You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
9.4 KiB

<?php // $Id: play.php,v 2012/01/16 23:01:10 bdaloukas Exp $
// This files plays the game contest
function game_contest_view( $game){
global $CFG, $USER;
$sql = "SELECT SUM(score) as s FROM {$CFG->prefix}game_queries WHERE gameid=$game->id AND userid=$USER->id";
$rec = get_record_sql( $sql);
echo get_string( 'marks', 'game').': '.$rec->s.'<br><br>';
echo $game->toptext.'<br>';
echo '<br><center><b>'.get_string( 'contest_not_solved', 'game').'</b></center><br>';
game_contest_view_wherescore( $game, false);
echo '<br><center><b>'.get_string( 'contest_solved', 'game').'</b></center><br>';
game_contest_view_wherescore( $game, true);
echo '<br><center><b>'.get_string( 'contest_top', 'game').'</b></center><br>';
game_contest_top( $game);
function game_contest_view_wherescore( $game, $answered){
global $CFG;
$where = ( $answered ? ' AND ' : ' AND NOT ')." EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}game_queries ".
" WHERE gameid={$game->id} AND AND questionid=0 AND score>0)";
//sql1: within a category sql2: without a category
$sql1 = "SELECT, gec.categoryid, as glossaryentryid, ge.concept ".
" FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec".
" WHERE glossaryid=$game->glossaryid AND ".$where.
" ORDER BY gec.categoryid,ge.concept";
$sql2 = "SELECT, -1 as categoryid, as glossaryentryid, ge.concept ".
" FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge".
" WHERE glossaryid=$game->glossaryid".$where.
" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories gec WHERE".
" ORDER BY ge.concept";
$lines = array();
$categoryid = 0;
$categoryname = '';
$line = '';
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $game->id, $game->course);
for( $pass = 1; $pass <= 2; $pass++)
$recs = get_records_sql( $pass == 1 ? $sql1 : $sql2);
if( $recs)
foreach( $recs as $rec)
if( $answered)
$select = "gameid={$game->id} AND glossaryentryid={$rec->glossaryentryid} AND questionid=0 AND score>0";
$query = get_record_select( 'game_queries', $select);
$dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$game->course.'/moddata/game/'.$game->id.'/queries/'.$query->id;
if( file_exists( $dir))
$dir = dir( $dir);
//List files in images directory
$file = '';
while (($f = $dir->read()) !== false)
if( ($f != '.') && ($f != '..'))
$name = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/file.php/'.$game->course.'/moddata/game/'. $game->id.
$name = $rec->concept;
$name = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/game/attempt.php?id='.$cm->id.
if( $rec->categoryid == $categoryid)
$line .= ' '.$name;
if( $categoryid != 0){
$lines[ $categoryname] = $line;
$line = $name;
$categoryid = $rec->categoryid;
$reccat = get_record( 'glossary_categories', 'id', $categoryid);
$categoryname = $reccat->name;
if( $categoryid != 0)
$lines[ $categoryname] = $line;
ksort( $lines);
echo '<table border=1>';
foreach( $lines as $name => $line){
if( $name == '')
$name = '&nbsp;';
echo '<tr><td>'.$name.'</td><td>'.$line.'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
require_once ($CFG->libdir.'/formslib.php');
class game_contest_submit_form extends moodleform {
function set_data($default_values) {
function definition() {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
$mform =& $this->_form;
$data = &$this->_customdata;
$game = $data[ 'game'];
$rec = get_record('glossary_entries', 'id', $data[ 'entryid']);
if( $rec != false)
$name = $rec->concept;
$name = '';
$mform->addElement('header', 'gradeoptions', $name);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $data[ 'id']);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'entryid', $data[ 'entryid']);
$this->set_upload_manager(new upload_manager('attachment', true, false, $course, false, $game->param2, true, true));
$attachmentoptions = array('subdirs'=>false, 'maxfiles'=>1, 'maxbytes' => $game->param2);
$mform->addElement('file', 'attachment', get_string('attachment', 'forum'), $attachmentoptions);
if( $game->param1){
//Has notes
$mform->addElement('htmleditor', 'studentanswer', get_string( 'remark', 'game'), array('size' => 4));
// buttons
function data_preprocessing(&$default_values){
function validation($data, $files){
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
return $errors;
function game_contest_continue($id, $game, $attempt, $detail, $entryid)
global $USER;
if( $attempt == false){
$attempt = game_addattempt( $game);
$mform =& new game_contest_submit_form(null, compact('game', 'entryid', 'id'));
if ($mform->is_cancelled()){
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $game->id, $game->course);
} elseif ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('game', $game->id, $game->course);
$todb = new object();
$todb->attemptid = $attempt->id;
$todb->gameid = $game->id;
$todb->userid = $USER->id;
$todb->sourcemodule = $game->sourcemodule;
$todb->glossaryentryid = $entryid;
$todb->questionid = 0;
$todb->score = 0;
$todb->correct = 0; //means check if it is the winner or not
if( isset( $fromform->studentanswer)){
$todb->studentanswer = $fromform->studentanswer;
if ($todb->id=insert_record('game_queries', $todb)) {
add_to_log($game->course, 'game', 'submit', '', $todb->id, $cm->id);
$dir = game_file_area_query_name( $game, $todb);
if ($mform->save_files( $dir)){
$file = $mform->_upload_manager->files[ 'attachment'];
$newfilename = $file[ 'originalname'];
set_field("game_queries", "attachment", $newfilename, 'id', $todb->id);
} else {
error("Could not submit to contest");
function game_contest_top( $game)
global $CFG;
$sql = "SELECT userid as id, SUM(score) as s FROM {$CFG->prefix}game_queries WHERE gameid=$game->id GROUP BY userid ORDER BY SUM(score) DESC LIMIT 0,10";
$recs = get_records_sql( $sql);
echo '<table border=1>';
foreach( $recs as $rec)
$user = get_record( 'user', 'id', $rec->id);
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.(++$line).'</td><td>';
echo '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/pix.php/'.$rec->id.'/f2.jpg"></td>';
echo '<td>'.$user->firstname.' '.$user->lastname.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$rec->s.'</td>';
$score = ($step == 1 ? ' AND score>0' : ' AND score=0');
$sql = "SELECT as id,ge.concept, as queryid FROM {$CFG->prefix}game_queries gq, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge ".
" WHERE gameid={$game->id} AND gq.userid={$rec->id} AND $score ORDER BY ge.concept";
$recs2 = get_records_sql( $sql);
$s = '';
if( $recs2)
foreach( $recs2 as $rec2)
if( $s != '')
$s .= ' ';
$dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$game->course.'/moddata/game/'.$game->id.'/queries/'.$rec2->queryid;
if( file_exists( $dir))
$dir = dir( $dir);
//List files in images directory
$file = '';
while (($f = $dir->read()) !== false)
if( ($f != '.') && ($f != '..'))
$name = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/file.php/'.$game->course.'/moddata/game/'. $game->id.
$name = $rec2->concept;
$s .= $name;
if( $s == '')
$s = '&nbsp';
echo '<td>'.$s.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo "</table>\r\n";