<?php  // $Id: translate.php,v 1.10 2012/07/25 23:07:43 bdaloukas Exp $
 * Check translation of module Game
 * @author 
 * @version $Id: translate.php,v 1.10 2012/07/25 23:07:43 bdaloukas Exp $
 * @package game
require( "../../config.php");
require( 'locallib.php');

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html  dir="ltr" lang="el" xml:lang="el" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Μάθημα: game23</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

$moodle19dir = '/var/www/moodle19';
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $COURSE->id);
if (!has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context))
    error( get_string( 'only_teachers', 'game'));

$langname = array();
$langname['ca'] = 'Català (ca)';
$langname['de'] = 'Deutsch (de)';
$langname['el'] = 'Ελληνικά (el)';
$langname['en'] = 'English (en)';
$langname['es'] = 'Español - Internacional (es)';
$langname['eu'] = 'Euskara (eu)';
$langname['fr'] = 'Français (fr)';
$langname['he'] = 'ית (he';
$langname['hr'] = 'Hrvatski (hr)';
$langname['it'] = 'Italiano (it)';
$langname['lt'] = 'Lietuviškai (lt)';
$langname['nl'] = 'Nederlands (nl)';
$langname['no'] = 'Norsk - bokmål (no)';
$langname['pl'] = 'Polski (pl)';
$langname['ru'] = 'Русский (ru)';
$langname['sq'] = 'Shqip (sq)';
$langname['uk'] = 'Українська (uk)';
$langname['pt_br'] = 'Português - Brasil (pt_br)';
$langname['zh_cn'] = '简体中文 (zh_cn)';
ksort( $langname);
$a = read_dir( $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game','php');
$strings = array();
$files = array();
foreach( $a as $file)
    $files[] = $file;
sort( $files);

foreach( $files as $file)
    readsourcecode( $file, $strings);    

$strings[ 'game:attempt'] = '/db/access.php * game:attempt';
$strings[ 'game:deleteattempts'] = '/db/access.php * game:deleteattempts';
$strings[ 'game:grade'] = '/db/access.php * game:grade';
$strings[ 'game:manage'] = '/db/access.php * game:manage';
$strings[ 'game:manageoverrides'] = '/db/access.php * game:manageoverrides';
$strings[ 'game:preview'] = '/db/access.php * game:preview';
$strings[ 'game:reviewmyattempts'] = '/db/access.php * game:reviewmyattempts';
$strings[ 'game:view'] = '/db/access.php * game:view';
$strings[ 'game:viewreports'] = '/db/access.php * game:viewreports';
$strings[ 'pluginname'] = 'index.php * pluginname';
$strings[ 'pluginadministration'] = 'index.php * pluginadministration';
$strings[ 'convertfrom'] = 'locallib.php * convertfrom';
$strings[ 'convertto'] = 'locallib.php * convertto';
$strings[ 'helpbookquiz'] = 'index.php * helpbookquiz';
$strings[ 'helphangman'] = 'index.php * helphangman';
$strings[ 'helpcross'] = 'index.php * helpcross';
$strings[ 'helpcryptex'] = 'index.php * helpcryptex';
$strings[ 'helpbookquiz'] = 'index.php * helpbookquiz';
$strings[ 'helpsudoku'] = 'index.php * helpsudoku';
$strings[ 'helphiddenpicture'] = 'index.php * helphiddenpicture';
$strings[ 'helpsnakes'] = 'index.php * helpsnakes';
$strings[ 'helpmillionaire'] = 'index.php * helpmillionaire';

$en = readlangfile( 'en', $header);
unset( $en[ 'convertfrom']);
unset( $en[ 'convertto']);
$langs = computelangs();
$sum = array();
$destdir = game_export_createtempdir();
foreach( $langs as $lang)
    if($lang != 'en' and $lang != 'CVS' and strpos( $lang, '_utf8') == 0 and strpos( $lang, '_uft8') == 0)
        computediff( $en, $lang, $strings, $langname, $sum, $destdir, $untranslated);
        $auntranslated[ $lang] = $untranslated;
$file_no_translation = 'game_lang_no_translation.zip';
$filezip=game_create_zip( $destdir, $COURSE->id, $file_no_translation);
remove_dir( $destdir);
echo '<table border=1>';
echo "<tr><td><b>Counter</td><td><b>Language</td><td><b>Missing words</td><td><b>Percent completed</td></tr>";
foreach($sum as $s)
  echo '<tr><td>'.(++$ilang).'</td>'.$s."\r\n";
echo "</table>";

echo "<br><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/file.php/1/export/$file_no_translation\">Words that is not translated yet in each language</a>";

