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9 years ago
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* Edit History:
* Dick Munroe ( 02-Nov-2005
* Initial version created.
* Dick Munroe ( 12-Nov-2005
* Allow initialzePuzzle to accept a file name in addition
* to a resource. Windows doesn't do file redirection properly
* so the examples have to be able to handle a file NAME as
* input as well as a redirected file.
* Allow initializePuzzle to accept a string of 81 characters.
* Dick Munroe ( 13-Nov-2005
* It appears that getBoardAsString screws up somehow. Rewrite it.
* Dick Munroe ( 16-Nov-2005
* Add a "pair" inference.
* Dick Munroe ( 17-Nov-2005
* Add comments to input files.
* There was a bug in _applyTuple that caused premature exiting of the inference
* engine.
* If SDD isn't present, don't display error.
* Dick Munroe ( 19-Nov-2005
* Add a new tuple inference.
* Do a ground up ObjectS oriented redesign to make the addition of arbitrary
* inferences MUCH easier.
* Get the printing during solving right.
* Somehow array_equal developed a "bug".
* Dick Munroe ( 22-Nov-2005
* Add n,n+1 tuple recognition for n=2.
* Restructure inference engine to get maximum benefit out of each pass.
* Dick Munroe ( 28-Nov-2005
* Attempt to build harder Sudoku by implementing a coupling coefficient
* attempting to distribute clues more optimally.
* @author Dick Munroe <>
* @copyright copyright @ 2005 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
* @license
* @version 2.2.0
* @package Sudoku
* Basic functionality needed for ObjectSs in the Sudoku solver.
* Technically speaking these aren't restricted to the Sudoku classes
* and are of use generally.
* @package Sudoku
class ObjectS {
* @desc Are two array's equal (have the same contents).
* @param array
* @param array
* @return boolean
public function array_equal($thearray1, $thearray2) {
if (!(is_array($thearray1) && is_array($thearray2))) {
return false;
if (count($thearray1) != count($thearray2)) {
return false;
$xxx = array_diff($thearray1, $thearray2);
return (count($xxx) == 0);
* Deep copy anything.
* @access public
* @param array $theArray [optional] Something to be deep copied. [Default is the current
* ObjectS.
* @return mixed The deep copy of the input. All references embedded within
* the array have been resolved into copies allowing things like the
* board array to be copied.
public function deepcopy($thearray = null) {
if ($thearray === null) {
return unserialize(serialize($this));
} else {
return unserialize(serialize($thearray));
* @desc Debugging output interface.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theValue The "thing" to be pretty printed.
* @param boolean $theHTMLFlag True if the output will be seen in a browser, false otherwise.
public function print_d(&$thevalue, $thehtmlflag = true) {
print SDD::dump($thevalue, $thehtmlflag);
* The individual cell on the Sudoku board.
* These cells aren't restricted to 9x9 Sudoku (although pretty much everything else
* at the moment). This class provides the state manipulation and searching capabilities
* needed by the inference engine (class RCS).
* @package Sudoku
class Cell extends ObjectS {
protected $r;
protected $c;
protected $state = array();
protected $applied = false;
* @desc Constructor
* @param integer $r row address of this cell (not used, primarily for debugging purposes).
* @param integer $c column address of this cell (ditto).
* @param integer $nStates The number of states each cell can have. Looking forward to
* implementing Super-doku.
public function cell($r, $c, $nstates = 9) {
$this->r = $r;
$this->c = $c;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nstates; $i++) {
$this->state[$i] = $i;
* @desc This cell has been "applied", i.e., solved, to the board.
public function applied() {
$this->applied = true;
* Only those cells which are not subsets of the tuple have the
* contents of the tuple removed.
* @desc apply a 23Tuple to a cell.
* @access public
* @param array $aTuple the tuple to be eliminated.
public function apply23tuple($atuple) {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
$xxx = array_intersect($this->state, $atuple);
if ((count($xxx) > 0) && (count($xxx) != count($this->state))) {
return $this->un_set($atuple);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* For more details on the pair tuple algorithm, see RCS::_pairSolution.
* @desc Remove all values in the tuple, but only if the cell is a superset.
* @access public
* @param array A tuple to be eliminated from the cell's state.
public function applytuple($atuple) {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (!$this->array_equal($atuple, $this->state)) {
return $this->un_set($atuple);
return false;
* @desc Return the string representation of the cell.
* @access public
* @param boolean $theFlag true if the intermediate states of the cell are to be visible.
* @return string
public function asstring($theflag = false) {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (($theflag) || (count($this->state) == 1)) {
return implode(", ", $this->state);
} else {
return " ";
} else {
return $this->state;
* Used to make sure that solved positions show up at print time.
* The value is used as a candidate for "slicing and dicing" by elimination in
* Sudoku::_newSolvedPosition.
* @desc Assert pending solution.
* @access public
* @param integer $value The value for the solved position.
public function flagsolvedposition($value) {
$this->state = array($value => $value);
* @desc return the state of a cell.
* @access protected
* @return mixed Either solved state or array of state pending solution.
public function &getstate() {
return $this->state;
* @desc Has the state of this cell been applied to the board.
* @access public
* @return boolean True if it has, false otherwise. Implies that IsSolved is true as well.
public function isapplied() {
return $this->applied;
* @desc Has this cell been solved?
* @access public
* @return boolean True if this cell has hit a single state.
public function issolved() {
return !is_array($this->state);
* This is used primarily by the pretty printer, but has other applications
* in the code.
