580 lines
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580 lines
17 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Attendance module renderable components are defined here
* @package mod_attendance
* @copyright 2011 Artem Andreev <andreev.artem@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Represents info about attendance tabs.
* Proxy class for security reasons (renderers must not have access to all attendance methods)
* @copyright 2011 Artem Andreev <andreev.artem@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class attendance_tabs implements renderable {
const TAB_SESSIONS = 1;
const TAB_ADD = 2;
const TAB_REPORT = 3;
const TAB_EXPORT = 4;
public $currenttab;
/** @var attendance */
private $att;
* Prepare info about sessions for attendance taking into account view parameters.
* @param attendance $att instance
* @param $currenttab - one of attendance_tabs constants
public function __construct(attendance $att, $currenttab=null) {
$this->att = $att;
$this->currenttab = $currenttab;
* Return array of rows where each row is an array of tab objects
* taking into account permissions of current user
public function get_tabs() {
$toprow = array();
if ($this->att->perm->can_manage() or
$this->att->perm->can_take() or
$this->att->perm->can_change()) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_SESSIONS, $this->att->url_manage()->out(),
get_string('sessions', 'attendance'));
if ($this->att->perm->can_manage()) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_ADD,
$this->att->url_sessions()->out(true, array('action' => att_sessions_page_params::ACTION_ADD)),
get_string('add', 'attendance'));
if ($this->att->perm->can_view_reports()) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_REPORT, $this->att->url_report()->out(),
get_string('report', 'attendance'));
if ($this->att->perm->can_export()) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_EXPORT, $this->att->url_export()->out(),
get_string('export', 'quiz'));
if ($this->att->perm->can_change_preferences()) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject(self::TAB_PREFERENCES, $this->att->url_preferences()->out(),
get_string('settings', 'attendance'));
return array($toprow);
class attendance_filter_controls implements renderable {
/** @var int current view mode */
public $pageparams;
public $cm;
public $curdate;
public $prevcur;
public $nextcur;
public $curdatetxt;
public $reportcontrol;
private $urlpath;
private $urlparams;
private $att;
public function __construct(attendance $att, $report = false) {
global $PAGE;
$this->pageparams = $att->pageparams;
$this->cm = $att->cm;
// This is a report control only if $reports is true and the attendance block can be graded.
$this->reportcontrol = $report && ($att->grade > 0);
$this->curdate = $att->pageparams->curdate;
$date = usergetdate($att->pageparams->curdate);
$mday = $date['mday'];
$wday = $date['wday'];
$mon = $date['mon'];
$year = $date['year'];
switch ($this->pageparams->view) {
$format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attendance');
$this->prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday - 1);
$this->nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 1);
$this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->pageparams->startdate, $format);
$format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attendance');
$this->prevcur = $att->pageparams->startdate - WEEKSECS;
$this->nextcur = $att->pageparams->startdate + WEEKSECS;
$this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->pageparams->startdate, $format).
" - ".userdate($att->pageparams->enddate, $format);
$format = '%B';
$this->prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon - 1);
$this->nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon + 1);
$this->curdatetxt = userdate($att->pageparams->startdate, $format);
$this->urlpath = $PAGE->url->out_omit_querystring();
$params = $att->pageparams->get_significant_params();
$params['id'] = $att->cm->id;
$this->urlparams = $params;
$this->att = $att;
public function url($params=array()) {
$params = array_merge($this->urlparams, $params);
return new moodle_url($this->urlpath, $params);
public function url_path() {
return $this->urlpath;
public function url_params($params=array()) {
$params = array_merge($this->urlparams, $params);
return $params;
public function get_group_mode() {
return $this->att->get_group_mode();
public function get_sess_groups_list() {
return $this->att->pageparams->get_sess_groups_list();
public function get_current_sesstype() {
return $this->att->pageparams->get_current_sesstype();
* Represents info about attendance sessions taking into account view parameters.
* @copyright 2011 Artem Andreev <andreev.artem@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class attendance_manage_data implements renderable {
/** @var array of sessions*/
public $sessions;
/** @var int number of hidden sessions (sessions before $course->startdate)*/
public $hiddensessionscount;
/** @var attendance_permissions permission of current user for attendance instance*/
public $perm;
public $groups;
public $hiddensesscount;
/** @var attendance */
private $att;
* Prepare info about attendance sessions taking into account view parameters.
