle_url($this->att->url_sessions()); if (isset($sessionid) && isset($action)) $url->params(array('sessionid' => $sessionid, 'action' => $action)); return $url; } } ?>