get_string("gradehighest", "game"), GAME_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE => get_string("gradeaverage", "game"), GAME_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST => get_string("attemptfirst", "game"), GAME_GRADEMETHOD_LAST => get_string("attemptlast", "game")); define( "CONST_GAME_TRIES_REPETITION", "3"); /**#@-*/ function game_upper( $str, $lang='') { global $CFG; $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $str = $textlib->strtoupper( $str); if( $lang != ''){ $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/$lang/game.php"; if (file_exists($langfile)) { if ($result = get_string_from_file('convertfrom', $langfile, "\$convert1")) { eval($result); if ($result = get_string_from_file('convertto', $langfile, "\$convert2")) { eval($result); if( $convert1 != '' and $convert2 != ''){ $len = $textlib->strlen( $convert1); for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ $str = str_replace( $textlib->substr( $convert1, $i, 1), $textlib->substr( $convert2, $i, 1), $str); } return $str; } } } } } $convert1 = get_string( 'convertfrom', 'game'); if( $convert1 != ""){ $convert2 = get_string( 'convertto', 'game'); $len = $textlib->strlen( $convert1); for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){ $str = str_replace( $textlib->substr( $convert1, $i, 1), $textlib->substr( $convert2, $i, 1), $str); } } return $str; } function game_showselectcontrol( $name, $a, $input, $events=''){ $ret = "\r\n"; return $ret; } function game_showcheckbox( $name, $value) { $a = array(); $a[ 0] = get_string( 'no'); $a[ 1] = get_string( 'yes'); return game_showselectcontrol( $name, $a, $value); $ret = 'sourcemodule) { case 'glossary': return game_question_shortanswer_glossary( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions); case 'quiz': return game_question_shortanswer_quiz( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions); case 'question': return game_question_shortanswer_question( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions); } return false; } //used by hangman function game_question_shortanswer_glossary( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions) { global $CFG; if( $game->glossaryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_glossary', 'game')); } $select = "glossaryid={$game->glossaryid}"; $table = 'glossary_entries'; if( $game->glossarycategoryid){ $table .= ",{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories"; $select .= " AND {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories.entryid = {$CFG->prefix} ". " AND {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories.categoryid = {$game->glossarycategoryid}"; } if( $allowspaces == false){ $select .= " AND concept NOT LIKE '% %' "; } if( ($id = game_question_selectrandom( $game, $table, $select, "{$CFG->prefix}", $use_repetitions)) == false) return false; $sql = 'SELECT id, concept as answertext, definition as questiontext, id as glossaryentryid, 0 as questionid, glossaryid, attachment, 0 as answerid'. " FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries WHERE id = $id"; if( ($rec = get_record_sql( $sql)) == false) return false; if( $rec->attachment != ''){ $rec->attachment = "glossary/{$game->glossaryid}/$rec->id/$rec->attachment"; } return $rec; } //used by hangman function game_question_shortanswer_quiz( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions) { global $CFG; if( $game->quizid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_quiz', 'game')); } $select = "qtype='shortanswer' AND quiz='$game->quizid' ". " AND {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances.question={$CFG->prefix}"; $table = "question,{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances"; $fields = "{$CFG->prefix}"; if( ($id = game_question_selectrandom( $game, $table, $select, $fields, $use_repetitions)) == false) return false; $select = "$id AND qa.question=$id". " AND q.hidden=0 AND qtype='shortanswer'"; $table = "question q,{$CFG->prefix}question_answers qa"; $fields = " as answerid,, q.questiontext as questiontext, ". "qa.answer as answertext, as questionid, ". "0 as glossaryentryid, '' as attachment"; //Maybe there are more answers to one question. I use as correct the one with bigger fraction $recs = get_records_select( $table, $select, 'fraction DESC', $fields); if( $recs == false){ return false; } foreach( $recs as $rec){ return $rec; } } //used by hangman function game_question_shortanswer_question( $game, $allowspaces, $use_repetitions) { global $CFG; if( $game->questioncategoryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_questioncategory', 'game')); } $select = $CFG->prefix.'question.category='.