* @param attendance $att instance
public function __construct(attendance $att) {
$this->perm = $att->perm;
$this->sessions = $att->get_filtered_sessions();
$this->groups = groups_get_all_groups($att->course->id);
$this->hiddensessionscount = $att->get_hidden_sessions_count();
$this->att = $att;
public function url_take($sessionid, $grouptype) {
return url_helpers::url_take($this->att, $sessionid, $grouptype);
* Must be called without or with both parameters
public function url_sessions($sessionid=null, $action=null) {
return url_helpers::url_sessions($this->att, $sessionid, $action);
class attendance_take_data implements renderable {
public $users;
public $pageparams;
public $perm;
public $groupmode;
public $cm;
public $statuses;
public $sessioninfo;
public $sessionlog;
public $sessions4copy;
public $updatemode;
private $urlpath;
private $urlparams;
private $att;
public function __construct(attendance $att) {
if ($att->pageparams->grouptype) {
$this->users = $att->get_users($att->pageparams->grouptype, $att->pageparams->page);
} else {
$this->users = $att->get_users($att->pageparams->group, $att->pageparams->page);
$this->pageparams = $att->pageparams;
$this->perm = $att->perm;
$this->groupmode = $att->get_group_mode();
$this->cm = $att->cm;
$this->statuses = $att->get_statuses();
$this->sessioninfo = $att->get_session_info($att->pageparams->sessionid);
$this->updatemode = $this->sessioninfo->lasttaken > 0;
if (isset($att->pageparams->copyfrom)) {
$this->sessionlog = $att->get_session_log($att->pageparams->copyfrom);
} else if ($this->updatemode) {
$this->sessionlog = $att->get_session_log($att->pageparams->sessionid);
} else {
$this->sessionlog = array();
if (!$this->updatemode) {
$this->sessions4copy = $att->get_today_sessions_for_copy($this->sessioninfo);
$this->urlpath = $att->url_take()->out_omit_querystring();
$params = $att->pageparams->get_significant_params();
$params['id'] = $att->cm->id;
$this->urlparams = $params;
$this->att = $att;
public function url($params=array(), $excludeparams=array()) {
$params = array_merge($this->urlparams, $params);
foreach ($excludeparams as $paramkey) {
return new moodle_url($this->urlpath, $params);
public function url_view($params=array()) {
return url_helpers::url_view($this->att, $params);
public function url_path() {
return $this->urlpath;
class attendance_user_data implements renderable {
public $user;
public $pageparams;
public $stat;
public $statuses;
public $gradable;
public $grade;
public $maxgrade;
public $decimalpoints;
public $filtercontrols;
public $sessionslog;
public $groups;
public $coursesatts;
private $urlpath;
private $urlparams;
public function __construct(attendance $att, $userid) {
global $CFG;
$this->user = $att->get_user($userid);
$this->pageparams = $att->pageparams;
if (!$this->decimalpoints = grade_get_setting($att->course->id, 'decimalpoints')) {
$this->decimalpoints = $CFG->grade_decimalpoints;
if ($this->pageparams->mode == att_view_page_params::MODE_THIS_COURSE) {
$this->statuses = $att->get_statuses();
$this->stat = $att->get_user_stat($userid);
$this->gradable = $att->grade > 0;
if ($this->gradable) {
$this->grade = $att->get_user_grade($userid);
$this->maxgrade = $att->get_user_max_grade($userid);
$this->filtercontrols = new attendance_filter_controls($att);
$this->sessionslog = $att->get_user_filtered_sessions_log_extended($userid);
$this->groups = groups_get_all_groups($att->course->id);
} else {
$this->coursesatts = att_get_user_courses_attendances($userid);
$this->statuses = array();
$this->stat = array();
$this->gradable = array();
$this->grade = array();
$this->maxgrade = array();
foreach ($this->coursesatts as $ca) {
$statuses = att_get_statuses($ca->attid);
$user_taken_sessions_count = att_get_user_taken_sessions_count($ca->attid, $ca->coursestartdate, $userid, $att->cm);
$user_statuses_stat = att_get_user_statuses_stat($ca->attid, $ca->coursestartdate, $userid, $att->cm);
$this->statuses[$ca->attid] = $statuses;
$this->stat[$ca->attid]['completed'] = $user_taken_sessions_count;
$this->stat[$ca->attid]['statuses'] = $user_statuses_stat;
$this->gradable[$ca->attid] = $ca->attgrade > 0;
if ($this->gradable[$ca->attid]) {
$this->grade[$ca->attid] = att_get_user_grade($user_statuses_stat, $statuses);
// For getting sessions count implemented simplest method - taken sessions.
