You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
306 lines
16 KiB
306 lines
16 KiB
13 years ago
<?php // $Id: game.php,v 1.8 2012/07/26 05:39:00 bdaloukas Exp $
// game.php - created with Moodle 2.0 (2007101509)
// translation to Norsk - bokmål (no)
$string[ 'bookquiz_import_odt'] = 'Importer fra en Open Office tekstfil (odt)';
$string[ 'bookquiz_not_select_book'] = 'Du har ikke valgt bok';
$string[ 'bookquiz_subchapter'] = 'Lag underkapittel';
$string[ 'bookquiz_empty'] = 'Boken er tom';
$string[ 'sudoku_submit'] = 'Gi svarene karakter';
$string[ 'bookquiz_categories'] = 'Kategorier';
$string[ 'bookquiz_chapters'] = 'Kapittel';
$string[ 'and'] = 'og';
$string[ 'cross_correct'] = 'Riktig';
$string[ 'cross_corrects'] = 'Rettinger';
$string[ 'cross_error'] = 'Feil';
$string[ 'cross_errors'] = 'feil';
$string[ 'cross_found_many'] = 'Funnet';
$string[ 'cross_found_one'] = 'Funnet';
$string[ 'grade'] = 'Karakter';
$string[ 'cross_across'] = 'Horisontal/bortover';
$string[ 'cross_checkbutton'] = 'Sjekk kryssord';
$string[ 'cross_down'] = 'Nedover';
$string[ 'cross_endofgamebutton'] = 'Avslutt kryssordspillet';
$string[ 'cross_error_containsbadchars'] = 'Ordet inneholder ulovlige tegn';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength1'] = 'Det korrekte ordet inneholder';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength2'] = 'tegn';
$string[ 'cross_pleasewait'] = 'Vær vennlig å vent mens kryssordet lastes';
$string[ 'cross_welcome'] = '<h3>Velkommen!</h3><p>Klikk et ord for å begyne.</p>';
$string[ 'letter'] = 'bokstav';
$string[ 'letters'] = 'bokstaver';
$string[ 'nextgame'] = 'Nytt spill';
$string[ 'no_words'] = 'Ingen ord funnet';
$string[ 'win'] = 'Gratulerer!!!';
$string[ 'finish'] = 'Spill slutt';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_phrase'] = 'Korrekt setning var:';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_word'] = 'Korrekt ord var:';
$string[ 'hangman_gradeinstance'] = 'Karakter i hele spillet';
$string[ 'hangman_letters'] = 'Bokstaver:';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_many'] = 'Du har <b>{$a}</b> forsøk';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_one'] = 'Du har <b>BARE 1</b> forsøk';
$string[ 'hangman_wrongnum'] = 'Feil: %%d av %%d';
$string[ 'nextword'] = 'Neste ord';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_mainsubmit'] = 'Karakter hovedsvar';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nocols'] = 'Du må angi antall kolonner horisontalt';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nomainquestion'] = 'Det er ingen ordbokinnlegg i ordboken {$a->name} med vedlagt bilde';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_norows'] = 'Må angi antall kolonner vertikalt';
$string[ 'must_select_glossary'] = 'Du må velge en ordbok';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Du må velge en spørsmålskategori';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_quiz'] = 'Du må velge en prøve';
$string[ 'allattempts'] = 'Alle forsøk';
$string[ 'allstudents'] = 'Alle studenter';
$string[ 'attemptsonly'] = 'Bare vis studenter som har forsøkt';
$string[ 'deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Er du sikkker på at du vil slette disse forsøkene helt?';
$string[ 'displayoptions'] = 'Vis valg';
$string[ 'downloadods'] = 'Last ned i ODS format';
$string[ 'feedback'] = 'Tilbakemelding';
$string[ 'noattemptsonly'] = 'Vis $a uten noen forsøk';
$string[ 'numattempts'] = '$a->studentnum $a->studentstring har gjort $a->attemptnum forsøk';
$string[ 'pagesize'] = 'Spørsmål per side';
$string[ 'reportoverview'] = 'Oversikt';
$string[ 'selectall'] = 'Velg alle';
$string[ 'selectnone'] = 'Ikke velg noen';
$string[ 'showdetailedmarks'] = 'Vis markeringsdetaljer';
$string[ 'startedon'] = 'Startet';
$string[ 'timecompleted'] = 'Ferdig';
$string[ 'unfinished'] = 'åpne';
$string[ 'withselected'] = 'Med valgte';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_count'] = 'Antall sudokus som vil lages';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_start'] = 'Start med å lage sudokus';
$string[ 'sudoku_creating'] = 'Lag <b>{$a}</b>sudoku';
$string[ 'sudoku_finishattemptbutton'] = 'Slutt på sudokuspill';
$string[ 'sudoku_guessnumber'] = 'Gjett riktig tall';
$string[ 'sudoku_noentriesfound'] = 'Ingen ord funnet i ordboken';
