// Print the main part of the page
// Print heading and tabs (if there is more than one).
$currenttab = 'info';
// Print game name
// Print information about timings.
$timenow = time();
$available = $game->timeopen < $timenow && ($timenow < $game->timeclose || !$game->timeclose);
if ($available) {
if ($game->timeopen) {
echo '
echo '';
if (has_capability('mod/game:manage', $context)) {
$available = true;
// Show number of attempts summary to those who can view reports.
if( isteacher($game->course, $USER->id)){
if ($a->attemptnum = count_records('game_attempts', 'gameid', $game->id /*, 'preview', 0 */)) {
$a->studentnum = count_records_select('game_attempts', "gameid = '$game->id' ", 'COUNT(DISTINCT userid)');
$a->studentstring = $course->students;
notify("id\">".get_string('numattempts', 'game', $a).'');
if (has_capability('mod/game:attempt', $context)) {
//Only if the teacher sets the parameters allow playing
game_view_capability_attempt($game, $context, $course, $available, $cm);
// Should we not be seeing if we need to print right-hand-side blocks?
// Finish the page.
echo '
// Utility functions =================================================================
function game_review_allowed($game) {
return true;
/** Make some text into a link to review the game, if that is appropriate. */
function make_review_link($linktext, $game, $attempt){
// If not even responses are to be shown in review then we don't allow any review
if (!($game->review & GAME_REVIEW_RESPONSES)){
return $linktext;
// If the game is still open, are reviews allowed?
if ((!$game->timeclose or time() < $game->timeclose) and !($game->review & GAME_REVIEW_OPEN)){
// If not, don't link.
return $linktext;
// If the game is closed, are reviews allowed?
if (($game->timeclose and time() > $game->timeclose) and !($game->review & GAME_REVIEW_CLOSED)){
// If not, don't link.
return $linktext;
// If the attempt is still open, don't link.
if (!$attempt->timefinish){
return $linktext;
$url = "review.php?q=$game->id&attempt=$attempt->id";
return "$linktext";
function game_view_capability_attempt( $game, $context, $course, $available, $cm){
global $CFG, $USER;
$unfinished = false;
// Get this user's attempts.
if($USER->username == 'guest'){
$attempts = array();
$mygrade = array();
else if( $game->gamekind == 'contest')
$attempts = array();
$attempts = game_get_user_attempts($game->id, $USER->id);
if ($unfinishedattempt = game_get_user_attempt_unfinished($game->id, $USER->id)) {
$attempts[] = $unfinishedattempt;
$unfinished = true;
$mygrade = game_get_best_grade($game, $USER->id);
$numattempts = count($attempts);
// Get some strings.
$strattempt = get_string("attempt", "game");
$strtimetaken = get_string("timetaken", "game");
$strtimecompleted = get_string("timecompleted", "game");
$strgrade = get_string("grade");
$strmarks = get_string('marks', 'game');
$strfeedback = get_string('feedback', 'game');
// Print table with existing attempts
if ($attempts){
// Work out which columns we need, taking account what data is available in each attempt.
list($someoptions, $alloptions) = game_get_combined_reviewoptions($game, $attempts, $context);
$gradecolumn = $someoptions->scores && $game->grade;
$overallstats = $alloptions->scores;
$feedbackcolumn = game_has_feedback($game->id);
$overallfeedback = $feedbackcolumn && $alloptions->overallfeedback;
// prepare table header
$table->head = array($strattempt, $strtimecompleted);
$table->align = array("center", "left");
$table->size = array("", "");
if ($gradecolumn){
$table->head[] = "$strgrade / $game->grade";
$table->align[] = 'center';
$table->size[] = '';
if ($feedbackcolumn){
$table->head[] = $strfeedback;
$table->align[] = 'left';
$table->size[] = '';
if (isset($game->showtimetaken)){
$table->head[] = $strtimetaken;
$table->align[] = 'center';
$table->size[] = '';
// One row for each attempt
foreach ($attempts as $attempt){
$attemptoptions = game_get_reviewoptions($game, $attempt, $context);
$row = array();
// Add the attempt number, making it a link, if appropriate.
$row[] = make_review_link('#' . $attempt->attempt, $game, $attempt);
// prepare strings for time taken and date completed
$timetaken = '';
$datecompleted = '';
if ($attempt->timefinish > 0){
// attempt has finished
$timetaken = format_time($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = userdate($attempt->timefinish);
else if ($available){
// The attempt is still in progress.
