You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
306 lines
17 KiB
306 lines
17 KiB
13 years ago
<?php // $Id: game.php,v 1.8 2012/07/26 05:38:59 bdaloukas Exp $
// game.php - created with Moodle 2.0 (Build: 20080702) (2007101514)
// translated to Español - Internacional (es) by Wilmack Sanchez, Antonio Vicent, Carolina Avila
$string[ 'bookquiz_import_odt'] = 'Importar de archivo OpenOffice (odt)';
$string[ 'bookquiz_not_select_book'] = 'Ud no ha seleccionado un libro';
$string[ 'bookquiz_subchapter'] = 'Cree subcapítulos';
$string[ 'bookquiz_empty'] = 'El libro está vacío';
$string[ 'sudoku_submit'] = 'Evaluar respuestas';
$string[ 'bookquiz_categories'] = 'Categorías';
$string[ 'bookquiz_chapters'] = 'Capítulos';
$string[ 'lettersall'] = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ';
$string[ 'and'] = 'y';
$string[ 'cross_correct'] = 'correcta';
$string[ 'cross_corrects'] = 'correctas';
$string[ 'cross_error'] = 'error';
$string[ 'cross_errors'] = 'errores';
$string[ 'cross_found_many'] = 'Encontró';
$string[ 'cross_found_one'] = 'Encontró';
$string[ 'grade'] = 'Nota';
$string[ 'cross_across'] = 'Horizontal';
$string[ 'cross_checkbutton'] = 'Revisar crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_down'] = 'Abajo';
$string[ 'cross_endofgamebutton'] = 'Fin del juego de crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_error_containsbadchars'] = 'La palabra contiene caracteres no autorizados';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength1'] = 'La palabra correcta contiene ';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength2'] = ' letras.';
$string[ 'cross_pleasewait'] = 'Por favor espere mientras se carga el crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_welcome'] = '<h3>¡Bienvenido!</h3><p>Haga clic en una palabra para comenzar.</p>';
$string[ 'letter'] = 'letra';
$string[ 'letters'] = 'letras';
$string[ 'nextgame'] = 'Siguiente juego';
$string[ 'no_words'] = 'Ninguna palabra encontrada';
$string[ 'print'] = 'Imprimir';
$string[ 'win'] = '¡¡¡ Felicitaciones !!!';
$string[ 'finish'] = 'Fin del juego';
$string[ 'game:attempt'] = 'Juega el juego';
$string[ 'game:deleteattempts'] = 'Borrar intentos';
$string[ 'game:manage'] = 'Administrar';
$string[ 'game:reviewmyattempts'] = 'Revisar mis intentos';
$string[ 'game:view'] = 'Ver';
$string[ 'game:viewreports'] = 'Ver reportes';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_phrase'] = 'La frase correcta fué: ';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_word'] = 'La palabra correcta fué: ';
$string[ 'hangman_gradeinstance'] = 'Nivel en el juego completo';
$string[ 'hangman_letters'] = 'Letras: ';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_many'] = 'Ud. tiene <b>{$a}</b> intentos';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_one'] = 'Ud. tienen <b>ÚNICAMENTE 1</b> intento';
$string[ 'hangman_wrongnum'] = 'Malas: %%d de %%d';
$string[ 'nextword'] = 'Siguiente palabra';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_mainsubmit'] = 'Calificación de la pregunta principal';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nocols'] = 'Tiene que especificar el número de filas horizontales';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nomainquestion'] = 'No hay entradas en el glosario glosario {$a->name} con una imagen adjunta';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_norows'] = 'Tiene que especificar el número de columnas verticales';
$string[ 'must_select_glossary'] = 'Ud debe seleccionar un glosario';
$string[ 'noglossaryentriesfound'] = 'No se han encontrado entradas de glosario';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Usted debe seleccionar una categoría de preguntas';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_quiz'] = 'Usted debe seleccionar un cuestionario';
$string[ 'allattempts'] = 'Mostrar todos los intentos';
$string[ 'allstudents'] = 'Mostrar todos $a';
$string[ 'attemptsonly'] = 'Mostrar únicamente estudiantes con intentos';
$string[ 'deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Esta absolútamente seguro de querer borrar completamente estos intentos?';
$string[ 'displayoptions'] = 'Mostrar opciones';
$string[ 'downloadods'] = 'Descargar en formato ODS';
$string[ 'feedback'] = 'Retroalimentación';
$string[ 'noattemptsonly'] = 'Mostrar $a unicamente sin intentos';
