You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
306 lines
16 KiB
306 lines
16 KiB
13 years ago
<?php // $Id: game.php,v 1.8 2012/07/26 05:38:59 bdaloukas Exp $
// game.php - created with Moodle 1.9.5
// translated to Italiano (it) by Aristogeiton Ferentinos, Myrto Papakonstantinoy and Orianta Gkotslari
$string[ 'bookquiz_import_odt'] = 'Uvezi iz OpenOffice datoteke (odt)';
$string[ 'bookquiz_not_select_book'] = 'Niste odabrali knjigu';
$string[ 'bookquiz_subchapter'] = 'Napravi podpoglavlje';
$string[ 'bookquiz_empty'] = 'Knjiga je prazna';
$string[ 'sudoku_submit'] = 'Ocjeni odgovore';
$string[ 'bookquiz_categories'] = 'Kategorije';
$string[ 'bookquiz_chapters'] = 'Poglavlja';
$string[ 'lettersall'] = 'ABCČĆDĐEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽ';
$string[ 'and'] = 'i';
$string[ 'cross_correct'] = 'ispravna';
$string[ 'cross_corrects'] = 'ispravnih';
$string[ 'cross_error'] = 'greška';
$string[ 'cross_errors'] = 'grešaka';
$string[ 'cross_found_many'] = 'Pronađeno';
$string[ 'cross_found_one'] = 'Pronađena';
$string[ 'grade'] = 'Ocjena';
$string[ 'cross_across'] = 'Vodoravno';
$string[ 'cross_checkbutton'] = 'Provjeri križaljku';
$string[ 'cross_down'] = 'Okomito';
$string[ 'cross_endofgamebutton'] = 'Kraj igre';
$string[ 'cross_error_containsbadchars'] = 'Riječ sadrži nedozvoljene znakove';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength1'] = 'Točna riječ sadrži ';
$string[ 'cross_error_wordlength2'] = ' slova.';
$string[ 'cross_pleasewait'] = 'Molimo pričekajte dok se križaljka učita';
$string[ 'cross_welcome'] = '<h3>Dobrodošli!</h3><p>Za početak igre odaberite riječ.</p>';
$string[ 'letter'] = 'slovo';
$string[ 'letters'] = 'slova';
$string[ 'nextgame'] = 'Nova igra';
$string[ 'no_words'] = 'una o più parole non sono state trovate';
$string[ 'print'] = 'Ispiši';
$string[ 'win'] = 'congratulazioni!!!';
$string[ 'finish'] = 'Kraj igre';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_phrase'] = 'la frase giusta era: ';
$string[ 'hangman_correct_word'] = 'la parola giusta era: ';
$string[ 'hangman_gradeinstance'] = 'Ocjena u cijeloj igri';
$string[ 'hangman_letters'] = 'Slova: ';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_many'] = 'Imate još <b>{$a}</b> pokušaja';
$string[ 'hangman_restletters_one'] = 'Imate još <b>SAMO 1</b> pokušaj';
$string[ 'hangman_wrongnum'] = 'Krivo: %%d od %%d';
$string[ 'nextword'] = 'Sljedeća riječ';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_mainsubmit'] = 'Ocjeni glavni odgovor';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nocols'] = 'Treba zadati broj stupaca vodoravno';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_nomainquestion'] = 'Nije pronađen ni jedan zapis u rječniku {$a->name} sa pridruženom slikom';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_norows'] = 'Treba zadati broj stupaca okomito';
$string[ 'must_select_glossary'] = 'Morate odabrati rječnik';
$string[ 'noglossaryentriesfound'] = 'Non sono state trovate voci di glossario';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Morate odabrati kategoriju pitanja';
$string[ 'millionaire_must_select_quiz'] = 'Morate odabrati tip igre';
$string[ 'allattempts'] = 'mostra tutti i tentativi';
$string[ 'allstudents'] = 'mostra tutti $a';
$string[ 'attemptsonly'] = 'indica solo gli studenti che hanno svolto tentativi';
$string[ 'deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Sei sicbookquiz_emptyuro che tu vuoi eliminare completamente questi tentativi?';
$string[ 'displayoptions'] = 'mostrare i fattori';
$string[ 'downloadods'] = 'salvare in formato ODS';
$string[ 'feedback'] = 'risposta';
$string[ 'noattemptsonly'] = 'mostra solo $a che non presentano tentativi';
$string[ 'numattempts'] = '$a->studentnum $a->studentstring Hanno fatto $a->attemptnum tentativi';
$string[ 'pagesize'] = 'domande per pagina:';
$string[ 'reportoverview'] = 'sommario';
$string[ 'selectall'] = 'seleziona tutti';
$string[ 'selectnone'] = 'deseleziona tutti';
$string[ 'showdetailedmarks'] = 'mostra i dettagli delle valutazioni';
$string[ 'startedon'] = 'Započeto';
$string[ 'timecompleted'] = 'Završeno';
$string[ 'unfinished'] = 'nije završeno';
