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This files describes changes in tool_mobile code.
Information provided here is intended especially for developers.
=== 3.7 ===
* New external function tool_mobile::tool_mobile_call_external_function allows calling multiple external functions and returns all responses.
* External function tool_mobile::get_autologin_key now only works if the request comes from the Moodle mobile or desktop app.
This increases confidence that requests did originate from the mobile app, decreasing the likelihood of an XSS attack.
If you want to use this functionality, please override the Web Service via the override_webservice_execution callback although
this is not recommended or encouraged.
=== 3.5 ===
* External function tool_mobile::tool_mobile_get_plugins_supporting_mobile now returns additional plugins information required by
Moodle Mobile 3.5.0.
=== 3.4 ===
* External function tool_mobile::tool_mobile_get_plugins_supporting_mobile is now available via AJAX for not logged users.
When called via AJAX without a user session the function will return only auth plugins.
=== 3.3 ===
* External function tool_mobile::get_public_config now returns the mobilecssurl field (Mobile custom CSS theme).
* External function tool_mobile::get_public_config now returns the identityproviders field (list of external identity providers).