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201 lines
10 KiB
201 lines
10 KiB
<?PHP // $Id: manage.php,v 2009/02/28 19:20:14 dlnsk Exp $
/// This page prints a particular instance of attforblock
/// (Replace attforblock with the name of your module)
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or
$from = optional_param('from', PARAM_ACTION);
$view = optional_param('view', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); // which page to show
$current = optional_param('current', 0, PARAM_INT);
if (! $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $id)) {
error('Course Module ID was incorrect');
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $attforblock = get_record('attforblock', 'id', $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
if (! $user = get_record('user', 'id', $USER->id) ) {
error("No such user in this course");
if (!$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id)) {
if ($view)
set_current_view($course->id, $_GET['view']);
$view = get_current_view($course->id);
if (!has_capability('mod/attforblock:manageattendances', $context) AND
!has_capability('mod/attforblock:takeattendances', $context) AND
!has_capability('mod/attforblock:changeattendances', $context)) {
//if teacher is coming from block, then check for a session exists for today
if($from === 'block') {
$today = time(); // because we compare with database, we don't need to use usertime()
$sql = "SELECT id, groupid, lasttaken
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions
WHERE $today BETWEEN sessdate AND (sessdate + duration)
AND courseid = $course->id";
if($atts = get_records_sql($sql)) {
$size = count($atts);
if ($size == 1) {
$att = reset($atts);
if ((!$att->lasttaken and has_capability('mod/attforblock:takeattendances', $context)) or
($att->lasttaken and has_capability('mod/attforblock:changeattendances', $context))) {
} elseif ($size > 1) {
$current = $today;
//temporally set $view for single access to page from block
$view = 'days';
/// Print headers
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $attforblock->name, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'activity');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$course->shortname: ".$attforblock->name, $course->fullname,
$navigation, "", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, get_string('modulename', 'attforblock')),
print_heading(get_string('attendanceforthecourse','attforblock').' :: ' .$course->fullname);
if(!count_records_select('attendance_sessions', "courseid = $course->id AND sessdate >= $course->startdate")) { // no session exists for this course
show_tabs($cm, $context);
$hiddensess = count_records_select('attendance_sessions', "courseid = $course->id AND sessdate < $course->startdate");
echo '<div align="left">'.helpbutton('hiddensessions', '', 'attforblock', true, true, '', true);
echo get_string('hiddensessions', 'attforblock').': '.$hiddensess.'</div>';
} else { //sessions generated , display them
add_to_log($course->id, 'attendance', 'manage attendances', 'mod/attforblock/manage.php?course='.$course->id, $user->lastname.' '.$user->firstname);
show_tabs($cm, $context);
// require_once('lib.php');
// $t = attforblock_get_user_grades($attforblock); ////////////////////////////////////////////
function print_sessions_list($course) {
global $CFG, $context, $cm, $current, $view, $id;
$strhours = get_string('hours');
$strmins = get_string('min');
if ($current == 0)
$current = get_current_date($course->id);
set_current_date ($course->id, $current);
list($startdate, $enddate, $currentgroup) =
print_filter_controls("manage.php", $id, 0, NULL, SESSION_TYPE_SELECTOR);
if ($startdate && $enddate) {
$where = "courseid={$course->id} AND sessdate >= $course->startdate AND sessdate >= $startdate AND sessdate < $enddate";
} else {
$where = "courseid={$course->id} AND sessdate >= $course->startdate";
if ($currentgroup > -1) {
$where .= " AND groupid=$currentgroup";
$qry = get_records_select('attendance_sessions', $where, 'sessdate asc');
$i = 0;
$table->width = '100%';
//$table->tablealign = 'center';
$table->head = array('#', get_string('sessiontypeshort', 'attforblock'), get_string('date'), get_string('time'), get_string('duration', 'attforblock'), get_string('description','attforblock'), get_string('actions'), get_string('select'));
$table->align = array('', '', '', 'right', 'left', 'center', 'center');
$table->size = array('1px', '', '1px', '1px', '1px', '*', '1px', '1px');
$allowtake = has_capability('mod/attforblock:takeattendances', $context);
$allowchange = has_capability('mod/attforblock:changeattendances', $context);
$allowmanage = has_capability('mod/attforblock:manageattendances', $context);
$groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id);
if ($qry) {
foreach($qry as $key=>$sessdata)
$actions = '';
// if ($allowtake) {
if($sessdata->lasttaken > 0) //attendance has taken
if ($allowchange) {
$desc = "<a href=\"attendances.php?id=$cm->id&sessionid={$sessdata->id}&grouptype={$sessdata->groupid}\">".
