541 lines
21 KiB

global $CFG;
define('ONE_DAY', 86400); // Seconds in one day
define('ONE_WEEK', 604800); // Seconds in one week
define('COMMONSESSION', 0);
define('GROUPSESSION', 1);
define('WITHOUT_SELECTOR', 0);
define('GROUP_SELECTOR', 1);
function show_tabs($cm, $context, $currenttab='sessions')
$toprow = array();
if (has_capability('mod/attforblock:manageattendances', $context) or
has_capability('mod/attforblock:takeattendances', $context) or
has_capability('mod/attforblock:changeattendances', $context)) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject('sessions', 'manage.php?id='.$cm->id,
if (has_capability('mod/attforblock:manageattendances', $context)) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject('add', "sessions.php?id=$cm->id&amp;action=add",
if (has_capability('mod/attforblock:viewreports', $context)) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject('report', 'report.php?id='.$cm->id,
if (has_capability('mod/attforblock:export', $context)) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject('export', 'export.php?id='.$cm->id,
if (has_capability('mod/attforblock:changepreferences', $context)) {
$toprow[] = new tabobject('settings', 'attsettings.php?id='.$cm->id,
$tabs = array($toprow);
print_tabs($tabs, $currenttab);
//getting settings for course
function get_statuses($courseid, $onlyvisible = true)
if ($onlyvisible) {
$result = get_records_select('attendance_statuses', "courseid = $courseid AND visible = 1 AND deleted = 0", 'grade DESC');
} else {
$result = get_records_select('attendance_statuses', "courseid = $courseid AND deleted = 0", 'grade DESC');
// $result = get_records('attendance_statuses', 'courseid', $courseid, 'grade DESC');
return $result;
//gets attendance status for a student, returns count
function get_attendance($userid, $course, $statusid=0)
global $CFG;
$qry = "SELECT count(*) as cnt
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log al
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions ats
ON al.sessionid = ats.id
WHERE ats.courseid = $course->id
AND ats.sessdate >= $course->startdate
AND al.studentid = $userid";
if ($statusid) {
$qry .= " AND al.statusid = $statusid";
return count_records_sql($qry);
function get_grade($userid, $course)
global $CFG;
$logs = get_records_sql("SELECT l.id, l.statusid, l.statusset
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log l
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions s
ON l.sessionid = s.id
WHERE l.studentid = $userid
AND s.courseid = $course->id
AND s.sessdate >= $course->startdate");
$result = 0;
if ($logs) {
$stat_grades = records_to_menu(get_records('attendance_statuses', 'courseid', $course->id), 'id', 'grade');
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$result += $stat_grades[$log->statusid];
return $result;
//temporary solution, for support PHP 4.3.0 which minimal requirement for Moodle 1.9.x
function local_array_intersect_key($array1, $array2) {
$result = array();
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) {
if (isset($array2[$key])) {
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
function get_maxgrade($userid, $course)
global $CFG;
$logs = get_records_sql("SELECT l.id, l.statusid, l.statusset
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log l
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions s
ON l.sessionid = s.id
WHERE l.studentid = $userid
AND s.courseid = $course->id
AND s.sessdate >= $course->startdate");
$maxgrade = 0;
if ($logs) {
$stat_grades = records_to_menu(get_records('attendance_statuses', 'courseid', $course->id), 'id', 'grade');
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$ids = array_flip(explode(',', $log->statusset));
// $grades = array_intersect_key($stat_grades, $ids); // require PHP 5.1.0 and higher
$grades = local_array_intersect_key($stat_grades, $ids); //temporary solution, for support PHP 4.3.0 which minimal requirement for Moodle 1.9.x
$maxgrade += max($grades);
return $maxgrade;
function get_percent_adaptive($userid, $course) // NOT USED
global $CFG;
$logs = get_records_sql("SELECT l.id, l.statusid, l.statusset
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log l
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions s
ON l.sessionid = s.id
WHERE l.studentid = $userid
AND s.courseid = $course->id
AND s.sessdate >= $course->startdate");
$result = 0;
if ($logs) {
$stat_grades = records_to_menu(get_records('attendance_statuses', 'courseid', $course->id), 'id', 'grade');
$percent = 0;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$ids = array_flip(explode(',', $log->statusset));
$grades = array_intersect_key($stat_grades, $ids);
$delta = max($grades) - min($grades);
$percent += $stat_grades[$log->statusid] / $delta;
