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1102 lines
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1102 lines
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13 years ago
<?php // $Id: lib.php,v 1.36 2012/07/25 11:16:03 bdaloukas Exp $
* Library of functions and constants for module game
* @author
* @version $Id: lib.php,v 1.36 2012/07/25 11:16:03 bdaloukas Exp $
* @package game
/// CONSTANTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Options determining how the grades from individual attempts are combined to give
* the overall grade for a user
define('GAME_ATTEMPTLAST', 4);
* The different review options are stored in the bits of $game->review
* These constants help to extract the options
* The first 6 bits refer to the time immediately after the attempt
* the next 6 bits refer to the time after the attempt but while the game is open
define('GAME_REVIEW_OPEN', 0xfc0);
* the final 6 bits refer to the time after the game closes
define('GAME_REVIEW_CLOSED', 0x3f000);
// within each group of 6 bits we determine what should be shown
define('GAME_REVIEW_RESPONSES', 1*0x1041); // Show responses
define('GAME_REVIEW_SCORES', 2*0x1041); // Show scores
define('GAME_REVIEW_FEEDBACK', 4*0x1041); // Show feedback
define('GAME_REVIEW_ANSWERS', 8*0x1041); // Show correct answers
// Some handling of worked solutions is already in the code but not yet fully supported
// and not switched on in the user interface.
define('GAME_REVIEW_SOLUTIONS', 16*0x1041); // Show solutions
define('GAME_REVIEW_GENERALFEEDBACK', 32*0x1041); // Show general feedback
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
* will create a new instance and return the id number
* of the new instance.
* @param object $instance An object from the form in mod.html
* @return int The id of the newly inserted game record
function game_add_instance($game) {
global $DB;
$game->timemodified = time();
game_before_add_or_update( $game);
# May have to add extra stuff in here #
$id = $DB->insert_record("game", $game);
$game = $DB->get_record_select( 'game', "id=$id");
// Do the processing required after an add or an update.
game_grade_item_update( $game);
return $id;
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
* will update an existing instance with new data.
* @param object $instance An object from the form in mod.html
* @return boolean Success/Fail
function game_update_instance($game) {
global $DB;
$game->timemodified = time();
$game->id = $game->instance;
if( !isset( $game->glossarycategoryid)){
$game->glossarycategoryid = 0;
if( !isset( $game->glossarycategoryid2)){
$game->glossarycategoryid2 = 0;
if( $game->grade == ''){
$game->grade = 0;
if( !isset( $game->param1)){
$game->param1 = 0;
if( $game->param1 == ''){
$game->param1 = 0;
if( !isset( $game->param2)){
$game->param2 = 0;
if( $game->param2 == ''){
$game->param2 = 0;
if( !isset( $game->questioncategoryid)){
$game->questioncategoryid = 0;
game_before_add_or_update( $game);
if( !$DB->update_record("game", $game)){
return false;
// Do the processing required after an add or an update.
game_grade_item_update( $game);
return true;
function game_before_add_or_update(&$game) {
if( isset( $game->questioncategoryid))
$pos = strpos( $game->questioncategoryid, ',');
if( $pos != false)
$game->questioncategoryid = substr( $game->questioncategoryid, 0, $pos);
if( $game->gamekind == 'millionaire')
$pos = strpos( '-'.$game->param8, '#');
if( $pos > 0)
$game->param8 = hexdec(substr( $game->param8, $pos));
}else if( $game->gamekind == 'snakes')
$s = '';
if( $game->param3 == 0)
//means user defined
$draftitemid = $game->param4;
if( isset( $game->id))
$cmg = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $game->id, $game->course);
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmg->id);
$attachmentoptions=array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxbytes' => 9999999, 'maxfiles' => 1);
file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $modcontext->id, 'mod_game', 'snakes_file', $game->id, array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxbytes' => 9999999, 'maxfiles' => 1));
$game->param5 = 1;
if( isset( $_POST[ 'snakes_cols']))
$fields = array( 'snakes_data', 'snakes_cols', 'snakes_rows', 'snakes_headerx', 'snakes_headery', 'snakes_footerx', 'snakes_footery', 'snakes_width', 'snakes_height');
foreach( $fields as $f)
$s .= '#'.$f.':'.$_POST[ $f];
$s = substr( $s, 1);
$game->param9 = $s;
* Given an ID of an instance of this module,
* this function will permanently delete the instance
* and any data that depends on it.