* @desc Return information about the state of a cell.
* @access public
* @return integer 0 => the cell has been solved.
* 1 => the cell has been solved but not seen a solved.
* 2 => the cell has not been solved.
public function solvedstate() {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (count($this->state) == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
} else {
return 0;
* This is the negative inference of Sudoku. By eliminating values the
* cells approach solutions. Once a cell has been completely eliminated,
* the value causing the complete elimination must be the solution and the
* cell is promoted into the solved state.
* @desc Eliminate one or more values from the state information of the cell.
* @access public
* @param mixed The value or values to be removed from the cell state.
* @return boolean True if the cell state was modified, false otherwise.
public function un_set($thevalues) {
if (is_array($thevalues)) {
$thereturn = false;
foreach ($thevalues as $thevalue) {
$thereturn |= $this->un_set($thevalue);
return $thereturn;
if (is_array($this->state)) {
$thereturn = isset($this->state[$thevalues]);
if (count($this->state) == 0) {
$this->state = $thevalues;
return $thereturn;
} else {
return false;
* The individual row column or square on the Sudoku board.
* @package Sudoku
class rcs extends ObjectS{
protected $theindex;
protected $therow = array();
protected $theheader = "";
protected $thetag = "";
* This
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
* @param ObjectS $a1..9 of class Cell. The cells comprising this entity. This interface is what
* limts things to 9x9 Sudoku currently.
public function rcs($thetag, $theindex, &$a1, &$a2, &$a3, &$a4, &$a5, &$a6, &$a7, &$a8, &$a9) {
$this->thetag = $thetag;
$this->theindex = $theindex;
$this->therow[1] = &$a1;
$this->therow[2] = &$a2;
$this->therow[3] = &$a3;
$this->therow[4] = &$a4;
$this->therow[5] = &$a5;
$this->therow[6] = &$a6;
$this->therow[7] = &$a7;
$this->therow[8] = &$a8;
$this->therow[9] = &$a9;
* There is a special case that comes up a lot in Sudoku. If there
* are values i, j, k and cells of the form (i, j), (j, k), (i, j, k)
* the the values i, j, and k cannot appear in any other cells. The
* proof is a simple "by contradiction" proof. Assume that the values
* do occur elsewhere and you always get a contradiction for these
* three cells. I'm pretty sure that this is a general rule, but for
* 9x9 Sudoku, they probably aren't of interested.
* @desc
* @access private
* @return boolean True if a 23 solution exists and has been applied.
public function _23solution() {
$thecounts = array();
$thetuples = array();
$theunsolved = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$j = count($this->theRow[$i]->getState());
$thecounts[ $j][] = $i;
if (array_key_exists( 2, $thecounts) and array_key_exists( 3, $thecounts)) {
if ((count($thecounts[2]) < 2) || (count($thecounts[3]) < 1)) {
return false;
* Look at each pair of 2 tuples and see if their union exists in the 3 tuples.
* If so, eliminate everything from the set and bail.
$the2tuples = &$thecounts[2];
$the3tuples = &$thecounts[3];
$thecount2 = count($the2tuples);
$thecount3 = count($the3tuples);
for ($i = 0; $i < $thecount2 - 1; $i++) {
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $thecount2; $j++) {
$xxx = array_unique(array_merge($this->therow[$the2tuples[$i]]->getstate(),
for ($k = 0; $k < $thecount3; $k++) {
if ($this->array_equal($xxx, $this->therow[$the3tuples[$k]]->getstate())) {
$thetuples[] = $xxx;
* Since it takes 3 cells to construct the 23 tuple, unless there are more than 3
* unsolved cells, further work doesn't make any sense.
$thereturn = false;
if ((count($thetuples) != 0) && ($theunsolved > 3)) {
foreach ($thetuples as $atuple) {
foreach ($this->therow as $thecell) {
$thereturn |= $thecell->apply23tuple($atuple);
if ($thereturn) {
$this->theheader[] = sprintf("<br />Apply %s[%d] 23 Tuple Inference:", $this->thetag, $this->theindex);
return $thereturn;
* @desc apply a tuple to exclude items from within the row/column/square.
* @param array $aTuple the tuple to be excluded.
* @access private
* @return boolean true if anything changes.
protected function _applytuple(&$atuple) {
$thereturn = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$thereturn |= $this->therow[$i]->applytuple( $atuple);
return $thereturn;
* This is a placeholder to be overridden to calculate the "coupling" for
* a cell. Coupling is defined to be the sum of the sizes of the intersection
* between this cell and all others in the row/column/square. This provides
* a metric for deciding placement of clues within puzzles. In effect, this
* forces the puzzle generator to select places for new clues depending upon
* how little information is changed by altering the state of a cell. The larger
* the number returned by the coupling, function, the less information is currently
* available for the state of the cell. By selecting areas with the least information
* the clue sets are substantially smaller than simple random placement.
* @desc Calculate the coupling for a cell within the row/column/square.
* @access abstract
* @param integer $theRow the row coordinate on the board of the cell.
* @param integer $theColumn the column coordinate on the board of the cell.
* @return integer the degree of coupling between the cell and the rest of the cells
* within the row/column/square.
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
return 0;
* I think that the goal of the inference engine is to eliminate
* as much "junk" state as possible on each pass. Therefore the
* order of the inferences should be 23 tuple, pair, unique because
* the 23 tuple allows you to eliminate 3 values (if it works), and the
* pair (generally) only 2. The unique solution adds no new information.