$string[ 'withselected'] = 'con i file selezionati';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_count'] = 'Broju sudoku zadataka koji će se napraviti';
$string[ 'sudoku_create_start'] = 'Započni pravljenje sudou zadataka';
$string[ 'sudoku_creating'] = 'Pravim <b>{$a}</b> sudoku';
$string[ 'sudoku_finishattemptbutton'] = 'Kraj igre';
$string[ 'sudoku_guessnumber'] = 'Pogodite točan broj';
$string[ 'sudoku_noentriesfound'] = 'U rječniku nije pronađena ni jedna riječ';
$string[ 'export'] = 'Izvoz';
$string[ 'html_hascheckbutton'] = 'Sadrži tipku za provjeru:';
$string[ 'html_hasprintbutton'] = 'Sadrži tipku za ispis:';
$string[ 'html_title'] = 'Naslov stranice:';
$string[ 'javame_createdby'] = 'Autor:';
$string[ 'javame_description'] = 'Opis:';
$string[ 'javame_filename'] = 'Ime datoteke:';
$string[ 'javame_icon'] = 'Ikona:';
$string[ 'javame_maxpictureheight'] = 'Maksimalna visina slike:';
$string[ 'javame_maxpicturewidth'] = 'Maksimalna širina slike:';
$string[ 'javame_name'] = 'Ime:';
$string[ 'javame_type'] = 'Tip:';
$string[ 'javame_vendor'] = 'Prodavač:';
$string[ 'javame_version'] = 'Verzija:';
$string[ 'hangman_loose'] = '<BIG><B>Kraj igre</B></BIG>';
$string[ 'html_hangman_new'] = 'nuovo';
$string[ 'millionaire_helppeople'] = 'Pitaj publiku';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_people'] = 'Publika kaže';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_telephone'] = 'Mislim da je točan odgovor ';
$string[ 'millionaire_info_wrong_answer'] = 'Vaš odgovor je pogrešan<br>Točan odgovor je:';
$string[ 'millionaire_quit'] = 'Kraj';
$string[ 'millionaire_sourcemodule_must_quiz_question'] = 'Za Milijunaša izvor mora biti {$a} ili pitanja i ne';
$string[ 'millionaire_telephone'] = 'Pomoć zovi';
$string[ 'must_select_questioncategory'] = 'Morate odabrati kategoriju pitanja';
$string[ 'must_select_quiz'] = 'Morate odabrati igru';
$string[ 'score'] = 'Rezultat';
$string[ 'modulename'] = 'igru';
$string[ 'modulenameplural'] = 'Igre';
$string[ 'pluginname'] = 'igru';
$string[ 'attempt'] = 'Pokušaj';
$string[ 'bookquiz_questions'] = 'Pridruži kategorije pitanja poglavlju knjige';
$string[ 'export_to_html'] = 'Izvoz u HTML';
$string[ 'export_to_javame'] = 'Izvoz u Javame';
$string[ 'game_bookquiz'] = 'Knjiga sa pitanjima';
$string[ 'game_cross'] = 'Križaljka';
$string[ 'game_cryptex'] = 'Cryptex';
$string[ 'game_hangman'] = 'Vješalo';
$string[ 'game_hiddenpicture'] = 'Skrivena slika';
$string[ 'game_millionaire'] = 'Milijunaš';
$string[ 'game_snakes'] = 'Zmije i Ljestve';
$string[ 'game_sudoku'] = 'Sudoku';
$string[ 'info'] = 'Informacije';
$string[ 'noattempts'] = 'Ovu igru nitko još nije pokušao igrati';
$string[ 'percent'] = 'Postotak';
$string[ 'results'] = 'Rezultati';
$string[ 'showanswers'] = 'Prikaži odgovore';
$string[ 'showattempts'] = 'mostra i tentativi';
$string[ 'attemptfirst'] = 'Prvi pokušaj';
$string[ 'attemptlast'] = 'Zadnji pokušaj';
$string[ 'gradeaverage'] = 'Prosječna ocjena';
$string[ 'gradehighest'] = 'Najveća ocjena';
$string[ 'bottomtext'] = 'Tekst na dnu';
$string[ 'cross_layout'] = 'Raspored';
$string[ 'cross_layout0'] = 'Fraze ispod križaljke';
$string[ 'cross_layout1'] = 'Fraze desno od križaljke';
$string[ 'cross_maxcols'] = 'Maksimaln broj stupaca u križaljci';
$string[ 'cross_maxwords'] = 'Maksimalan broj riječi u križaljci';
$string[ 'cross_options'] = 'opzioni di incrocio';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxcols'] = 'Maksimalan broj stupaca/redova cryptexa';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxtries'] = 'massimo numero di tentativi';
$string[ 'cryptex_maxwords'] = 'Maksimalan broj riječi cryptexa';
$string[ 'cryptex_options'] = 'opzioni nel criptoverba';
$string[ 'grademethod'] = 'Metoda ocjenjivanja';
$string[ 'hangman_allowspaces'] = 'Dozvoli razmake u riječima';
$string[ 'hangman_allowsub'] = 'Dozvoli znak - u riječima';
$string[ 'hangman_imageset'] = 'Odaberite sliku vješala';
$string[ 'hangman_language'] = 'Jezik riječi';
$string[ 'hangman_maxtries'] = 'Broj riječi po igri';
$string[ 'hangman_options'] = 'opzioni del gioco dell\'impiccato';
$string[ 'hangman_showcorrectanswer'] = 'Prikaži ispravan odgovor nakon završetka';
$string[ 'hangman_showfirst'] = 'Prikaži prvo slovo vješala';