* @param int $id Id of the module instance
* @return boolean Success/Failure
function game_delete_instance($gameid) {
global $DB;
$result = true;
# Delete any dependent records here #
if( ($recs = $DB->get_records( 'game_attempts', array( 'gameid' => $gameid))) != false){
$ids = '';
$count = 0;
$aids = array();
foreach( $recs as $rec){
$ids .= ','.$rec->id;
if( ++$count > 10){
$count = 0;
$aids[] = $ids;
$ids = '';
if( $ids != ''){
$aids[] = $ids;
foreach( $aids as $ids){
if( $result == false){
$tables = array( 'game_hangman', 'game_cross', 'game_cryptex', 'game_millionaire', 'game_bookquiz', 'game_sudoku', 'game_snakes');
foreach( $tables as $t){
$sql = "DELETE FROM {".$t."} WHERE id IN (".substr( $ids, 1).')';
if (! $DB->execute( $sql)) {
$result = false;
$tables = array( 'game_attempts', 'game_grades', 'game_bookquiz_questions', 'game_queries', 'game_repetitions');
foreach( $tables as $t){
if( $result == false){
if (! $DB->delete_records( $t, array( 'gameid' => $gameid))) {
$result = false;
if( $result){
$tables = array( 'game_export_javame', 'game_export_html', 'game');
if (!$DB->delete_records( 'game', array( 'id' => $gameid))) {
$result = false;
return $result;
* Return a small object with summary information about what a
* user has done with a given particular instance of this module
* Used for user activity reports.
* $return->time = the time they did it
* $return->info = a short text description
function game_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $game) {
global $DB;
if ($grade = $DB->get_record_select('game_grades', "userid=$user->id AND gameid = $game->id", null, 'id,score,timemodified')) {
$result = new stdClass;
if ((float)$grade->score) {
$result->info = get_string('grade').': '.round($grade->score * $game->grade, $game->decimalpoints).' '.
get_string('percent', 'game').': '.round(100 * $grade->score, $game->decimalpoints).' %';
$result->time = $grade->timemodified;
return $result;
return NULL;
* Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
* a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
function game_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $game) {
global $DB;
if ($attempts = $DB->get_records_select('game_attempts', "userid='$user->id' AND gameid='$game->id'", null, 'attempt ASC')) {
if ($game->grade && $grade = $DB->get_record('game_grades', array( 'userid' => $user->id, 'gameid' => $game->id))) {
echo get_string('grade').': '.game_format_score( $game, $grade->score).'/'.$game->grade.'<br />';
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
echo get_string('attempt', 'game').' '.$attempt->attempt.': ';
if ($attempt->timefinish == 0) {
print_string( 'unfinished');
} else {
echo game_format_score( $game, $attempt->score).'/'.$game->grade;
echo ' - '.userdate($attempt->timelastattempt).'<br />';
} else {
print_string('noattempts', 'game');
return true;
* Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity
* that has occurred in game activities and print it out.
* Return true if there was output, or false is there was none.
* @uses $CFG
* @return boolean
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function game_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
global $CFG;
return false; // True if anything was printed, otherwise false
* Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
* This function searches for things that need to be done, such
* as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
* @uses $CFG
* @return boolean
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function game_cron () {
global $CFG;
return true;
* Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module,
* indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade.
* Example:
* $return->grades = array of grades;
* $return->maxgrade = maximum allowed grade;
* return $return;
* @param int $gameid ID of an instance of this module
* @return mixed Null or object with an array of grades and with the maximum grade
function game_grades($gameid) {
/// Must return an array of grades, indexed by user, and a max grade.
global $DB;
$game = $DB->get_record( 'game', array( 'id' => intval($gameid)));
if (empty($game) || empty($game->grade)) {
return NULL;
$return = new stdClass;
$return->grades = $DB->get_records_menu('game_grades', 'gameid', $game->id, '', "userid, score * {$game->grade}");
$return->maxgrade = $game->grade;
return $return;
* Return grade for given user or all users.