$string[ 'numattempts'] = '$a->studentnum $a->studentstring ha hecho $a->attemptnum intentos';
$string[ 'pagesize'] = 'Preguntas por página:';
$string[ 'reportoverview'] = 'Listado';
$string[ 'selectall'] = 'Seleccione todos';
$string[ 'selectnone'] = 'Des-marcar todos';
$string[ 'showdetailedmarks'] = 'Mostrar detalles de marca';
$string[ 'startedon'] = 'Comenzó en';
$string[ 'timecompleted'] = 'Completado';
$string[ 'unfinished'] = 'abierto';
$string[ 'withselected'] = 'Con seleccionados';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_count'] = 'Número de sudokus que serán creados';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_start'] = 'Comenzar creando sudokus';
$string[ 'sudoku_creating'] = 'Creando <b>{$a}</b> sudoku';
$string[ 'sudoku_finishattemptbutton'] = 'Fin del juego de sudoku';
$string[ 'sudoku_guessnumber'] = 'Adivine el número correcto';
$string[ 'sudoku_noentriesfound'] = 'Ninguna palabra encontrada en el glosario';
$string[ 'export'] = 'Exporta a móvil';
$string[ 'html_hascheckbutton'] = 'Botón de prueba:';
$string[ 'html_hasprintbutton'] = 'Botón de impresión:';
$string[ 'html_title'] = 'Título de html:';
$string[ 'javame_createdby'] = 'Creado por:';
$string[ 'javame_description'] = 'Descripción:';
$string[ 'javame_filename'] = 'Nombe del archivo:';
$string[ 'javame_icon'] = 'Icono:';
$string[ 'javame_maxpictureheight'] = 'Altura máxima de la imagen:';
$string[ 'javame_maxpicturewidth'] = 'Anchura máxima de la imagen:';
$string[ 'javame_name'] = 'Nombre:';
$string[ 'javame_type'] = 'Tipo:';
$string[ 'javame_vendor'] = 'Vendedor:';
$string[ 'javame_version'] = 'Versión';
$string[ 'hangman_loose'] = '<BIG><B>Fin del juego</B></BIG>';
$string[ 'html_hangman_new'] = 'Nuevo';
$string[ 'millionaire_helppeople'] = 'Ayuda del público';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_people'] = 'La gente dice';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_telephone'] = 'Yo pienso que la respuesta correcta es';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_wrong_answer'] = 'Su respuesta es incorrecta<br>La respuesta correcta es:';
$string[ 'millionaire_quit'] = 'Salir';
$string[ 'millionaire_sourcemodule_must_quiz_question'] = 'Para millonario la fuente debe ser {$a} o preguntas y no';
$string[ 'millionaire_telephone'] = 'Llamada telefónica';
$string[ 'must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Ud debe seleccionar una categoría de preguntas';
$string[ 'must_select_quiz'] = 'Ud debe seleccionar un cuestionario';
$string[ 'score'] = 'Puntaje';
$string[ 'modulename'] = 'Juego';
$string[ 'modulenameplural'] = 'Juegos';
$string[ 'pluginname'] = 'Juego';
$string[ 'attempt'] = 'Intento';
$string[ 'bookquiz_questions'] = 'Asocie categorías de preguntas con capítulos del libro';
$string[ 'export_to_html'] = 'Exportar a HTML';
$string[ 'export_to_javame'] = 'Exportar a Javame';
$string[ 'game_bookquiz'] = 'Libro con preguntas';
$string[ 'game_cross'] = 'Crucigrama';
$string[ 'game_cryptex'] = 'Sopa de Letras';
$string[ 'game_hangman'] = 'Ahorcado';
$string[ 'game_hiddenpicture'] = 'Imagen oculta';
$string[ 'game_millionaire'] = 'Millonario';
$string[ 'game_snakes'] = 'Serpientes y Escaleras';
$string[ 'game_sudoku'] = 'Sudoku';
$string[ 'info'] = 'Info';
$string[ 'noattempts'] = 'Ningún intento ha sido hecho en este cuestionario';
$string[ 'percent'] = 'Porcentaje';
$string[ 'results'] = 'Resultados';
$string[ 'showanswers'] = 'Mostrar respuestas';
$string[ 'showattempts'] = 'Mostrar los intentos';
$string[ 'attemptfirst'] = 'Primer intento';
$string[ 'attemptlast'] = 'Último intento';
$string[ 'gradeaverage'] = 'Nota promedio';
$string[ 'gradehighest'] = 'Nota más alta';
$string[ 'bottomtext'] = 'Texto al final';
$string[ 'cross_layout'] = 'Diseño';
$string[ 'cross_layout0'] = 'Frases en la parte inferior del crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_layout1'] = 'Frases en la parte derecha del crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_maxcols'] = 'Número máximo de columnas del crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_maxwords'] = 'Máximo número de palabras del crucigrama';
$string[ 'cross_options'] = 'Opciones del Crucigrama';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxcols'] = 'Máximo número de columnas/filas en Sopa de Letras';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxtries'] = 'Número máximo de intentos';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxwords'] = 'Máximo número de palabras en Sopa de Letras';