($sessdata->description ? $sessdata->description : get_string('nodescription', 'attforblock')).
} else {
$desc = '<i>'.(empty($sessdata->description) ? get_string('nodescription', 'attforblock') : $sessdata->description).'</i>';
} else {
$desc = empty($sessdata->description) ? get_string('nodescription', 'attforblock') : $sessdata->description;
if ($allowtake) {
$title = get_string('takeattendance','attforblock');
$actions = "<a title=\"$title\" href=\"attendances.php?id=$cm->id&sessionid={$sessdata->id}&grouptype={$sessdata->groupid}\">".
"<img src=\"{$CFG->pixpath}/t/go.gif\" alt=\"$title\" /></a> ";
// }
if($allowmanage) {
$title = get_string('editsession','attforblock');
$actions .= "<a title=\"$title\" href=\"sessions.php?id=$cm->id&sessionid={$sessdata->id}&action=update\">".
"<img src=\"{$CFG->pixpath}/t/edit.gif\" alt=\"$title\" /></a> ";
$title = get_string('deletesession','attforblock');
$actions .= "<a title=\"$title\" href=\"sessions.php?id=$cm->id&sessionid={$sessdata->id}&action=delete\">".
"<img src=\"{$CFG->pixpath}/t/delete.gif\" alt=\"$title\" /></a> ";
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $i;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $sessdata->groupid ? $groups[$sessdata->groupid]->name : get_string('commonsession', 'attforblock');
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = userdate($sessdata->sessdate, get_string('strftimedmyw', 'attforblock'));
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = userdate($sessdata->sessdate, get_string('strftimehm', 'attforblock'));
$hours = floor($sessdata->duration / HOURSECS);
$mins = floor(($sessdata->duration - $hours * HOURSECS) / MINSECS);
$mins = $mins < 10 ? "0$mins" : "$mins";
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $hours ? "{$hours} {$strhours} {$mins} {$strmins}" : "{$mins} {$strmins}";
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $desc;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $actions;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = '<input type="checkbox" name="sessid['.$sessdata->id.']" />';
unset($desc, $actions);
echo '<div align="center"><div class="generalbox attwidth">';
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"sessions.php?id={$cm->id}\">"; //&sessionid={$sessdata->id}
$hiddensess = count_records_select('attendance_sessions', "courseid = $course->id AND sessdate < $course->startdate");
echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td valign="top">';
echo '<div align="left">'.helpbutton('hiddensessions', '', 'attforblock', true, true, '', true);
echo get_string('hiddensessions', 'attforblock').': '.$hiddensess.'</div></td>';
echo '<td><div align="right"><a href="javascript:checkall();">'.get_string('selectall').'</a> /'.
' <a href="javascript:checknone();">'.get_string('deselectall').'</a><br /><br />';
echo '<strong>'.get_string('withselected', 'quiz').':</strong> ';
if ($allowmanage) {
$actionlist = array('deleteselected' => get_string('delete'),
'changeduration' => get_string('changeduration', 'attforblock'));
choose_from_menu($actionlist, 'action');
echo '<input type="submit" name="ok" value="'.get_string('ok')."\" />\n";
} else {
echo get_string('youcantdo', 'attforblock'); //You can't do anything
echo '<div align="right">'.helpbutton ('sessions', get_string('help'), 'attforblock', true, true, '', true).'</div>';
echo '</div></td></tr></table>';
echo '</form></div></div>';