finishedword != 0)){
//finish with one word and continue to another
if( !$DB->set_field( 'game_hangman', 'finishedword', 0, array( 'id' => $hangman->id))){
error( "game_hangman_continue: Can't update game_hangman");
return game_hangman_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $hangman, false, false, $context);
$updatehangman = (($attempt != false) and ($hangman != false));
//new game
srand ((double)microtime()*1000003);
//I try 10 times to find a new question
$found = false;
$min_num = 0;
$unchanged = 0;
for($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++)
$rec = game_question_shortanswer( $game, $game->param7, false);
if( $rec === false){
$answer = game_upper( $rec->answertext, $game->language);
if( $game->language == '')
$game->language = game_detectlanguage( $answer);
$answer = game_upper( $rec->answertext, $game->language);
$answer2 = $answer;
if( $game->param7){
//Have to delete space
$answer2 = str_replace( ' ', '', $answer2);
if( $game->param8){
//Have to delete -
$answer2 = str_replace( '-', '', $answer2);
$allletters = game_getallletters( $answer2, $game->language, $game->userlanguage);
if( $allletters == ''){
if( $game->param7){
$allletters .= '_';
if( $game->param8){
$allletters .= '-';
if( $game->param7 == false){
//I don't allow spaces
if( strpos( $answer, " ")){
$copy = false;
$select2 = 'gameid=? AND userid=? AND questionid=? AND glossaryentryid=?';
if( ($rec2 = $DB->get_record_select( 'game_repetitions', $select2, array( $game->id, $USER->id, $rec->questionid, $rec->glossaryentryid), 'id,repetitions AS r')) != false){
if( ($rec2->r < $min_num) or ($min_num == 0)){
$min_num = $rec2->r;
$copy = true;
$min_num = 0;
$copy = true;
if( $copy){
$found = true;
$min = new stdClass();
$min->questionid = $rec->questionid;
$min->glossaryentryid = $rec->glossaryentryid;
$min->attachment = $rec->attachment;
$min->questiontext = $rec->questiontext;
$min->answerid = $rec->answerid;
$min->answer = $answer;
$min->language = $game->language;
$min->allletters = $allletters;
if( $min_num == 0)
break; //We found an unused word
if( $unchanged > 2)
if( $found)
if( $found == false){
print_error( get_string( 'no_words', 'game'));
//Found one word for hangman
if( $attempt == false){
$attempt = game_addattempt( $game);
if( !$DB->set_field( 'game_attempts', 'language', $min->language, array( 'id' => $attempt->id))){
print_error( "game_hangman_continue: Can't set language");
$query = new stdClass();
$query->attemptid = $attempt->id;
$query->gameid = $game->id;
$query->userid = $USER->id;
$query->sourcemodule = $game->sourcemodule;
$query->questionid = $min->questionid;
$query->glossaryentryid = $min->glossaryentryid;
$query->attachment = $min->attachment;
$query->questiontext = addslashes( $min->questiontext);
$query->score = 0;
$query->timelastattempt = time();
$query->answertext = $min->answer;
$query->answerid = $min->answerid;
if( !($query->id = $DB->insert_record( 'game_queries', $query))){
print_object( $query);
print_error( "game_hangman_continue: Can't insert to table game_queries");
$newrec = new stdClass();
$newrec->id = $attempt->id;
$newrec->queryid = $query->id;
if( $updatehangman == false){
$newrec->maxtries = $game->param4;
if( $newrec->maxtries == 0){
$newrec->maxtries = 1;
$newrec->finishedword = 0;
$newrec->corrects = 0;
$newrec->allletters = $min->allletters;
$letters = '';
if( $game->param1){
$letters .= game_substr( $min->answer, 0, 1);
if( $game->param2){
$letters .= game_substr( $min->answer, -1, 1);
$newrec->letters = $letters;
if( $updatehangman == false){
if( !game_insert_record( 'game_hangman', $newrec)){
print_error( 'game_hangman_continue: error inserting in game_hangman');
if( !$DB->update_record( 'game_hangman', $newrec)){
print_error( 'game_hangman_continue: error updating in game_hangman');
$newrec = $DB->get_record( 'game_hangman', array( 'id' => $newrec->id));
game_update_repetitions( $game->id, $USER->id, $query->questionid, $query->glossaryentryid);
game_hangman_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $newrec, false, false, $context);
function game_hangman_onfinishgame( $game, $attempt, $hangman)
global $DB;
$score = $hangman->corrects / $hangman->maxtries;
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $score, true);
if( !$DB->set_field( 'game_hangman', 'finishedword', 0, array( 'id' => $hangman->id))){
print_error( "game_hangman_onfinishgame: Can't update game_hangman");
function game_hangman_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $hangman, $onlyshow, $showsolution, $context)
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$query = $DB->get_record( 'game_queries', array( 'id' => $hangman->queryid));
if( $attempt->language != '')
$wordrtl = game_right_to_left( $attempt->language);
$wordrtl = right_to_left();
$reverseprint = ($wordrtl != right_to_left());
if( $game->toptext != ''){
echo $game->toptext.'