$game->questioncategoryid; if( $game->subcategories){ $cats = question_categorylist( $game->questioncategoryid); if( strpos( $cats, ',') > 0){ $select = $CFG->prefix.'question.category in ('.$cats.')'; } } $select .= " AND qtype='shortanswer'"; $table = "question"; $fields = "{$CFG->prefix}"; if( ($id = game_question_selectrandom( $game, $table, $select, $fields, $use_repetitions)) == false) return false; $select = "$id AND qa.question=$id". " AND q.hidden=0 AND qtype='shortanswer'"; $table = "question q,{$CFG->prefix}question_answers qa"; $fields = " as answerid,, q.questiontext as questiontext, ". "qa.answer as answertext, as questionid, ". "0 as glossaryentryid, '' as attachment"; //Maybe there are more answers to one question. I use as correct the one with bigger fraction $recs = get_records_select( $table, $select, 'fraction DESC', $fields); if( $recs == false){ return false; } foreach( $recs as $rec){ return $rec; } } //used by millionaire, game_question_shortanswer_quiz, hidden picture function game_question_selectrandom( $game, $table, $select, $id_fields="id", $use_repetitions=true) { global $CFG, $USER; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM {$CFG->prefix}$table WHERE $select"; if( ($rec = get_record_sql( $sql)) == false) return false; $count = $rec->c; if( $count == 0) return false; $min_num = 0; $min_id = 0; for($i=1; $i <= CONST_GAME_TRIES_REPETITION; $i++){ $sel = mt_rand(0, $count-1); $sql = "SELECT $id_fields,$id_fields FROM {$CFG->prefix}$table WHERE $select"; if( ($recs=get_records_sql( $sql, $sel, 1)) == false){ return false; } $id = 0; foreach( $recs as $rec){ $id = $rec->id; } if( $min_id == 0){ $min_id = $id; } if( $use_repetitions == false){ return $id; } if( $count == 1){ break; } $questionid = $glossaryentryid = 0; if( $game->sourcemodule == 'glossary') $glossaryentryid = $id; else $questionid = $id; $select2 = "gameid=$game->id AND userid='$USER->id' AND questionid='$questionid' AND glossaryentryid='$glossaryentryid'"; if( ($rec = get_record_select( 'game_repetitions', $select2, 'id,repetitions r')) != false){ if( ($rec->r < $min_num) or ($min_num == 0)){ $min_num = $rec->r; $min_id = $id; } }else { $min_id = $questionid; break; } } if( $game->sourcemodule == 'glossary') game_update_repetitions( $game->id, $USER->id, 0, $min_id); else game_update_repetitions( $game->id, $USER->id, $min_id, 0); return $min_id; } function game_update_repetitions( $gameid, $userid, $questionid, $glossaryentryid){ $select = "gameid=$gameid AND userid='$userid' AND questionid='$questionid' AND glossaryentryid='$glossaryentryid'"; if( ($rec = get_record_select( 'game_repetitions', $select, 'id,repetitions r')) != false){ $updrec->id = $rec->id; $updrec->repetitions = $rec->r + 1; if( !update_record( 'game_repetitions', $updrec)){ error("Update page: can't update game_repetitions id={$updrec->id}"); } }else { $newrec->gameid = $gameid; $newrec->userid = $userid; $newrec->questionid = $questionid; $newrec->glossaryentryid = $glossaryentryid; $newrec->repetitions = 1; if( $newrec->questionid == ''){ $newrec->questionid = 0; } if( $newrec->glossaryentryid == ''){ $newrec->glossaryentryid = 0; } if (!insert_record( 'game_repetitions', $newrec)){ print_r( $newrec); error("Insert page: new page game_repetitions not inserted"); } } } //used by sudoku function game_questions_selectrandom( $game, $count=1) { global $CFG; switch( $game->sourcemodule) { case 'quiz': if( $game->quizid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_quiz', 'game')); } $table = "question,{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances"; $select = " {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances.quiz=$game->quizid". " AND {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances.question={$CFG->prefix} ". " AND {$CFG->prefix}question.qtype in ('shortanswer', 'truefalse', 'multichoice')". " AND {$CFG->prefix}question.hidden=0"; //todo 'match' $field = "{$CFG->prefix} as id"; $table2 = 'question'; $fields2 = 'id as questionid,0 as glossaryentryid,qtype'; break; case 'glossary': if( $game->glossaryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_glossary', 'game')); } $table = 'glossary_entries ge'; $select = "glossaryid='$game->glossaryid' "; if( $game->glossarycategoryid){ $table .