* @desc Run the inference engine for a row/column/square.
* @access public
* @param array theRow A row/column/square data structure.
* @param string theType A string merged with the standard headers during
* intermediate solution printing.
* @return boolean True when at least one inference has succeeded.
public function doaninference() {
$this->theheader = null;
$thereturn = $this->_23solution();
$thereturn |= $this->_pairsolution();
$thereturn |= $this->_uniquesolution();
return $thereturn;
* @desc Find all tuples with the same contents.
* @param array Array of n size tuples.
* @returns array of tuples that appear the same number of times as the size of the contents
public function _findtuples(&$thearray) {
$thereturn = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($thearray); $i++) {
$thecount = 1;
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($thearray); $j++) {
$s1 = &$this->theRow[$thearray[$i]];
$s1 =& $s1->getstate();
$s2 = &$this->therow[$thearray[$j]];
$s2 =& $s2->getstate();
$acount = count($s1);
if ($this->array_equal($s1, $s2)) {
if ($thecount == $acount) {
$thereturn[] = $s1;
return $thereturn;
* @desc Get a reference to the specified cell.
* @access public
* @return reference to ObjectS of class Cell.
public function &getcell($i) {
return $this->therow[$i];
* @desc Get the header set by the last call to doAnInference.
public function getheader() {
return $this->theheader;
* Turns out if you every find a position of n squares which can only contain
* the same values, then those values cannot appear elsewhere in the structure.
* This is a second positive inference that provides additional negative information.
* Thanks to Ghica van Emde Boas (also an author of a Sudoku class) for convincing
* me that these situations really occurred.
* @desc Eliminate tuple-locked alternatives.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if something changed.
protected function _pairsolution() {
$thecounts = array();
$thetuples = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$c = &$this->therow[$i];
$thecounts[count($c->getstate())][] = $i;
** Get rid of any set of counts which cannot possibly meet the
** requirements.
$thepossibilities = $thecounts;
foreach ($thecounts as $thekey => $thevalue) {
if (count($thevalue) < $thekey) {
if (count($thepossibilities) == 0) {
return false;
* At this point there are 1 or more tuples which MAY satisfy the conditions.
$thereturn = false;
foreach ($thepossibilities as $thevalue) {
$thetuples = $this->_findtuples($thevalue);
if (count($thetuples) != 0) {
foreach ($thetuples as $atuple) {
$thereturn |= $this->_applyruple($atuple);
if ($thereturn) {
$this->theheader[] = sprintf("<br />Apply %s[%d] Pair Inference:", $this->thetag, $this->theindex);
return $thereturn;
public function un_set($thevalues) {
$thereturn = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$c = &$this->therow[$i];
$thereturn |= $c->un_set($thevalues);
return $thereturn;
* Find a solution to a row/column/square.
* Find any unique numbers within the row/column/square under consideration.
* Look through a row structure for a value that appears in only one cell.
* When you find one, that's a solution for that cell.
* There is a second inference that can be taken. Given "n" cells in a row/column/square
* and whose values can only consist of a set of size "n", then those values may obtain
* there and ONLY there and may be eliminated from consideration in the rest of the set.
* For example, if two cells must contain the values 5 or 6, then no other cell in that
* row/column/square may contain those values, similarly for 3 cells, etc.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if one or more values in the RCS has changed state.
protected function _uniquesolution() {
$theset = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$c = &$this->therow[$i];
if (!$c->issolved()) {
foreach ($c->getstate() as $thevalue) {
$theset[$thevalue][] = $i;
* If there were no unsolved positions, then we're done and nothing has
* changed.
if (count($theset) == 0) {
return false;
* Pull out all those keys having only one occurrance in the RCS.
foreach ($theset as $thekey => $thevalues) {
if (count($thevalues) != 1) {
* If there aren't any unique values, we're done.
if (count($theset) == 0) {
return false;
foreach ($theset as $thevalue => $theindex) {
$this->theheader[] = sprintf("<br />Apply %s[%d] Unique Inference:", $this->thetag, $this->theindex);
return true;
* @desc Check to see if the RCS contains a valid state.
* @access public
* @return boolean True if the state of the RCS could be part of a valid
* solution, false otherwise.
public function validatesolution() {
$thenewset = array();
foreach ($this->therow as $thecell) {
if ($thecell->solvedstate() == 0) {
$thenewset[] = $thecell->getstate();
$xxx = array_unique($thenewset);
return (count($xxx) == count($this->therow));
* Validate a part of a trial solution.
* Check a row/column/square to see if there are any invalidations on this solution.
* Only items that are actually solved are compared. This is used during puzzle
* generation.
* @access public
* @return True if the input parameter contains a valid solution, false otherwise.
public function validatetrialsolution() {
$thenewset = array();
foreach ($this->therow as $thecell) {
if ($thecell->solvedstate() == 0) {
$thenewset[] = $thecell->getstate();
$xxx = array_unique($thenewset);
return ((count($xxx) == count($thenewset) ? true : false));
* Row ObjectS.
* @package Sudoku
class r extends rcs {
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
* @param ObjectS $a1..9 of class Cell. The cells comprising this entity. This interface is what
* limts things to 9x9 Sudoku currently.
public function r($thetag, $theindex, &$a1, &$a2, &$a3, &$a4, &$a5, &$a6, &$a7, &$a8, &$a9) {
$this->rcs($thetag, $theindex, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9);
* @see RCS::coupling
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
return $thestate = $this->_coupling($thecolumn);
* @see RCS::coupling
* @desc Heavy lifting for row/column coupling calculations.
