diff --git a/export/html/snakes/js/subModal.js b/export/html/snakes/js/subModal.js
index ad2bbd9..48def3b 100644
--- a/export/html/snakes/js/subModal.js
+++ b/export/html/snakes/js/subModal.js
@@ -1,280 +1,273 @@
-var gPopupMask = null;
-var gPopupContainer = null;
-var gPopFrame = null;
-var gReturnFunc;
-var gPopupIsShown = false;
-var gDefaultPage = "/loading.html";
-var gHideSelects = false;
-var gReturnVal = null;
-var gTabIndexes = new Array();
-// Pre-defined list of tags we want to disable/enable tabbing into
-var gTabbableTags = new Array("A","BUTTON","TEXTAREA","INPUT","IFRAME");
-// If using Mozilla or Firefox, use Tab-key trap.
-if (!document.all) {
- document.onkeypress = keyDownHandler;
- * Initializes popup code on load.
- */
-function initPopUp() {
- // Add the HTML to the body
- theBody = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0];
- popmask = document.createElement('div');
- popmask.id = 'popupMask';
- popcont = document.createElement('div');
- popcont.id = 'popupContainer';
- popcont.innerHTML = '' +
- '
- theBody.appendChild(popmask);
- theBody.appendChild(popcont);
- gPopupMask = document.getElementById("popupMask");
- gPopupContainer = document.getElementById("popupContainer");
- gPopFrame = document.getElementById("popupFrame");
- // check to see if this is IE version 6 or lower. hide select boxes if so
- // maybe they'll fix this in version 7?
- var brsVersion = parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.charAt(0), 10);
- if (brsVersion <= 6 && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {
- gHideSelects = true;
- }
- // Add onclick handlers to 'a' elements of class submodal or submodal-width-height
- var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
- for (i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
- if (elms[i].className.indexOf("submodal") == 0) {
- // var onclick = 'function (){showPopWin(\''+elms[i].href+'\','+width+', '+height+', null);return false;};';
- // elms[i].onclick = eval(onclick);
- elms[i].onclick = function(){
- // default width and height
- var width = 400;
- var height = 200;
- // Parse out optional width and height from className
- params = this.className.split('-');
- if (params.length == 3) {
- width = parseInt(params[1]);
- height = parseInt(params[2]);
- }
- showPopWin(this.href,width,height,null); return false;
- }
- }
- }
-addEvent(window, "load", initPopUp);
- /**
- * @argument width - int in pixels
- * @argument height - int in pixels
- * @argument url - url to display
- * @argument returnFunc - function to call when returning true from the window.
- * @argument showCloseBox - show the close box - default true
- */
-function showPopWin(url, width, height, returnFunc, showCloseBox) {
- // show or hide the window close widget
- if (showCloseBox == null || showCloseBox == true) {
- document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "block";
- } else {
- document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "none";
- }
- gPopupIsShown = true;
- disableTabIndexes();
- gPopupMask.style.display = "block";
- gPopupContainer.style.display = "block";
- // calculate where to place the window on screen
- centerPopWin(width, height);
- var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10);
- gPopupContainer.style.width = width + "px";
- gPopupContainer.style.height = (height+titleBarHeight) + "px";
- setMaskSize();
- // need to set the width of the iframe to the title bar width because of the dropshadow
- // some oddness was occuring and causing the frame to poke outside the border in IE6
- gPopFrame.style.width = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetWidth, 10) + "px";
- gPopFrame.style.height = (height) + "px";
- // set the url
- gPopFrame.src = url;
- gReturnFunc = returnFunc;
- // for IE
- if (gHideSelects == true) {
- hideSelectBoxes();
- }
-var gi = 0;
-function centerPopWin(width, height) {
- if (gPopupIsShown == true) {
- if (width == null || isNaN(width)) {
- width = gPopupContainer.offsetWidth;
- }
- if (height == null) {
- height = gPopupContainer.offsetHeight;
- }
- //var theBody = document.documentElement;
- var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
- //theBody.style.overflow = "hidden";
- var scTop = parseInt(getScrollTop(),10);
- var scLeft = parseInt(theBody.scrollLeft,10);
- setMaskSize();
- //window.status = gPopupMask.style.top + " " + gPopupMask.style.left + " " + gi++;
- var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10);
- var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
- var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
- gPopupContainer.style.top = (scTop + ((fullHeight - (height+titleBarHeight)) / 2)) + "px";
- gPopupContainer.style.left = (scLeft + ((fullWidth - width) / 2)) + "px";
- //alert(fullWidth + " " + width + " " + gPopupContainer.style.left);
- }
-addEvent(window, "resize", centerPopWin);
-addEvent(window, "scroll", centerPopWin);
-window.onscroll = centerPopWin;
- * Sets the size of the popup mask.