= ",{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec"; $select .= " AND gec.entryid = ". " AND gec.categoryid = {$game->glossarycategoryid}"; } $field = ''; $table2 = 'glossary_entries ge'; $fields2 = ' as glossaryentryid, 0 as questionid'; break; case 'question': if( $game->questioncategoryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_questioncategory', 'game')); } $table = "question"; //inlcude subcategories $select = 'category='.$game->questioncategoryid; if( $game->subcategories){ $cats = question_categorylist( $game->questioncategoryid); if( strpos( $cats, ',') > 0){ $select = 'category in ('.$cats.')'; } } $select .= " AND {$CFG->prefix}question.qtype in ('shortanswer', 'truefalse', 'multichoice') ". "AND {$CFG->prefix}question.hidden=0"; //todo 'match' $field = "id"; $table2 = 'question'; $fields2 = 'id as questionid,0 as glossaryentryid'; break; default: error( 'No sourcemodule defined'); break; } $ids = game_questions_selectrandom_detail( $table, $select, $field, $count); if( $ids === false){ error( get_string( 'no_questions', 'game')); } if( count( $ids) > 1){ //randomize the array shuffle( $ids); } $ret = array(); foreach( $ids as $id) { if( $recquestion = get_record_select( $table2, "id=$id", $fields2)){ unset( $new); $new->questionid = (int )$recquestion->questionid; $new->glossaryentryid = (int )$recquestion->glossaryentryid; $ret[] = $new; } } return $ret; } //used by game_questions_selectrandom function game_questions_selectrandom_detail( $table, $select, $id_field="id", $count=1) { global $CFG; $sql = "SELECT $id_field,$id_field FROM {$CFG->prefix}$table WHERE $select"; if( ($recs=get_records_sql( $sql)) == false) return false; //the array contains the ids of all questions $a = array(); foreach( $recs as $rec){ $a[ $rec->id] = $rec->id; } if( $count >= count( $a)){ return $a; }else { srand(); $id = array_rand( $a, $count); return ( $count == 1 ? array( $id) : $id); } } //Tries to detect the language of word function game_detectlanguage( $word){ global $CFG; $langs = get_directory_list( "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang", '', true, true, false); sort( $langs); //English has more priority $value = 'en_utf8'; $key = array_search( $value, $langs); if( $key > 0) { unset( $langs[ $key]); array_unshift( $langs, $value); } $langs_installed = get_list_of_languages(); foreach( $langs as $lang){ if( !array_key_exists( $lang, $langs_installed)) continue; //Not install yet this language $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/$lang/game.php"; if (file_exists($langfile)) { if ($result = get_string_from_file('lettersall', $langfile, "\$letters")) { eval($result); if( $letters != ''){ $word2 = game_upper( $word, $lang); if( hangman_existall( $word2, $letters)){ return $lang; } } } } } return false; } //The words maybe are in two languages e.g. greek or english //so I try to find the correct one. function game_getallletters( $word, $lang='') { global $CFG; if( $lang != ''){ $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/$lang/game.php"; if (file_exists($langfile)) { if ($result = get_string_from_file('lettersall', $langfile, "\$letters")) { eval($result); if( $letters != ''){ if( hangman_existall( $word, $letters)){ return $letters; } } } } } $letters = game_upper( get_string( 'lettersall', 'game')); if( hangman_existall( $word, $letters)){ return $letters; } return ''; } function game_get_string_lang( $identifier, $module, $lang) { global $CFG; $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/$lang/game.php"; if ($result = get_string_from_file( $identifier, $langfile, "\$ret")) { eval($result); if( $ret != '') return $ret; } return get_string( $identifier, $module); } function hangman_existall( $str, $strfind) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $n = $textlib->strlen( $str); for( $i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { $pos = $textlib->strpos( $strfind, $textlib->substr( $str, $i, 1)); if( $pos === false) return false; } return true; } //used by cross function game_questions_shortanswer( $game) { switch( $game->sourcemodule) { case "glossary": $recs = game_questions_shortanswer_glossary( $game); break; case "quiz"; $recs = game_questions_shortanswer_quiz( $game); break; case "question"; $recs = game_questions_shortanswer_question( $game); break; } return $recs; } //used by cross function game_questions_shortanswer_glossary( $game) { global $CFG; $select = "glossaryid={$game->glossaryid}"; $table = "{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge"; if( $game->glossarycategoryid){ $table .