$string[ 'hangman_showlast'] = 'Prikaži zadnje slovo vješala';
$string[ 'hangman_showquestion'] = 'Prikaži pitanje?';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_across'] = 'Ćelije vodoravno';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_down'] = 'Ćelije okomito';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_height'] = 'Postavi visinu slike na';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_options'] = 'opzioni della figura nascosta';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_pictureglossary'] = 'Rječnik za glavno pitanje i sliku';
$string[ 'hiddenpicture_width'] = 'Postavi širinu slike na';
$string[ 'millionaire_background'] = 'Boja pozadine';
$string[ 'millionaire_options'] = 'opzioni del gioco del milionario';
$string[ 'millionaire_shuffle'] = 'Izmješaj pitanja';
$string[ 'snakes_background'] = 'Pozadina';
$string[ 'snakes_options'] = 'opzioni del gioco delle serpentine';
$string[ 'sourcemodule'] = 'Izvor pitanja';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_book'] = 'Odaberite knjigu';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossary'] = 'Odaberite rječnik';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_glossarycategory'] = 'Odaberite kategoriju rječnika';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_include_subcategories'] = 'Uključi podkategorije';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_question'] = 'Pitanja';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_questioncategory'] = 'Kategorija pitanja';
$string[ 'sourcemodule_quiz'] = 'Odaberite igru';
$string[ 'sudoku_maxquestions'] = 'Maksimalan broj pitanja';
$string[ 'sudoku_options'] = 'opzioni del gioco del Sudoku';
$string[ 'toptext'] = 'testo in cima';
$string[ 'only_teachers'] = 'Samo učitelj može vidjeti ovu stranicu';
$string[ 'preview'] = 'Pregled';
$string[ 'attempts'] = 'Pokušaji';
$string[ 'completedon'] = 'Završeno';
$string[ 'outof'] = '{$a->grade} od maksimalno {$a->maxgrade}';
$string[ 'review'] = 'Pregled';
$string[ 'reviewofattempt'] = 'Pregled pokušaja {$a}';
$string[ 'startagain'] = 'Ponovo igraj';
$string[ 'timetaken'] = 'Proteklo vrijeme';
$string[ 'clearrepetitions'] = 'Clear statistics';
$string[ 'computerepetitions'] = 'ricalcola le statistiche';
$string[ 'feedbacks'] = 'Poruke ispravnih odgovora';
$string[ 'repetitions'] = 'ripetizioni';
$string[ 'lastip'] = 'Adresa računala';
$string[ 'showsolution'] = 'Rješenje';
$string[ 'timefinish'] = 'Kraj igre';
$string[ 'timelastattempt'] = 'Posljednji pokušaj';
$string[ 'timestart'] = 'Početak';
$string[ 'attemptgamenow'] = 'Pokušaj ponovo';
$string[ 'continueattemptgame'] = 'Nastavi sa prethodnim pokušajem ove igre';
$string[ 'reattemptgame'] = 'Ponovni pokušaj igre';
$string[ 'yourfinalgradeis'] = 'Vaša konačna ocjena za ovu igru je {$a}.';
//bookquiz/questions.php $string[ 'bookquiz_numquestions'] = 'Questions';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:attempt'] = 'Play game';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:deleteattempts'] = 'Delete attempts';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:grade'] = 'Grade games manually';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:manage'] = 'Manage';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage game overrides';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:preview'] = 'Preview Games';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:reviewmyattempts'] = 'reviewmyattempts';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:view'] = 'view';
//db/access.php $string[ 'game:viewreports'] = 'viewreports';
//hiddenpicture/play.php $string[ 'no_questions'] = "There are no questions";
//report/overview/report.php $string[ 'attemptduration'] = 'Attempt duration';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_dice'] = 'Dice, $a spots.';
//snakes/play.php $string[ 'snakes_player'] = 'Player, position: $a.';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_check'] = 'Check';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_correct'] = 'Correct!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_no_selection'] = 'Have to select something!';
//exporthtml_snakes.php $string[ 'html_snakes_wrong'] = "Your answer isn't correct. Stay on the same seat.";
