id = $attempt->id;
$newrec->snakesdatabaseid = $game->param3;
if( $newrec->snakesdatabaseid == 0)
$newrec->snakesdatabaseid = 1;
$newrec->position = 1;
$newrec->queryid = 0;
$newrec->dice = rand( 1, 6);
if( !game_insert_record( 'game_snakes', $newrec)){
print_error( 'game_snakes_continue: error inserting in game_snakes');
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, 0, 0);
return game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $newrec, $context);
function game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context)
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$board = game_snakes_get_board( $game);
$showboard = false;
if( $snakes->position > $board->cols * $board->rows && $snakes->queryid <> 0){
$finish = true;
if (! $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array( 'id' => $id))) {
print_error("Course Module ID was incorrect id=$id");
echo ''.get_string( 'win', 'game').'
echo '
echo "wwwroot/mod/game/attempt.php?id=$id\">".get_string( 'nextgame', 'game').' ';
echo "wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$cm->course\">".get_string( 'finish', 'game').' ';
$gradeattempt = 1;
$finish = 1;
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $gradeattempt, $finish);
$finish = false;
if( $snakes->queryid == 0){
game_snakes_computenextquestion( $game, $snakes, $query);
$query = $DB->get_record( 'game_queries', array( 'id' => $snakes->queryid));
if( $game->toptext != ''){
echo $game->toptext.'
$showboard = true;
if( $showboard and $game->param8 == 0)
game_snakes_showquestion( $id, $game, $snakes, $query, $context);
bottomtext != ''){
echo '
if( $showboard and $game->param8 != 0)
game_snakes_showquestion( $id, $game, $snakes, $query, $context);
function game_snakes_showdice( $snakes, $board)
$pos = game_snakes_computeplayerposition( $snakes, $board);
position - 1) % $board->cols;
$y = floor( ($snakes->position-1) / $board->cols);
$cellwidth = ($board->width - $board->headerx - $board->footerx) / $board->cols;
$cellheight = ($board->height - $board->headery - $board->footery) / $board->rows;
$pos = new stdClass();
$pos->width = 22;
$pos->height = 22;
$pos->ofsx = 0;
$pos->ofsy = $pos->height;
switch( $board->direction){
case 1:
if( ($y % 2) == 1){
$x = $board->cols - $x - 1;
$pos->x = $board->headerx + $x * $cellwidth + ($cellwidth - $pos->width)/2+ $pos->ofsx;
$pos->y = $board->footery + $y * $cellheight + ($cellheight - $pos->height)/2 + $pos->ofsy;
$pos->x = round( $pos->x);
$pos->y = round( -$pos->y);
return $pos;
function game_snakes_computenextquestion( $game, &$snakes, &$query)
global $DB, $USER;
//Retrieves CONST_GAME_TRIES_REPETITION words and select the one which is used fewer times
if( ($recs = game_questions_selectrandom( $game, 1, CONST_GAME_TRIES_REPETITION)) == false){
return false;
$glossaryid = 0;
$questionid = 0;
$min_num = 0;
$query = new stdClass();
foreach( $recs as $rec){
$a = array( 'gameid' => $game->id, 'userid' => $USER->id, 'questionid' => $rec->questionid, 'glossaryentryid' => $rec->glossaryentryid);
if(($rec2 = $DB->get_record('game_repetitions', $a, 'id,repetitions AS r')) != false){
if( ($rec2->r < $min_num) or ($min_num == 0)){
$min_num = $rec2->r;
$query->glossaryentryid = $rec->glossaryentryid;
$query->questionid = $rec->questionid;
$query->glossaryentryid = $rec->glossaryentryid;
$query->questionid = $rec->questionid;
if( ($query->glossaryentryid == 0) AND ($query->questionid == 0))
return false;
$query->attemptid = $snakes->id;
$query->gameid = $game->id;
$query->userid = $USER->id;
$query->sourcemodule = $game->sourcemodule;
$query->score = 0;
$query->timelastattempt = time();
if( !($query->id = $DB->insert_record( 'game_queries', $query))){
print_error( "Can't insert to table game_queries");
$snakes->queryid = $query->id;
$updrec = new stdClass();
$updrec->id = $snakes->id;
$updrec->queryid = $query->id;
$updrec->dice = $snakes->dice = rand( 1, 6);
if( !$DB->update_record( 'game_snakes', $updrec)){
print_error( 'game_questions_selectrandom: error updating in game_snakes');
game_update_repetitions($game->id, $USER->id, $query->questionid, $query->glossaryentryid);
return true;
function game_snakes_showquestion( $id, $game, $snakes, $query, $context)
if( $query->sourcemodule == 'glossary'){
game_snakes_showquestion_glossary( $id, $snakes, $query, $game);
game_snakes_showquestion_question( $game, $id, $snakes, $query, $context);