- *
- */
-function setMaskSize() {
- var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
- var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
- var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
- // Determine what's bigger, scrollHeight or fullHeight / width
- if (fullHeight > theBody.scrollHeight) {
- popHeight = fullHeight;
- } else {
- popHeight = theBody.scrollHeight;
- }
- if (fullWidth > theBody.scrollWidth) {
- popWidth = fullWidth;
- } else {
- popWidth = theBody.scrollWidth;
- }
- gPopupMask.style.height = popHeight + "px";
- gPopupMask.style.width = popWidth + "px";
- * @argument callReturnFunc - bool - determines if we call the return function specified
- * @argument returnVal - anything - return value
- */
-function hidePopWin(callReturnFunc) {
- gPopupIsShown = false;
- var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
- theBody.style.overflow = "";
- restoreTabIndexes();
- if (gPopupMask == null) {
- return;
- }
- gPopupMask.style.display = "none";
- gPopupContainer.style.display = "none";
- if (callReturnFunc == true && gReturnFunc != null) {
- // Set the return code to run in a timeout.
- // Was having issues using with an Ajax.Request();
- gReturnVal = window.frames["popupFrame"].returnVal;
- window.setTimeout('gReturnFunc(gReturnVal);', 1);
- }
- gPopFrame.src = gDefaultPage;
- // display all select boxes
- if (gHideSelects == true) {
- displaySelectBoxes();
- }
-// Tab key trap. iff popup is shown and key was [TAB], suppress it.
-// @argument e - event - keyboard event that caused this function to be called.
-function keyDownHandler(e) {
- if (gPopupIsShown && e.keyCode == 9) return false;
-// For IE. Go through predefined tags and disable tabbing into them.
-function disableTabIndexes() {
- if (document.all) {
- var i = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
- var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
- for (var k = 0 ; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
- gTabIndexes[i] = tagElements[k].tabIndex;
- tagElements[k].tabIndex="-1";
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
-function returnRefresh()
- //alert("I am active!");
- window.location.reload();
-// For IE. Restore tab-indexes.
-function restoreTabIndexes() {
- if (document.all) {
- var i = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
- var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
- for (var k = 0 ; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
- tagElements[k].tabIndex = gTabIndexes[i];
- tagElements[k].tabEnabled = true;
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- * Hides all drop down form select boxes on the screen so they do not appear above the mask layer.
- * IE has a problem with wanted select form tags to always be the topmost z-index or layer
- *
- * Thanks for the code Scott!
- */
-function hideSelectBoxes() {
- var x = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
- for (i=0;x && i < x.length; i++) {
- x[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- * Makes all drop down form select boxes on the screen visible so they do not
- * reappear after the dialog is closed.
- *
- * IE has a problem with wanting select form tags to always be the
- * topmost z-index or layer.
- */
-function displaySelectBoxes() {
- var x = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
- for (i=0;x && i < x.length; i++){
- x[i].style.visibility = "visible";
- }
+var gPopupMask = null;
+var gPopupContainer = null;
+var gPopFrame = null;
+var gReturnFunc;
+var gPopupIsShown = false;
+var gDefaultPage = "/loading.html";
+var gHideSelects = false;
+var gReturnVal = null;
+var gTabIndexes = new Array();
+// Pre-defined list of tags we want to disable/enable tabbing into
+var gTabbableTags = new Array("A", "BUTTON", "TEXTAREA", "INPUT", "IFRAME");
+// If using Mozilla or Firefox, use Tab-key trap.
+if (!document.all) {
+ document.onkeypress = keyDownHandler;
+ * Initializes popup code on load.
+ */
+function initPopUp() {
+ // Add the HTML to the body
+ theBody = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0];
+ popmask = document.createElement('div');
+ popmask.id = 'popupMask';
+ popcont = document.createElement('div');
+ popcont.id = 'popupContainer';
+ popcont.innerHTML = '' +
+ '';
+ theBody.appendChild(popmask);
+ theBody.appendChild(popcont);
+ gPopupMask = document.getElementById("popupMask");
+ gPopupContainer = document.getElementById("popupContainer");
+ gPopFrame = document.getElementById("popupFrame");
+ // check to see if this is IE version 6 or lower. hide select boxes if so
+ // maybe they'll fix this in version 7?
+ var brsVersion = parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.charAt(0), 10);
+ if (brsVersion <= 6 && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {
+ gHideSelects = true;
+ }
+ // Add onclick handlers to 'a' elements of class submodal or submodal-width-height
+ var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ for (i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
+ if (elms[i].className.indexOf("submodal") == 0) {
+ elms[i].onclick = function(){
+ // default width and height
+ var width = 400;
+ var height = 200;
+ // Parse out optional width and height from className
+ params = this.className.split('-');
+ if (params.length == 3) {
+ width = parseInt(params[1]);
+ height = parseInt(params[2]);
+ }
+ showPopWin(this.href,width,height,null); return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+addEvent(window, "load", initPopUp);
+ * @argument width - int in pixels
+ * @argument height - int in pixels
+ * @argument url - url to display
+ * @argument returnFunc - function to call when returning true from the window.
