<?php // $Id: version.php,v 1.49 2012/07/25 22:46:42 bdaloukas Exp $ /** * Code fragment to define the version of game * This fragment is called by moodle_needs_upgrading() and /admin/index.php * * @author * @version $Id: version.php,v 1.49 2012/07/25 22:46:42 bdaloukas Exp $ * @package game **/ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $module->component = 'mod_game'; // Full name of the plugin (used for diagnostics) $module->version = 2013082405; // The current module version (Date: YYYYMMDDXX) $module->requires = 2010112400; // Requires Moodle 2.0 $module->cron = 0; // Period for cron to check this module (secs) $module->release = '';