439 lines
16 KiB
439 lines
16 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace mod_attendance\import;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use csv_import_reader;
use mod_attendance_notifyqueue;
use mod_attendance_structure;
use stdClass;
* Import attendance sessions.
* @package mod_attendance
* @author Chris Wharton <chriswharton@catalyst.net.nz>
* @copyright 2017 Catalyst IT
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class sessions {
/** @var string $error The errors message from reading the xml */
protected $error = '';
/** @var array $sessions The sessions info */
protected $sessions = array();
protected $mappings = array();
protected $importid = 0;
protected $importer = null;
protected $foundheaders = array();
/** @var bool $useprogressbar Control whether importing should use progress bars or not. */
protected $useprogressbar = false;
/** @var \core\progress\display_if_slow|null $progress The progress bar instance. */
protected $progress = null;
* Store an error message for display later
* @param string $msg
public function fail($msg) {
$this->error = $msg;
return false;
* Get the CSV import id
* @return string The import id.
public function get_importid() {
return $this->importid;
* Get the list of headers required for import.
* @return array The headers (lang strings)
public static function list_required_headers() {
return array(
get_string('course', 'attendance'),
get_string('groups', 'attendance'),
get_string('sessiondate', 'attendance'),
get_string('from', 'attendance'),
get_string('to', 'attendance'),
get_string('description', 'attendance'),
get_string('repeaton', 'attendance'),
get_string('repeatevery', 'attendance'),
get_string('repeatuntil', 'attendance'),
get_string('studentscanmark', 'attendance'),
get_string('passwordgrp', 'attendance'),
get_string('randompassword', 'attendance'),
get_string('subnet', 'attendance')
* Get the list of headers found in the import.
* @return array The found headers (names from import)
public function list_found_headers() {
return $this->foundheaders;
* Read the data from the mapping form.
* @param
* data array The mapping data.
protected function read_mapping_data($data) {
if ($data) {
return array(
'course' => $data->header0,
'groups' => $data->header1,
'sessiondate' => $data->header2,
'from' => $data->header3,
'to' => $data->header4,
'description' => $data->header5,
'repeaton' => $data->header6,
'repeatevery' => $data->header7,
'repeatuntil' => $data->header8,
'studentscanmark' => $data->header9,
'passwordgrp' => $data->header10,
'randompassword' => $data->header11,
'subnet' => $data->header12
} else {
return array(
'course' => 0,
'groups' => 1,
'sessiondate' => 2,
'from' => 3,
'to' => 4,
'description' => 5,
'repeaton' => 6,
'repeatevery' => 7,
'repeatuntil' => 8,
'studentscanmark' => 9,
'passwordgrp' => 10,
'randompassword' => 11,
'subnet' => 12
* Get the a column from the imported data.
* @param
* array The imported raw row
* @param
* index The column index we want
* @return string The column data.
protected function get_column_data($row, $index) {
if ($index < 0) {
return '';
return isset($row[$index]) ? $row[$index] : '';
* Constructor - parses the raw text for sanity.
* @param string $text
* The raw csv text.
* @param string $encoding
* The encoding of the csv file.
* @param
* string delimiter The specified delimiter for the file.
* @param
* string importid The id of the csv import.
* @param
* array mappingdata The mapping data from the import form.
* @param bool $useprogressbar
* Whether progress bar should be displayed, to avoid html output on CLI.
public function __construct($text = null, $encoding = null, $delimiter = null, $importid = 0,
$mappingdata = null, $useprogressbar = false) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/csvlib.class.php');
$type = 'sessions';
if (! $importid) {
if ($text === null) {
$this->importid = csv_import_reader::get_new_iid($type);
$this->importer = new csv_import_reader($this->importid, $type);
if (! $this->importer->load_csv_content($text, $encoding, $delimiter)) {
$this->fail(get_string('invalidimportfile', 'attendance'));
} else {
$this->importid = $importid;
$this->importer = new csv_import_reader($this->importid, $type);
if (! $this->importer->init()) {
$this->fail(get_string('invalidimportfile', 'attendance'));
$this->foundheaders = $this->importer->get_columns();
$this->useprogressbar = $useprogressbar;
$domainid = 1;
$sessions = array();
while ($row = $this->importer->next()) {
// This structure mimics what the UI form returns.
$mapping = $this->read_mapping_data($mappingdata);
$session = new stdClass();
$session->course = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['course']);
if (empty($session->course)) {
\mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_problem(get_string('error:sessioncourseinvalid', 'attendance'));
// Handle multiple group assignments per session. Expect semicolon separated group names.