= ",{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec"; $select .= " AND gec.entryid = ". " AND gec.categoryid = {$game->glossarycategoryid}"; } $sql = 'SELECT, concept as answertext, definition as questiontext, as glossaryentryid, 0 as questionid, attachment '. " FROM $table WHERE $select"; return get_records_sql( $sql); } //used by cross function game_questions_shortanswer_quiz( $game) { global $CFG; if( $game->quizid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_quiz', 'game')); } $select = "qtype='shortanswer' AND quiz='$game->quizid' ". " AND". " AND". " AND q.hidden=0"; $table = "question q,{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances qqi,{$CFG->prefix}question_answers qa"; $fields = " as qaid,, q.questiontext as questiontext, ". "qa.answer as answertext, as questionid,". " 0 as glossaryentryid,'' as attachment"; return game_questions_shortanswer_question_fraction( $table, $fields, $select); } //used by cross function game_questions_shortanswer_question( $game) { global $CFG; if( $game->questioncategoryid == 0){ error( get_string( 'must_select_questioncategory', 'game')); } //include subcategories $select = 'q.category='.$game->questioncategoryid; if( $game->subcategories){ $cats = question_categorylist( $game->questioncategoryid); if( strpos( $cats, ',') > 0){ $select = 'q.category in ('.$cats.')'; } } $select .= " AND qtype='shortanswer' ". " AND". " AND q.hidden=0"; $table = "question q,{$CFG->prefix}question_answers qa"; $fields = " as qaid,, q.questiontext as questiontext, ". "qa.answer as answertext, as questionid"; return game_questions_shortanswer_question_fraction( $table, $fields, $select); } function game_questions_shortanswer_question_fraction( $table, $fields, $select) { global $CFG; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM {$CFG->prefix}$table WHERE $select ORDER BY fraction DESC"; $recs = get_records_sql( $sql); if( $recs == false){ error( get_string( 'no_questions', 'game')); } $recs2 = array(); $map = array(); foreach( $recs as $rec){ unset( $rec2); if( array_key_exists( $rec->questionid, $map)){ continue; } $rec2->id = $rec->id; $rec2->questiontext = $rec->questiontext; $rec2->answertext = $rec->answertext; $rec2->questionid = $rec->questionid; $rec2->glossaryentryid = 0; $rec2->attachment = ''; $recs2[] = $rec2; $map[ $rec->questionid] = $rec->questionid; } return $recs2; } function game_setchar( &$s, $pos, $char) { $ret = ""; $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); if( $pos > 0){ $ret .= $textlib->substr( $s, 0, $pos); } $s = $ret . $char . $textlib->substr( $s, $pos+1); } function game_insert_record( $table, $rec) { global $CFG; if( get_record_select($table, "id=$rec->id", 'id,id') == false){ $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}$table(id) VALUES($rec->id)"; if( !execute_sql( $sql, false)){ error( "Cannot insert an empty $table with id=$rec->id"); return false; } } if( isset( $rec->question)){ $temp = $rec->question; $rec->question = addslashes( $rec->question); } $ret = update_record( $table, $rec); if( isset( $rec->question)){ $rec->question = $temp; } return $ret; } //if score is negative doesn't update the record //score is between 0 and 1 function game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $score, $finished) { if( $attempt != false){ $updrec->id = $attempt->id; $updrec->timelastattempt = time(); $updrec->lastip = getremoteaddr(); if( isset( $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_HOST'])) $updrec->lastremotehost = $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_HOST']; else if( $updrec->lastip != '') $updrec->lastremotehost = gethostbyaddr( $updrec->lastip); else $updrec->lastremotehost = ''; $updrec->lastremotehost = substr( $updrec->lastremotehost, 0, 50); if( $score >= 0){ $updrec->score = $score; } if( $finished){ $updrec->timefinish = $updrec->timelastattempt; } $updrec->attempts = $attempt->attempts + 1; if( !update_record( 'game_attempts', $updrec)){ error( "game_updateattempts: Can't update game_attempts id=$updrec->id"); } // update grade item and send all grades to gradebook game_grade_item_update( $game); game_update_grades( $game); } //Update table game_grades if( $finished){ global $USER; game_save_best_score( $game, $USER->id); } } function game_updateattempts_maxgrade( $game, $attempt, $grade, $finished) { $recgrade = get_field( 'game_attempts', 'score', 'id', $attempt->id); if( $recgrade > $grade){ $grade = -1; //don't touch the grade } game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $grade, $finished); } function game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, $score, $studentanswer, $updatetries=false) { global $USER; if( $query->id != 0){ $select = "id=$query->id"; }else { $select = "attemptid = $attempt->id AND sourcemodule = '{$query->sourcemodule}'"; switch( $query->sourcemodule) { case 'quiz': $select .= " AND questionid='$query->questionid' "; break; case 'glossary': $select .= " AND glossaryentryid='$query->glossaryentryid'"; break; } } if( ($recq = get_record_select( 'game_queries', $select)) === false) { unset( $recq); $recq->gamekind = $game->gamekind; $recq->gameid = $attempt->gameid; $recq->userid = $attempt->userid; $recq->attemptid = $attempt->id; $recq->sourcemodule = $query->sourcemodule; $recq->questionid = $query->questionid; $recq->glossaryentryid = $query->glossaryentryid; if ($updatetries) $recq->tries = 1; if (!($recq->id = insert_record( "game_queries", $recq))){ error("Insert page: new page game_queries not inserted"); } } $updrec->id = $recq->id; $updrec->timelastattempt = time(); if( $score >= 0){ $updrec->score = $score; } if( $studentanswer != ''){ $updrec->studentanswer = $studentanswer; } if ($updatetries) $updrec->tries = $recq->tries + 1; if (!(update_record( "game_queries", $updrec))){ error("game_update_queries: not updated id=$updrec->id"); } } function game_getattempt( $game, &$detail) { global $USER; $select = "gameid=$game->id AND userid=$USER->id and timefinish=0 "; if( $USER->id == 1){ $key = 'mod/game:instanceid'.$game->id; if( array_key_exists( $key, $_SESSION)){ $select .= ' AND id="'.$_SESSION[ $key].'"'; }else{ $select .= ' AND id=-1'; } } if( ($recs=get_records_select( 'game_attempts', $select))){ foreach( $recs as $attempt){ if( $USER->id == 1){ $_SESSION[ $key] = $attempt->id; } $detail = get_record_select( 'game_'.$game->gamekind, "id=$attempt->id"); return $attempt; } } return false; } /** * @param integer $gameid the game id. * @param integer $userid the userid. * @param string $status 'all', 'finished' or 'unfinished' to control * @return an array of all the user's attempts at this game. Returns an empty array if there are none. */ function game_get_user_attempts( $gameid, $userid, $status = 'finished') { $status_condition = array( 'all' => '', 'finished' => ' AND timefinish > 0', 'unfinished' => ' AND timefinish = 0' ); if ($attempts = get_records_select( 'game_attempts', "gameid = '$gameid' AND userid = '$userid' AND preview = 0" . $status_condition[$status], 'attempt ASC')) { return $attempts; } else { return array(); } } /** * Returns an unfinished attempt (if there is one) for the given * user on the given game. This function does not return preview attempts. * * @param integer $gameid the id of the game. * @param integer $userid the id of the user. * * @return mixed the unfinished attempt if there is one, false if not. */ function game_get_user_attempt_unfinished( $gameid, $userid) { $attempts = game_get_user_attempts( $gameid, $userid, 'unfinished'); if ($attempts) { return array_shift($attempts); } else { return false; } } /** * Get the best current score for a particular user in a game. * * @param object $game the game object. * @param integer $userid the id of the user. * @return float the user's current grade for this game. */ function game_get_best_score($game, $userid) { $score = get_field( 'game_grades', 'score', 'gameid', $game->id, 'userid', $userid); // Need to detect errors/no result, without catching 0 scores. if (is_numeric($score)) { return $score; } else { return NULL; } } function game_get_best_grade($game, $userid) { $score = game_get_best_score( $game, $userid); if( is_numeric( $score)){ return round( $score * $game->grade, $game->decimalpoints); }else { return NULL; } } /** * @param integer $gameid the id of the game object. * @return boolean Whether this game has any non-blank feedback text. */ function game_has_feedback($gameid) { return false; static $cache = array(); if (!array_key_exists($gameid, $cache)) { $cache[$gameid] = record_exists_select('game_feedback', "gameid = $gameid AND feedbacktext <> ''"); } return $cache[$gameid]; } /** * Returns a comma separated list of question ids for the game * * @return string Comma separated list of question ids * @param string $layout The string representing the game layout. Each page is represented as a * comma separated list of question ids and 0 indicating page breaks. * So 5,2,0,3,0 means questions 5 and 2 on page 1 and question 3 on page 2 */ function game_questions_in_game($layout) { return str_replace(',0', '', $layout); } /** * Convert the raw score stored in $attempt into a grade out of the maximum * grade for this game. * * @param float $rawgrade the unadjusted grade, fof example $attempt->sumgrades * @param object $game the game object. Only the fields grade, sumgrades and decimalpoints are used. * @return float the rescaled grade. */ function game_score_to_grade($score, $game) { if ($score) { return round($score*$game->grade, $game->decimalpoints); } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the feedback text that should be show to a student who * got this grade on this game. * * @param float $grade a grade on this game. * @param integer $gameid the id of the game object. * @return string the comment that corresponds to this grade (empty string if there is not one. */ function game_feedback_for_grade($grade, $gameid) { return ''; $feedback = get_field_select('game_feedback', 'feedbacktext', "gameid = $gameid AND mingrade <= $grade AND $grade < maxgrade"); if (empty($feedback)) { $feedback = ''; } return $feedback; } /** * Determine review options * * @param object $game the game instance. * @param object $attempt the attempt in question. * @param $context the roles and permissions context, * normally the context for the game module instance. * * @return object an object with boolean fields responses, scores, feedback, * correct_responses, solutions and general feedback */ function game_get_reviewoptions($game, $attempt, $context=null) { $options = new stdClass; $options->readonly = true; // Provide the links to the question review and comment script $options->questionreviewlink = '/mod/game/reviewquestion.php'; if ($context /* && has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context) */ and !$attempt->preview) { // The teacher should be shown everything except during preview when the teachers // wants to see just what the students see $options->responses = true; $options->scores = true; $options->feedback = true; $options->correct_responses = true; $options->solutions = false; $options->generalfeedback = true; $options->overallfeedback = true; // Show a link to the comment box only for closed attempts if ($attempt->timefinish) { $options->questioncommentlink = '/mod/game/comment.php'; } } else { if (((time() - $attempt->timefinish) < 120) || $attempt->timefinish==0) { $game_state_mask = GAME_REVIEW_IMMEDIATELY; } else if (!$game->timeclose or time() < $game->timeclose) { $game_state_mask = GAME_REVIEW_OPEN; } else { $game_state_mask = GAME_REVIEW_CLOSED; } $options->responses = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_RESPONSES) ? 1 : 0; $options->scores = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_SCORES) ? 1 : 0; $options->feedback = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_FEEDBACK) ? 1 : 0; $options->correct_responses = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_ANSWERS) ? 1 : 0; $options->solutions = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_SOLUTIONS) ? 1 : 0; $options->generalfeedback = ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_GENERALFEEDBACK) ? 