sourcemodule != 'quiz') and ($game->sourcemodule != 'question')){ error( get_string('millionaire_sourcemodule_must_quiz_question', 'game')); } if( $game->sourcemodule == 'quiz'){ if( $game->quizid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_quiz', 'game')); } $select = "qtype='multichoice' AND quiz='$game->quizid' ". " AND"; $table = "question q,{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances qqi"; }else { if( $game->questioncategoryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_questioncategory', 'game')); } //include subcategories $select = 'category='.$game->questioncategoryid; if( $game->subcategories){ $cats = question_categorylist( $game->questioncategoryid); if( strpos( $cats, ',') > 0){ $select = 'category in ('.$cats.')'; } } $select .= " AND qtype='multichoice'"; $table = "question q"; } $select .= " AND q.hidden=0"; $recs = get_records_select( $table, $select, '', " as id, q.questiontext"); $ret = ''; $retfeedback = ''; foreach( $recs as $rec){ $recs2 = get_records_select( 'question_answers', "question=$rec->id", 'fraction DESC', 'id,answer,feedback'); $line = $rec->questiontext; $linefeedback = ''; foreach( $recs2 as $rec2) { $line .= '#'.str_replace( array( '"', '#'), array( "'", ' '), $rec2->answer); $linefeedback .= '#'.str_replace( array( '"', '#'), array( "'", ' '), $rec2->feedback); } if( $ret != '') $ret .= ",\r"; $ret .= '"'.base64_encode( $line).'"'; if( $retfeedback != '') $retfeedback .= ",\r"; $retfeedback .= '"'.base64_encode( $linefeedback).'"'; if( count( $recs2) > $max) $max = count( $recs2); $countofquestions++; } return $ret; } function game_millionaire_html_print( $game, $questions, $maxquestions) { $color1 = 'black'; $color2 = 'DarkOrange'; $colorback="white"; $stylequestion = "background:$colorback;color:$color1"; $stylequestionselected = "background:$colorback;color:$color2"; ?> substr( $letters, $i-1, 1); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if( $i == 1) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } ?>
>                >        
        style='background:#408080'>       15       150000
14 800000
13 400000
12 200000
11 10000
10 5000
9 4000
8 2000
7 1500
6 1000
5 500
4 400
3 300
2 200
1 100
"; echo ""; echo "