$timetaken = format_time(time() - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = '';
else if ($game->timeclose){
// The attempt was not completed but is also not available any more becuase the game is closed.
$timetaken = format_time($game->timeclose - $attempt->timestart);
$datecompleted = userdate($game->timeclose);
// Something wheird happened.
$timetaken = '';
$datecompleted = '';
$row[] = $datecompleted;
// Ouside the if because we may be showing feedback but not grades.
$attemptgrade = game_score_to_grade( $attempt->score, $game);
if ($gradecolumn) {
if ($attemptoptions->scores) {
// highlight the highest grade if appropriate
if ($overallstats && !is_null($mygrade) && $attemptgrade == $mygrade && $game->grademethod == GAME_GRADEMETHOD_HIGHEST) {
$formattedgrade = "$attemptgrade";
$formattedgrade = $attemptgrade;
$row[] = make_review_link($formattedgrade, $game, $attempt);
$row[] = '';
if ($feedbackcolumn){
if ($attemptoptions->overallfeedback) {
$row[] = game_feedback_for_grade($attemptgrade, $game->id);
} else {
$row[] = '';
if (isset($game->showtimetaken)) {
$row[] = $timetaken;
$table->data[] = $row;
} // End of loop over attempts.
// Print information about the student's best score for this game if possible.
$moreattempts = $unfinished || $numattempts < $game->attempts || $game->attempts == 0;
if (!$moreattempts) {
print_heading(get_string("nomoreattempts", "game"));
if ($numattempts && !is_null($mygrade)) {
if ($overallstats) {
if ($available && $moreattempts) {
$GAME_GRADE_METHOD[0] = get_string("gradehighest", "game");
$GAME_GRADE_METHOD[1] = get_string("gradeaverage", "game");
$GAME_GRADE_METHOD[2] = get_string("attemptfirst", "game");
$GAME_GRADE_METHOD[3] = get_string("attemptlast", "game");
$a = new stdClass;
$a->method = $GAME_GRADE_METHOD[$game->grademethod];
$a->mygrade = $mygrade;
$a->gamegrade = $game->grade;
print_heading(get_string('gradesofar', 'game', $a));
} else {
print_heading(get_string('yourfinalgradeis', 'game', "$mygrade / $game->grade"));
if ($overallfeedback) {
echo '
'.game_feedback_for_grade($mygrade, $game->id).'
// Print a button to start/continue an attempt, if appropriate.
if ($available && $moreattempts) {
if( $game->gamekind == 'contest'){
require( "contest/play.php");
game_contest_view( $game);
game_view_capability_attempt_showinfo( $game, $course, $cm, $unfinished, $numattempts);
}else {
print_continue($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $course->id);
function game_view_capability_attempt_showinfo( $game, $course, $cm, $unfinished, $numattempts)
global $CFG;
echo " ";
echo "
if ($unfinished) {
$buttontext = get_string('continueattemptgame', 'game');
} else {
// Work out the appropriate button caption.
if ($numattempts == 0) {
$buttontext = get_string('attemptgamenow', 'game');
} else {
$buttontext = get_string('reattemptgame', 'game');
// Work out if the game is temporarily unavailable because of the delay option.
if (!empty($attempts)) {
$tempunavailable = '';
$lastattempt = end( $attempts);
$lastattempttime = $lastattempt->timefinish;
// If so, display a message and prevent the start button from appearing.
if ($tempunavailable) {
print_simple_box($tempunavailable, "center");
print_continue($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $course->id);
$buttontext = '';
// Actually print the start button.
if ($buttontext) {
$buttontext = htmlspecialchars($buttontext, ENT_QUOTES);
// Do we need a confirm javascript alert?
if ($unfinished) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = '';
} else if ($game->attempts) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = addslashes(get_string('confirmstartattemptlimit','quiz', $game->attempts));
} else {
$strconfirmstartattempt = '';
$window = '_self';
$windowoptions = '';
// Determine the URL to use.
$attempturl = "attempt.php?id=$cm->id";
if (!empty($CFG->usesid) && !isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
$attempturl = sid_process_url($attempturl);
// TODO eliminate this nasty JavaScript that prints the button.