. /** * This is a very rough importer for powerpoint slides * Export a powerpoint presentation with powerpoint as html pages * Do it with office 2002 (I think?) and no special settings * Then zip the directory with all of the html pages * and the zip file is what you want to upload * * The script supports book and lesson. * * @version $Id: importppt.php,v 1.3 2012/07/25 11:16:05 bdaloukas Exp $ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License * @package lesson **/ require_once("../../config.php"); require_once("locallib.php"); $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID. $pageid = optional_param('pageid', '', PARAM_INT); // Page ID. global $matches; if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('lesson', $id)) { print_error('Course Module ID was incorrect'); } if (! $course = $DB->get_record('course', array( 'id' => $cm->course))) { print_error('Course is misconfigured'); } // Allows for adaption for multiple modules. if (!$modname = $DB->get_field('modules', 'name', array( 'id' => $cm->module))) { print_error('Could not find module name'); } if (! $mod = $DB->get_record($modname, array( "id" => $cm->instance))) { print_error('Course module is incorrect'); } require_login($course->id, false); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); require_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context); $strimportppt = get_string("importppt", "lesson"); $strlessons = get_string("modulenameplural", "lesson"); echo $OUTPUT->heading("$strimportppt", " $strimportppt", "id\">$strlessons". " -> wwwroot}/mod/$modname/view.php?id=$cm->id\">".format_string($mod->name, true)."-> $strimportppt"); if ($form = data_submitted()) { // Filename. if (empty($_FILES['newfile'])) { // File was just uploaded. notify(get_string("uploadproblem") ); } if ((!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name']) or $_FILES['newfile']['size'] == 0)) { notify(get_string("uploadnofilefound") ); } else { // Valid file is found. if ($rawpages = readdata($_FILES, $course->id, $modname)) { // First try to reall all of the data in. // parse all the html files into objects. $pageobjects = extract_data($rawpages, $course->id, $mod->name, $modname); clean_temp(); // All done with files so dump em. $modcreateobjects = $modname.'_create_objects'; $modsaveobjects = $modname.'_save_objects'; // Function to preps the data to be sent to DB. $objects = $modcreateobjects($pageobjects, $mod->id); if (! $modsaveobjects($objects, $mod->id, $pageid)) { // Sends it to DB. print_error( 'could not save'); } } else { print_error('could not get data'); } echo "
"; print_continue("{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/$modname/view.php?id=$cm->id"); echo $OUTPUT->footer($course); exit; } } // Print upload form. print_heading_with_help($strimportppt, "importppt", "lesson"); echo $OUTPUT->box_start('center'); echo "
"; echo "id\" />\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; print_string("upload"); echo ":"; echo ""; echo "
 "; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); echo $OUTPUT->footer($course); // START OF FUNCTIONS. /* this function expects a zip file to be uploaded. Then it parses * outline.htm to determine the slide path. Then parses each * slide to get data for the content */ function readdata($file, $courseid, $modname) { global $CFG; // Create an upload directory in temp. make_upload_directory('temp/'.$modname); $base = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/$modname/"; $zipfile = $_FILES["newfile"]["name"]; $tempzipfile = $_FILES["newfile"]["tmp_name"]; // Create our directory. $pathparts = pathinfo($zipfile); // Take off the extension. $dirname = substr($zipfile, 0, strpos($zipfile, '.'.$pathparts['extension'])); if (!file_exists($base.$dirname)) { mkdir($base.$dirname); } // Move our uploaded file to temp/lesson. move_uploaded_file($tempzipfile, $base.$zipfile); // Unzip it! unzip_file($base.$zipfile, $base, false); $base = $base.$dirname; // Update the base. // This is the file where we get the names of the files for the slides (in the correct order too). $outline = $base.'/outline.htm'; $pages = array(); if (file_exists($outline) and is_readable($outline)) { $outlinecontents = file_get_contents($outline); $filenames = array(); // This gets all of our files names. preg_match_all("/javascript:GoToSld\('(.*)'\)/", $outlinecontents, $filenames); // File $pages with the contents of all of the slides. foreach ($filenames[1] as $file) { $path = $base.'/'.$file; if (is_readable($path)) { $pages[$path] = file_get_contents($path); } else { return false; } } } else { // Cannot find the outline, so grab all files that start with slide. $dh = opendir($base); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { // Read throug the directory. if ('slide' == substr($file, 0, 5)) { // Check for name (may want to check extension later). $path = $base.'/'.