* @access private
* @param integer $theIndex the index of the cell within the row or column.
* @return integer the "coupling coefficient" for the cell. The sum of the
* sizes of the intersection between this and all other
* cells in the row or column.
protected function _coupling($theindex) {
$thecommonstate =& $this->getCell($theindex);
$thecommonstate =& $thecommonstate->getstate();
$thecoupling = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($this->therow); $i++) {
if ($i != $theindex) {
$thecell =& $this->getcell($i);
if ($thecell->solvedstate() != 0) {
$thecoupling += count(array_intersect($thecommonstate, $thecell->getstate()));
return $thecoupling;
* The column ObjectS.
* @package Sudoku
class c extends r {
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
* @param ObjectS $a1..9 of class Cell. The cells comprising this entity. This interface is what
* limts things to 9x9 Sudoku currently.
public function c($thetag, $theindex, &$a1, &$a2, &$a3, &$a4, &$a5, &$a6, &$a7, &$a8, &$a9) {
$this->r($thetag, $theindex, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9);
* @see R::coupling
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
return $thestate = $this->_coupling($therow);
* The Square ObjectS.
* @package Sudoku
class s extends rcs {
* The cells within the 3x3 sudoku which participate in the coupling calculation for a square.
* Remember that the missing cells have already participated in the row or column coupling
* calculation.
* @access private
* @var array
protected $thecouplingorder = array( 1 => array(5, 6, 8, 9),
2 => array(4, 6, 7, 9),
3 => array(4, 5, 7, 8),
4 => array(2, 3, 8, 9),
5 => array(1, 3, 7, 9),
6 => array(1, 2, 7, 8),
7 => array(2, 3, 5, 6),
8 => array(1, 3, 4, 6),
9 => array(1, 2, 4, 5));
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
* @param ObjectS $a1..9 of class Cell. The cells comprising this entity. This interface is what
* limts things to 9x9 Sudoku currently.
public function s($thetag, $theindex, &$a1, &$a2, &$a3, &$a4, &$a5, &$a6, &$a7, &$a8, &$a9) {
$this->rcs($thetag, $theindex, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9);
* @see RCS::coupling
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
$theindex = ((($therow - 1) % 3) * 3) + (($thecolumn - 1) % 3) + 1;
$thecommonstate =& $this->getcell($theindex);
$thecommonstate =& $thecommonstate->getstate();
$thecoupling = 0;
foreach ($this->thecouplingorder[$theindex] as $i) {
$thecell =& $this->getcell($i);
if ($thecell->solvedstate() != 0) {
$thecoupling += count(array_intersect($thecommonstate, $thecell->getstate()));
return $thecoupling;
* Solve and generate Sudoku puzzles.
* Solve and generate Sudoku. A simple output interface is provided for
* web pages. The primary use of this class is as infra-structure for
* Sudoku game sites.
* The solver side of this class (solve) relies on the usual characteristic
* of logic puzzles, i.e., at any point in time there is one (or more)
* UNIQUE solution to some part of the puzzle. This solution can be
* applied, then iterated upon to find the next part of the puzzle. A
* properly constructed Sudoku can have only one solution which guarangees
* that this is the case. (Sudoku with multiple solutions will always
* require guessing at some point which is specifically disallowed by
* the rules of Sudoku).
* While the solver side is algorithmic, the generator side is much more
* difficult and, in fact, the generation of Sudoku appears to be NP
* complete. That being the case, I observed that most successful
* generated initial conditions happened quickly, typically with < 40
* iterations. So the puzzle generator runs "for a while" until it
* either succeeds or doesn't generated a solveable puzzle. If we get
* to that position, I just retry and so far I've always succeeded in
* generating an initial state. Not guarateed, but in engineering terms
* "close enough".
* @package Sudoku
* @example ./example.php
* @example ./example1.php
* @example ./example2.php
* @example ./example3.php
class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* An array of Cell ObjectSs, organized into rows and columns.
* @access private
* @var array of ObjectSs of type Cell.
protected $theboard = array();
* True if debugging output is to be provided during a run.
* @access private
* @var boolean
protected $thedebug = false;
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each row.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type R
protected $therows = array();
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each Column.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type C
private $thecolumns = array();
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each square.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type S
protected $thesquares = array();
* Used during puzzle generation for debugging output. There may
* eventually be some use of theLevel to figure out where to stop
* the backtrace when puzzle generation fails.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thelevel = 0;
* Used during puzzle generation to determine when the generation
* will fail. Failure, in this case, means to take a LONG time. The
* backtracing algorithm used in the puzzle generator will always find
* a solution, it just might take a very long time. This is a way to
* limit the damage before taking another guess.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $themaxiterations = 50;
* Used during puzzle generation to limit the number of trys at
* generation a puzzle in the event puzzle generation fails
* (@see Suduko::$theMaxIterations). I've never seen more than
* a couple of failures in a row, so this should be sufficient
* to get a puzzle generated.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thetrys = 10;
* Used during puzzle generation to count the number of iterations
* during puzzle generation. It the number gets above $theMaxIterations,
* puzzle generation has failed and another try is made.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thegenerationiterations = 0;
public function sudoku($thedebug = false) {
$this->thedebug = $thedebug;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
$this->theboard[$i][$j] = new cell($i, $j);
* Apply a pending solved position to the row/square/column.
