param1; $rows = $game->param2; if( $cols == 0){ error( get_string( 'hiddenpicture_nocols', 'game')); } if( $rows == 0){ error( get_string( 'hiddenpicture_norows', 'game')); } //new attempt $n = $game->param1 * $game->param2; $recs = game_questions_selectrandom( $game, CONST_GAME_TRIES_REPETITION*$n); $selected_recs = game_select_from_repetitions( $game, $recs, $n); $newrec = game_hiddenpicture_selectglossaryentry( $game, $attempt); if( $recs === false){ error( get_string( 'no_questions', 'game')); } $positions = array(); $pos=1; for($col=0; $col < $cols; $col++){ for( $row=0; $row < $rows; $row++){ $positions[] = $pos++; } } $i = 0; $field = ($game->sourcemodule == 'glossary' ? 'glossaryentryid' : 'questionid'); foreach( $recs as $rec) { if( !array_key_exists( $rec->$field, $selected_recs)) continue; unset( $query); $query->attemptid = $newrec->id; $query->gameid = $game->id; $query->userid = $USER->id; $pos = array_rand( $positions); $query->col = $positions[ $pos]; unset( $positions[ $pos]); $query->sourcemodule = $game->sourcemodule; $query->questionid = $rec->questionid; $query->glossaryentryid = $rec->glossaryentryid; $query->score = 0; if( ($query->id = insert_record( "game_queries", $query)) == 0){ error( 'error inserting in game_queries'); } game_update_repetitions($game->id, $USER->id, $query->questionid, $query->glossaryentryid); } //The score is zero game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, 0, 0); game_hiddenpicture_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $newrec); } //Create the game_hiddenpicture record function game_hiddenpicture_selectglossaryentry( $game, $attempt){ global $CFG, $USER; srand( (double)microtime()*1000000); if( $game->glossaryid2 == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_glossary', 'game')); } $select = "ge.glossaryid={$game->glossaryid2}"; $table = 'glossary_entries ge'; if( $game->glossarycategoryid2){ $table .= ",{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec"; $select .= " AND gec.entryid = AND gec.categoryid = {$game->glossarycategoryid2}"; } if( $game->param7 == 0){ //Allow spaces $select .= " AND concept NOT LIKE '% %'"; } $select .= " AND attachment LIKE '%.%'"; if( ($recs=get_records_select( $table, $select, '', ',attachment')) == false){ $a->name = "'".get_field_select('glossary', 'name', "id=$game->glossaryid2")."'"; error( get_string( 'hiddenpicture_nomainquestion', 'game', $a)); return false; } $ids = array(); foreach( $recs as $rec){ $s = strtoupper( $rec->attachment); $s = substr( $s, -4); if( $s == '.GIF' or $s == '.JPG' or $s == '.PNG'){ $ids[] = $rec->id; } } if( count( $ids) == 0){ $a->name = "'".get_field_select('glossary', 'name', "id=$game->glossaryid2")."'"; error( get_string( 'hiddenpicture_nomainquestion', 'game', $a)); return false; } //Have to select randomly one glossaryentry shuffle( $ids); $min_num = 0; for($i=0;$ir < $min_num) or ($min_num == 0)){ $min_num = $rec2->r; $glossaryentryid = $tempid; } } else{ $glossaryentryid = $tempid; break; } } $sql = 'SELECT id, concept as answertext, definition as questiontext, id as glossaryentryid, 0 as questionid, glossaryid, attachment'. " FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries WHERE id = $glossaryentryid"; if( ($rec = get_record_sql( $sql)) == false) return false; $query->attemptid = $attempt->id; $query->gameid = $game->id; $query->userid = $USER->id; $query->col = 0; $query->sourcemodule = 'glossary'; $query->questionid = 0; $query->glossaryentryid = $rec->glossaryentryid; $query->attachment = str_replace( "\\", '/', $CFG->dataroot)."/{$game->course}/moddata/glossary/{$game->glossaryid2}/{$query->glossaryentryid}/{$rec->attachment}"; $query->questiontext = $rec->questiontext; $query->answertext = $rec->answertext; $query->score = 0; if( ($query->id = insert_record( "game_queries", $query)) == 0){ error( 'error inserting in game_queries'); } $newrec->id = $attempt->id; if( !game_insert_record( 'game_hiddenpicture', $newrec)){ error( 'error inserting in game_hiddenpicture'); } game_update_repetitions($game->id, $USER->id, $query->questionid, $query->glossaryentryid); return $newrec; } function game_hiddenpicture_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $showsolution=false) { if( $game->toptext != ''){ echo $game->toptext.'