$file; if (is_readable($path)) { $pages[$path] = file_get_contents($path); } else { return false; } } } ksort($pages); // Order them by file name. } if (empty($pages)) { return false; } return $pages; } /* This function attempts to extract the content out of the slides * the slides are ugly broken xml. and the xml is broken... yeah... */ function extract_data($pages, $courseid, $lessonname, $modname) { global $CFG; global $matches; $extratedpages = array(); // Directory for images. make_mod_upload_directory($courseid); // Make sure moddata is made. // We store our images in a subfolder in here. make_upload_directory($courseid.'/moddata/'.$modname, false); $imagedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$courseid.'/moddata/'.$modname; if ($CFG->slasharguments) { $imagelink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/file.php/'.$courseid.'/moddata/'.$modname; } else { $imagelink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/file.php?file=/'.$courseid.'/moddata/'.$modname; } // Try to make a unique subfolder to store the images. $lessonname = str_replace(' ', '_', $lessonname); // Get rid of spaces. $i = 0; while (true) { if (!file_exists($imagedir.'/'.$lessonname.$i)) { // Ok doesnt exist so make the directory and update our paths. mkdir($imagedir.'/'.$lessonname.$i); $imagedir = $imagedir.'/'.$lessonname.$i; $imagelink = $imagelink.'/'.$lessonname.$i; break; } $i++; } foreach ($pages as $file => $content) { /* to make life easier on our preg_match_alls, we strip out all tags except * for div and img (where our content is). We want div because sometimes we * can identify the content in the div based on the div's class */ $tags = '
'; // Should also allow . $string = strip_tags($content, $tags); $matches = array(); /* this will look for a non nested tag that is closed * want to allow (maybe more) tags but when we do that * the preg_match messes up. */ preg_match_all("/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)([^<\\2>]*)(<\/\\2>)/", $string, $matches); $pathparts = pathinfo($file); // Get rid of the extension. $file = substr($pathparts['basename'], 0, strpos($pathparts['basename'], '.')); $imgs = array(); // This preg matches all images. preg_match_all("/]*(src\=\"(".$file."\_image[^>^\"]*)\"[^>]*)>/i", $string, $imgs); // Start building our page. $page = new stdClass; $page->title = ''; $page->contents = array(); $page->images = array(); $page->source = $pathparts['basename']; // Need for book only. /* This foreach keeps the style intact. * Found it doesn't help much. But if you want back uncomment * this foreach and uncomment the line with the comment imgstyle in it. * Also need to comment out * the $page->images[]... line in the next foreach */ foreach ($imgs[2] as $img) { copy($pathparts['dirname'].'/'.$img, $imagedir.'/'.$img); // Comment out this line if you are using the above foreach loop. $page->images[] = ""; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { // Go through all of our div matches. $class = isolate_class($matches[1][$i]); // First step in isolating the class. // Check for any static classes. switch ($class) { case 'T': // Class T is used for Titles. $page->title = $matches[3][$i]; break; // I would guess that all bullet lists would start with B then go to B1, B2, etc. case 'B': // B1-B4 are just insurance, should just hit B and all be taken care of. case 'B1': case 'B2': case 'B3': case 'B4': // This is a recursive function that will grab all the bullets and rebuild the list in html. $page->contents[] = build_list('
    ', $i, 0); break; default: if ($matches[3][$i] != ' ') { // Odd crap generated... sigh. if (substr($matches[3][$i], 0, 1) == ':') {// Check for leading : ..hate MS . $page->contents[] = substr($matches[3][$i], 1); // Get rid of :. } else { $page->contents[] = $matches[3][$i]; } } break; } } // Add the page to the array. $extratedpages[] = $page; } // End $pages foreach loop. return $extratedpages; } // A recursive function to build a html list. function build_list($list, &$i, $depth) { global $matches; // Not sure why I global this... while ($i < count($matches[1])) { $class = isolate_class($matches[1][$i]); if (strstr($class, 'B')) { // Make sure we are still working with bullet classes. if ($class == 'B') { $thisdepth = 0; // Calling class B depth 0. } else { // Set the depth number. So B1 is depth 1 and B2 is depth 2 and so on. $thisdepth = substr($class, 1); if (!is_numeric($thisdepth)) { print_error( 'Depth not parsed!'); } if ($thisdepth < $depth) { // We are moving back a level in the nesting. break; } if ($thisdepth > $depth) { // We are moving in a lvl in nesting. $list .= '
      '; $list = build_list($list, $i, $thisdepth); // Once we return back, should go to the start of the while. continue; } // No depth changes, so add the match to our list. if ($cleanstring = ppt_clean_text($matches[3][$i])) { $list .= '
    • '.ppt_clean_text($matches[3][$i]).'