$groups = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['groups']);
if (! empty($groups)) {
$session->groups = explode(';', $groups);
$session->sessiontype = \mod_attendance_structure::SESSION_GROUP;
} else {
$session->sessiontype = \mod_attendance_structure::SESSION_COMMON;
// Expect standardised date format, eg YYYY-MM-DD.
$sessiondate = strtotime($this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['sessiondate']));
if ($sessiondate === false) {
\mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_problem(get_string('error:sessiondateinvalid', 'attendance'));
$session->sessiondate = $sessiondate;
// Expect standardised time format, eg HH:MM.
$from = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['from']);
if (empty($from)) {
\mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_problem(get_string('error:sessionstartinvalid', 'attendance'));
$from = explode(':', $from);
$session->sestime['starthour'] = $from[0];
$session->sestime['startminute'] = $from[1];
$to = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['to']);
if (empty($to)) {
\mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_problem(get_string('error:sessionendinvalid', 'attendance'));
$to = explode(':', $to);
$session->sestime['endhour'] = $to[0];
$session->sestime['endminute'] = $to[1];
// Wrap the plain text description in html tags.
$session->sdescription['text'] = '<p>' . $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['description']) . '</p>';
$session->sdescription['format'] = FORMAT_HTML;
$session->sdescription['itemid'] = 0;
$session->repeaton = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['repeaton']);
$session->repeatevery = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['repeatevery']);
$session->repeatuntil = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['repeatuntil']);
$session->studentscanmark = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['studentscanmark']);
$session->passwordgrp = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['passwordgrp']);
$session->randompassword = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['randompassword']);
// Set session subnet restriction. Use the default activity level subnet if there isn't one set for this session.
$session->subnet = $this->get_column_data($row, $mapping['subnet']);
if (empty($session->subnet)) {
$session->usedefaultsubnet = '1';
} else {
$session->usedefaultsubnet = '';
$session->statusset = 0;
$sessions[] = $session;
$this->sessions = $sessions;
if ($this->sessions == null) {
$this->fail(get_string('invalidimportfile', 'attendance'));
} else {
// We are calling from browser, display progress bar.
if ($this->useprogressbar === true) {
$this->progress = new \core\progress\display_if_slow(get_string('processingfile', 'attendance'));
} else {
// Avoid html output on CLI scripts.
$this->progress = new \core\progress\none();
$this->progress->start_progress('', count($this->sessions));
* Get parse errors.
* @return array of errors from parsing the xml.
public function get_error() {
return $this->error;
* Create sessions using the CSV data.
* @return void
public function import() {
global $DB;
// Count of sessions added.
$okcount = 0;
$groupids = array();
foreach ($this->sessions as $session) {
// Check course shortname matches.
if ($DB->record_exists('course', array(
'shortname' => $session->course
))) {
// Get course.
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array(
'shortname' => $session->course
), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Check course has activities.
if ($DB->record_exists('attendance', array(
'course' => $course->id
))) {
// Translate group names to group IDs. They are unique per course.
if ($session->sessiontype === \mod_attendance_structure::SESSION_GROUP) {
foreach ($session->groups as $groupname) {
$gid = groups_get_group_by_name($course->id, $groupname);
if ($gid === false) {
'attendance', $groupname));
} else {
$groupids[] = $gid;
$session->groups = $groupids;
// Get activities in course.
$activities = $DB->get_recordset('attendance', array(
'course' => $course->id
), 'id', 'id');
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
// Build the session data.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('attendance', $activity->id, $course->id);
$att = new mod_attendance_structure($activity, $cm, $course);
$sessions = attendance_construct_sessions_data_for_add($session, $att);
foreach ($sessions as $index => $sess) {
// Check for duplicate sessions.
if ($this->session_exists($sess)) {
mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_message(get_string('sessionduplicate', 'attendance', (array(
'course' => $session->course,
'activity' => $cm->name
} else {
$okcount ++;
if (! empty($sessions)) {
} else {
'attendance', $session->course));
} else {
mod_attendance_notifyqueue::notify_problem(get_string('error:coursenotfound', 'attendance', $session->course));
$message = get_string('sessionsgenerated', 'attendance', $okcount);
if ($okcount < 1) {
} else {
// Trigger a sessions imported event.
$event = \mod_attendance\event\sessions_imported::create(array(
'objectid' => 0,
'context' => \context_system::instance(),
'other' => array(
'count' => $okcount
* Check if an identical session exists.
* @param stdClass $session
* @return boolean
private function session_exists(stdClass $session) {
global $DB;
$check = clone $session;
// Remove the properties that aren't useful to check.
$check = (array) $check;
if ($DB->record_exists('attendance_sessions', $check)) {
return true;
return false;