1 : 0; $options->overallfeedback = $attempt->timefinish && ($game->review & $game_state_mask & GAME_REVIEW_FEEDBACK); } return $options; } /** * Returns a comma separated list of question ids for the current page * * @return string Comma separated list of question ids * @param string $layout The string representing the game layout. Each page is represented as a * comma separated list of question ids and 0 indicating page breaks. * So 5,2,0,3,0 means questions 5 and 2 on page 1 and question 3 on page 2 * @param integer $page The number of the current page. */ function game_questions_on_page($layout, $page) { $pages = explode(',0', $layout); return trim($pages[$page], ','); } function game_compute_attempt_layout( $game, &$attempt) { $ret = ''; $recs = get_records_select( 'game_queries', "attemptid=$attempt->id", '', 'id,questionid,sourcemodule,glossaryentryid'); if( $recs){ foreach( $recs as $rec){ if( $rec->sourcemodule == 'glossary'){ $ret .= $rec->glossaryentryid.'G,'; }else{ $ret .= $rec->questionid.','; } } } $attempt->layout = $ret.'0'; } /** * Combines the review options from a number of different game attempts. * Returns an array of two ojects, so he suggested way of calling this * funciton is: * list($someoptions, $alloptions) = game_get_combined_reviewoptions(...) * * @param object $game the game instance. * @param array $attempts an array of attempt objects. * @param $context the roles and permissions context, * normally the context for the game module instance. * * @return array of two options objects, one showing which options are true for * at least one of the attempts, the other showing which options are true * for all attempts. */ function game_get_combined_reviewoptions($game, $attempts, $context=null) { $fields = array('readonly', 'scores', 'feedback', 'correct_responses', 'solutions', 'generalfeedback', 'overallfeedback'); $someoptions = new stdClass; $alloptions = new stdClass; foreach ($fields as $field) { $someoptions->$field = false; $alloptions->$field = true; } foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $attemptoptions = game_get_reviewoptions( $game, $attempt, $context); foreach ($fields as $field) { $someoptions->$field = $someoptions->$field || $attemptoptions->$field; $alloptions->$field = $alloptions->$field && $attemptoptions->$field; } } return array( $someoptions, $alloptions); } /** * Save the overall grade for a user at a game in the game_grades table * * @param object $quiz The game for which the best grade is to be calculated and then saved. * @param integer $userid The userid to calculate the grade for. Defaults to the current user. * @return boolean Indicates success or failure. */ function game_save_best_score($game, $userid = null) { global $USER; if (empty($userid)) { $userid = $USER->id; } // Get all the attempts made by the user if (!$attempts = game_get_user_attempts( $game->id, $userid)) { notify('Could not find any user attempts'); return false; } // Calculate the best grade $bestscore = game_calculate_best_score($game, $attempts); //$bestgrade = game_rescale_grade($bestgrade, $game); // Save the best grade in the database if ($grade = get_record('game_grades', 'gameid', $game->id, 'userid', $userid)) { $grade->score = $bestscore; $grade->timemodified = time(); if (!update_record('game_grades', $grade)) { notify('Could not update best grade'); return false; } } else { $grade->gameid = $game->id; $grade->userid = $userid; $grade->score = $bestscore; $grade->timemodified = time(); if (!insert_record('game_grades', $grade)) { notify('Could not insert new best grade'); return false; } } return true; } /** * Calculate the overall grade for a game given a number of attempts by a particular user. * * @return float The overall grade * @param object $quiz The game for which the best grade is to be calculated * @param array $attempts An array of all the attempts of the user at the game */ function game_calculate_best_score($game, $attempts) { switch ($game->grademethod) { case GAME_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST: foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { return $attempt->score; } break; case GAME_GRADEMETHOD_LAST: foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $final = $attempt->score; } return $final; case GAME_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE: $sum = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $sum += $attempt->score; $count++; } return (float)$sum/$count; default: case GAME_GRADEMETHOD_HIGHEST: $max = 0; foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { if ($attempt->score > $max) { $max = $attempt->score; } } return $max; } } /** * Return the attempt with