+ * @argument showCloseBox - show the close box - default true
+ */
+function showPopWin(url, width, height, returnFunc, showCloseBox) {
+ // show or hide the window close widget
+ if (showCloseBox == null || showCloseBox == true) {
+ document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "block";
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "none";
+ }
+ gPopupIsShown = true;
+ disableTabIndexes();
+ gPopupMask.style.display = "block";
+ gPopupContainer.style.display = "block";
+ // calculate where to place the window on screen
+ centerPopWin(width, height);
+ var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10);
+ gPopupContainer.style.width = width + "px";
+ gPopupContainer.style.height = (height+titleBarHeight) + "px";
+ setMaskSize();
+ // need to set the width of the iframe to the title bar width because of the dropshadow
+ // some oddness was occuring and causing the frame to poke outside the border in IE6
+ gPopFrame.style.width = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetWidth, 10) + "px";
+ gPopFrame.style.height = (height) + "px";
+ // set the url
+ gPopFrame.src = url;
+ gReturnFunc = returnFunc;
+ // for IE
+ if (gHideSelects == true) {
+ hideSelectBoxes();
+ }
+var gi = 0;
+function centerPopWin(width, height) {
+ if (gPopupIsShown == true) {
+ if (width == null || isNaN(width)) {
+ width = gPopupContainer.offsetWidth;
+ }
+ if (height == null) {
+ height = gPopupContainer.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
+ var scTop = parseInt(getScrollTop(),10);
+ var scLeft = parseInt(theBody.scrollLeft,10);
+ setMaskSize();
+ var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10);
+ var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
+ var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
+ gPopupContainer.style.top = (scTop + ((fullHeight - (height+titleBarHeight)) / 2)) + "px";
+ gPopupContainer.style.left = (scLeft + ((fullWidth - width) / 2)) + "px";
+ }
+addEvent(window, "resize", centerPopWin);
+addEvent(window, "scroll", centerPopWin);
+window.onscroll = centerPopWin;
+ * Sets the size of the popup mask.
+ *
+ */
+function setMaskSize() {
+ var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
+ var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
+ var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
+ // Determine what's bigger, scrollHeight or fullHeight / width
+ if (fullHeight > theBody.scrollHeight) {
+ popHeight = fullHeight;
+ } else {
+ popHeight = theBody.scrollHeight;
+ }
+ if (fullWidth > theBody.scrollWidth) {
+ popWidth = fullWidth;
+ } else {
+ popWidth = theBody.scrollWidth;
+ }
+ gPopupMask.style.height = popHeight + "px";
+ gPopupMask.style.width = popWidth + "px";
+ * @argument callReturnFunc - bool - determines if we call the return function specified
+ * @argument returnVal - anything - return value
+ */
+function hidePopWin(callReturnFunc) {
+ gPopupIsShown = false;
+ var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
+ theBody.style.overflow = "";
+ restoreTabIndexes();
+ if (gPopupMask == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gPopupMask.style.display = "none";
+ gPopupContainer.style.display = "none";
+ if (callReturnFunc == true && gReturnFunc != null) {
+ // Set the return code to run in a timeout.
+ // Was having issues using with an Ajax.Request();
+ gReturnVal = window.frames["popupFrame"].returnVal;
+ window.setTimeout('gReturnFunc(gReturnVal);', 1);
+ }
+ gPopFrame.src = gDefaultPage;
+ // display all select boxes
+ if (gHideSelects == true) {
+ displaySelectBoxes();
+ }
+// Tab key trap. iff popup is shown and key was [TAB], suppress it.
+// @argument e - event - keyboard event that caused this function to be called.
+function keyDownHandler(e) {
+ if (gPopupIsShown && e.keyCode == 9) {
+ return false;
+ }
+// For IE. Go through predefined tags and disable tabbing into them.
+function disableTabIndexes() {
+ if (document.all) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
+ var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
+ for (var k = 0 ; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
+ gTabIndexes[i] = tagElements[k].tabIndex;
+ tagElements[k].tabIndex="-1";
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function returnRefresh()
+ window.location.reload();
+// For IE. Restore tab-indexes.
+function restoreTabIndexes() {
+ if (document.all) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
+ var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
+ for (var k = 0 ; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
+ tagElements[k].tabIndex = gTabIndexes[i];
+ tagElements[k].tabEnabled = true;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Hides all drop down form select boxes on the screen so they do not appear above the mask layer.
+ * IE has a problem with wanted select form tags to always be the topmost z-index or layer
+ *
+ * Thanks for the code Scott!
+ */
+function hideSelectBoxes() {
+ var x = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
+ for (i=0;x && i < x.length; i++) {
+ x[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ * Makes all drop down form select boxes on the screen visible so they do not
+ * reappear after the dialog is closed.
+ *
+ * IE has a problem with wanting select form tags to always be the
+ * topmost z-index or layer.
+ */
+function displaySelectBoxes() {
+ var x = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
+ for (i=0;x && i < x.length; i++){
+ x[i].style.visibility = "visible";
+ }