$result = $percent / count($logs) * 100;
if (!$dp = grade_get_setting($course->id, 'decimalpoints')) {
$dp = $CFG->grade_decimalpoints;
return sprintf("%0.{$dp}f", $result);
function get_percent($userid, $course)
global $CFG;
$maxgrd = get_maxgrade($userid, $course);
if ($maxgrd == 0) {
$result = 0;
} else {
$result = get_grade($userid, $course) / $maxgrd * 100;
if ($result < 0) {
$result = 0;
if (!$dp = grade_get_setting($course->id, 'decimalpoints')) {
$dp = $CFG->grade_decimalpoints;
return sprintf("%0.{$dp}f", $result);
function set_current_view($courseid, $view) {
global $SESSION;
return $SESSION->currentattview[$courseid] = $view;
function get_current_view($courseid, $defaultview='weeks') {
global $SESSION;
if (isset($SESSION->currentattview[$courseid]))
return $SESSION->currentattview[$courseid];
return $defaultview;
function set_current_date($courseid, $date) {
global $SESSION;
return $SESSION->currentattdate[$courseid] = $date;
function get_current_date($courseid) {
global $SESSION;
if (isset($SESSION->currentattdate[$courseid]))
return $SESSION->currentattdate[$courseid];
return time();
function print_row($left, $right) {
echo "\n<tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" class=\"cell c0\">$left</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"info c1\">$right</td></tr>\n";
function print_attendance_table($user, $course, $attforblock) {
$complete = get_attendance($user->id, $course);
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="list">';
print_row(get_string('sessionscompleted','attforblock').':', "<strong>$complete</strong>");
$statuses = get_statuses($course->id);
foreach($statuses as $st) {
print_row($st->description.': ', '<strong>'.get_attendance($user->id, $course, $st->id).'</strong>');
if ($attforblock->grade) {
$percent = get_percent($user->id, $course).'&nbsp;%';
$grade = get_grade($user->id, $course);
print_row(get_string('attendancepercent','attforblock').':', "<strong>$percent</strong>");
print_row(get_string('attendancegrade','attforblock').':', "<strong>$grade</strong> / ".get_maxgrade($user->id, $course));
print_row('&nbsp;', '&nbsp;');
echo '</table>';
function print_user_attendaces($user, $cm, $attforblock, $course = 0, $printing = null) {
global $CFG, $COURSE, $mode, $current, $view, $id, $studentid;
echo '<table class="userinfobox">';
if (!$printing) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td colspan="2" class="generalboxcontent"><div align="right">'.
helpbutton('studentview', get_string('attendancereport','attforblock'), 'attforblock', true, false, '', true).
"<a href=\"view.php?id={$cm->id}&amp;student={$user->id}&amp;mode=$mode&amp;printing=yes\" target=\"_blank\">[".get_string('versionforprinting','attforblock').']</a></div></td>';
echo '</tr>';
// echo '<tr>';
// echo '<th colspan="2"><h2 class="main help"><center>'.get_string('attendancereport','attforblock').helpbutton('studentview', get_string('attendancereport','attforblock'), 'attforblock', true, false, '', true).'</center></h1></th>';
// echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td class="left side">';
print_user_picture($user->id, $COURSE->id, $user->picture, true);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="generalboxcontent">';
echo '<font size="+1"><b>'.fullname($user).'</b></font>';
if ($course) {
echo '<hr />';
$complete = get_attendance($user->id, $course);
if($complete) {
print_attendance_table($user, $course, $attforblock);
} else {
echo get_string('attendancenotstarted','attforblock');
} else {
$stqry = "SELECT ats.id,ats.courseid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log al
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions ats
ON al.sessionid = ats.id
WHERE al.studentid = {$user->id}
GROUP BY ats.courseid
ORDER BY ats.courseid asc";
$recs = get_records_sql_menu($stqry);
foreach ($recs as $id => $courseid) {
echo '<hr />';
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="list1">';
$nextcourse = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
echo '<tr><td valign="top"><strong>'.$nextcourse->fullname.'</strong></td>';
echo '<td align="right">';
$complete = get_attendance($user->id, $nextcourse);
if($complete) {
print_attendance_table($user, $nextcourse, $attforblock);
} else {
echo get_string('attendancenotstarted','attforblock');
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
if ($course) {
if ($current == 0)
$current = get_current_date($course->id);
set_current_date ($course->id, $current);
list($startdate, $enddate) =
print_filter_controls("view.php", $id, $studentid);
if ($startdate && $enddate) {
$where = "ats.courseid={$course->id} AND al.studentid = {$user->id} AND ats.sessdate >= $startdate AND ats.sessdate < $enddate";
} else {
$where = "ats.courseid={$course->id} AND al.studentid = {$user->id}";