* At this point, the board has been populated with any pending solutions.
* This applies the "negative" inference that no row, column, or square
* containing the value within the cell.
* @access private
* @param integer $row The row of the board's element whose value is now fixed.
* @param integer $col The column of the board's element whose value is now fixed.
protected function _applysolvedposition($row, $col) {
$thevalue = $this->theboard[$row][$col]->getstate();
* No other cell in the row, column, or square can take on the value "value" any longer.
$i = (((int)(($row - 1) / 3)) * 3);
$i = $i + ((int)(($col - 1) / 3)) + 1;
* @desc Apply all pending solved positions to the board.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if at least one solved position was applied, false
* otherwise.
protected function _applysolvedpositions() {
$thereturn = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
if (!$this->theboard[$i][$j]->isapplied()) {
if ($this->theboard[$i][$j]->solvedstate() == 0) {
$this->_applysolvedposition($i, $j);
* Update the solved position matrix and make sure that the board actually
* has a value in place.
$thereturn = true;
return $thereturn;
* @desc build the row/column/square structures for the board.
* @access private
protected function _buildrcs() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$this->therows[$i] = new r("Row",
$this->thecolumns[$i] = new C("Column",
$r = ((int)(($i - 1) / 3)) * 3;
$c = (($i - 1) % 3) * 3;
$this->thesquares[$i] = new S("Square",
$this->theboard[$r + 1][$c + 1],
$this->theboard[$r + 1][$c + 2],
$this->theboard[$r + 1][$c + 3],
$this->theboard[$r + 2][$c + 1],
$this->theboard[$r + 2][$c + 2],
$this->theboard[$r + 2][$c + 3],
$this->theboard[$r + 3][$c + 1],
$this->theboard[$r + 3][$c + 2],
$this->theboard[$r + 3][$c + 3]);
* Seek alternate solutions in a solution set.
* Given a solution, see if there are any alternates within the solution.
* In theory this should return the "minimum" solution given any solution.
* @access public
* @param array $theInitialState (@see Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray)
* @return array A set of triples containing the minimum solution.
public function findalternatesolution($theinitialstate) {
$j = count($theinitialstate);
for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
$xxx = $theinitialstate;
$xxx = array_splice($xxx, $i, 1);
if ($this->solve()) {
return $this->findalternatesolution($xxx);
return $theinitialstate;
* Initialize Sudoku puzzle generation and generate a puzzle.
* Turns out that while the solution of Sudoku is mechanical, the creation of
* Sudoku is an NP-Complete problem. Which means that I can use the inference
* engine to help generate puzzles, but I need to test the solution to see if
* I've gone wrong and back up and change my strategy. So something in the
* recursive descent arena will be necessary. Since the generation can take
* a long time to force a solution, it's easier to probe for a solution
* if you go "too long".
* @access public
* @param integer $theDifficultyLevel [optional] Since virtually everybody who
* plays sudoku wants a variety of difficulties this controls that.
* 1 is the easiest, 10 the most difficult. The easier Sudoku have
* extra information.
* @param integer $theMaxInterations [optional] Controls the number of iterations
* before the puzzle generator gives up and trys a different set
* of initial parameters.
* @param integer $theTrys [optional] The number of attempts at resetting the
* initial parameters before giving up.
* @return array A set of triples suitable for initializing a new Sudoku class
* (@see Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray).
public function generatepuzzle($thedifficultylevel = 10, $themaxiterations = 50, $thetrys = 10) {
$thedifficultylevel = min($thedifficultylevel, 10);
$thedifficultylevel = max($thedifficultylevel, 1);
$this->thelevel = 0;
$this->thetrys = $thetrys;
$this->themaxiterations = $themaxiterations;
$this->thegenerationiterations = 0;
for ($thetrys = 0; $thetrys < $this->thetrys; $thetrys++) {
$theavailablepositions = array();
$thecluespositions = array();
$theclues = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
$theavailablepositions[] = array($i, $j);
$theinitialstate = $this->_generatepuzzle($theavailablepositions, $thecluespositions, $theclues);
if ($theinitialstate) {
if ($thedifficultylevel != 10) {
$xxx = array();
foreach ($theinitialstate as $yyy) {
$xxx[] = (($yyy[0] - 1) * 9) + ($yyy[1] - 1);
* Get rid of the available positions already used in the initial state.
$xxx = array_reverse($xxx);
foreach ($xxx as $i) {
array_splice($theavailablepositions, $i, 1);
* Easy is defined as the number of derivable clues added to the minimum
* required information to solve the puzzle as returned by _generatePuzzle.
for ($i = 0; $i < (10 - $thedifficultylevel); $i++) {
$xxx = mt_rand(0, count($theavailablepositions) - 1);
$row = $theavailablepositions[$xxx][0];
$col = $theavailablepositions[$xxx][1];
$theinitialstate[] = array($row, $col, $this->theboard[$row][$col]);
array_splice($theavailablepositions, $xxx, 1);
return $theinitialstate;
if ($this->thedebug) {
printf("<br>Too many iterations (%d), %d\n", $this->themaxiterations, $thetrys);
* No solution possible, we guess wrong too many times.
return array();
* Sudoku puzzle generator.