//Find missing strings on en/game.php
$not = array();
$prevfile = '';
foreach( $strings as $info)
    $pos = strpos( $info, '*');
    $name = substr( $info, $pos+2);
    $file = substr( $info, 0, $pos-1);
    if( substr( $file, 0, 1) == '/')
        $file = substr( $file, 1);
    if( $file != $prevfile)
        $prevfile = $file;
    if( !array_key_exists( $name, $en))
        $not[ $info] = $info;
unset( $not[ 'tabs.php * $report']);
unset( $not[ 'mod_form.php * game_\'.$gamekin']);
unset( $not[ 'mod.html * game_\'.$form->gamekin']);
unset( $not[ '/report/overview/report.php * fullname\')."\t".get_string(\'startedon']);
unset( $not[ '/hangman/play.php * hangman_correct_\'.$ter']);

if( count( $not))
    echo "<br><br>Missing strings on en/game.php<br>";
foreach( $not as $key => $value)
    $pos = strpos( $value, '*');
    $file = trim( substr( $value, 0, $pos));
    $key = trim( substr( $value, $pos+1));
    if( $key == 'convertfrom' or $key == 'convertto')
    if( substr( $file, 0, 1) == '/')
        $file = substr( $file, 1);
    if( $file != $oldfile)
        echo "<br>//$file<br>\r\n";
    echo '$'."string[ '$key'] = \"\";<br>";

//Finds translations to en that are not used now
$ret = '';
foreach( $en as $key => $value)
    if( !array_key_exists( $key, $strings))
        $ret .= "$key = $value<br>";
if( $ret != '')
    echo '<hr><b><center>Translations that are not used</center></b><br>'.$ret;

//Creates the zip files of translations
$destdir = game_export_createtempdir();
sort( $strings);
foreach( $langname as $lang => $name)
    $strings_lang = readlangfile( $lang, $header);
    $ret = '';
    foreach( $strings_lang as $key => $value)
        if( !array_key_exists( $key, $en))
            if( $key != 'convertfrom' and $key != 'convertto')
                $ret .= '<br>'.$key."\r\n";
    if( $ret != '')
        echo '<hr><b><center>Unused translation for lang '.$lang.'</center></b><br>'.substr( $ret, 4)."\r\n";

    $ret = $header;
    foreach( $strings as $info)
        $pos = strpos( $info, '*');
        $name = substr( $info, $pos+2);
        $file = substr( $info, 0, $pos-1);
        if( substr( $file, 0, 1) == '/')
            $file = substr( $file, 1);
        if( $file != $prevfile)
            $prevfile = $file;
            $ret .= "\r\n//".$file."\r\n";
        if( array_key_exists( $name, $strings_lang))
            $ret .= '$string'."[ '$name'] = ".$strings_lang[ $name]."\r\n";
    if( $lang != 'en')
        $untranslated = $auntranslated[ $lang];
        if( $untranslated != '')
            $ret .= "\r\n//Untranslated\r\n".$untranslated;
    mkdir( $destdir.'/'.$lang);
    $file = $destdir.'/'.$lang.'/game.php';
    file_put_contents( $file, $ret);

$file_sorted = 'game_lang_sorted.zip';
$filezip=game_create_zip( $destdir, $COURSE->id, $file_sorted);
remove_dir( $destdir);
echo "<br><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/file.php/1/export/$file_sorted\">Sorted translation files</a>";

asort( $en);
$sprev = '';
$keyprev = '';
$ret = '';
foreach( $en as $key => $s)
    if( $s == $sprev)
        $ret .= "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$keyprev</td><td>$s</td></tr>\r\n";
    $sprev = $s;
    $keyprev = $key;
if( $ret != '')
    echo '<br><center><b>Same translations<center></b><br><table border=1><tr><td><b>Word1</td><td><b>Word2</td><td><b>Translation</td></tr>'.$ret.'</table>';

function readlangfile( $lang, &$header)
    global $CFG;

    $file = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/lang/'.$lang.'/game.php';

    $a = array();

    $lines = file( $file);
    $header = '';
    $endofheader = false;
    foreach( $lines as $line)
        if( $endofheader == false)
            if( strpos( $line, '//') === false)
                $endofheader = true;
                $header .= $line;
        if( splitlangdefinition($line,$name,$trans))
            $a[ $name] = $trans;
    if( $lang != 'en')
        readlangfile_repairmoodle19( $lang, $a);

    return $a;

function splitlangdefinition($line,&$name,&$trans)
    $pos1 = strpos( $line, '=');
    if( $pos1 == 0)
        return false;

    $pos2 = strpos( $line, '//');
    if( $pos2 != 0 or substr( $line, 0, 2) == '//')
        if( $pos2 < $pos1)
            return false;   //Commented line
    $name = trim(substr( $line, 0, $pos1-1));
    $trans = trim(substr( $line, $pos1+1));