$string[ 'cryptex_options'] = 'Opciones del Criptograma';
$string[ 'grademethod'] = 'Método de calificación';
$string[ 'hangman_allowspaces'] = 'Permitir espacios en las palabras';
$string[ 'hangman_allowsub'] = 'Permitir símbolos en las palabras';
$string[ 'hangman_imageset'] = 'Seleccione las imágenes para el ahorcado';
$string[ 'hangman_language'] = 'Idioma de las palabras';
$string[ 'hangman_maxtries'] = 'Número de palabras por juego';
$string[ 'hangman_options'] = 'Opciones del Ahorcado';
$string[ 'hangman_showcorrectanswer'] = 'Mostrar la respuesta correcta después del final';
$string[ 'hangman_showfirst'] = 'Mostrar la primera letra de ahorcado';
$string[ 'hangman_showlast'] = 'Mostrar la última letra del ahorcado';
$string[ 'hangman_showquestion'] = '¿ Mostrar las preguntas ?';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_across'] = 'Celdas horizontales';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_down'] = 'Celdas verticales';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_height'] = 'Establecer la altura de la imagen en';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_options'] = '\'Imagen Oculta\' opciones';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_pictureglossary'] = 'El glosario para la cuestión principal';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_width'] = 'Establecer el ancho de la imagen en';
$string[ 'millionaire_background'] = 'Color de fondo';
$string[ 'millionaire_options'] = 'Opciones del Millonario';
$string[ 'millionaire_shuffle'] = 'Mezclar preguntas';
$string[ 'snakes_background'] = 'Fondo';
$string[ 'snakes_cols'] = 'Columnas';
$string[ 'snakes_footerx'] = 'Espacio inferior izquierdo';
$string[ 'snakes_footery'] = 'Espacio inferior derecho';
$string[ 'snakes_headerx'] = 'Espacio superior izquierdo';
$string[ 'snakes_headery'] = 'Espacio superior derecho';
$string[ 'snakes_options'] = '\'Serpientes y Escaleras\' opciones';
$string[ 'snakes_rows'] = 'Filas';
$string[ 'sourcemodule'] = 'Fuente de preguntas';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_book'] = 'Seleccione un libro';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossary'] = 'Seleccione un glosario';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossarycategory'] = 'Seleccione una categoría del glosario.';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_include_subcategories'] = 'Include subcategories';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_question'] = 'Preguntas';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_questioncategory'] = 'Seleccione una categoría de preguntas';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_quiz'] = 'Seleccione un cuestionario';
$string[ 'sudoku_maxquestions'] = 'Máximo número de preguntas';
$string[ 'sudoku_options'] = 'Opciones del Sudoku';
$string[ 'toptext'] = 'Texto de la parte superior';
$string[ 'userdefined'] = 'Definido por el usuario';
$string[ 'only_teachers'] = 'Sólo el profesor puede ver esta página';
$string[ 'preview'] = 'Visualizar';
$string[ 'attempts'] = 'Intentos';
$string[ 'completedon'] = 'Completado en';
$string[ 'outof'] = '{$a->grade} out of a maximum of {$a->maxgrade}';
$string[ 'review'] = 'Revisar';
$string[ 'reviewofattempt'] = 'Revisar intentos {$a}';
$string[ 'startagain'] = 'Comenzar de nuevo';
$string[ 'timetaken'] = 'Tiempo utilizado';
$string[ 'clearrepetitions'] = 'Borrar estadísticas';
$string[ 'computerepetitions'] = 'Recalcular estadísticas';
$string[ 'feedbacks'] = 'Mensajes de respuesta correcta';
$string[ 'repetitions'] = 'Repeticiones';
$string[ 'lastip'] = 'IP del estudiante';
$string[ 'showsolution'] = 'solución';
$string[ 'timefinish'] = 'Fin del juego';
$string[ 'timelastattempt'] = 'Último intento';
$string[ 'timestart'] = 'Comienzo';
$string[ 'attemptgamenow'] = 'Intente jugar ahora';
$string[ 'continueattemptgame'] = 'Continue un intento previo de juego';
$string[ 'reattemptgame'] = 'Juego de reintento';
$string[ 'yourfinalgradeis'] = 'Su nota final en este juego es {$a}.';
//bookquiz/questions.php $string[ 'bookquiz_numquestions'] = 'Questions';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:grade'] = 'Grade games manually';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage game overrides';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:preview'] = 'Preview Games';