* This is the routine that does the heavy lifting
* for the puzzle generation. It works by taking a guess for a value of a cell, applying
* the solver, testing the solution, and if it's a valid solution, calling itself
* recursively. If during this process, a solution cannot be found, the generator backs
* up (backtrace in Computer Science parlance) and trys another value. Since the generation
* appears to be an NP complete problem (according to the literature) limits on the number
* of iterations are asserted. Once these limits are passed, the generator gives up and
* makes another try. If enough tries are made, the generator gives up entirely.
* @access private
* @param array $theAvailablePositions A set of pairs for all positions which have not been
* filled by the solver or the set of guesses. When we run out of available
* positions, the solution is in hand.
* @param array $theCluesPositions A set of pairs for which values have been set by the
* puzzle generator.
* @param array $theClues A set of values for each pair in $theCluesPositions.
* @return array NULL array if no solution is possible, otherwise a set of triples
* suitable for feeding to {@link Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray}
protected function _generatepuzzle($theavailablepositions, $thecluespositions, $theclues) {
* Since the last solution sequence may have eliminated one or more positions by
* generating forced solutions for them, go through the list of available positions
* and get rid of any that have already been solved.
$j = count($theavailablepositions);
for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
if ($this->theboard[$theavailablepositions[$i][0]]
[$theavailablepositions[$i][1]]->isapplied()) {
array_splice($theavailablepositions, $i, 1);
$i = $i - 1;
$j = $j - 1;
if (count($theavailablepositions) == 0) {
* We're done, so we can return the clues and their positions to the caller.
* This test is being done here to accommodate the eventual implementation of
* generation from templates in which partial boards will be fed to the solver
* and then the remaining board fed in.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($thecluespositions); $i++) {
array_push($thecluespositions[$i], $theclues[$i]);
return $thecluespositions;
* Calculate the coupling for each available position.
* "coupling" is a measure of the amount of state affected by any change
* to a given cell. In effect, the larger the coupling, the less constrained
* the state of the cell is and the greater the effect of any change made to
* the cell. There is some literature to this effect associated with Roku puzzles
* (4x4 grid). I'm trying this attempting to find a way to generate consistently
* more difficult Sudoku and it seems to have worked; the clue count drops to 25 or
* fewer, more in line with the numbers predicted by the literature. The remainder
* of the work is likely to be associated with finding better algorithms to solve
* Sudoku (which would have the effect of generating harder ones).
$thecouplings = array();
foreach ($theavailablepositions as $xxx) {
$therowcoupling = $this->therows[$xxx[0]]->coupling($xxx[0], $xxx[1]);
$thecolumncoupling = $this->thecolumns[$xxx[1]]->coupling($xxx[0], $xxx[1]);
$thesquarecoupling = $this->thesquares[$this->_squareindex($xxx[0], $xxx[1])]->coupling($xxx[0], $xxx[1]);
$thecouplings[$therowcoupling + $thecolumncoupling + $thesquarecoupling][] = $xxx;
$themaximumcoupling = max(array_keys($thecouplings));
* Pick a spot on the board and get the clues set up.
$thechoice = mt_rand(0, count($thecouplings[$themaximumcoupling]) - 1;
$thecluespositions[] = $thecouplings[$themaximumcoupling][$thechoice];
$therow = $thecouplings[$themaximumcoupling][$thechoice][0];
$thecolumn = $thecouplings[$themaximumcoupling][$thechoice][1];
* Capture the necessary global state of the board
$thecurrentboard = $this->deepcopy($this->theboard);
* This is all possible states for the chosen cell. All values will be
* randomly tried to see if a solution results. If all solutions fail,
* the we'll back up in time and try again.
$thepossibleclues = array_keys($this->theboard[$therow][$thecolumn]->getstate());
while (count($thepossibleclues) != 0) {
if ($this->thegenerationiterations > $this->themaxiterations) {
$this->thelevel = $this->thelevel - 1;
return array();
$thecluechoice = mt_rand(0, count($thepossibleclues) - 1);
$thevalue = $thepossibleclues[$thecluechoice];
array_splice($thepossibleclues, $thecluechoice, 1);
$theclues[] = $thevalue;
if ($this->thedebug) {
printf("<br>(%03d, %03d) Trying (%d, %d) = %d\n", $this->theLevel,
$this->thegenerationiterations, $therow, $thecolumn, $thevalue);
$theflag = $this->solve(false);
if ($this->_validatetrialsolution()) {
if ($theflag) {
* We're done, so we can return the clues and their positions to the caller.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($thecluespositions); $i++) {
array_push($thecluespositions[$i], $theclues[$i]);
return $thecluespositions;
} else {
$xxx = $this->_generatepuzzle($theavailablepositions, $thecluespositions, $theclues);
if ($xxx) {
return $xxx;
* We failed of a solution, back out the state and try the next possible value
* for this position.
$this->theboard = $thecurrentboard;
$this->thelevel = $this->thelevel - 1;
* If we get here, we've tried all possible values remaining for the chosen
* position and couldn't get a solution. Back out and try something else.
return array();
* Return the contents of the board as a string of digits and blanks. Blanks
* are used where the corresponding board item is an array, indicating the cell
* has not yet been solved.
* @desc Get the current state of the board as a string.
* @access public
public function getboardasstring() {
$thestring = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
$thestring .= $this->theboard[$i][$j]->asstring();
return $thestring;
public function &getcell($r, $c) {
return $this->theboard[$r][$c];
* Each element of the input array is a triple consisting of (row, column, value).
* Each of these values is in the range 1..9.
