<?php // $Id: createboard.php,v 1.5 2012/07/25 11:16:07 bdaloukas Exp $ // This file creates a board for "Snakes and Ladders" /* require( "../../../config.php"); $im=game_createsnakesboard( $_GET[ 'file'], $_GET[ 'colsx'], $_GET[ 'colsy'], $_GET[ 'ofstop'], $_GET[ 'ofsbottom'], $_GET[ 'ofsright'], $_GET[ 'ofsleft'], $_GET[ 'aboard']); header('Content-type: image/jpg'); imagejpeg($im); imagedestroy($im); */ function game_createsnakesboard($imageasstring, $colsx, $colsy, $ofstop, $ofsbottom, $ofsright, $ofsleft, $board, $setwidth, $setheight) { global $CFG; $dir = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/game/snakes/1'; $im = imagecreatefromstring($imageasstring); //check if need resize if( $setwidth >0 or $setheight > 0) { $source = $im; $width = imagesx($source); $height = imagesy($source); $factorx = $setwidth / $width; $factory = $setheight / $height; $factor = ($factorx < $factory || $factory == 0 ? $factorx : $factory); $newwidth = $width * $factor; $newheight = $height * $factor; $im = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); imagecopyresized($im, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); } $cx = imagesx($im) - $ofsright - $ofsleft; $cy = imagesy($im) - $ofstop - $ofsbottom; $color = 0xFF0000; for( $i=0; $i <= $colsx; $i++) { imageline( $im, $ofsleft+$i * $cx / $colsx, $ofstop, $ofsleft+$i * $cx / $colsx, $cy+$ofstop, $color); } for( $i=0; $i <= $colsy; $i++) { imageline( $im, $ofsleft, $ofstop+$i * $cy / $colsy, $cx+$ofsleft, $ofstop+$i * $cy / $colsy, $color); } $filenamenumbers=$dir.'/numbers.png'; $img_numbers = imageCreateFrompng( $filenamenumbers); $size_numbers = getimagesize ($filenamenumbers); for( $iy=0; $iy < $colsy; $iy++) { if( $iy % 2 == 0){ $inc=false; $num = ($colsy-$iy)*$colsy; }else { $inc=true; $num = ($colsy-$iy)*$colsy-($colsy-1); } $ypos = $iy * $cy / $colsy+$ofstop; for( $ix=0; $ix < $colsx; $ix++) { $xpos = $ix * $cx / $colsx + $ofsleft; shownumber( $im, $img_numbers, $num, $xpos, $ypos, $cx/4, $cy/4, $size_numbers); $num = ($inc ? $num+1 : $num-1); } } makeboard( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, $board, $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop); return $im; } function computexy( $pos, &$x, &$y, $colsx, $colsy) { $x = ($pos - 1) % $colsx; $y = ($colsy-1) - floor( ($pos - 1) / $colsy); if($y % 2 == 0) $x = ($colsx-1) - $x; } function makeboard( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, $board, $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop) { $a = explode( ',', $board); foreach( $a as $s) { if( substr( $s,0,1) == 'L') makeboardL( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, substr( $s, 1), $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop); else makeboardS( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, substr( $s, 1), $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop); } } function makeboardL( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, $s, $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop) { $pos = strpos( $s, '-'); $from = substr( $s, 0, $pos); $to = substr( $s, $pos+1); computexy( $from, $startx, $starty, $colsx, $colsy); computexy( $to, $x2, $y2, $colsx, $colsy); if( ($x2 < $startx) and ($y2 < $starty)) { $temp = $x2; $x2 = $startx; $startx = $temp; $temp = $y2; $y2 = $starty; $starty = $temp; } $movex = $x2 - $startx; $movey = $y2 - $starty; $letter = ( $movex * $movey < 0 ? 'b' : 'a'); $_startx = $startx; $_movex=$movex; $_starty = $starty; $_movey=$movey; if( $movex < 0) { $startx += $movex; $movex = -$movex; } if( $movey < 0) { $starty += $movey; $movey = -$movey; } $stamp = 0; if( $letter == 'b'){ $file = $dir.'/l'.$letter.$movey.$movex.'.png'; if( file_exists( $file)){ $stamp = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); }else { $file = $dir.'/la'.$movey.$movex.'.png'; $source = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); if( $source != 0) $stamp = imagerotate($source, 90, 0); } }else { $file = $dir.'/la'.$movex.$movey.'.png'; $stamp = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); } $dst_x = $startx*$cx/$colsx; $dst_y = $starty*$cy/$colsy; $dst_w = ($movex+1) * $cx / $colsx; $dst_h = ($movey+1) * $cy / $colsy; if( $stamp == 0) { game_printladder( $im, $file, $dst_x+$ofsleft, $dst_y+$ofstop, $dst_w, $dst_h, $cx/$colsx, $cy/$colsy); }else { imagecopyresampled( $im, $stamp, $ofsleft+$dst_x, $ofstop+$dst_y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, 100*$movex+100, 100*$movey+100); } } function makeboardS( $im, $dir, $cx, $cy, $s, $colsx, $colsy, $ofsleft, $ofstop) { $pos = strpos( $s, '-'); $from = substr( $s, 0, $pos); $to = substr( $s, $pos+1); computexy( $from, $startx, $starty, $colsx, $colsy); computexy( $to, $x2, $y2, $colsx, $colsy); $swap=0; if( ($x2 < $startx) and ($y2 < $starty)) { $temp = $x2; $x2 = $startx; $startx = $temp; $temp = $y2; $y2 = $starty; $starty = $temp; $swap=1; } $movex = $x2 - $startx; $movey = $y2 - $starty; //a*d //*** //b*c $stamp = $rotate = 0; if( $movex >= 0 and $movey < 0){ $letter = 'b'; $file = $dir.'