    $pos = strpos( $name, '\'');
    if( $pos)
        $name = substr( $name, $pos+1);
        $pos = strrpos( $name, '\'');
        $name = substr( $name, 0, $pos);

    return true;

function readsourcecode( $file, &$strings)
    global $CFG;

    $lines = file( $file);
    foreach( $lines as $line)
        parseline( &$strings, $line, $file);

    return $strings;

function parseline( &$strings, $line, $filename)
    global $CFG;
    $filename = substr( $filename, strlen( $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/'));
    if( strpos($filename, '/'))
        $filename = '/'.$filename;
    $pos0 = 0;
        $pos = strpos( $line, 'get_string', $pos0);
        if( $pos == false)
            $pos = strpos( $line, 'print_string', $pos0);
        if( $pos === false)        
        $pos1 = strpos( $line, '(', $pos);
        $pos2 = strpos( $line, ',', $pos);
        $pos3 = strpos( $line, ')', $pos);
        if( $pos1 == 0 or $pos2 == 0 or $pos3 == 0)
            $pos0 = $pos+1;
        $name = gets( substr( $line, $pos1+1, $pos2-$pos1-1));
        $file = gets( substr( $line, $pos2+1, $pos3-$pos2-1));

        if( $file == 'game')
            if( !array_key_exists( $name, $strings))
                $strings[ $name] = $filename.' * '.$name;
            $pos4 = strpos($file, '\'');
            if( $pos4)
                $file = substr( $file, 0, $pos4);

            $pos4 = strpos($file, '"');
                $file = substr( $file, 0, $pos4);

            if( $file == 'game')
                if( !array_key_exists( $name, $strings))
                    $strings[ $name] = $filename.' * '.$name;

        $pos0 = $pos+1;

function gets( $s)
    $s = trim( $s);
    if( substr( $s, 0, 1) == '"')
        $s = substr( $s, 1, -1);
    if( substr( $s, 0, 1) == '\'')
        $s = substr( $s, 1, -1);
    return $s;

function read_dir($dir, $ext) {
    if( $ext != '')
        $ext = '.' .$ext;
    $len = strlen( $ext);

    $a = array( $dir);
    $ret = array();
    while( count( $a)){
        $dir = array_pop( $a);
        if( strpos( $dir, '/lang/') != 0)

        $d = dir($dir);
        while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
            if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
                $entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
                if(is_dir($entry)) {
                    $a[] = $entry;
                } else {
                    if( $len == 0)
                        $ret[] = $entry;
                    else if( substr( $entry, -$len) == $ext)
                        $ret[] = $entry;

   return $ret;

function computelangs()
    global $CFG;

    $dir = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/lang';
    $ret = array();
    $d = dir( $dir);
    while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
        if( $entry != '.' and $entry != '..'){
            if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$entry)) {
                $ret[] = $entry;

    return $ret;

function computediff( $en, $lang, $strings, $langname, &$sum, $outdir, &$untranslated)
    global $CFG;
    $untranslated = '';
    $trans = readlangfile( $lang, $header);
    foreach( $trans as $s => $key)
        unset( $en[ $s]);

    $file = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/lang/'.$lang.'/game.php';
    $lines = file( $file);
    $count = 0;
    $s = '';
    foreach( $lines as $line)
        $s .= $line;
        if( ++$count >= 3)
    $a = array();
    foreach( $en as $name => $t)
        if( array_key_exists( $name, $strings))
            $file = $strings[ $name];
            $file = '';
        $t = strip_tags( $t);
        $a[ $file.' * '.$name] = '$'."string[ '$name'] = $t\r\n";
    ksort( $a);

    if( array_key_exists( $lang, $langname))
        $langprint = $langname[ $lang];
        $langprint = $lang;

    $sum[]="<td>$langprint</td><td><center>".count($a)."</td><td><center>".round(100*($counten-count($a))/$counten,0)." %</td>";
    $prev_file = '';
    foreach( $a as $key => $line)
        $pos = strpos( $key, '*');
        $file = trim( substr( $key, 0, $pos-1));
        if( substr( $file, 0, 1) == '/')
            $file = substr( $file, 1);
        if( $file != $prev_file)
            $s .= "\r\n//$file\r\n";
            $prev_file = $file;
        $s .= $line;
        $untranslated .= "//$prev_file ".$line;
    $file = $outdir.'/'.$lang.'.php';
    file_put_contents( $file, $s);

//Copies the translation from Moodle 19
function readlangfile_repairmoodle19( $lang, &$strings_lang)
    global $moodle19dir;
    if( $moodle19dir == '')
    $file = $moodle19dir.'/mod/game/lang/'.$lang.'_utf8/game.php';

    $a = array();

    $lines = file( $file);
    foreach( $lines as $line)
        if( splitlangdefinition($line,$name,$trans))
            if( !array_key_exists( $name, $strings_lang))
                $strings_lang[ $name] = $trans;