* @access public
* @param array $theArray
public function initializepuzzlefromarray($thearray) {
foreach ($thearray as $xxx) {
$c =& $this->getcell($xxx[0], $xxx[1]);
* Initialize puzzle from an input file.
* The input file is a text file, blank or tab delimited, with each line being a
* triple consisting of "row column value". Each of these values is in the range
* 1..9. Input lines that are blank (all whitespace) or which begin with whitespace
* followed by a "#" character are ignored.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theHandle [optional] defaults to STDIN. If a string is passed
* instead of a file handle, the file is opened.
public function initializepuzzlefromfile($thehandle = STDIN) {
$theopenedfileflag = false;
* If a file name is passed instead of a resource, open the
* file and process it.
if (is_string($thehandle)) {
$thehandle = fopen($thehandle, "r");
if ($thehandle === false) {
$yyy = array();
if ($thehandle) {
while (!feof($thehandle)) {
$thestring = trim(fgets($thehandle));
if (($thestring != "") &&
(!preg_match('/^\s*#/', $thestring))) {
$xxx = preg_split('/\s+/', $thestring);
if (!feof($thehandle)) {
$yyy[] = array((int)$xxx[0], (int)$xxx[1], (int)$xxx[2]);
if ($theopenedfileflag) {
fclose( $thehandle);
* The input parameter consists of a string of 81 digits and blanks. If fewer characters
* are provide, the string is padded on the right.
* @desc Initialize puzzle from a string.
* @access public
* @param string $theString The initial state of each cell in the puzzle.
public function initializepuzzlefromstring($thestring) {
$thestring = str_pad($thestring, 81, " ");
for ($i = 0; $i < 81; $i++) {
if ($thestring{$i} != " ") {
$thearray[] = array((int)($i / 9) + 1, ($i % 9) + 1, (int)$thestring{$i});
* @desc predicate to determine if the current puzzle has been solved.
* @access public
* @return boolean true if the puzzle has been solved.
public function issolved() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
if (!$this->theboard[$i][$j]->issolved()) {
return false;
return true;
* Convert pending to actual solutions.
* This step is actually unnecessary unless you want a pretty output of the
* intermediate.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if at least on pending solution existed, false otherwise.
protected function _newsolvedposition() {
$thereturn = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
if ($this->theboard[$i][$j]->solvedstate() == 1) {
$thereturn = true;
return $thereturn;
* Print the contents of the board in HTML format.
* A "hook" so that extension classes can show all the steps taken by
* the solve function.
* @see SudokuIntermediateSolution.
* @access private
* @param string $theHeader [optional] The header line to be output along
* with the intermediate solution.
protected function _printintermediatesolution($theheader = null) {
if ($this->thedebug) {
$this->printsolution( $theheader);
* Print the contents of the board in HTML format.
* Simple output, is tailored by hand so that an initial state and
* a solution will find nicely upon a single 8.5 x 11 page of paper.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theHeader [optional] The header line[s] to be output along
* with the solution.
public function printsolution($theheader = null) {
if (($this->thedebug) && ($theheader != null)) {
if (is_array($theheader)) {
foreach ($theheader as $aheader) {
print $aheader;
} else {
print $theheader;
$thecolors = array("green", "blue", "red");
$thefontsize = array("1em", "1em", ".8em");
$thefontweight = array("bold", "bold", "lighter");
printf("<br /><table border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0px;\">\n");
$thelast = 2;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if ($thelast == 2) {
printf("<td><table border=\"1\" width=\"100%%\">\n");
$thelast1 = 2;
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
if ($thelast1 == 2) {
$c = &$this->thesquares[$i];
$c =& $c->getcell($j);
$thesolvedstate = $c->solvedstate();
printf("<td style=\"text-align: center; padding: .6em; color: %s; font-weight: %s; font-size: %s;\">",
$xxx = $c->asstring($this->thedebug);
print ($xxx == " " ? "&nbsp;" : $xxx);
$thelast1 = ($j - 1) % 3;
if ($thelast1 == 2) {
$thelast = ($i - 1) % 3;
if ($thelast == 2) {
* Solve a Sudoku.
* As explained earlier, this works by iterating upon three different
* types of inference:
* 1. A negative one, in which a value used within a row/column/square
* may not appear elsewhere within the enclosing row/column/square.
* 2. A positive one, in which any value with is unique in a row
* or column or square must be the solution to that position.
* 3. A tuple based positive one which comes in a number of flavors:
* 3a. The "Pair" rule as stated by the author of the "other" Sudoku
* class on and generalized by me, e.g., in any RCS
* two cells containing a pair of values eliminate those values from
* consideration in the rest of the RC or S.
* 3b. The n/n+1 set rule as discovered by me, e.g., in any RCS, three cells
* containing the following pattern, (i, j)/(j, k)/(i, j, k) eliminate
* the values i, j, k from consideration in the rest of the RC or S.
* During processing I explain which structures (row, column, square)
* are being used to infer solutions.