* @param int $gameid id of game
* @param int $userid optional user id, 0 means all users
* @return array array of grades, false if none
function game_get_user_grades($game, $userid=0) {
global $DB;
$user = $userid ? "AND = $userid" : "";
$sql = 'SELECT, AS userid, '.$game->grade.' * g.score AS rawgrade, g.timemodified AS dategraded, MAX(a.timefinish) AS datesubmitted
FROM {user} u, {game_grades} g, {game_attempts} a
WHERE = g.userid AND g.gameid = '.$game->id.' AND a.gameid = g.gameid AND = a.userid';
if( $userid != 0)
$sql .= ' AND'.$userid;
$sql .= ' GROUP BY, g.score, g.timemodified';
return $DB->get_records_sql( $sql);
* Must return an array of user records (all data) who are participants
* for a given instance of game. Must include every user involved
* in the instance, independient of his role (student, teacher, admin...)
* See other modules as example.
* @param int $gameid ID of an instance of this module
* @return mixed boolean/array of students
function game_get_participants($gameid) {
return false; //todo
* This function returns if a scale is being used by one game
* it it has support for grading and scales. Commented code should be
* modified if necessary. See forum, glossary or journal modules
* as reference.
* @param int $gameid ID of an instance of this module
* @return mixed
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function game_scale_used ($gameid,$scaleid) {
$return = false;
//$rec = get_record("game","id","$gameid","scale","-$scaleid");
//if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) {
// $return = true;
return $return;
* Update grades in central gradebook
* @param object $game null means all games
* @param int $userid specific user only, 0 mean all
function game_update_grades($game=null, $userid=0, $nullifnone=true) {
global $CFG;
if (!function_exists('grade_update')) { //workaround for buggy PHP versions
if( file_exists( $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php')){
if ($game != null) {
if ($grades = game_get_user_grades($game, $userid)) {
game_grade_item_update($game, $grades);
} else if ($userid and $nullifnone) {
$grade = new object();
$grade->userid = $userid;
$grade->rawgrade = NULL;
game_grade_item_update( $game, $grade);
} else {
game_grade_item_update( $game);
} else {
$sql = "SELECT a.*, cm.idnumber as cmidnumber, a.course as courseid
FROM {game} a, {course_modules} cm, {modules} m
if ($rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql( $sql)) {
while ($game = $DB->rs_fetch_next_record( $rs)) {
if ($game->grade != 0) {
game_update_grades( $game, 0, false);
} else {
game_grade_item_update( $game);
$DB->rs_close( $rs);
* Create grade item for given game
* @param object $game object with extra cmidnumber
* @param mixed optional array/object of grade(s); 'reset' means reset grades in gradebook
* @return int 0 if ok, error code otherwise
function game_grade_item_update($game, $grades=NULL) {
global $CFG;
if (!function_exists('grade_update')) { //workaround for buggy PHP versions
if( file_exists( $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php')){
if (array_key_exists('cmidnumber', $game)) { //it may not be always present
$params = array('itemname'=>$game->name, 'idnumber'=>$game->cmidnumber);
} else {
$params = array('itemname'=>$game->name);
if ($game->grade > 0) {
$params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
$params['grademax'] = $game->grade;
$params['grademin'] = 0;
} else {
$params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_NONE;
if ($grades === 'reset') {
$params['reset'] = true;
$grades = NULL;
return grade_update('mod/game', $game->course, 'mod', 'game', $game->id, 0, $grades, $params);
* Delete grade item for given game
* @param object $game object
* @return object game
function game_grade_item_delete( $game) {
global $CFG;
if( file_exists( $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php')){
return grade_update('mod/game', $game->course, 'mod', 'game', $game->id, 0, NULL, array('deleted'=>1));
* Returns all game graded users since a given time for specified game
function game_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
global $DB, $COURSE, $USER;
if ($COURSE->id == $courseid) {
$course = $COURSE;
} else {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array( 'id' => $courseid));
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course);
$cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
if ($userid) {
$userselect = "AND = $userid";
} else {
$userselect = "";
if ($groupid) {
$groupselect = "AND gm.groupid = $groupid";
$groupjoin = "JOIN {groups_members} gm ON";
} else {
$groupselect = "";
$groupjoin = "";
if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT qa.*, q.grade,
u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture
FROM {game_attempts} qa
JOIN {game} q ON = qa.gameid
JOIN {user} u ON = qa.userid
WHERE qa.timefinish > $timestart AND = $cm->instance
$userselect $groupselect
ORDER BY qa.timefinish ASC")) {
$cm_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$grader = has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $cm_context);
$accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $cm_context);
$viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $cm_context);
$grader = has_capability('mod/game:grade', $cm_context);