/sa'.$movey.$movex.'.png'; $source = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); if( $source != 0) { $stamp = imagerotate($source, 270, 0); $starty += $movey; $movey = -$movey; }else $rotate = 270; }else if( $movex < 0 and $movey < 0){ $letter = 'c'; $file = $dir.'/sa'.$movey.$movex.'.png'; $source = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); if( $source != 0) { $stamp = imagerotate($source, 180, 0); $startx += $movex; $movex = -$movex; $starty += $movey; $movey = -$movey; }else $rotate = 180; }else if( ($movex < 0) and ($movey >= 0)){ $letter = 'd'; $file = $dir.'/sa'.$movey.$movex.'.png'; $source = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); if( $source != 0) { $stamp = imagerotate($source, 270, 0); $startx += $movex; $movex = -$movex; }else $rotate=270; }else { $file = $dir.'/sa'.$movex.$movey.'.png'; $stamp = game_imagecreatefrompng( $file); } if( ($swap != 0) and ($stamp == 0)) { $temp = $x2; $x2 = $startx; $startx = $temp; $temp = $y2; $y2 = $starty; $starty = $temp; $movex = $x2 - $startx; $movey = $y2 - $starty; } $dst_x = $startx*$cx/$colsx; $dst_y = $starty*$cy/$colsy; $dst_w = ($movex+1) * $cx / $colsx; $dst_h = ($movey+1) * $cy / $colsy; if( $stamp == 0) { game_printsnake( $im, $file, $dst_x+$ofsleft, $dst_y+$ofstop, $dst_w, $dst_h, $cx/$colsx, $cy/$colsy); }else imagecopyresampled( $im, $stamp, $dst_x+$ofsleft, $dst_y+$ofstop, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, 100*$movex+100, 100*$movey+100); } function game_imagecreatefrompng( $file){ if( file_exists( $file)) return imagecreatefrompng( $file); return 0; } function shownumber( $img_handle, $img_numbers, $number, $x1 , $y1, $width, $height, $size_numbers){ if( $number < 10){ $width_number = $size_numbers[ 0] / 10; $dstX = $x1 + $width / 10; $dstY = $y1 + $height / 10; $srcX = $number * $size_numbers[ 0] / 10; $srcW = $size_numbers[ 0]/10; $srcH = $size_numbers[ 1]; $dstW = $width / 10; $dstH = $dstW * $srcH / $srcW; imagecopyresampled( $img_handle, $img_numbers, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, 0, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH); }else { $number1 = floor( $number / 10); $number2 = $number % 10; shownumber( $img_handle, $img_numbers, $number1, $x1-$width/20, $y1, $width, $height, $size_numbers); shownumber( $img_handle, $img_numbers, $number2, $x1+$width/20, $y1, $width, $height, $size_numbers); } } function returnRotatedPoint($x,$y,$cx,$cy,$a) { // radius using distance formula $r = sqrt(pow(($x-$cx),2)+pow(($y-$cy),2)); // initial angle in relation to center $iA = rad2deg(atan2(($y-$cy),($x-$cx))); $nx = $r * cos(deg2rad($a + $iA)); $ny = $r * sin(deg2rad($a + $iA)); return array("x"=>$cx+$nx,"y"=>$cy+$ny); } function game_printladder( $im, $file, $x, $y, $width, $height, $cellx, $celly) { $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); $x2 = $x+$width-$cellx/2; $y2 = $y+$height-$celly/2; $x1 = $x+$cellx/2; $y1 = $y+$celly/2; imageline( $im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); $r = sqrt(pow(($x2-$x1),2)+pow(($y2-$y1),2)); $mul = 100 / $r; $x1 = $x2 - ($x2-$x1) * $mul; $y1 = $y2 - ($y2-$y1) * $mul; $a = returnRotatedPoint( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 20); imageline( $im, $x2, $y2, $a[ 'x'], $a[ 'y'], $color); $a = returnRotatedPoint( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, -20); imageline( $im, $x2, $y2, $a[ 'x'], $a[ 'y'], $color); } function game_printsnake( $im, $file, $x, $y, $width, $height, $cellx, $celly) { $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 255, 0); $x2 = $x+$width-$cellx/2; $y2 = $y+$height-$celly/2; $x1 = $x+$cellx/2; $y1 = $y+$celly/2; imageline( $im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); $r = sqrt(pow(($x2-$x1),2)+pow(($y2-$y1),2)); $mul = 100 / $r; $x2 = $x1 + ($x2-$x1) * $mul; $y2 = $y1 + ($y2-$y1) * $mul; $a = returnRotatedPoint( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 80); imageline( $im, $x1, $y1, $a[ 'x'], $a[ 'y'], $color); $a = returnRotatedPoint( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, -80); imageline( $im, $x1, $y1, $a[ 'x'], $a[ 'y'], $color); }