$stqry = "SELECT ats.id,ats.sessdate,ats.description,al.statusid,al.remarks
FROM {$CFG->prefix}attendance_log al
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}attendance_sessions ats
ON al.sessionid = ats.id";
$stqry .= " WHERE " . $where;
$stqry .= " ORDER BY ats.sessdate asc";
if ($sessions = get_records_sql($stqry)) {
$statuses = get_statuses($course->id);
$i = 0;
$table->head = array('#', get_string('date'), get_string('time'), get_string('description','attforblock'), get_string('status','attforblock'), get_string('remarks','attforblock'));
$table->align = array('', '', 'left', 'left', 'center', 'left');
$table->size = array('1px', '1px', '1px', '*', '1px', '1px');
$table->class = 'generaltable attwidth';
foreach($sessions as $key=>$sessdata)
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $i;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = userdate($sessdata->sessdate, get_string('strftimedmyw', 'attforblock'));
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = userdate($sessdata->sessdate, get_string('strftimehm', 'attforblock'));
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = empty($sessdata->description) ? get_string('nodescription', 'attforblock') : $sessdata->description;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $statuses[$sessdata->statusid]->description;
$table->data[$sessdata->id][] = $sessdata->remarks;
echo '</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table></div>';
function print_filter_controls($url, $id, $studentid=0, $sort=NULL, $printselector=WITHOUT_SELECTOR) {
global $SESSION, $current, $view, $cm;
$date = usergetdate($current);
$mday = $date['mday'];
$wday = $date['wday'];
$mon = $date['mon'];
$year = $date['year'];
$currentdatecontrols = '';
switch ($view) {
case 'days':
$format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attforblock');
$startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday);
$enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 1);
$prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday - 1);
$nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 1);
$curdatetxt = userdate($startdate, $format);
case 'weeks':
$format = get_string('strftimedm', 'attforblock');
$startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday - $wday + 1);
$enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon, $mday + 7 - $wday);
$prevcur = $startdate - WEEKSECS;
$nextcur = $startdate + WEEKSECS;
$curdatetxt = userdate($startdate, $format)." - ".userdate($enddate, $format);
case 'months':
$format = '%B';
$startdate = make_timestamp($year, $mon);
$enddate = make_timestamp($year, $mon + 1);
$prevcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon - 1);
$nextcur = make_timestamp($year, $mon + 1);
$curdatetxt = userdate($startdate, $format);
case 'alltaken':
$startdate = 1;
$enddate = $current;
case 'all':
$startdate = 0;
$enddate = 0;
$link = $url . "?id=$id" . ($sort ? "&amp;sort=$sort" : "") . ($studentid ? "&amp;student=$studentid" : "");
if ($printselector === GROUP_SELECTOR) {
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
$groupselector = '';
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS ||
($groupmode && has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context))) {
$groupselector = groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $link, true);
} elseif ($printselector === SESSION_TYPE_SELECTOR and $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS or has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
$allowedgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, 0, $cm->groupingid); // any group in grouping (all if groupings not used)
// detect changes related to groups and fix active group
if (!empty($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course][VISIBLEGROUPS][$cm->groupingid])) {
if (!array_key_exists($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course][VISIBLEGROUPS][$cm->groupingid], $allowedgroups)) {
// active group does not exist anymore
if (!empty($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course]['aag'][$cm->groupingid])) {
if (!array_key_exists($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course]['aag'][$cm->groupingid], $allowedgroups)) {
// active group does not exist anymore
} else {
$allowedgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid); // only assigned groups
// detect changes related to groups and fix active group
if (isset($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course][SEPARATEGROUPS][$cm->groupingid])) {
if ($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course][SEPARATEGROUPS][$cm->groupingid] == 0) {
if ($allowedgroups) {
// somebody must have assigned at least one group, we can select it now - yay!