* @access public
* @param boolean $theInitialStateFlag [optional] True if the initial
* state of the board is to be printed upon entry, false
* otherwise. [Default = true]
* @return boolean true if a solution was possible, false otherwise.
public function solve($theinitialstateflag = true) {
$theheader = "<br />Initial Position:";
do {
do {
if ($theinitialstateflag) {
$theheader = null;
} else {
$theinitialstateflag = true;
$theheader = "<br />Apply Slice and Dice:";
} while ($this->_newsolvedposition());
$therowiteration = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if ($this->theRows[$i]->doninference()) {
$theheader = $this->therows[$i]->getheader();
$therowiteration = true;
$thecolumniteration = false;
if (!$therowiteration) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if ($this->thecolumns[$i]->doaninference()) {
$theheader = $this->thecolumns[$i]->getheader();
$thecolumniteration = true;
$thesquareiteration = false;
if (!($therowiteration || $thecolumniteration)) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if ($this->thesquares[$i]->doaninference()) {
$theheader = $this->thesquares[$i]->getheader();
$thesquareiteration = true;
} while ($therowiteration || $thecolumniteration || $thesquareiteration);
return $this->issolved();
* Here there be dragons. In conversations with other Sudoku folks, I find that there ARE Sudoku with
* unique solutions for which a clue set may be incomplete, i.e., does not lead to a solution. The
* solution may only be found by guessing the next move. I'm of the opinion that this violates the
* definition of Sudoku (in which it's frequently said "never guess") but if it's possible to find
* a solution, this will do it.
* The problem is that it can take a LONG time if there ISN'T a solution since this is basically a
* backtracing solution trier.
* The basic algorithm is pretty simple:
* 1. Find the first unsolved cell.
* 2. For every possible value, substutite value for the cell, apply inferences.
* 3. If a solution was found, we're done.
* 4. Recurse looking for the next cell to try a value for.
* There's a bit of bookkeeping to keep the state right when backing up, but that's pretty
* straightforward and looks a lot like that of generatePuzzle.
* @desc Brute force additional solutions.
* @access public
* @returns array The clues added sufficient to solve the puzzle.
public function solvebruteforce($i = 1, $j = 1) {
for (; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for (; $j <= 9; $j++) {
if ($this->theboard[$i][$j]->solvedstate() != 0) {
if ($this->thedebug) {
printf("<br />Applying Brute Force to %d, %d\n", $i, $j);
$thecurrentboard = $this->deepcopy($this->theboard);
$thevalues = $this->theboard[$i][$j]->getstate();
foreach ($thevalues as $thevalue) {
$thesolutionflag = $this->solve();
$thetrialsolutionflag = $this->_validatetrialsolution();
if ($thetrialsolutionflag && $thesolutionflag) {
return array(array($i, $j, $thevalue));
if ($thetrialsolutionflag) {
$thenewguesses = $this->solvebruteForce($i, $j + 1);
if ($thenewguesses) {
$thenewguesses[] = array($i, $j, $thevalue);
return $thenewguesses;
if ($this->thedebug) {
printf("<br />Backing out\n");
$this->theboard = $thecurrentboard;
return array();
* @desc Calculate the index of the square containing a specific cell.
* @param integer $theRow the row coordinate.
* @param integer $theColumn the column coordinate.
* @return integer the square index in the range 1..9
protected function _squareindex($therow, $thecolumn) {
$theindex = ((int)(($therow - 1) / 3) * 3) + (int)(($thecolumn - 1) / 3) + 1;
return $theindex;
* Validate a complete solution.
* After a complete solution has been generated check the board and
* report any inconsistencies. This is primarily intended for debugging
* purposes.
* @access public
* @return mixed true if the solution is valid, an array containing the
* error details.
public function validatesolution() {
$thereturn = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if (!$this->therows[$i]->validatesolution()) {
$thereturn[0][] = $i;
if (!$this->thecolumns[$i]->validatesolution()) {
$thereturn[1][] = $i;
if (!$this->thesquares[$i]->validatesolution()) {
$thereturn[2][] = $i;
return (count($thereturn) == 0 ? true : $thereturn);
* Validate an entire trial solution.
* Used during puzzle generation to determine when to backtrace.
* @access private
* @return True when the intermediate soltuion is valid, false otherwise.
protected function _validatetrialsolution() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if (!(($this->therows[$i]->validatetrialsolution()) &&
($this->thecolumns[$i]->validatetrialsolution()) &&
($this->thesquares[$i]->validatetrialsolution()))) {
return false;
return true;
* Extend Sudoku to generate puzzles based on templates.
* Templates are either input files or arrays containing doubles.
* @package Sudoku
class SudokuTemplates extends Sudoku
public function sudokutemplates($theDebug = false) {
public function generatepuzzlefromfile($thehandle = STDIN, $thedifficultylevel = 10) {
$yyy = array();
if ($thehandle) {
while (!feof($thehandle)) {
$thestring = trim(fgets($thehandle));
$xxx = preg_split("/\s+/", $thestring);
if (!feof($thehandle)) {
$yyy[] = array((int)$xxx[0], (int)$xxx[1]);
return $this->generatepuzzlefromarray($yyy, $thedifficultylevel);
public function generatepuzzlefromarray($thearray, $thedifficultylevel = 10) {
$this->_generatepuzzle($thearray, array(), array());
** Because the generation process may infer values for some of the
** template cells, we construct the clues from the board and the
** input array before continuing to generate the puzzle.
foreach ($thearray as $thekey => $theposition) {
$thetemplateclues[] = array($theposition[0], $theposition[1], $this->theboard[$theposition[0]][$theposition[1]]);
$theotherclues = $this->generatepuzzle($thedifficultylevel);
return array_merge($thetemplateclues, $theotherclues);
* Extend Sudoku to print all intermediate results.
* @package Sudoku
class sudokuintermediatesolution extends sudoku {
public function sudokuintermediateresults($thedebug = false) {
protected function _printintermediatesolution($theheader = null) {
function make_seed() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);