148 lines
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148 lines
5.1 KiB
This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@template mod_attendance/mobile_view_page
The main page to view the attendance activity
Classes required for JS:
* None
Data attibutes required for JS:
* All data attributes are required
Context variables required for this template:
* attendance
* summary
* cmid
Example context (json):
"attendance": {
"id": "1",
"course": "2",
"name": "Class Attendance",
"intro": "Intro"
"summary": {
"numtakensessions": "1",
"pointssessionscompleted": "2",
"percentagesessionscompleted": "2"
"cmid": "25",
"timestamp": "1234"
{{=<% %>=}}
<div class="attendance_mobile_view_page">
<core-course-module-description description="<% attendance.intro %>" component="mod_attendance" componentId="<% cmid %>"></core-course-module-description>
<span class="messages">
<ion-item class="ion-text-wrap">
<ion-label>{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.<% string %>' | translate }}</ion-label>
<h2><% time %></h2>
<h3><% groupname %></h3>
<h3><% currentstatus %></h3>
<ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_attendance" method="<% attendancefunction %>" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>, sessid: <% sessid %>, timestamp: <% timestamp %>}">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.submitattendance' | translate }}
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.sessionscompleted' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.numtakensessions %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.pointssessionscompleted' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.pointssessionscompleted %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.percentagesessionscompleted' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.percentagesessionscompleted %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.sessionstotal' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.numallsessions %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.pointsallsessions' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.percentagesessionscompleted %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.percentageallsessions' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.allsessionspercentage %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.maxpossiblepoints' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.maxpossiblepoints %>
<ion-col size="9" class="text-left ion-text-wrap">
{{ 'plugin.mod_attendance.maxpossiblepercentage' | translate }}
<ion-col size="2" class="text-left">
<% summary.maxpossiblepercentage %>