} else {
if (!array_key_exists($SESSION->activegroup[$cm->course][SEPARATEGROUPS][$cm->groupingid], $allowedgroups)) {
// active group not allowed or does not exist anymore
$group = optional_param('group', -2, PARAM_INT);
if ($group > -2) {
$SESSION->attsessiontype[$cm->course] = $group;
} elseif (!array_key_exists($cm->course, $SESSION->attsessiontype)) {
if (!array_key_exists('attsessiontype', $SESSION)) {
$SESSION->attsessiontype = array();
$SESSION->attsessiontype[$cm->course] = -1;
if ($group == -1) {
$currentgroup = $group;
} else {
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
if ($currentgroup == 0 and $SESSION->attsessiontype[$cm->course] == -1) {
$currentgroup = -1;
$selector = array();
if ($allowedgroups or $groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS or
has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
$selector[-1] = get_string('all', 'attforblock');
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$selector[0] = get_string('commonsessions', 'attforblock');
if ($allowedgroups) {
foreach ($allowedgroups as $group) {
$selector[$group->id] = format_string($group->name);
if (count($selector) > 1) {
$sessiontypeselector = popup_form($url.'?id='.$cm->id.'&amp;group=', $selector, 'selectgroup', $currentgroup, '', '', '', true, 'self', get_string('sessions', 'attforblock'));
$sessiontypeselector = '<div class="groupselector">'.$sessiontypeselector.'</div>';
$views['all'] = get_string('all','attforblock');
$views['alltaken'] = get_string('alltaken','attforblock');
$views['months'] = get_string('months','attforblock');
$views['weeks'] = get_string('weeks','attforblock');
$views['days'] = get_string('days','attforblock');
$viewcontrols = '<nobr>';
foreach ($views as $key => $sview) {
if ($key != $view)
$viewcontrols .= "<span class=\"attbtn\"><a href=\"{$link}&amp;view={$key}\">$sview</a></span>";
$viewcontrols .= "<span class=\"attcurbtn\">$sview</span>";
$viewcontrols .= '</nobr>';
echo "<div class=\"attfiltercontrols attwidth\">";
echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr>";
if ($printselector === GROUP_SELECTOR) {
echo "<td width=\"45%\">$groupselector</td>";
} elseif ($printselector === SESSION_TYPE_SELECTOR) {
echo "<td width=\"45%\">$sessiontypeselector</td>";
if ($curdatetxt) {
$curdatecontrols = "<a href=\"{$link}&amp;current=$prevcur\"><span class=\"arrow \">◄</span></a>";
$curdatecontrols .= "<form id =\"currentdate\" action=\"$url\" method=\"get\" style=\"display:inline;\">";
$curdatecontrols .= " <button title=\"" . get_string('calshow','attforblock') . "\" id=\"show\" type=\"button\">$curdatetxt</button> ";
$curdatecontrols .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />";
if ($sort)
$curdatecontrols .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sort\" value=\"$sort\" />";
if ($studentid)
$curdatecontrols .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"student\" value=\"$studentid\" />";
$curdatecontrols .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"current\" name=\"current\" value=\"\" />";
$curdatecontrols .= "</form>";
$curdatecontrols .= "<a href=\"{$link}&amp;current=$nextcur\"><span class=\"arrow \">►</span></a>";
echo "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\">$curdatecontrols</td>";
echo "<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\">$viewcontrols</td></tr></table>";
echo "</div>";
return array($startdate, $enddate, $currentgroup);
function plug_yui_calendar($current) {
global $CFG;
require_js(array('yui_dom-event', 'yui_dragdrop', 'yui_element', 'yui_button', 'yui_container', 'yui_calendar'));
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "var cal_close = \"" . get_string('calclose','attforblock') . "\";";
echo "var cal_today = \"" . get_string('caltoday','attforblock') . "\";";
echo "var cal_months = [" . get_string('calmonths','attforblock') . "];";
echo "var cal_week_days = [" . get_string('calweekdays','attforblock') . "];";
echo "var cal_start_weekday = " . $CFG->calendar_startwday . ";";
echo "var cal_cur_date = " . $current . ";";
echo "</script>\n";
require_js($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/attforblock/calendar.js');