m_reps = array(); foreach( $reps as $word => $r){ $this->m_reps[ game_upper( $word)] = $r; } $this->m_average_reps=0; foreach( $reps as $r) $this->m_average_reps += $r; if( count( $reps)) $this->m_average_reps /= count( $reps); $this->m_input_answers = array(); foreach( $answers as $word => $answer){ $this->m_input_answers[ game_upper( $word)] = $answer; } $this->m_words = array(); $maxlen = 0; foreach( $this->m_input_answers as $word => $answer) { $len = game_strlen( $word); if( $len > $maxlen){ $maxlen = $len; } } $N20 = $maxlen; if( $N20 < 15) $N20 = 15; $this->m_N20min = round( $N20 - $N20/4); $this->m_N20max = round( $N20 + $N20/4); if( $this->m_N20max > $maxcols and $maxcols > 0){ $this->m_N20max = $maxcols; } if( $this->m_N20min > $this->m_N20max){ $this->m_N20min = $this->m_N20max; } $this->m_words = array(); foreach( $this->m_input_answers as $word => $answer) { $len = game_strlen( $word); if( $len <= $this->m_N20max){ $this->m_words[] = game_upper( $word); } } $this->randomize(); return count( $this->m_words); } function randomize() { $n = count( $this->m_words); for($j=0; $j <= $n/4; $j++) { $i = array_rand( $this->m_words); $this->swap( $this->m_words[ $i], $this->m_words[ 0]); } } function computedata( &$crossm, &$crossd, &$letters, $minwords, $maxwords) { $t1 = time(); $ctries = 0; $m_best_score = 0; $m_best_connectors = $m_best_filleds = $m_best_spaces = 0; $m_best_N20 = 0; $nochange = 0; for(;;) { //selects the size of the cross $N20 = mt_rand( $this->m_N20min, $this->m_N20max); if( !$this->computenextcross( $N20, $t1, $ctries, $minwords, $maxwords, $nochange)) break; $ctries++; if (time() - $t1 > $this->m_time_limit - 3){ break; } if( $nochange > 10) break; } $this->computepuzzleinfo( $this->m_best_N20, $this->m_best_cross_pos, $this->m_best_cross_dir, $this->m_best_cross_word, false); set_time_limit( 30); return $this->savepuzzle( $crossm, $crossd, $ctries, time()-$t1); } function computenextcross( $N20, $t1, $ctries, $minwords, $maxwords, &$nochange) { $MAXW = $N20; $N21 = $N20 + 1; $N22 = $N20 + 2; $N2222 = $N22 * $N22; $base_puzzle = str_repeat('0', $N22) . str_repeat('0' . str_repeat('.', $N20) . '0', $N20) . str_repeat('0', $N22); $cross_pos = array(); $cross_dir = array(); $cross_word = array(); $magics = array(); for ($n = 2; $n < $N21; $n++) { $a = array(); for ($r = 2; $r < ($n + 2); $r++) $a[] = $r; uasort($a, array( $this, 'cmp_magic')); $magics[ $n] = $a; } uasort($this->m_words, array( $this, 'cmp')); $words = ';' . implode(';', $this->m_words) . ';'; $puzzle = $base_puzzle; $row = mt_rand(3, max( 3, $N20-3)); $col = mt_rand(3, max( 3, $N20-3)); $pos = $N22 * $row + $col; $poss = array(); $ret = $this->scan_pos($pos, 'h', true, $puzzle, $words, $magics, $poss, $cross_pos, $cross_dir, $cross_word, $N20); while ($s = sizeof($poss)) { $p = array_shift($poss); if ($this->scan_pos($p[0], $p[1], false, $puzzle, $words, $magics, $poss, $cross_pos, $cross_dir, $cross_word, $N20)){ $n_words = count( $cross_word); if( $maxwords) { if( $n_words >= $maxwords){ break; } } } if (time() - $t1 > $this->m_time_limit - 3){ return false; } } $n_words = count( $cross_word); if( $minwords) { if( $n_words < $minwords) return true; } $score = $this->computescore( $puzzle, $N20, $N22, $N2222, $n_words, $n_connectors, $n_filleds, $cSpaces, $cross_word); if ($score > $this->m_best_score) { $this->m_best_cross_pos = $cross_pos; $this->m_best_cross_dir = $cross_dir; $this->m_best_cross_word = $cross_word; $this->m_best_puzzle = $puzzle; $this->m_bests = array('Words' => "$n_words * 5 = " . ($n_words * 5), 'Connectors' => "$n_connectors * 3 = " . ($n_connectors * 3), 'Filled in spaces' => $n_filleds, "N20" => $N20 ); $this->m_best_score = $score; $this->m_best_connectors = $n_connectors; $this->m_best_filleds = $n_filleds; $this->m_best_spaces = $cSpaces; $this->m_best_N20 = $N20; $nochange = 0; }else { $nochange++; } return true; } function computescore( $puzzle, $N20, $N22, $N2222, $n_words, &$n_connectors, &$n_filleds, &$cSpaces, $cross_word) { $n_connectors = $n_filleds = 0; $puzzle00 = str_replace('.', '0', $puzzle); $used=0; for ($n = 0; $n < $N2222; $n++) { if ($puzzle00[$n]){ $used ++; if (($puzzle00[$n - 1] or $puzzle00[$n + 1]) and ($puzzle00[$n - $N22] or $puzzle00[$n + $N22])){ $n_connectors++; } else{ $n_filleds++; } } } $cSpaces = substr_count( $puzzle, "."); $score = ($n_words * 5) + ($n_connectors * 3) + $n_filleds; $sum_rep = 0; foreach( $cross_word as $word){ $word = game_substr( $word, 1, -1); if( array_key_exists( $word, $this->m_reps)) $sum_rep += $this->m_reps[ $word] - $this->m_average_reps; } return $score-10*$sum_rep; } function computepuzzleinfo( $N20, $cross_pos, $cross_dir, $cross_word, $bPrint=false) { $bPrint=false; $N22 = $N20 + 2; $this->m_mincol = $N22; $this->m_maxcol = 0; $this->m_minrow = $N22; $this->m_maxrow = 0; $this->m_cletter = 0; if( count( $cross_word) == 0){ return; } if( $bPrint) echo "

PuzzleInfo N20=$N20 words=".count($cross_word)."
"; for($i = 0; $i < count($cross_pos); $i++) { $pos = $cross_pos[ $i]; $col = $pos % $N22; $row = floor( $pos / $N22); $dir = $cross_dir[ $i]; $len = game_strlen($cross_word[ $i])-3; if( $bPrint) echo "col=$col row=$row dir=$dir word=".$cross_word[ $i]."
"; $this->m_cletter += $len; if( $col < $this->m_mincol) $this->m_mincol = $col; if( $row < $this->m_minrow) $this->m_minrow = $row; if( $dir == 'h') $col += $len; else $row += $len; if( $col > $this->m_maxcol) $this->m_maxcol = $col; if( $row > $this->m_maxrow) $this->m_maxrow = $row; } if( $bPrint) echo "mincol={$this->m_mincol} maxcol={$this->m_maxcol} minrow={$this->m_minrow} maxrow={$this->m_maxrow}
"; if( $this->m_mincol > $this->m_maxcol) $this->m_mincol = $this->m_maxcol; if( $this->m_minrow > $this->m_maxrow) $this->m_minrow = $this->m_maxrow; } function savepuzzle( &$crossm, &$crossd, $ctries, $time) { $N22 = $this->m_best_N20 + 2; $cols = $this->m_maxcol - $this->m_mincol + 1; $rows = $this->m_maxrow - $this->m_minrow + 1; //if( $cols < $rows) // $bSwapColRow = 1; //else $bSwapColRow = 0; if( $bSwapColRow) { Swap( $cols, $rows); Swap( $this->m_mincol, $this->m_minrow); Swap( $this->m_maxcol, $this->m_maxrow); } $crossm = new stdClass(); $crossm->datebegin = time(); $crossm->time = $time; $crossm->cols = $cols; $crossm->rows = $rows; $crossm->words = count( $this->m_best_cross_pos); $crossm->wordsall = count( $this->m_input_answers); $crossm->createscore = $this->m_best_score; $crossm->createtries = $ctries; $crossm->createtimelimit = $this->m_time_limit; $crossm->createconnectors = $this->m_best_connectors; $crossm->createfilleds = $this->m_best_filleds; $crossm->createspaces = $this->m_best_spaces; for($i = 0; $i < count($this->m_best_cross_pos); $i++) { $pos = $this->m_best_cross_pos[ $i]; $col = $pos % $N22; $row = floor( ($pos-$col) / $N22); $col += - $this->m_mincol + 1; $row += - $this->m_minrow + 1; $dir = $this->m_best_cross_dir[ $i]; $word = $this->m_best_cross_word[ $i]; $word = substr( $word, 1, strlen( $word)-2); $rec = new stdClass(); $rec->col = $col; $rec->row = $row; $rec->horizontal = ($dir == "h" ? 