// It can have error if users don't have attendance info for some sessions.
// In the future we can implement another methods:
// * all sessions between user start enrolment date and now;
// * all sessions between user start and end enrolment date.
$this->maxgrade[$ca->attid] = att_get_user_max_grade($user_taken_sessions_count, $statuses);
} else {
// For more comfortable and universal work with arrays.
$this->grade[$ca->attid] = null;
$this->maxgrade[$ca->attid] = null;
$this->urlpath = $att->url_view()->out_omit_querystring();
$params = $att->pageparams->get_significant_params();
$params['id'] = $att->cm->id;
$this->urlparams = $params;
public function url() {
return new moodle_url($this->urlpath, $this->urlparams);
class attendance_report_data implements renderable {
public $perm;
public $pageparams;
public $users;
public $groups;
public $sessions;
public $statuses;
// Includes disablrd/deleted statuses.
public $allstatuses;
public $gradable;
public $decimalpoints;
public $usersgroups = array();
public $sessionslog = array();
public $usersstats = array();
public $grades = array();
public $maxgrades = array();
private $att;
public function __construct(attendance $att) {
global $CFG;
$this->perm = $att->perm;
$currenttime = time();
if ($att->pageparams->view == ATT_VIEW_NOTPRESENT) {
$att->pageparams->enddate = $currenttime;
$this->pageparams = $att->pageparams;
$this->users = $att->get_users($att->pageparams->group, $att->pageparams->page);
$this->groups = groups_get_all_groups($att->course->id);
$this->sessions = $att->get_filtered_sessions();
$this->statuses = $att->get_statuses();
$this->allstatuses = $att->get_statuses(false);
$this->gradable = $att->grade > 0;
if (!$this->decimalpoints = grade_get_setting($att->course->id, 'decimalpoints')) {
$this->decimalpoints = $CFG->grade_decimalpoints;
$maxgrade = att_get_user_max_grade(count($this->sessions), $this->statuses);
foreach ($this->users as $key => $user) {
$grade = 0;
if ($this->gradable) {
$grade = $att->get_user_grade($user->id, array('enddate' => $currenttime));
$totalgrade = $att->get_user_grade($user->id);
if ($att->pageparams->view != ATT_VIEW_NOTPRESENT || $grade < $maxgrade) {
$this->usersgroups[$user->id] = groups_get_all_groups($att->course->id, $user->id);
$this->sessionslog[$user->id] = $att->get_user_filtered_sessions_log($user->id);
$this->usersstats[$user->id] = $att->get_user_statuses_stat($user->id);
if ($this->gradable) {
$this->grades[$user->id] = $totalgrade;
$this->maxgrades[$user->id] = $att->get_user_max_grade($user->id);;
} else {
$this->att = $att;
public function url_take($sessionid, $grouptype) {
return url_helpers::url_take($this->att, $sessionid, $grouptype);
public function url_view($params=array()) {
return url_helpers::url_view($this->att, $params);
public function url($params=array()) {
$params = array_merge($params, $this->pageparams->get_significant_params());
return $this->att->url_report($params);
class attendance_preferences_data implements renderable {
public $statuses;
private $att;
public function __construct(attendance $att) {
$this->statuses = $att->get_statuses(false);
foreach ($this->statuses as $st) {
$st->haslogs = att_has_logs_for_status ($st->id);
$this->att = $att;
public function url($params=array(), $significant_params=true) {
if ($significant_params) {
$params = array_merge($this->att->pageparams->get_significant_params(), $params);
return $this->att->url_preferences($params);
class url_helpers {
public static function url_take($att, $sessionid, $grouptype) {
$params = array('sessionid' => $sessionid);
if (isset($grouptype)) {
$params['grouptype'] = $grouptype;
return $att->url_take($params);
* Must be called without or with both parameters
public static function url_sessions($att, $sessionid=null, $action=null) {
if (isset($sessionid) && isset($action)) {
$params = array('sessionid' => $sessionid, 'action' => $action);
} else {
$params = array();
return $att->url_sessions($params);
public static function url_view($att, $params=array()) {
return $att->url_view($params);