//$grader = isteacher( $courseid, $userid);
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course);
if (is_null($modinfo->groups)) {
$modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo
$aname = format_string($cm->name,true);
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) {
if (!$grader) {
// grade permission required
if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups) {
$usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $attempt->userid, $cm->groupingid);
if (!is_array($usersgroups)) {
$usersgroups = array_keys($usersgroups);
$interset = array_intersect($usersgroups, $modinfo->groups[$cm->id]);
if (empty($intersect)) {
$tmpactivity = new object();
$tmpactivity->type = 'game';
$tmpactivity->cmid = $cm->id;
$tmpactivity->name = $aname;
$tmpactivity->sectionnum= $cm->sectionnum;
$tmpactivity->timestamp = $attempt->timefinish;
$tmpactivity->content->attemptid = $attempt->id;
$tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = $attempt->score * $attempt->grade;
$tmpactivity->content->maxgrade = $attempt->grade;
$tmpactivity->content->attempt = $attempt->attempt;
$tmpactivity->user->userid = $attempt->userid;
$tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($attempt, $viewfullnames);
$tmpactivity->user->picture = $attempt->picture;
$activities[$index++] = $tmpactivity;
function game_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $courseid, $detail, $modnames) {
global $CFG;
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forum-recent">';
echo "<tr><td class=\"userpicture\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($activity->user->userid, $courseid, $activity->user->picture);
echo "</td><td>";
if ($detail) {
$modname = $modnames[$activity->type];
echo '<div class="title">';
echo "<img src=\"$CFG->modpixpath/{$activity->type}/icon.gif\" ".
"class=\"icon\" alt=\"$modname\" />";
echo "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/view.php?id={$activity->cmid}\">{$activity->name}</a>";
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="grade">';
echo get_string("attempt", "game")." {$activity->content->attempt}: ";
$grades = "({$activity->content->sumgrades} / {$activity->content->maxgrade})";
echo "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/review.php?attempt={$activity->content->attemptid}\">$grades</a>";
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="user">';
echo "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/view.php?id={$activity->user->userid}&course=$courseid\">"
."{$activity->user->fullname}</a> - ".userdate($activity->timestamp);
echo '</div>';
echo "</td></tr></table>";
* Removes all grades from gradebook
* @param int $courseid
* @param string optional type
function game_reset_gradebook($courseid, $type='') {
global $DB;
$sql = "SELECT q.*, cm.idnumber as cmidnumber, q.course as courseid
FROM {game} q, {course_modules} cm, {modules} m
WHERE'game' AND AND AND q.course=$courseid";
if ($games = $DB->get_records_sql( $sql)) {
foreach ($games as $game) {
game_grade_item_update( $game, 'reset');
* @return bool True if quiz supports feature
function game_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return true;
case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true;
case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true;
case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return false;
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return true;
case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return true;
case FEATURE_RATE: return false;
case FEATURE_BACKUP_MOODLE2: return true;
default: return null;
* @global object
* @global stdClass
* @return array all other caps used in module
function game_get_extra_capabilities() {
global $DB, $CFG;
$caps = question_get_all_capabilities();
$reportcaps = $DB->get_records_select_menu('capabilities', 'name LIKE ?', array('quizreport/%'), 'id,name');
$caps = array_merge($caps, $reportcaps);
$caps[] = 'moodle/site:accessallgroups';
return $caps;
* Return a textual summary of the number of attemtps that have been made at a particular game,
* returns '' if no attemtps have been made yet, unless $returnzero is passed as true.
* @global stdClass
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $game the game object. Only $game->id is used at the moment.
* @param object $cm the cm object. Only $cm->course, $cm->groupmode and $cm->groupingid fields are used at the moment.
* @param boolean $returnzero if false (default), when no attempts have been made '' is returned instead of 'Attempts: 0'.
* @param int $currentgroup if there is a concept of current group where this method is being called
* (e.g. a report) pass it in here. Default 0 which means no current group.
* @return string a string like "Attempts: 123", "Attemtps 123 (45 from your groups)" or
* "Attemtps 123 (45 from this group)".
function game_num_attempt_summary($game, $cm, $returnzero = false, $currentgroup = 0) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$numattempts = $DB->count_records('game_attempts', array('gameid'=> $game->id, 'preview'=>0));
if ($numattempts || $returnzero) {
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
$a->total = $numattempts;
if ($currentgroup) {
$a->group = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT count(1) FROM ' .
'{game_attempts} qa JOIN ' .
