id = $id; $newrec->id = $id; $newrec->letters = $letters; if (!($cryptexid = game_insert_record( 'game_cryptex', $newrec))){ error("Insert page: new page game_cryptex not inserted"); } return $newrec; } function computeletters( $crossm, $crossd) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $letters = ''; $cols = $crossm->cols + 1; $letters = str_repeat('.', $crossm->cols).'#'; $letters = str_repeat($letters, $crossm->rows) ; $freqs1 = array(); $count1 = $count2 = 0; foreach( $crossd as $rec) { $pos = $rec->col - 1 + ($rec->row-1) * $cols; $s = $rec->answertext; $len = $textlib->strlen( $s); $a = array(); for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ $a[] = $textlib->substr( $s, $i, 1); } for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ $this->setchar( $letters, $pos, $a[ $i]); $pos += ( $rec->horizontal ? 1 : $cols); $freqs1[ ++$count1] = $a[ $i]; if( $i+1 < $len){ $freqs2[ ++$count2] = $a[ $i].$a[ $i+1]; } } } $len = $textlib->strlen( $letters); $spaces = 0; for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ if( $textlib->substr( $letters, $i, 1) == '.'){ $spaces++; } } $step = 1; while( $spaces) { if( $step == 1){ $step = 2; $i = array_rand( $freqs1); $this->insertchar( $letters, $crossm->cols, $crossm->rows, $freqs1[ $i], $spaces); }else { $step=1; $i = array_rand( $freqs2); $this->insertchars( $letters, $crossm->cols, $crossm->rows, $freqs2[ $i], $spaces); } } $ret_letters = ""; for( $row=0; $row < $crossm->rows; $row++){ $ret_letters .= $textlib->substr( $letters, $cols * $row, ($cols-1)); } return $ret_letters; } function display( $cols, $rows, $letters, $mask, $showsolution=false, $textdir) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); echo ""; for( $row=0; $row < $rows; $row++) { echo ""; for( $col=0; $col < $cols; $col++){ $pos = $cols * $row+$col; $c = $textlib->substr( $letters, $pos, 1); $m = $textlib->substr( $mask, $pos, 1); if( $showsolution and $m > '0'){ echo ""; }else if( $m == '1'){ echo ""; }else { echo ""; } } echo "\r\n"; } echo "
"; } function insertchar( &$letters, $cols, $rows, $char, &$spaces) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $len = $textlib->strlen( $letters); for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ if( $textlib->substr( $letters, $i, 1) == '.'){ $this->setchar( $letters, $i, $char); $spaces--; return; } } } function insertchars( &$letters, $cols, $rows, $char, &$spaces) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $len = $textlib->strlen( $letters); for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ if( $textlib->substr( $letters, $i, 1) == '.' and $textlib->substr( $letters, $i+1, 1) == '.' ){ $this->setchar( $letters, $i, $textlib->substr( $char, 0, 1)); $this->setchar( $letters, $i+1, $textlib->substr( $char, 1, 1)); $spaces-=2; return true; } if( $textlib->substr( $letters, $i, 1) == '.' and $textlib->substr( $letters, $i+$cols+1, 1) == '.' ){ $this->setchar( $letters, $i, $textlib->substr( $char, 0, 1)); $this->setchar( $letters, $i + $cols+1, $textlib->substr( $char, 1, 1)); $spaces-=2; return true; } } return false; } function gethash( $word) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $x = 37; $len = count( $textlib->strlen( $word)); for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ $x = $x xor ord( $textlib->substr( $word, $i, 1)); } return $x; } function load( $crossm, &$mask, &$corrects, &$language) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $questions = array(); $corrects = array(); $mask = str_repeat( '0', $crossm->cols * $crossm->rows); if ($recs = get_records_select('game_queries', "attemptid=$crossm->id")) { foreach ($recs as $rec) { if( $rec->questiontext == ''){ $rec->questiontext = ' '; } $key = $this->gethash( $rec->questiontext).'-'.$rec->answertext.'-'.$rec->id; $questions[ $key] = $rec; $word = $rec->answertext; $pos = $crossm->cols * ($rec->row-1)+($rec->col-1); $len = $textlib->strlen( $word); $found = ($rec->answertext == $rec->studentanswer); for( $i=0; $i < $len; $i++) { $c = ( $found ? '1' : '2'); if( $textlib->substr( $mask, $pos, 1) != '1'){ game_setchar( $mask, $pos, $c); } $pos += ($rec->horizontal ? 1 : $crossm->cols); } if( $found){ $corrects[ $rec->id] = 1; } if( $language == ''){ $language = game_detectlanguage( $rec->answertext); } } ksort( $questions); } return $questions; } function setwords( $answers, $maxcols, $reps) { return Cross::setwords( $answers, $maxcols, $reps); } function computedata( &$crossm, &$crossd, &$letters, $maxwords) { if( !cross::computedata( $crossm, $crossd, $maxwords)){ return false; } $letters = $this->computeletters( $crossm, $crossd); return true; } }