//hiddenpicture/play.php $string[ 'no_questions'] = "There are no questions";
//report/overview/report.php $string[ 'attemptduration'] = 'Attempt duration';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_dice'] = 'Dice, $a spots.';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_player'] = 'Player, position: $a.';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_check'] = 'Check';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_correct'] = 'Correct!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_no_selection'] = 'Have to select something!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_wrong'] = "Your answer isn't correct. Stay on the same seat.";
//index.php $string[ 'helpbookquiz'] = 'When the student answers correct can go to the next chapter.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcross'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a random crossword puzzle. Teacher can set the maximum number of columns/rows or words that contains. Student can press the button “Check crossword” to check if the answers are correct. Every crossword is dynamic so it is different to every student.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcryptex'] = 'This game is like a crossword but the answers are hidden inside a random cryptex.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphangman'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a hangman puzzle. Teacher can set the number of words that each game contains, if shows the first or last letter, or if show the question or the answer at the end.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphiddenpicture'] = 'The hidden picture game uncovers each piece of a picture for each question correctly answered by the student. Each number in the hidden picture game displays a question to the student such that when the student answers the question correctly, the number is uncovered to display a piece of the picture.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpmillionaire'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly moves up to the next number in the game until the user has completed the questions. If a question is answered incorrectly, the game is over.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsnakes'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly, displays a number on the dice, then game piece moves up the number displayed on the dice.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsudoku'] = 'This game shows a sudoku puzzle to the students with not enough numbers to allow it to be solved. For each question the student correctly answers an additional number is slotted into the puzzle to make it easier to solve.';
//index.php $string[ 'pluginadministration'] = 'Game administration';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_all'] = 'Delete tries from all games';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_deleted_course'] = 'Delete tries from deleted courses';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout'] = 'Layout';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_options'] = 'Bookquiz options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameclose'] = 'Close the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameopen'] = 'Open the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hangman_maximum_number_of_errors'] = 'Maximum number or errors (have to be images named hangman_0.jpg, hangman_1.jpg, ...)';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_data'] = 'Positions of Snakes and Ladders';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_file'] = 'File for background';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the image';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the image';
//review.php $string[ 'showall'] = 'Show all';
//view.php $string[ 'comment'] = 'Comment';
//view.php $string[ 'gameclosed'] = 'This game closed on {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamecloseson'] = 'This game will close at {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamenotavailable'] = 'The game will not be available until {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gameopenedon'] = 'This game opened at {$a}';