@mod @mod_attendance @javascript Feature: Test the various new features in the attendance module Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | summary | category | timecreated | timemodified | | Course 1 | C1 | Prove the attendance activity works | 0 | ##yesterday## | ##yesterday## | And the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | | student1 | Student | 1 | student1@example.com | | student2 | Student | 2 | student2@example.com | | student3 | Student | 3 | student3@example.com | | student4 | Student | 4 | student4@example.com | | student5 | Student | 5 | student5@example.com | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | course | user | role | timestart | | C1 | teacher1 | editingteacher | ##yesterday## | | C1 | student1 | student | ##yesterday## | | C1 | student2 | student | ##yesterday## | | C1 | student3 | student | ##yesterday## | And I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on And I add a "Attendance" to section "1" and I fill the form with: | Name | Test attendance | And I log out Scenario: A teacher can create and update temporary users Given I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Temporary users" When I set the following fields to these values: | Full name | Temporary user 1 | | Email | | And I press "Add user" And I set the following fields to these values: | Full name | Temporary user test 2 | | Email | tempuser2test@example.com | And I press "Add user" Then I should see "Temporary user 1" And "tempuser2test@example.com" "text" should exist in the "Temporary user test 2" "table_row" When I click on "Edit user" "link" in the "Temporary user test 2" "table_row" And the following fields match these values: | Full name | Temporary user test 2 | | Email | tempuser2test@example.com | And I set the following fields to these values: | Full name | Temporary user 2 | | Email | tempuser2@example.com | And I press "Edit user" Then "tempuser2@example.com" "text" should exist in the "Temporary user 2" "table_row" When I click on "Delete user" "link" in the "Temporary user 1" "table_row" And I press "Continue" Then I should not see "Temporary user 1" And I should see "Temporary user 2" Scenario: A teacher can take attendance for temporary users Given I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Temporary users" And I set the following fields to these values: | Full name | Temporary user 1 | | Email | | And I press "Add user" And I set the following fields to these values: | Full name | Temporary user 2 | | Email | tempuser2@example.com | And I press "Add user" And I follow "Add" And I set the following fields to these values: | id_addmultiply | 0 | And I click on "submitbutton" "button" When I follow "Take attendance" # Present And I click on "td.c2 input" "css_element" in the "Student 1" "table_row" # Late And I click on "td.c3 input" "css_element" in the "Student 2" "table_row" # Excused And I click on "td.c4 input" "css_element" in the "Temporary user 1" "table_row" # Absent And I click on "td.c5 input" "css_element" in the "Temporary user 2" "table_row" And I press "Save attendance" And I follow "Report" Then "P" "text" should exist in the "Student 1" "table_row" And "L" "text" should exist in the "Student 2" "table_row" And "E" "text" should exist in the "Temporary user 1" "table_row" And "A" "text" should exist in the "Temporary user 2" "table_row" When I follow "Temporary user 2" Then I should see "Absent" # Merge user. When I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Temporary users" And I click on "Merge user" "link" in the "Temporary user 2" "table_row" And I set the field "Participant" to "Student 3" And I press "Merge user" And I follow "Report" Then "P" "text" should exist in the "Student 1" "table_row" And "L" "text" should exist in the "Student 2" "table_row" And "E" "text" should exist in the "Temporary user 1" "table_row" And "A" "text" should exist in the "Student 3" "table_row" And I should not see "Temporary user 2" Scenario: A teacher can select a subset of users for export Given the following "groups" exist: | course | name | idnumber | | C1 | Group1 | Group1 | | C1 | Group2 | Group2 | And the following "group members" exist: | group | user | | Group1 | student1 | | Group1 | student2 | | Group2 | student2 | | Group2 | student3 | And I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Add" And I set the following fields to these values: | id_addmultiply | 0 | And I click on "submitbutton" "button" And I follow "Export" When I set the field "Export specific users" to "Yes" And I set the field "Group" to "Group1" Then the "Users to export" select box should contain "Student 1" And the "Users to export" select box should contain "Student 2" And the "Users to export" select box should not contain "Student 3" When I set the field "Group" to "Group2" Then the "Users to export" select box should contain "Student 2" And the "Users to export" select box should contain "Student 3" And the "Users to export" select box should not contain "Student 1" # Ideally the download would be tested here, but that is difficult to configure. Scenario: A teacher can create and use multiple status lists Given I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Status set" And I set the field "jump" to "New set of statuses" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/input" to "G" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/input" to "Great" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[4]/input" to "3" And I click on "Add" "button" in the ".lastrow" "css_element" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/input" to "O" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/input" to "OK" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]/input" to "2" And I click on "Add" "button" in the ".lastrow" "css_element" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input" to "B" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/input" to "Bad" And I set the field with xpath "//*[@id='preferencesform']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[4]/input" to "0" And I click on "Add" "button" in the ".lastrow" "css_element" And I click on "Update" "button" in the "#preferencesform" "css_element" And I follow "Add" And I set the following fields to these values: | id_addmultiply | 0 | | Status set | Status set 1 (P L E A) | | id_sestime_starthour | 10 | | id_sestime_startminute | 0 | | id_sestime_endhour | 11 | And I click on "submitbutton" "button" And I follow "Add" And I set the following fields to these values: | id_addmultiply | 0 | | Status set | Status set 2 (G O B) | | id_sestime_starthour | 12 | | id_sestime_startminute | 0 | | id_sestime_endhour | 13 | And I click on "submitbutton" "button" When I click on "Take attendance" "link" in the "10am" "table_row" Then "Set status for all users to «Present»" "link" should exist And "Set status for all users to «Late»" "link" should exist And "Set status for all users to «Excused»" "link" should exist And "Set status for all users to «Absent»" "link" should exist When I follow "Sessions" And I click on "Take attendance" "link" in the "12pm" "table_row" Then "Set status for all users to «Great»" "link" should exist And "Set status for all users to «OK»" "link" should exist And "Set status for all users to «Bad»" "link" should exist Scenario: A teacher can use the radio buttons to set attendance values for all users Given I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Test attendance" And I follow "Add" And I set the following fields to these values: | id_addmultiply | 0 | And I click on "submitbutton" "button" And I click on "Take attendance" "link" When I click on "setallstatuses" "field" in the ".takelist tbody td.c3" "css_element" And I press "Save attendance" And I follow "Report" Then "L" "text" should exist in the "Student 1" "table_row" And "L" "text" should exist in the "Student 2" "table_row" And "L" "text" should exist in the "Student 3" "table_row"