the best grade for a game * * Which attempt is the best depends on $game->grademethod. If the grade * method is GRADEAVERAGE then this function simply returns the last attempt. * @return object The attempt with the best grade * @param object $quiz The game for which the best grade is to be calculated * @param array $attempts An array of all the attempts of the user at the game */ function game_calculate_best_attempt($game, $attempts) { switch ($game->grademethod) { case GAME_ATTEMPTFIRST: foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { return $attempt; } break; case GAME_GRADEAVERAGE: // need to do something with it :-) case GAME_ATTEMPTLAST: foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $final = $attempt; } return $final; default: case GAME_GRADEHIGHEST: $max = -1; foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { if ($attempt->sumgrades > $max) { $max = $attempt->sumgrades; $maxattempt = $attempt; } } return $maxattempt; } } /** * Returns the number of pages in the game layout * * @return integer Comma separated list of question ids * @param string $layout The string representing the game layout. */ function game_number_of_pages($layout) { return substr_count($layout, ',0'); } /** * Returns the first question number for the current game page * * @return integer The number of the first question * @param string $gamelayout The string representing the layout for the whole game * @param string $pagelayout The string representing the layout for the current page */ function game_first_questionnumber($gamelayout, $pagelayout) { // this works by finding all the questions from the gamelayout that // come before the current page and then adding up their lengths. global $CFG; $start = strpos($gamelayout, ','.$pagelayout.',')-2; if ($start > 0) { $prevlist = substr($gamelayout, 0, $start); return get_field_sql("SELECT sum(length)+1 FROM {$CFG->prefix}question WHERE id IN ($prevlist)"); } else { return 1; } } /** * Loads the most recent state of each question session from the database * * For each question the most recent session state for the current attempt * is loaded from the game_questions table and the question type specific data * * @return array An array of state objects representing the most recent * states of the question sessions. * @param array $questions The questions for which sessions are to be restored or * created. * @param object $cmoptions * @param object $attempt The attempt for which the question sessions are * to be restored or created. * @param mixed either the id of a previous attempt, if this attmpt is * building on a previous one, or false for a clean attempt. */ function game_get_question_states(&$questions, $cmoptions, $attempt, $lastattemptid = false) { global $CFG, $QTYPES; // get the question ids $ids = array_keys( $questions); $questionlist = implode(',', $ids); $statefields = 'questionid as question, manualcomment, score as grade'; $sql = "SELECT $statefields". " FROM {$CFG->prefix}game_questions ". " WHERE attemptid = '$attempt->id'". " AND questionid IN ($questionlist)"; $states = get_records_sql($sql); // loop through all questions and set the last_graded states foreach ($ids as $i) { // Create the empty question type specific information if (!$QTYPES[$questions[$i]->qtype]->create_session_and_responses( $questions[$i], $states[$i], $cmoptions, $attempt)) { return false; } $states[$i]->last_graded = clone($states[$i]); } return $states; } function game_sudoku_getquestions( $questionlist) { // Load the questions if (!$questions = get_records_select( 'question', "id IN ($questionlist)")) { error(get_string('noquestionsfound', 'quiz')); } // Load the question type specific information if (!get_question_options($questions)) { error('Could not load question options'); } return $questions; } function game_filtertext( $text, $courseid){ $formatoptions->noclean = true; $formatoptions->filter = 1; $text = trim( format_text( $text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $courseid)); if( substr( $text, 0, 3) == '

'){ if( substr( $text, -4) == '

'){ $text = substr( $text, 3, -4); } } if( substr( $text, 0, 3) == '

'){ if( substr( $text, -4) == '

'){ $text = substr( $text, 3, -4); } } return $text; } function game_tojavascriptstring( $text) { $from = array('"',"\r", "\n"); $to = array('\"', ' ', ' '); $from[] = '