course; $course = get_record_select( 'course', "id=$courseid"); $destdir = game_export_createtempdir(); if( $javame->type == 'hangmanp'){ $destmobiledir = 'hangmanp'; }else{ $destmobiledir = 'hangman'; } $src = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/export/javame/'.$destmobiledir.'/simple'; if( $javame->filename == ''){ $javame->filename = 'moodle'.$destmobiledir; } $handle = opendir( $src); while (false!==($item = readdir($handle))) { if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { if(!is_dir($src.'/'.$item)) { $itemdest = $item; if( substr( $item, -5) == '.java'){ continue; //don't copy the java source code files } if( substr( $itemdest, -8) == '-1.class'){ $itemdest = substr( $itemdest, 0, -8).'$1.class'; } copy( $src.'/'.$item, $destdir.'/'.$itemdest); } } } mkdir( $destdir.'/META-INF'); game_exportjavame_exportdata( $src, $destmobiledir, $destdir, $game, $javame->maxpicturewidth, $javame->maxpictureheight); game_create_manifest_mf( $destdir.'/META-INF', $javame, $destmobiledir); $filejar = game_create_jar( $destdir, $course, $javame); if( $filejar == ''){ $filezip = game_create_zip( $destdir, $course->id, $javame->filename.'.zip'); }else{ $filezip = ''; } if( $destdir != ''){ remove_dir( $destdir); } if( $filezip != ''){ echo "unzip the $filezip in a directory and when you are in this directory use the command
jar cvfm {$javame->filename}.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
to produce the jar files

"; } $file = ($filejar != '' ? $filejar : $filezip); $fullfile = "{$CFG->dataroot}/$courseid/export/$file"; game_send_stored_file( $fullfile); } function game_exportjavame_exportdata( $src, $destmobiledir, $destdir, $game, $maxwidth, $maxheight){ global $CFG; mkdir( $destdir.'/'.$destmobiledir); $handle = opendir( $src); while (false!==($item = readdir($handle))) { if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { if(!is_dir($src.'/'.$item)) { if( substr( $item, -4) == '.jpg'){ copy( $src.'/'.$item, $destdir."/$destmobiledir/".$item); } } } } $lang = $game->language; if( $lang == '') $lang = current_language(); copy( $src. '/lang/'.$lang.'/language.txt', $destdir."/$destmobiledir/language.txt"); $export_attachment = ( $destmobiledir == 'hangmanp'); $map = game_exmportjavame_getanswers( $game, $export_attachment); if( $map == false){ error( 'No Questions'); } if( $destmobiledir == 'hangmanp'){ game_exportjavame_exportdata_hangmanp( $src, $destmobiledir, $destdir, $game, $map, $maxwidth, $maxheight); return; } $fp = fopen( $destdir."/$destmobiledir/hangman.txt","w"); fputs( $fp, "1.txt=$destmobiledir\r\n"); fclose( $fp); $fp = fopen( $destdir."/$destmobiledir/1.txt","w"); foreach( $map as $line){ $s = game_upper( $line->answer) . '=' . $line->question; fputs( $fp, "$s\r\n"); } fclose( $fp); } function game_exportjavame_exportdata_hangmanp( $src, $destmobiledir, $destdir, $game, $map, $maxwidth, $maxheight) { global $CFG; $fp = fopen( $destdir."/$destmobiledir/$destmobiledir.txt","w"); fputs( $fp, "01=01\r\n"); fclose( $fp); $destdirphoto = $destdir.'/'.$destmobiledir.'/01'; mkdir( $destdirphoto); $fp = fopen( $destdirphoto.'/photo.txt',"w"); foreach( $map as $line){ $file = $line->attachment; $pos = strrpos( $file, '.'); if( $pos != false){ $file = $line->id.substr( $file, $pos); $src = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$game->course.'/moddata/'.$line->attachment; game_export_javame_smartcopyimage( $src, $destdirphoto.'/'.$file, $maxwidth, $maxheight); $s = $file . '=' . game_upper( $line->answer); fputs( $fp, "$s\r\n"); } } fclose( $fp); } function game_exmportjavame_getanswers( $game, $export_attachment){ $map = array(); switch( $game->sourcemodule){ case 'question': return game_exmportjavame_getanswers_question( $game); case 'glossary': return game_exmportjavame_getanswers_glossary( $game, $export_attachment); case 'quiz': return game_exmportjavame_getanswers_quiz( $game); } return false; } function game_exmportjavame_getanswers_question( $game){ $select = 'hidden = 0 AND category='.$game->questioncategoryid; $select .