'; } //Show picture $offsetquestions = game_sudoku_compute_offsetquestions( $game->sourcemodule, $attempt, $numbers, $correctquestions); unset( $offsetquestions[ 0]); game_hiddenpicture_showhiddenpicture( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $showsolution, $offsetquestions, $correctquestions, $id, $attempt, $showsolution); //Show questions $onlyshow = false; $showsolution = false; switch( $game->sourcemodule) { case 'quiz': case 'question': game_sudoku_showquestions_quiz( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $offsetquestions, $numbers, $correctquestions, $onlyshow, $showsolution); break; case 'glossary': game_sudoku_showquestions_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $offsetquestions, $numbers, $correctquestions, $onlyshow, $showsolution); break; } if( $game->bottomtext != ''){ echo '

'.$game->bottomtext; } } function game_hidden_picture_computescore( $game, $hiddenpicture){ $correct = $hiddenpicture->correct; if( $hiddenpicture->found){ $correct++; } $remaining = $game->param1 * $game->param2 - $hiddenpicture->correct; $div2 = $correct + $hiddenpicture->wrong + $remaining; if( $hiddenpicture->found){ $percent = ($correct + $remaining) / $div2; }else{ $percent = $correct / $div2; } return $percent; } function game_hiddenpicture_showhiddenpicture( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $showsolution, $offsetquestions, $correctquestions){ global $CFG; $foundcells=''; foreach( $correctquestions as $key => $val){ $foundcells .= ','.$key; } $cells=''; foreach( $offsetquestions as $key => $val){ if( $key != 0){ $cells .= ','.$key; } } $query = get_record_select( 'game_queries', "attemptid=$hiddenpicture->id AND col=0", 'id,glossaryentryid,attachment,questiontext'); //Grade echo "
".get_string( 'grade', 'game').' : '.round( $attempt->score * 100).' %'; game_hiddenpicture_showquestion_glossary( $id, $query); $cells = substr( $cells, 1); $foundcells = substr( $foundcells, 1); game_showpicture( $id, $game, $attempt, $query, $cells, $foundcells, true); } function game_hiddenpicture_showquestion_glossary( $id, $query) { global $CFG; $entry = get_record( 'glossary_entries', 'id', $query->glossaryentryid); /// Start the form echo '
'; echo "
wwwroot}/mod/game/attempt.php\" onclick=\"this.autocomplete='off'\">\n"; echo "
\n"; // Add a hidden field with the queryid echo '\n"; echo ''; echo '\n"; // Add a hidden field with glossaryentryid echo '\n"; echo game_filtertext( $entry->definition, 0).'