$string[ 'hangman_loose'] = '<BIG><B>Spillet slutt</B></BIG>';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_people'] = 'Folk sier';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_telephone'] = 'Jeg tror korrekt svar er';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_wrong_answer'] = 'Svaret ditt er feil</br>Riktig svar er:';
$string[ 'millionaire_sourcemodule_must_quiz_question'] = 'I \"Vil du bli millionær\" må kilden være {$a} eller spørsmål og ikke';
$string[ 'must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Du må velge en spørsmålskategori';
$string[ 'must_select_quiz'] = 'Du må velge en prøve';
$string[ 'score'] = 'Score';
$string[ 'modulename'] = 'Spill';
$string[ 'modulenameplural'] = 'Spill';
$string[ 'pluginname'] = 'Spill';
$string[ 'attempt'] = 'Forsøk';
$string[ 'bookquiz_questions'] = 'Koble spørsmålskategorier til kapitler i bok';
$string[ 'game_bookquiz'] = 'Bok med spørsmål';
$string[ 'game_cross'] = 'Kryssord';
$string[ 'game_cryptex'] = 'Cryptex';
$string[ 'game_hangman'] = 'Hangman';
$string[ 'game_hiddenpicture'] = 'Skjult bilde';
$string[ 'game_millionaire'] = 'Millionær';
$string[ 'game_snakes'] = 'Slange og stiger';
$string[ 'game_sudoku'] = 'Sudoku';
$string[ 'info'] = 'Info';
$string[ 'noattempts'] = 'Ingen forsøk er gjort på denne prøven';
$string[ 'results'] = 'Resulat';
$string[ 'showanswers'] = 'Vis svar';
$string[ 'attemptfirst'] = 'Første forsøk';
$string[ 'attemptlast'] = 'Siste forsøk';
$string[ 'gradeaverage'] = 'Gjennomsnittelig karakter';
$string[ 'gradehighest'] = 'Høyeste karakter';
$string[ 'bottomtext'] = 'Bunntekst';
$string[ 'cross_layout'] = 'Layout';
$string[ 'cross_layout0'] = 'Fraser på bunnen på tvers';
$string[ 'cross_layout1'] = 'Fraser til høyre på tvers';
$string[ 'cross_maxcols'] = 'Maksimum antall kolonner i kryssordet';
$string[ 'cross_maxwords'] = 'Maksimum antall ord i kryssordet';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxcols'] = 'Max antall kol/rader i cryptex';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxwords'] = 'Max antall ord i cryptex';
$string[ 'grademethod'] = 'Karaktermetode';
$string[ 'hangman_allowspaces'] = 'Tillatt mellomrom i ord';
$string[ 'hangman_allowsub'] = 'Tillat symbolet i ord';
$string[ 'hangman_imageset'] = 'Velg bilder for hangman';
$string[ 'hangman_language'] = 'Språk for ordene';
$string[ 'hangman_maxtries'] = 'Antall ord per spill';
$string[ 'hangman_showcorrectanswer'] = 'Vis korrekt svar når du er ferdig';
$string[ 'hangman_showfirst'] = 'Vis første bokstaven i hangman';
$string[ 'hangman_showlast'] = 'Vis siste bokstaven i hangman';
$string[ 'hangman_showquestion'] = 'Vis spørsmålet?';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_across'] = 'Ruter horisontalt';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_down'] = 'Ruter nedover';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_pictureglossary'] = 'Ordbok for hovedspørsmål';
$string[ 'snakes_background'] = 'Bakgrunn';
$string[ 'sourcemodule'] = 'Spørsmålskilde';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_book'] = 'Velg en bok';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossary'] = 'Velg ordbok';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossarycategory'] = 'Velg ordbokskategori';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_question'] = 'Spørsmål';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_questioncategory'] = 'Velg spørsmålskategori';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_quiz'] = 'Velg prøve';
$string[ 'sudoku_maxquestions'] = 'Maks antall spørsmål';
$string[ 'only_teachers'] = 'Bare lærer kan se denne siden';
$string[ 'preview'] = 'Forhåndsvisning';
$string[ 'attempts'] = 'Forsøk';
$string[ 'completedon'] = 'Ferdig på';
$string[ 'outof'] = '{$a->grade} av makismalt {$a->maxgrade}';
$string[ 'review'] = 'Rapport';
$string[ 'reviewofattempt'] = 'Rapport fra forsøk {$a}';
$string[ 'startagain'] = 'Start på nytt';
$string[ 'timetaken'] = 'Tid brukt';
$string[ 'feedbacks'] = 'Tilbakemelding ved riktig svar';
$string[ 'lastip'] = 'IP student';
$string[ 'showsolution'] = 'løsning';
$string[ 'timefinish'] = 'Spill slutt';
$string[ 'timelastattempt'] = 'Siste forsøk';
$string[ 'timestart'] = 'Start';
$string[ 'attemptgamenow'] = 'Prøv å spille nå';
$string[ 'continueattemptgame'] = 'Fortsette et tidligere forsøk av spillet';
$string[ 'reattemptgame'] = 'Prøv spillet igjen';
$string[ 'yourfinalgradeis'] = 'Din endelige karakter for spillet er {$a}.';