= game_showanswers_appendselect( $game); return game_exmportjavame_getanswers_question_select( $game, 'question', $select, '*', 'questiontext', false, $game->course); } function game_exmportjavame_getanswers_quiz( $game) { global $CFG; $select = "quiz='$game->quizid' ". " AND {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances.question={$CFG->prefix}". " AND {$CFG->prefix}question.hidden=0". game_showanswers_appendselect( $game); $table = "question,{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances"; return game_exmportjavame_getanswers_question_select( $game, $table, $select, "{$CFG->prefix}question.*", 'category,questiontext', true, $game->course); } function game_exmportjavame_getanswers_question_select( $game, $table, $select, $fields='*', $courseid=0) { global $CFG; if( ($questions = get_records_select( $table, $select, '', $fields)) === false){ return; } $src = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/export/javame/hangman/simple'; $line = 0; $map = array(); foreach( $questions as $question){ unset( $ret); $ret->qtype = $question->qtype; $ret->question = $question->questiontext; switch( $question->qtype){ case 'shortanswer': $recs = get_records_select( 'question_answers', "question=$question->id", 'fraction DESC', 'id,answer,feedback'); foreach( $recs as $rec) { $ret->answer = $rec->answer; $ret->feedback = $rec->feedback; $map[] = $ret; break; } break; default: break; } } return $map; } function game_exmportjavame_getanswers_glossary( $game, $export_attachment) { global $CFG; $table = 'glossary_entries ge'; $select = "glossaryid={$game->glossaryid}"; if( $game->glossarycategoryid){ $select .= " AND gec.entryid = ". " AND gec.categoryid = {$game->glossarycategoryid}"; $table .= ",{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec"; } if( $export_attachment){ $select .= " AND attachment <> ''"; } $fields = ',definition,concept'; if( $export_attachment){ $fields .= ',attachment'; } if( ($questions = get_records_select( $table, $select, 'definition', $fields)) === false){ return false; } $map = array(); foreach( $questions as $question){ unset( $ret); $ret->id = $question->id; $ret->qtype = 'shortanswer'; $ret->question = strip_tags( $question->definition); $ret->answer = $question->concept; $ret->feedback = ''; if( $export_attachment){ if( $question->attachment != ''){ $ret->attachment = "glossary/{$game->glossaryid}/$question->id/$question->attachment"; }else{ $ret->attachment = ''; } } $map[] = $ret; } return $map; } function game_create_manifest_mf( $dir, $javame, $destmobiledir){ $fp = fopen( $dir.'/MANIFEST.MF',"w"); fputs( $fp, "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "Created-By: {$javame->createdby}\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MIDlet-1: MoodleHangman,,$destmobiledir\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MIDlet-Vendor: {$javame->vendor}\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MIDlet-Name: {$javame->vendor}\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MIDlet-Description: {$javame->description}\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MIDlet-Version: {$javame->version}\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0\r\n"); fputs( $fp, "MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-1.0\r\n"); fclose( $fp); } function game_create_jar( $srcdir, $course, $javame){ global $CFG; $dir = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $course->id; $filejar = $dir . "/export/{$javame->filename}.jar"; if (!file_exists( $dir)){ mkdir( $dir); } if (!file_exists( $dir.'/export')){ mkdir( $dir.'/export'); } if (file_exists( $filejar)){ unlink( $filejar); } $cmd = "cd $srcdir;jar cvfm $filejar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *"; exec( $cmd); return (file_exists( $filejar) ? "{$javame->filename}.jar" : ''); } function game_showanswers_appendselect( $form) { switch( $form->gamekind){ case 'hangman': case 'cross': case 'crypto': return " AND qtype='shortanswer'"; case 'millionaire': return " AND qtype = 'multichoice'"; case 'sudoku': case 'bookquiz': case 'snakes': return " AND qtype in ('shortanswer', 'truefalse', 'multichoice')"; } return ''; } ?>