Removal of this module will not entail removal of the data!'; $string['modulename'] = 'Attendance'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Attendances'; $string['months'] = 'Months'; $string['myvariables'] = 'My Variables'; $string['newdate'] = 'New date'; $string['newduration'] = 'New duration'; $string['noattforuser'] = 'No attendance records exist for the user'; $string['nodescription'] = 'Regular class session'; $string['noguest'] = 'Guest can\'t see attendance'; $string['nogroups'] = 'You can\'t add group sessions. No groups exists in course.'; $string['noofdaysabsent'] = 'No of days absent'; $string['noofdaysexcused'] = 'No of days excused'; $string['noofdayslate'] = 'No of days late'; $string['noofdayspresent'] = 'No of days present'; $string['nosessiondayselected'] = 'No Session day selected'; $string['nosessionexists'] = 'No Session exists for this course'; $string['notfound'] = 'Attendance activity not found in this course!'; $string['olddate'] = 'Old date'; $string['period'] = 'Frequency'; $string['remarks'] = 'Remarks'; $string['report'] = 'Report'; $string['resetdescription'] = 'Remember that deleting attendance data will erase information from database. You can just hide older sessions having changed start date of course!'; $string['resetstatuses'] = 'Reset statuses to default'; $string['restoredefaults'] = 'Restore defaults'; $string['save'] = 'Save attendance'; $string['session'] = 'Session'; $string['sessionadded'] = 'Session successfully added'; $string['sessionalreadyexists'] = 'Session already exists for this date'; $string['sessiondate'] = 'Session Date'; $string['sessiondays'] = 'Session Days'; $string['sessiondeleted'] = 'Session successfully deleted'; $string['sessionenddate'] = 'Session end date'; $string['sessionexist'] = 'Session not added (already exists)!'; $string['sessions'] = 'Sessions'; $string['sessionscompleted'] = 'Sessions completed'; $string['sessionsgenerated'] = 'Sessions successfully generated'; $string['sessionstartdate'] = 'Session start date'; $string['sessiontype'] = 'Session type'; $string['sessiontypeshort'] = 'Type'; $string['sessionupdated'] = 'Session successfully updated'; $string['settings'] = 'Settings'; $string['showdefaults'] = 'Show defaults'; $string['showduration'] = 'Show duration'; $string['sortedgrid'] = 'Sorted grid'; $string['sortedlist'] = 'Sorted list'; $string['startofperiod'] = 'Start of period'; $string['status'] = 'Status'; $string['statusdeleted'] = 'Status deleted'; $string['strftimedm'] = '%%d.%%m'; $string['strftimedmy'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y'; $string['strftimedmyhm'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H.%%M'; // line added to allow multiple sessions in the same day $string['strftimedmyw'] = '%%d.%%m.%%y (%%a)'; $string['strftimehm'] = '%%H:%%M'; //line added to allow display of time $string['strftimeshortdate'] = '%%d.%%m.%%Y'; $string['studentid'] = 'Student ID'; $string['takeattendance'] = 'Take attendance'; $string['thiscourse'] = 'This course'; $string['update'] = 'Update'; $string['variable'] = 'variable'; $string['variablesupdated'] = 'Variables successfully updated'; $string['versionforprinting'] = 'version for printing'; $string['week'] = 'week(s)'; $string['weeks'] = 'Weeks'; $string['youcantdo'] = 'You can\'t do anything'; ?>