261 lines
11 KiB

<?php // $Id: showattempts.php,v 1.6 2012/07/25 11:16:04 bdaloukas Exp $
* This page shows the answers of the current game
* @author bdaloukas
* @version $Id: showattempts.php,v 1.6 2012/07/25 11:16:04 bdaloukas Exp $
* @package game
require_once( "headergame.php");
if (!has_capability('mod/game:viewreports', $context)){
print_error( get_string( 'only_teachers', 'game'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('showattempts', 'game'));
$action = optional_param('action', "", PARAM_ALPHANUM); // action
if( $action == 'delete'){
game_ondeleteattempt( $game);
echo get_string( 'group').': ';
game_showgroups( $game);
echo ' &nbsp; '.get_string('user').': ';
game_showusers( $game);echo '<br><br>';
game_showattempts( $game);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
function game_showusers($game)
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$users = array();
$context = game_get_context_course_instance( $game->course);
$groupid = optional_param('groupid',0, PARAM_INT);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ra.userid,u.lastname,u.firstname FROM {role_assignments} ra, {user} u ".
" WHERE ra.contextid={$context->id} AND ra.userid=u.id";
if( $groupid != 0)
$sql .= " AND ra.userid IN (SELECT gm.userid FROM {groups_members} gm WHERE gm.groupid=$groupid)";
if( ($recs = $DB->get_records_sql( $sql))){
foreach( $recs as $rec){
$users[ $rec->userid] = $rec->lastname.' '.$rec->firstname;
if ($guest = guest_user()) {
$users[$guest->id] = fullname($guest);
<script type="text/javascript">
function onselectuser()
window.location.href = "<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/game/showattempts.php?q='.$game->id.'&userid=';?>" + document.getElementById('menuuser').value + '&groupid=' + document.getElementById('menugroup').value;
$attributes = 'onchange="javascript:onselectuser();"';
$name = 'user';
$id = 'menu'.$name;
$class = 'menu'.$name;
$class = 'select ' . $class; /// Add 'select' selector always
$nothing = get_string("allparticipants");
$options = $users;
$selected = optional_param('userid',0, PARAM_INT);
$output = '<select id="'. $id .'" class="'. $class .'" name="'. $name .'" '. $attributes .'>' . "\n";
$output .= ' <option value="'. s($nothingvalue) .'"'. "\n";
if ($nothingvalue === $selected) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
$output .= '>'. $nothing .'</option>' . "\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= ' <option value="'. s($value) .'"';
if ((string)$value == (string)$selected ||
(is_array($selected) && in_array($value, $selected))) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
if ($label === '') {
$output .= '>'. $value .'</option>' . "\n";
} else {
$output .= '>'. $label .'</option>' . "\n";
echo $output . '</select>' . "\n";
function game_showgroups($game)
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$groups = array();
if( ($recs = $DB->get_records_sql( "SELECT id,name FROM {groups} WHERE courseid=$game->course ORDER BY name"))){
foreach( $recs as $rec){
$groups[ $rec->id] = $rec->name;
<script type="text/javascript">
function onselectgroup()
window.location.href = "<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/game/showattempts.php?q='.$game->id.'&groupid=';?>" + document.getElementById('menugroup').value;
$attributes = 'onchange="javascript:onselectgroup();"';
$name = 'group';
$id = 'menu'.$name;
$class = 'menu'.$name;
$class = 'select ' . $class; /// Add 'select' selector always
$nothing = get_string("allgroups");
$options = $groups;
$selected = optional_param('groupid',0, PARAM_INT);
$output = '<select id="'. $id .'" class="'. $class .'" name="'. $name .'" '. $attributes .'>' . "\n";
$output .= ' <option value="'. s($nothingvalue) .'"'. "\n";
if ($nothingvalue === $selected) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
$output .= '>'. $nothing .'</option>' . "\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= ' <option value="'. s($value) .'"';
if ((string)$value == (string)$selected ||
(is_array($selected) && in_array($value, $selected))) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
if ($label === '') {
$output .= '>'. $value .'</option>' . "\n";
} else {
$output .= '>'. $label .'</option>' . "\n";
echo $output . '</select>' . "\n";
function game_showattempts($game){
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$allowdelete = optional_param('allowdelete', 0, PARAM_INT);
$userid = optional_param('userid',0,PARAM_INT);
$limitfrom = optional_param('limitfrom', 0, PARAM_INT);
$gamekind = $game->gamekind;
$update = get_coursemodule_from_instance( 'game', $game->id, $game->course)->id;
//Here are user attempts
$table = "{game_attempts} as ga, {user} u, {game} as g";
$select = "ga.userid=u.id AND ga.gameid={$game->id} AND g.id={$game->id}";
$fields = "ga.id, u.lastname, u.firstname, ga.attempts,".