//bookquiz/questions.php $string[ 'bookquiz_numquestions'] = 'Questions';
//cross/play.php $string[ 'print'] = 'Print';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:attempt'] = 'Play game';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:deleteattempts'] = 'Delete attempts';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:grade'] = 'Grade games manually';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:manage'] = 'Manage';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage game overrides';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:preview'] = 'Preview Games';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:reviewmyattempts'] = 'reviewmyattempts';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:view'] = 'view';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:viewreports'] = 'viewreports';
//hiddenpicture/play.php $string[ 'no_questions'] = "There are no questions";
//hiddenpicture/play.php $string[ 'noglossaryentriesfound'] = 'No glossary entries found';
//report/overview/report.php $string[ 'attemptduration'] = 'Attempt duration';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_dice'] = 'Dice, $a spots.';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_player'] = 'Player, position: $a.';
//export.php $string[ 'export'] = 'Export';
//export.php $string[ 'html_hascheckbutton'] = 'Has check button:';
//export.php $string[ 'html_hasprintbutton'] = 'Has print button:';
//export.php $string[ 'html_title'] = 'Title of html:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_createdby'] = 'Created by:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_description'] = 'Description:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_filename'] = 'Filename:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_icon'] = 'Icon:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_maxpictureheight'] = 'Max picture height:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_maxpicturewidth'] = 'Max picture width:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_name'] = 'Name:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_type'] = 'Type:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_vendor'] = 'Vendor:';
//export.php $string[ 'javame_version'] = 'Version:';
//exporthtml_hangman.php $string[ 'html_hangman_new'] = 'New';
//exporthtml_millionaire.php $string[ 'millionaire_helppeople'] = 'Help of people';
//exporthtml_millionaire.php $string[ 'millionaire_quit'] = 'Quit';
//exporthtml_millionaire.php $string[ 'millionaire_telephone'] = 'Help of telephone';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_check'] = 'Check';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_correct'] = 'Correct!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_no_selection'] = 'Have to select something!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_wrong'] = "Your answer isn't correct. Stay on the same seat.";
//index.php $string[ 'helpbookquiz'] = 'When the student answers correct can go to the next chapter.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcross'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a random crossword puzzle. Teacher can set the maximum number of columns/rows or words that contains. Student can press the button “Check crossword” to check if the answers are correct. Every crossword is dynamic so it is different to every student.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcryptex'] = 'This game is like a crossword but the answers are hidden inside a random cryptex.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphangman'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a hangman puzzle. Teacher can set the number of words that each game contains, if shows the first or last letter, or if show the question or the answer at the end.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphiddenpicture'] = 'The hidden picture game uncovers each piece of a picture for each question correctly answered by the student. Each number in the hidden picture game displays a question to the student such that when the student answers the question correctly, the number is uncovered to display a piece of the picture.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpmillionaire'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly moves up to the next number in the game until the user has completed the questions. If a question is answered incorrectly, the game is over.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsnakes'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly, displays a number on the dice, then game piece moves up the number displayed on the dice.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsudoku'] = 'This game shows a sudoku puzzle to the students with not enough numbers to allow it to be solved. For each question the student correctly answers an additional number is slotted into the puzzle to make it easier to solve.';
