<?php // $Id: index.php,v 1.8 2012/08/29 20:55:25 bdaloukas Exp $ /** * This page lists all the instances of game module in a particular course * * @author * @version $Id: index.php,v 1.8 2012/08/29 20:55:25 bdaloukas Exp $ * @package game **/ require_once("../../config.php"); require_once("lib.php"); require_once("locallib.php"); $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // course if (! $course = $DB->get_record( 'course', array( 'id' => $id))) { print_error( 'Course ID is incorrect'); } require_login($course->id); /// Get all required strings game $strgames = get_string( 'modulenameplural', 'game'); $strgame = get_string('modulename', 'game'); /// Print the header $PAGE->set_url('/mod/game/index.php', array('id'=>$id)); $coursecontext = game_get_context_course_instance( $id); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('incourse'); if( game_use_events()) { require( 'classes/event/course_module_instance_list_viewed.php'); \mod_game\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed::create_from_course($course)->trigger(); }else add_to_log($course->id, "game", "view all", "index.php?id=$course->id", ""); // Print the header. $strgames = get_string("modulenameplural", "game"); $streditquestions = ''; $editqcontexts = new question_edit_contexts($coursecontext); $PAGE->navbar->add($strgames); $PAGE->set_title($strgames); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); echo $OUTPUT->header(); /// Get all the appropriate data if (! $games = get_all_instances_in_course("game", $course)) { notice("There are no games", "../../course/view.php?id=$course->id"); die; } /// Print the list of instances (your module will probably extend this) $timenow = time(); $strname = get_string("name"); $strweek = get_string("week"); $strtopic = get_string("topic"); $table = new html_table(); if ($course->format == "weeks") { $table->head = array ($strweek, $strname); $table->align = array ("center", "left"); } else if ($course->format == "topics") { $table->head = array ($strtopic, $strname); $table->align = array ("center", "left", "left", "left"); } else { $table->head = array ($strname); $table->align = array ("left", "left", "left"); } foreach ($games as $game) { if (!$game->visible) { //Show dimmed if the mod is hidden $link = "<a class=\"dimmed\" href=\"view.php?id=$game->coursemodule\">$game->name</a>"; } else { //Show normal if the mod is visible $link = "<a href=\"view.php?id=$game->coursemodule\">$game->name</a>"; } if ($course->format == "weeks" or $course->format == "topics") { $table->data[] = array ($game->section, $link); } else { $table->data[] = array ($link); } } echo "<br />"; echo html_writer::table($table); /// Finish the page echo $OUTPUT->footer($course); ?>