'{groups_members} gm ON qa.userid = gm.userid ' .
'WHERE gameid = ? AND preview = 0 AND groupid = ?', array($game->id, $currentgroup));
return get_string('attemptsnumthisgroup', 'quiz', $a);
} else if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid)) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($groups));
$a->group = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT count(1) FROM ' .
'{game_attempts} qa JOIN ' .
'{groups_members} gm ON qa.userid = gm.userid ' .
'WHERE gameid = ? AND preview = 0 AND ' .
"groupid $usql", array_merge(array($game->id), $params));
return get_string('attemptsnumyourgroups', 'quiz', $a);
return get_string('attemptsnum', 'quiz', $numattempts);
return '';
function game_format_score($game, $score) {
return format_float($game->grade * $score / 100, $game->decimalpoints);
function game_format_grade($game, $grade) {
return format_float($grade, $game->decimalpoints);
* @return the options for calculating the quiz grade from the individual attempt grades.
function game_get_grading_options() {
return array (
GAME_GRADEHIGHEST => get_string('gradehighest', 'quiz'),
GAME_GRADEAVERAGE => get_string('gradeaverage', 'quiz'),
GAME_ATTEMPTFIRST => get_string('attemptfirst', 'quiz'),
GAME_ATTEMPTLAST => get_string('attemptlast', 'quiz'));
* This fucntion extends the global navigaiton for the site.
* It is important to note that you should not rely on PAGE objects within this
* body of code as there is no guarantee that during an AJAX request they are
* available
* @param navigation_node $gamenode The game node within the global navigation
* @param stdClass $course The course object returned from the DB
* @param stdClass $module The module object returned from the DB
* @param stdClass $cm The course module isntance returned from the DB
function game_extend_navigation($gamenode, $course, $module, $cm) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
if (!has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context))
if (has_capability('mod/game:view', $context)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/view.php', array('id'=>$cm->id));
$gamenode->add(get_string('info', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/info', ''));
if (has_capability('mod/game:manage', $context)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php', array('update' => $cm->id, 'return' => true, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$gamenode->add(get_string('edit', 'moodle', ''), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('t/edit', ''));
/* if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/report.php', array('q'=>$cm->instance));
$reportnode = $gamenode->add(get_string('results', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
} */
if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/showanswers.php', array('q'=>$cm->instance));
$reportnode = $gamenode->add(get_string('showanswers', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)) {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/showattempts.php', array('q'=>$cm->instance));
$reportnode = $gamenode->add(get_string('showattempts', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('f/explore', ''));
if (has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context))
switch( $module->gamekind){
case 'bookquiz':
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/bookquiz/questions.php', array('q'=>$cm->instance));
$exportnode = $gamenode->add( get_string('bookquiz_questions', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
case 'hangman':
$url = new moodle_url('', null);
$exportnode = $gamenode->add( get_string('export', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/report', ''));
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/export.php', array( 'id' => $cm->id,'courseid'=>$course->id, 'target' => 'html'));
$exportnode->add( get_string('export_to_html', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/export.php', array( 'id' => $cm->id,'courseid'=>$course->id, 'target' => 'javame'));
$exportnode->add( get_string('export_to_javame', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
case 'snakes':
case 'cross':
case 'millionaire':
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/game/export.php', array( 'id' => $cm->id,'courseid'=>$course->id, 'target' => 'html'));
$gamenode->add(get_string('export_to_html', 'game'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/item', ''));
* Returns an array of game type objects to construct
* menu list when adding new game
function game_get_types(){
global $DB;
$types = array();
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game_group_start";
$type->typestr = '--'.get_string( 'modulenameplural', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=hangman";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_hangman', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=cross";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_cross', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=cryptex";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_cryptex', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=millionaire";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_millionaire', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=sudoku";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_sudoku', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=snakes";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_snakes', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=hiddenpicture";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_hiddenpicture', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
if($DB->get_record( 'modules', array( 'name' => 'book'), 'id,id')){
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game&type=bookquiz";
$type->typestr = get_string('game_bookquiz', 'game');
$types[] = $type;
$type = new object();
$type->modclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
$type->type = "game_group_end";
$type->typestr = '--';
$types[] = $type;
return $types;
function mod_game_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload)
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) {
return false;
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
if( $filearea == 'questiontext')
$questionid = $args[ 0];
$file = $args[ 1];
if (!$contextcourse = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)) {
$a = array( 'component' => 'question', 'filearea' => 'questiontext',
'itemid' => $questionid, 'filename' => $file, 'contextid' => $contextcourse->id);
$rec = $DB->get_record( 'files', $a);
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($rec->pathnamehash) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true); // download MUST be forced - security!