function game_snakes_showquestion_question( $game, $id, $snakes, $query, $context)
global $CFG;
$questionlist = $query->questionid;
$questions = game_sudoku_getquestions( $questionlist);
/// Start the form
echo "\n";
function game_snakes_showquestion_glossary( $id, $snakes, $query, $game)
global $CFG, $DB;
$entry = $DB->get_record( 'glossary_entries', array('id' => $query->glossaryentryid));
/// Start the form
echo "\n";
function game_snakes_check_questions( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context)
global $QTYPES, $CFG, $DB;
$responses = data_submitted();
if( $responses->queryid != $snakes->queryid){
game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context);
$questionlist = $DB->get_field( 'game_queries', 'questionid', array( 'id' => $responses->queryid));
$questions = game_sudoku_getquestions( $questionlist);
$correct = false;
$query = '';
foreach($questions as $question) {
$query = new stdClass();
$query->id = $snakes->queryid;
$grade = game_grade_responses( $question, $responses, 100, $answertext);
if( $grade < 50){
//wrong answer
game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, 0, $answertext);
//correct answer
$correct = true;
game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, 1, '');
//set the grade of the whole game
game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context);
function game_snakes_check_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context)
global $QTYPES, $CFG, $DB;
$responses = data_submitted();
if( $responses->queryid != $snakes->queryid){
game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context);
$query = $DB->get_record( 'game_queries', array( 'id' => $responses->queryid));
$glossaryentry = $DB->get_record( 'glossary_entries', array( 'id' => $query->glossaryentryid));
$name = 'resp'.$query->glossaryentryid;
$useranswer = $responses->answer;
if( game_upper( $useranswer) != game_upper( $glossaryentry->concept)){
//wrong answer
$correct = false;
game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, 0, $useranswer);//last param is grade
//correct answer
$correct = true;
game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, 1, $useranswer);//last param is grade
//set the grade of the whole game
game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context);
function game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context)
global $DB;
$data = $DB->get_field( 'game_snakes_database', 'data', array( 'id' => $snakes->snakesdatabaseid));
if( $correct){
if( ($next=game_snakes_foundlander( $snakes->position + $snakes->dice, $data))){
$snakes->position = $next;
$snakes->position = $snakes->position + $snakes->dice;
if( ($next=game_snakes_foundsnake( $snakes->position, $data))){
$snakes->position = $next;
$updrec = new stdClass();
$updrec->id = $snakes->id;
$updrec->position = $snakes->position;
$updrec->queryid = 0;
if( !$DB->update_record( 'game_snakes', $updrec)){
print_error( "game_snakes_position: Can't update game_snakes");
$board = $DB->get_record_select( 'game_snakes_database', "id=$snakes->snakesdatabaseid");
$gradeattempt = $snakes->position / ($board->cols * $board->rows);
$finished = ( $snakes->position > $board->cols * $board->rows ? 1 : 0);
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $gradeattempt, $finished);
game_snakes_computenextquestion( $game, $snakes, $query);
game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context);
//in lander go forward
function game_snakes_foundlander( $position, $data)
preg_match( "/L$position-([0-9]*)/", $data, $matches);
if( count( $matches)){
return $matches[ 1];
return 0;
//in snake go backward
function game_snakes_foundsnake( $position, $data)
preg_match( "/S([0-9]*)-$position,/", $data.',', $matches);
if( count( $matches)){
return $matches[ 1];
return 0;
function game_snakes_remove_attemptdata ($questionusageid, $questionid) {
global $DB;
$sql = "SELECT
FROM mdl_question_attempts qa
LEFT JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps qas
WHERE questionusageid = $questionusageid
AND questionid = $questionid
AND state != 'todo'";
if ($stepdata = $DB->get_records_sql($sql)) {
foreach($stepdata as $step) {
if ($step->id > 0) {
$DB->delete_records('question_attempt_step_data', array('attemptstepid' => $step->id));
$DB->get_records_sql("update {question_attempt_steps} set state='todo' where id = {$step->id}");