"timestart, timefinish, timelastattempt, score, ga.lastip, ga.lastremotehost";
if( $userid != 0)
$select .= ' AND u.id='.$userid;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM $table WHERE $select";
$count = $DB->count_records_sql( $sql);
$maxlines = 20;
$recslimitfrom = $recslimitnum = '';
if( $count > $maxlines){
$recslimitfrom = ( $limitfrom ? $limitfrom * $maxlines : '');
$recslimitnum = $maxlines;
for($i=0; $i*$maxlines < $count; $i++){
if( $i == $limitfrom){
echo ($i+1).' ';
echo "<A HREF=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/showattempts.php?q={$game->id}&amp;limitfrom=$i&\">".($i+1)."</a>";
echo ' &nbsp;';
echo "<br>";
$sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $select ORDER BY timelastattempt DESC,timestart DESC";
if( ($recs = $DB->get_records_sql( $sql, null, $recslimitfrom, $recslimitnum)) != false){
echo '<table border="1">';
echo '<tr><td><b>'.get_string( 'delete').'</td><td><b>'.get_string('user').'</td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('lastip', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('timestart', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('timelastattempt', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('timefinish', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('score', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('attempts', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('preview', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo '<td><b>'.get_string('showsolution', 'game').'</b></td>';
echo "</tr>\r\n";
foreach( $recs as $rec){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><center>';
if( ($rec->timefinish == 0) or $allowdelete){
echo "\r\n<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/showattempts.php?attemptid={$rec->id}&amp;q={$game->id}&amp;action=delete";
if( $allowdelete)
echo '&allowdelete=1';
echo '">';
echo '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/delete').'" alt="'.get_string( 'delete').'" /></a>';
echo '</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.$rec->firstname. ' '.$rec->lastname.'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.(strlen( $rec->lastremotehost) > 0 ? $rec->lastremotehost : $rec->lastip).'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.( $rec->timestart != 0 ? userdate($rec->timestart) : '')."</center></td>\r\n";
echo '<td><center>'.( $rec->timelastattempt != 0 ? userdate($rec->timelastattempt) : '').'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.( $rec->timefinish != 0 ? userdate($rec->timefinish) : '').'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.round($rec->score * 100).'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>'.$rec->attempts.'</center></td>';
echo '<td><center>';
if( ($gamekind == 'cross') or ($gamekind == 'sudoku') or ($gamekind == 'hangman') or ($gamekind == 'cryptex')){
echo "\r\n<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/preview.php?action=preview&amp;attemptid={$rec->id}&amp;gamekind=$gamekind";
echo '&amp;update='.$update."&amp;q={$game->id}\">";
echo '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/preview').'" alt="'.get_string( 'preview', 'game').'" /></a>';
echo '</center></td>';
//Show solution
echo '<td><center>';
if( ($gamekind == 'cross') or ($gamekind == 'sudoku') or ($gamekind == 'hangman') or ($gamekind == 'cryptex') ){
echo "\r\n<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/game/preview.php?action=solution&amp;attemptid={$rec->id}&amp;gamekind={$gamekind}&amp;update=$update&amp;&amp;q={$game->id}\">";
echo '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/preview').'" alt="'.get_string( 'showsolution', 'game').'" /></a>';
echo '</center></td>';
echo "</tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>\r\n";
function game_ondeleteattempt( $game)
global $CFG, $DB;
$attemptid = required_param('attemptid', PARAM_INT);
$attempt = $DB->get_record( 'game_attempts', array( 'id' => $attemptid));
switch( $game->gamekind)
case 'bookquiz':
$DB->delete_records( 'game_bookquiz_chapters', array( 'attemptid' => $attemptid));
$DB->delete_records( 'game_queries', array( 'attemptid' => $attemptid));
$DB->delete_records( 'game_attempts', array( 'id' => $attemptid));