// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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 * Calendar related functions
 * @package    mod_attendance
 * @copyright  2016 Vyacheslav Strelkov
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();


 * Create single calendar event bases on session data.
 * @param stdClass $session initial sessions to take data from
 * @return bool result of calendar event creation
function attendance_create_calendar_event(&$session) {
    global $DB;

    // We don't want to create multiple calendar events for 1 session.
    if ($session->caleventid) {
        return $session->caleventid;
    if (empty(get_config('attendance', 'enablecalendar'))) {
        // Calendar events are not used.
        return true;

    $attendance = $DB->get_record('attendance', array('id' => $session->attendanceid));

    $caleventdata = new stdClass();
    $caleventdata->name           = $attendance->name;
    $caleventdata->courseid       = $attendance->course;
    $caleventdata->groupid        = $session->groupid;
    $caleventdata->instance       = $session->attendanceid;
    $caleventdata->timestart      = $session->sessdate;
    $caleventdata->timeduration   = $session->duration;
    $caleventdata->description    = $session->description;
    $caleventdata->eventtype      = 'attendance';
    $caleventdata->timemodified   = time();
    $caleventdata->modulename     = 'attendance';

    if (!empty($session->groupid)) {
        $caleventdata->name .= " (". get_string('group', 'group') ." ". groups_get_group_name($session->groupid) .")";

    $calevent = new stdClass();
    if ($calevent = calendar_event::create($caleventdata, false)) {
        $session->caleventid = $calevent->id;
        $DB->set_field('attendance_sessions', 'caleventid', $session->caleventid, array('id' => $session->id));
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

 * Create multiple calendar events based on sessions data.
 * @param array $sessionsids array of sessions ids
function attendance_create_calendar_events($sessionsids) {
    global $DB;

    if (empty(get_config('attendance', 'enablecalendar'))) {
        // Calendar events are not used.
        return true;

    $sessions = $DB->get_recordset_list('attendance_sessions', 'id', $sessionsids);

    foreach ($sessions as $session) {
        if ($session->caleventid) {
            $DB->update_record('attendance_sessions', $session);

 * Update calendar event duration and date
 * @param int $caleventid calendar event id
 * @param int $timeduration duration of the event
 * @param int $timestart start time of the event
 * @return bool result of updating
function attendance_update_calendar_event($caleventid, $timeduration, $timestart) {

    if (empty(get_config('attendance', 'enablecalendar'))) {
        // Calendar events are not used.
        return true;

    $caleventdata = new stdClass();
    $caleventdata->timeduration   = $timeduration;
    $caleventdata->timestart      = $timestart;
    $caleventdata->timemodified   = time();

    $calendarevent = calendar_event::load($caleventid);
    if ($calendarevent) {
        return $calendarevent->update($caleventdata) ? true : false;
    } else {
        return false;

 * Delete calendar events for sessions
 * @param array $sessionsids array of sessions ids
 * @return bool result of updating
function attendance_delete_calendar_events($sessionsids) {
    global $DB;
    $caleventsids = attendance_existing_calendar_events_ids($sessionsids);
    if ($caleventsids) {
        $DB->delete_records_list('event', 'id', $caleventsids);

    $sessions = $DB->get_recordset_list('attendance_sessions', 'id', $sessionsids);
    foreach ($sessions as $session) {
        $session->caleventid = 0;
        $DB->update_record('attendance_sessions', $session);

 * Check if calendar events are created for given sessions
 * @param array $sessionsids of sessions ids
 * @return array | bool array of existing calendar events or false if none found
function attendance_existing_calendar_events_ids($sessionsids) {
    global $DB;
    $caleventsids = array_keys($DB->get_records_list('attendance_sessions', 'id', $sessionsids, '', 'caleventid'));
    $existingcaleventsids = array_filter($caleventsids);
    if (! empty($existingcaleventsids)) {
        return $existingcaleventsids;
    } else {
        return false;