You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
127 lines
4.2 KiB
127 lines
4.2 KiB
13 years ago
<?php // $Id: tabs.php,v 2011/07/24 15:44:55 bdaloukas Exp $
* Sets up the tabs used by the game pages based on the users capabilites.
* @author Tim Hunt and others.
* @license GNU Public License
* @package game
if (empty($game)) {
error('You cannot call this script in that way');
if (!isset($currenttab)) {
$currenttab = '';
if (!isset($cm)) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $game->id);
if (!isset($course)) {
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $game->course);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$tabs = array();
$row = array();
$inactive = array();
$activated = array();
global $USER;
if (has_capability('mod/game:view', $context)) {
$row[] = new tabobject('info', "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/view.php?q=$game->id", get_string('info', 'game'));
if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)){
$row[] = new tabobject('reports', "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/report.php?q=$game->id", get_string('results', 'game'));
if (has_capability('mod/game:manage', $context)) {
global $USER;
$sesskey = $USER->sesskey;
$url = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php?update=$cm->id&return=true&sesskey=$sesskey";
$row[] = new tabobject('edit', $url, get_string('edit'));
global $COURSE;
if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)){
$link = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/showanswers.php?q={$game->id}";
$title = get_string( 'showanswers', 'game');
$row[] = new tabobject('answers', $link, $title);
$link = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/preview.php?action=showattempts&q={$game->id}";
$title = get_string( 'showattempts', 'game')."</a>";
$row[] = new tabobject('showattempts', $link, $title);
$gamekind = $game->gamekind;
if( $gamekind == 'hangman' or $gamekind == 'cross' or $gamekind == 'millionaire' or $gamekind == 'snakes'){
$link = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/export.php?courseid={$COURSE->id}&target=html&q={$game->id}";
$title = get_string( 'export_to_html', 'game');;
$row[] = new tabobject('exporthtml', $link, $title);
if( $gamekind == 'hangman'){
$link = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/export.php?courseid={$COURSE->id}&target=javame&q={$game->id}";
$title = get_string( 'export_to_javame', 'game');
$row[] = new tabobject('exportjavame', $link, $title);
if( $gamekind == 'bookquiz'){
$link = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/bookquiz/questions.php?q={$game->id}";
$title = get_string( 'game_bookquiz', 'game');
$row[] = new tabobject('bookquiz', $link, $title);
if ($currenttab == 'info' && count($row) == 1) {
// Don't show only an info tab (e.g. to students).
} else {
$tabs[] = $row;
if ($currenttab == 'reports' and isset($mode)) {
$inactive[] = 'reports';
$activated[] = 'reports';
$allreports = get_list_of_plugins("mod/game/report");
$reportlist = array ('overview' /*, 'regrade' , 'grading' , 'analysis'*/); // Standard reports we want to show first
foreach ($allreports as $report) {
if (!in_array($report, $reportlist)) {
$reportlist[] = $report;
$row = array();
$currenttab = '';
foreach ($reportlist as $report) {
$row[] = new tabobject($report, "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/report.php?q=$game->id&mode=$report",
get_string($report, 'game'));
if ($report == $mode) {
$currenttab = $report;
$tabs[] = $row;
if ($currenttab == 'edit' and isset($mode)) {
$inactive[] = 'edit';
$activated[] = 'edit';
$row = array();
$currenttab = $mode;
$strgames = get_string('modulenameplural', 'game');
$strgame = get_string('modulename', 'game');
$streditinggame = get_string("editinga", "moodle", $strgame);
$strupdate = get_string('updatethis', 'moodle', $strgame);
$row[] = new tabobject('editq', "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/game/edit.php?gameid=$game->id", $strgame, $streditinggame);
questionbank_navigation_tabs($row, $context, $course->id);
$tabs[] = $row;
print_tabs($tabs, $currenttab, $inactive, $activated);