1 : 0); $rec->answertext = $word; $rec->questiontext = $this->m_input_answers[ $word]; if( $rec->horizontal) $key = sprintf( 'h%10d %10d', $rec->row, $rec->col); else $key = sprintf( 'v%10d %10d', $rec->col, $rec->row); $crossd[ $key] = $rec; } if( count( $crossd) > 1){ ksort( $crossd); } return (count( $crossd) > 0); } function swap( &$a, &$b) { $temp = $a; $a = $b; $b = $temp; } function displaycross($puzzle, $N20) { $N21 = $N20 + 1; $N22 = $N20 + 2; $N2222 = $N22 * $N22; $N2221 = $N2222 - 1; $N2200 = $N2222 - $N22; $ret = ""; for ($n = 0;; $n ++) { $c = game_substr( $puzzle, $n, 1); if (($m = $n % $N22) == 0 or $m == $N21 or $n < $N22 or $n > $N2200) { $ret .= ""; } elseif ( $c == '0') { $ret .= ""; } elseif ($c == '.') { $ret .= ""; } else { if ((game_substr( $puzzle, $n - 1, 1) > '0' or game_substr( $puzzle, $n + 1, 1) > '0') and (game_substr( $puzzle, $n - $N22, 1) > '0' or game_substr( $puzzle, $n + $N22, 1) > '0')) { $ret .= ""; } else { $ret .= ""; } } if ($n == $N2221) { return "$ret
"; } elseif ($m == $N21) { $ret .= ""; } } return $ret.''; } function scan_pos($pos, $dir, $val_blanc, &$puzzle, &$words, &$magics, &$poss, &$cross_pos, &$cross_dir, &$cross_word, $N20) { $MAXW = $N20; $N22 = $N20 + 2; $N2222 = $N22 * $N22; if ($dir == 'h'){ $inc = 1; if ($pos + $inc >= $N2222){ return false; } $oinc = $N22; $new_dir = 'v'; }else { $inc = $N22; if ($pos + $inc >= $N2222){ return false; } $oinc = 1; $new_dir = 'h'; } $regex = game_substr( $puzzle, $pos, 1); if ( ($regex == '0' or $regex == '.') and (! $val_blanc)){ return false; } if ((game_substr( $puzzle, $pos - $inc, 1) > '0')){ return false; } if ((game_substr( $puzzle, $pos + $inc, 1) > '0')){ return false; } $left = $right = 0; for ($limit_a = $pos - $inc; ($w = game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_a, 1)) !== '0'; $limit_a -= $inc) { if ($w == '.' and ((game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_a - $oinc, 1) > '0') or (game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_a + $oinc, 1) > '0'))){ break; } if (++$left == $MAXW){ $left --; break; } $regex = $w . $regex; } for ($limit_b = $pos + $inc; ($w = game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_b, 1)) !== '0'; $limit_b += $inc) { if ($w== '.' and ((game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_b - $oinc, 1) > '0') or (game_substr( $puzzle, $limit_b + $oinc, 1) > '0'))){ break; } if (++$right == $MAXW){ $right--; break; } $regex .= $w; } if (($len_regex = game_strlen($regex)) < 2){ return false; } foreach ($magics[$len_regex] as $m => $lens) { $ini = max(0, ($left + 1) - $lens); $fin = $left; $pos_p = max($limit_a + $inc, $pos - (($lens - 1 ) * $inc)); for($pos_c = $ini; $pos_c <= $fin; $pos_c++, $pos_p += $inc) { if (game_substr( $puzzle, $pos_p - $inc, 1) > '0'){ continue; } $w = game_substr($regex, $pos_c, $lens); if( !$this->my_preg_match( $w, $words, $word)) continue; $larr0 = $pos_p + ((game_strlen( $word) - 2) * $inc); if ($larr0 >= $N2222){ continue; } if (game_substr( $puzzle, $larr0, 1) > '0'){ continue; } $words = str_replace( $word, ';', $words); $len = game_strlen( $word) ; for ($n = 1, $pp = $pos_p; $n < $len - 1; $n++, $pp += $inc) { $this->setchar( $puzzle, $pp, game_substr( $word , $n, 1)); if ($pp == $pos) continue; $c = game_substr( $puzzle, $pp, 1); $poss[] = array($pp, $new_dir, ord( $c)); } $cross_pos[] = $pos_p; $cross_dir[] = ($new_dir == 'h' ? 'v' : 'h'); $cross_word[] = $word; $this->setchar( $puzzle, $pos_p - $inc, '0'); $this->setchar( $puzzle, $pp, '0'); return true; } } return false; } function my_preg_match( $w, $words, &$word) { $a = explode( ";", $words); $len_w = game_strlen( $w); foreach( $a as $test) { if( game_strlen( $test) != $len_w) continue; for( $i=0; $i <$len_w; $i++) { if( game_substr( $w, $i, 1) == '.') continue; if( game_substr( $w, $i, 1) != game_substr( $test, $i, 1) ) break; } if( $i < $len_w) continue; $word = ';'.