'; echo get_string( 'answer').': '; echo "
"; echo "

\n"; } function game_hiddenpicture_check_questions( $id, $game, &$attempt, &$hiddenpicture, $finishattempt) { global $QTYPES, $CFG; $responses = data_submitted(); $offsetquestions = game_sudoku_compute_offsetquestions( $game->sourcemodule, $attempt, $numbers, $correctquestions); $questionlist = game_sudoku_getquestionlist( $offsetquestions); $questions = game_sudoku_getquestions( $questionlist); $actions = question_extract_responses($questions, $responses, QUESTION_EVENTSUBMIT); $correct = $wrong = 0; foreach($questions as $question) { if( !array_key_exists( $question->id, $actions)){ //no answered continue; } unset( $state); unset( $cmoptions); $question->maxgrade = 100; $state->responses = $actions[ $question->id]->responses; $state->event = QUESTION_EVENTGRADE; $cmoptions = array(); $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->grade_responses( $question, $state, $cmoptions); unset( $query); $select = "attemptid=$attempt->id"; $select .= " AND questionid=$question->id"; if( ($query->id = get_field_select( 'game_queries', 'id', $select)) == 0){ die("problem game_hiddenpicture_check_questions (select=$select)"); continue; } $answertext = $state->responses[ '']; if( $answertext != ''){ $grade = $state->raw_grade; if( $grade < 50){ //wrong answer game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, $grade/100, $answertext); $wrong++; }else{ //correct answer game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, 1, $answertext); $correct++; } } } $hiddenpicture->correct += $correct; $hiddenpicture->wrong += $wrong; if( !update_record( 'game_hiddenpicture', $hiddenpicture)){ error( 'game_hiddenpicture_check_questions: error updating in game_hiddenpicture'); } $attempt->score = game_hidden_picture_computescore( $game, $hiddenpicture); if( !update_record( 'game_attempts', $attempt)){ error( 'game_hiddenpicture_check_questions: error updating in game_attempt'); } game_sudoku_check_last( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture, $finishattempt); } function game_hiddenpicture_check_mainquestion( $id, $game, &$attempt, &$hiddenpicture, $finishattempt) { global $QTYPES, $CFG; $responses = data_submitted(); $glossaryentryid = $responses->glossaryentryid; $queryid = $responses->queryid; // Load the glossary entry if (!($entry = get_record_select( 'glossary_entries', "id=$glossaryentryid"))) { error(get_string('noglossaryentriesfound', 'game')); } $answer = $responses->answer; $correct = false; if( $answer != ''){ if( game_upper( $entry->concept) == game_upper( $answer)){ $correct = true; } } // Load the query if (!($query = get_record_select( 'game_queries', "id=$queryid"))) { error("The query $queryid not found"); } game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, $correct, $answer); if( $correct){ $hiddenpicture->found = 1; }else{ $hiddenpicture->wrong++; } if( !update_record( 'game_hiddenpicture', $hiddenpicture)){ error( 'game_hiddenpicture_check_mainquestion: error updating in game_hiddenpicture'); } $score = game_hidden_picture_computescore( $game, $hiddenpicture); game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $score, $correct); if( $correct == false){ game_hiddenpicture_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $hiddenpicture); return; } //Finish the game $query = get_record_select( 'game_queries', "attemptid=$hiddenpicture->id AND col=0", 'id,glossaryentryid,attachment,questiontext'); game_showpicture( $id, $game, $attempt, $query, '', '', false); echo '

'.get_string( 'win', 'game').'

'; global $CFG; echo '
'; echo "wwwroot/mod/game/attempt.php?id=$id\">"; echo get_string( 'nextgame', 'game').'        '; if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) { error("Course Module ID was incorrect id=$id"); } echo "wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$cm->course\">".get_string( 'finish', 'game').' '; } function game_showpicture( $id, $game, $attempt, $query, $cells, $foundcells, $usemap) { global $CFG; $filename = $query->attachment; $filenamenumbers = str_replace( "\\", '/', $CFG->dirroot)."/mod/game/hiddenpicture/numbers.png"; if( $usemap){ $cols = $game->param1; $rows = $game->param2; }else{ $cols = $rows = 0; } $params = "id=$id&id2=$attempt->id&f=$foundcells&cols=$cols&rows=$rows&cells=$cells&p=$filename&n=$filenamenumbers"; $imagesrc = "hiddenpicture/picture.php?$params"; $size = getimagesize ($filename); if( $game->param4 > 10){ $width = $game->param4; $height = $size[ 1] * $width / $size[ 0]; }else if( $game->param5 > 10){ $height = $game->param5; $width = $size[ 0] * $height / $size[ 1]; }else { $width = $size[ 0]; $height = $size[ 1]; } echo "\r\n"; if( $usemap){ echo "\r\n"; $pos=0; for($row=0; $row < $rows; $row++){ for( $col=0; $col < $cols; $col++){ $pos++; $x1 = $col * $width / $cols; $y1 = $row * $height / $rows; $x2 = $x1 + $width / $cols; $y2 = $y1 + $height / $rows; $q = "a$pos"; echo "\"$pos\"\r\n"; } } echo ""; } }