    • '; } $i++; } else { // Not a B class, so get out of here... break; } } // End the list and return it. $list .= '
    '; return $list; } // Given an html tag, this function will. function isolate_class($string) { if ($class = strstr($string, 'class=')) { // First step in isolating the class. // This gets rid of
    . return substr($class, 0, strpos($class, '>')); } } else { // No class defined in the tag. return ''; } } // This function strips off the random chars that ppt puts infront of bullet lists. function ppt_clean_text($string) { $chop = 1; // Default: just a single char infront of the content. // Look for any other crazy things that may be infront of the content. if (strstr($string, '<') and strpos($string, '<') == 0) { // Look for the < in the sting and make sure it is in the front. $chop = 4; // Increase the $chop. } // May need to add more later.... $string = substr($string, $chop); if ($string != ' ') { return $string; } else { return false; } } // Clean up the temp directory. function clean_temp() { global $CFG; /* this function is broken, use it to clean up later * should only clean up what we made as well because someone else could be importing ppt as well * delDirContents($CFG->dataroot.'/temp/lesson'); */ } // Creates objects an chapter object that is to be inserted into the database. function book_create_objects($pageobjects, $bookid) { $chapters = array(); $chapter = new stdClass; // Same for all chapters. $chapter->bookid = $bookid; $chapter->pagenum = $DB->count_records('book_chapters', array( 'bookid' => $bookid)) + 1; $chapter->timecreated = time(); $chapter->timemodified = time(); $chapter->subchapter = 0; $i = 1; foreach ($pageobjects as $pageobject) { $page = prep_page($pageobject, $i); // Get title and contents. $chapter->importsrc = addslashes($pageobject->source); // Add the source. $chapter->title = $page->title; $chapter->content = $page->contents; $chapters[] = $chapter; // Increment our page number and our counter. $chapter->pagenum = $chapter->pagenum + 1; $i++; } return $chapters; } // Builds the title and content strings from an object. function prep_page($pageobject, $count) { if ($pageobject->title == '') { $page->title = "Page $count"; // No title set so make a generic one. } else { $page->title = addslashes($pageobject->title); } $page->contents = ''; // Nab all the images first. foreach ($pageobject->images as $image) { $image = str_replace("\n", '', $image); $image = str_replace("\r", '', $image); $image = str_replace("'", '"', $image); // Imgstyle. $page->contents .= addslashes($image); } // Go through the contents array and put

    tags around each element and strip out \n which I have found to be uneccessary. foreach ($pageobject->contents as $content) { $content = str_replace("\n", '', $content); $content = str_replace("\r", '', $content); $content = str_replace(' ', '', $content); // Puts in returns? $content = '


    '; $page->contents .= addslashes($content); } return $page; } // Save the chapter objects to the database. function book_save_objects($chapters, $bookid, $pageid='0') { global $DB; // Nothing fancy, just save them all in order. foreach ($chapters as $chapter) { if (!$chapter->id = $DB->insert_record('book_chapters', $chapter)) { print_error('Could not update your book'); } } return true; }