$test.';'; return true; } return false; } function setchar( &$s, $pos, $char) { $ret = ""; if( $pos > 0) $ret .= game_substr( $s, 0, $pos); $s = $ret . $char . game_substr( $s, $pos+1, game_strlen( $s)-$pos-1); } function showhtml_base( $crossm, $crossd, $showsolution, $showhtmlsolutions, $showstudentguess, $context, $game) { $this->m_LegendH = array(); $this->m_LegendV = array(); $sRet = "CrosswordWidth = {$crossm->cols};\n"; $sRet .= "CrosswordHeight = {$crossm->rows};\n"; $sRet .= "Words=".count( $crossd).";\n"; $sWordLength = ""; $sguess = ""; $ssolutions = ''; $shtmlsolutions = ''; $sWordX = ""; $sWordY = ""; $sClue = ""; $LastHorizontalWord = -1; $i = -1; $LegendV = array(); $LegendH = array(); if( $game->glossaryid) { $cmglossary = get_coursemodule_from_instance('glossary', $game->glossaryid, $game->course); $contextglossary = game_get_context_module_instance( $cmglossary->id); } foreach ($crossd as $rec) { if( $rec->horizontal == false and $LastHorizontalWord == -1){ $LastHorizontalWord = $i; } $i++; $sWordLength .= ",".game_strlen( $rec->answertext); if( $rec->questionid != 0) { $q = game_filterquestion(str_replace( '\"', '"', $rec->questiontext), $rec->questionid, $context->id, $game->course); $rec->questiontext = game_repairquestion( $q); }else { //glossary $q = game_filterglossary(str_replace( '\"', '"', $rec->questiontext), $rec->glossaryentryid, $contextglossary->id, $game->course); $rec->questiontext = game_repairquestion( $q); } $sClue .= ',"'.game_tojavascriptstring( game_filtertext( $rec->questiontext, 0))."\"\r\n"; if( $showstudentguess) $sguess .= ',"'.$rec->studentanswer.'"'; else $sguess .= ",''"; $sWordX .= ",".($rec->col-1); $sWordY .= ",".($rec->row-1); if( $showsolution){ $ssolutions .= ',"'.$rec->answertext.'"'; }else { $ssolutions .= ',""'; } if( $showhtmlsolutions){ $shtmlsolutions .= ',"'.base64_encode( $rec->answertext).'"'; } $attachment = ''; //if( game_issoundfile( $rec->attachment)){ // $attachment = game_showattachment( $rec->attachment); //} $s = $rec->questiontext.$attachment; if( $rec->horizontal){ if( array_key_exists( $rec->row, $LegendH)){ $LegendH[ $rec->row][] = $s; }else { $LegendH[ $rec->row] = array( $s); } }else { if( array_key_exists( $rec->col, $LegendV)){ $LegendV[ $rec->col][] = $s; }else { $LegendV[ $rec->col] = array( $s); } } } $letters = get_string( 'lettersall', 'game'); $this->m_LegendH = array(); foreach( $LegendH as $key => $value) { if( count( $value) == 1) $this->m_LegendH[ $key] = $value[ 0]; else { for( $i=0; $i < count( $value); $i++) { $this->m_LegendH[ $key.game_substr( $letters, $i, 1)] = $value[ $i]; } } } $this->m_LegendV = array(); foreach( $LegendV as $key => $value) { if( count( $value) == 1) $this->m_LegendV[ $key] = $value[ 0]; else { for( $i=0; $i < count( $value); $i++) { $this->m_LegendV[ $key.game_substr( $letters, $i, 1)] = $value[ $i]; } } } ksort( $this->m_LegendH); ksort( $this->m_LegendV); $sRet .= "WordLength = new Array( ".game_substr( $sWordLength, 1).");\n"; $sRet .= "Clue = new Array( ".game_substr( $sClue, 1).");\n"; $sguess = str_replace( ' ', '_', $sguess); $sRet .= "Guess = new Array( ".game_substr( $sguess, 1).");\n"; $sRet .= "Solutions = new Array( ".game_substr( $ssolutions, 1).");\n"; if( $showhtmlsolutions){ $sRet .= "HtmlSolutions = new Array( ".game_substr( $shtmlsolutions, 1).");\n"; } $sRet .= "WordX = new Array( ".game_substr( $sWordX, 1).");\n"; $sRet .= "WordY = new Array( ".game_substr( $sWordY, 1).");\n"; $sRet .= "LastHorizontalWord = $LastHorizontalWord;\n"; return $sRet; } function cmp($a, $b) { return game_strlen($b) - game_strlen($a); } function cmp_magic($a, $b) { return (game_strlen($a) + mt_rand(0, 3)) - (game_strlen($b) - mt_rand(0, 1)); } }