//index.php $string[ 'helpbookquiz'] = 'When the student answers correct can go to the next chapter.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcross'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a random crossword puzzle. Teacher can set the maximum number of columns/rows or words that contains. Student can press the button “Check crossword” to check if the answers are correct. Every crossword is dynamic so it is different to every student.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpcryptex'] = 'This game is like a crossword but the answers are hidden inside a random cryptex.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphangman'] = 'This game takes words from either a Glossary or quiz short answer questions and generates a hangman puzzle. Teacher can set the number of words that each game contains, if shows the first or last letter, or if show the question or the answer at the end.';
//index.php $string[ 'helphiddenpicture'] = 'The hidden picture game uncovers each piece of a picture for each question correctly answered by the student. Each number in the hidden picture game displays a question to the student such that when the student answers the question correctly, the number is uncovered to display a piece of the picture.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpmillionaire'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly moves up to the next number in the game until the user has completed the questions. If a question is answered incorrectly, the game is over.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsnakes'] = 'A question is displayed to the student which if answered correctly, displays a number on the dice, then game piece moves up the number displayed on the dice.';
//index.php $string[ 'helpsudoku'] = 'This game shows a sudoku puzzle to the students with not enough numbers to allow it to be solved. For each question the student correctly answers an additional number is slotted into the puzzle to make it easier to solve.';
//index.php $string[ 'pluginadministration'] = 'Game administration';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_all'] = 'Delete tries from all games';
//lib.php $string[ 'reset_game_deleted_course'] = 'Delete tries from deleted courses';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout'] = 'Layout';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the book';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'bookquiz_options'] = 'Bookquiz options';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameclose'] = 'Close the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'gameopen'] = 'Open the game';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'hangman_maximum_number_of_errors'] = 'Maximum number or errors (have to be images named hangman_0.jpg, hangman_1.jpg, ...)';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_cols'] = 'Cols';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_data'] = 'Positions of Snakes and Ladders';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_file'] = 'File for background';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_footerx'] = 'Space at bootom left';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_footery'] = 'Space at bottom right';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_headerx'] = 'Space at up left';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_headery'] = 'Space at up right';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout0'] = 'Question at the top of the image';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_layout1'] = 'Question at the bottom of the image';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'snakes_rows'] = 'Rows';
//mod_form.php $string[ 'userdefined'] = 'User defined';
//review.php $string[ 'showall'] = 'Show all';
//view.php $string[ 'comment'] = 'Comment';
//view.php $string[ 'gameclosed'] = 'This game closed on {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamecloseson'] = 'This game will close at {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gamenotavailable'] = 'The game will not be available until {$a}';
//view.php $string[ 'gameopenedon'] = 'This game opened at {$a}';