//index.php $string[ 'pluginadministration'] = 'Game administration';
//lib.php $string[ 'export_to_html'] = 'Export to HTML';
//lib.php $string[ 'export_to_javame'] = 'Export to Javame';
//lib.php $string[ 'percent'] = 'Percent';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_all'] = 'Delete tries from all games';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_deleted_course'] = 'Delete tries from deleted courses';
//lib.php $string[ 'showattempts'] = 'Show attempts';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout'] = 'Layout';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_options'] = 'Bookquiz options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'cross_options'] = 'Crossword options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'cryptex_maxtries'] = 'Max tries';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'cryptex_options'] = 'Cryptex ofptions';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameclose'] = 'Close the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameopen'] = 'Open the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hangman_maximum_number_of_errors'] = 'Maximum number or errors (have to be images named hangman_0.jpg, hangman_1.jpg, ...)';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hangman_options'] = 'Hangman options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hiddenpicture_height'] = 'Set height of picture to';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hiddenpicture_options'] = '\'Hidden Picture\' options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hiddenpicture_width'] = 'Set width of picture to';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'millionaire_background'] = 'Background color';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'millionaire_options'] = 'Millionaire\' options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'millionaire_shuffle'] = 'Randomize questions';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_cols'] = 'Cols';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_data'] = 'Positions of Snakes and Ladders';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_file'] = 'File for background';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_footerx'] = 'Space at bootom left';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_footery'] = 'Space at bottom right';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_headerx'] = 'Space at up left';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_headery'] = 'Space at up right';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the image';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the image';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_options'] = '\'Snakes and Ladders\' options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_rows'] = 'Rows';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'sourcemodule_include_subcategories'] = 'Include subcategories';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'sudoku_options'] = 'Sudoku options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'toptext'] = 'Text at the top of page';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'userdefined'] = 'User defined';
//review.php $string[ 'showall'] = 'Show all';
//showanswers.php $string[ 'clearrepetitions'] = 'Clear statistics';
//showanswers.php $string[ 'computerepetitions'] = 'Compute statistics again';
//showanswers.php $string[ 'repetitions'] = 'Repetitions';
//view.php $string[ 'comment'] = 'Comment';
//view.php $string[ 'gameclosed'] = 'This game closed on {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamecloseson'] = 'This game will close at {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamenotavailable'] = 'The game will not be available until {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gameopenedon'] = 'This game opened at {$a}';