}else if( $filearea == 'answer')
$answerid = $args[ 0];
$file = $args[ 1];
if (!$contextcourse = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)) {
$rec = $DB->get_record( 'files', array( 'component' => 'question', 'filearea' => 'answer',
'itemid' => $answerid, 'filename' => $file, 'contextid' => $contextcourse->id));
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($rec->pathnamehash) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true); // download MUST be forced - security!
$filearea = $args[ 0];
$filename = $args[ 1];
$fs = get_file_storage();
$relativepath = implode('/', $args);
$fullpath = "/$context->id/mod_game/$filearea/$cm->instance/$filename";
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true); // download MUST be forced - security!
* Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control
* whether the course reset functionality affects the Game.
* @param object $mform form passed by reference
function game_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'gameheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'game'));
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'reset_game_all', get_string('reset_game_all','game'));
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'reset_game_deleted_course', get_string('reset_game_deleted_course', 'game'));
* Course reset form defaults.
* @return array
function game_reset_course_form_defaults($course) {
return array('reset_game_all'=>0, 'reset_game_deleted_course' => 0);
* Actual implementation of the reset course functionality, delete all the
* Game responses for course $data->courseid.
* @global object
* @param $data the data submitted from the reset course.
* @return array status array
function game_reset_userdata($data) {
global $DB;
$componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'game');
$status = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
for($i=1; $i <= 2; $i++){
if( $i == 1){
if (empty($data->reset_game_all))
$allgamessql = 'SELECT FROM {game} g WHERE g.course = '.$data->courseid;
$allattemptssql = 'SELECT FROM {game} g LEFT JOIN {game_attempts} ga ON = ga.gameid WHERE g.course = '.$data->courseid;
$newstatus = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('reset_game_all', 'game'), 'error'=>false);
}else if( $i == 2)
if (empty($data->reset_game_deleted_course))
$allgamessql = 'SELECT FROM {game} g WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM {course} c WHERE = g.course)';
$allattemptssql = 'SELECT FROM {game_attempts} ga WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM {game} g WHERE ga.gameid =';
$newstatus = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('reset_game_deleted_course', 'game'), 'error'=>false);
$recs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($allgamessql);
if ($recs->valid()) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $rec->id)) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_game', 'gnakes_file');
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_game', 'gnakes_board');
//reset grades
$game = $DB->get_record_select( 'game', 'id='.$rec->id, null,'id,name,course ');
$grades = NULL;
$params = array('itemname'=>$game->name, 'idnumber'=>0);
$params['reset'] = true;
grade_update('mod/game', $game->course, 'mod', 'game', $game->id, 0, $grades, $params);
$DB->delete_records_select('game_bookquiz', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_bookquiz_chapters', "attemptid IN ($allattemptssql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_bookquiz_questions', "gameid IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_cross', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_cryptex', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_export_html', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_export_javame', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_grades', "gameid IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_hangman', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_hiddenpicture', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_millionaire', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_queries', "gameid IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_repetitions', "gameid IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_snakes', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_sudoku', "id IN ($allgamessql)");
if( $i == 2)
$DB->delete_records_select('game_attempts', "NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {game} g WHERE {game_attempts}");
$DB->delete_records_select('game_attempts', "gameid IN ($allgamessql)");
$status[] = $newstatus;
if (empty($data->reset_game_deleted_course))
return $status;
//Delete data from deleted games
$a = array( 'bookquiz', 'cross', 'cryptex', 'grades', 'bookquiz_questions', 'export_html', 'export_javame', 'hangman',
'hiddenpicture', 'millionaire', 'snakes', 'sudoku');
foreach( $a as $table)
$DB->delete_records_select( 'game_'.$table, "NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM {game} g WHERE {game_$table}");
$a = array( 'grades', 'queries', 'repetitions');
foreach( $a as $table)
$DB->delete_records_select( 'game_'.$table, "NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM {game} g WHERE {game_$table}");
$a = array( 'bookquiz_chapters');
foreach( $a as $table)
$DB->delete_records_select( 'game_'.$table, "NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM {game_attempts} ga WHERE {game_$table}");
return $status;