$max=$game->param10; // maximum number of wrong
if( $max <= 0)
$max = 6;
hangman_showpage( $done, $correct, $wrong, $max, $word_line, $word_line2, $links, $game, $attempt, $hangman, $query, $onlyshow, $showsolution, $context);
if (!$done)
if ($wrong > $max){
$wrong = $max;
if( $game->param3 == 0){
$game->param3 = 1;
echo "\r\npix_url('hangman/'.$game->param3.'/hangman_'.$wrong, 'mod_game')."\"";
$message = sprintf( get_string( 'hangman_wrongnum', 'game'), $wrong, $max);
echo ' ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="100" alt="'.$message.'"/>';
if ($wrong >= $max){
//This word is incorrect. If reach the max number of word I have to finish else continue with next word
hangman_onincorrect( $id, $word_line, $query->answertext, $game, $attempt, $hangman, $onlyshow, $showsolution);
$i = $max-$wrong;
if( $i > 1)
echo ' '.get_string( 'hangman_restletters_many', 'game', $i);
echo ' '.get_string( 'hangman_restletters_one', 'game');
if( $reverseprint){
echo '';
echo "
if( $word_line2 != ''){
echo "
if( $reverseprint){
echo "";
if( $hangman->finishedword == false){
echo "
".get_string( 'hangman_letters', 'game').$links."\r\n";
//This word is correct. If reach the max number of word I have to finish else continue with next word
hangman_oncorrect( $id, $word_line, $game, $attempt, $hangman, $query);
echo "
".get_string( 'grade', 'game').' : '.round( $query->percent * 100).' %';
if( $hangman->maxtries > 1){
echo '
'.get_string( 'hangman_gradeinstance', 'game').' : '.round( $hangman->corrects / $hangman->maxtries * 100).' %';
if( $game->bottomtext != ''){
echo '
function hangman_showpage(&$done, &$correct, &$wrong, $max, &$word_line, &$word_line2, &$links, $game, &$attempt, &$hangman, &$query, $onlyshow, $showsolution, $context)
global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or
$word = $query->answertext;
$newletter = optional_param('newletter', "", PARAM_TEXT);
if( $newletter == '_'){
$newletter = ' ';
$letters = $hangman->letters;
if( $newletter != NULL)
if( game_strpos( $letters,$newletter) === false){
$letters .= $newletter;
$alpha = $hangman->allletters;
$wrong = 0;
if( $query->questionid)
$questiontext = str_replace( array("\'", '\"'), array("'", '"'), $query->questiontext);
$query->questiontext = game_filterquestion($questiontext, $query->questionid, $context->id, $game->course);
$cmglossary = get_coursemodule_from_instance('glossary', $game->glossaryid, $game->course);
$contextglossary = game_get_context_module_instance( $cmglossary->id);
$query->questiontext = game_filterglossary(str_replace( '\"', '"', $query->questiontext), $query->glossaryentryid, $contextglossary->id, $game->course);
if( $game->param5){
$s = trim( game_filtertext( $query->questiontext, $game->course));
if( $s != '.' and $s <> ''){
echo "
if( $query->attachment != ''){
$file = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/file.php/$game->course/moddata/$query->attachment";
echo "";
echo "
$word_line = $word_line2 = "";
$len = game_strlen( $word);
$done = 1;
$answer = '';
$correct = 0;
for ($x=0; $x < $len; $x++)
$char = game_substr( $word, $x, 1);
if( $showsolution){
$word_line2 .= ( $char == " " ? ' ' : $char);
$done = 0;
if ( game_strpos($letters, $char) === false){
$word_line.="_ \r\n";
$done = 0;
$answer .= '_';
$word_line .= ( $char == " " ? ' ' : $char);
$answer .= $char;
$len_alpha = game_strlen($alpha);
$fontsize = 5;
for ($c=0; $c < $len_alpha; $c++)
$char = game_substr( $alpha, $c, 1);
if ( game_strpos($letters, $char) === false)
//User doesn't select this character
$params = 'id='.$id.'&newletter='.urlencode( $char);
if( $onlyshow or $showsolution){
$links .= $char;
$links .= "$char\r\n";
if ( game_strpos($word, $char) === false)
$links .= "\r\n$char ";
$links .= "\r\n$char ";
$finishedword = ($done or $wrong >= $max);
$finished = false;
$updrec = new stdClass();
$updrec->id = $hangman->id;
$updrec->letters = $letters;
if( $finishedword){
if( $hangman->finishedword == 0){
//only one time per word increace the variable try
$hangman->try = $hangman->try + 1;
if( $hangman->try > $hangman->maxtries){
$finished = true;
if( $done){
$hangman->corrects = $hangman->corrects + 1;
$updrec->corrects = $hangman->corrects;
$updrec->try = $hangman->try;
$updrec->finishedword = 1;
$query->percent = ($correct -$wrong/$max) / game_strlen( $word);
if( $query->percent < 0){
$query->percent = 0;
if( $onlyshow or $showsolution){
if( !$DB->update_record( 'game_hangman', $updrec)){
print_error( "hangman_showpage: Can't update game_hangman id=$updrec->id");
if( $done){
$score = 1;
}else if( $wrong >= $max){
$score = 0;
$score = -1;
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $score, $finished);
game_update_queries( $game, $attempt, $query, $score, $answer);
//This word is correct. If reach the max number of words I have to finish else continue with next word
function hangman_oncorrect( $id, $word_line, $game, $attempt, $hangman, $query)
global $DB;
echo "
echo '
'.get_string( 'win', 'game').'
'.get_string( 'hangman_loose', 'game').'