You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
210 lines
8.9 KiB
210 lines
8.9 KiB
2 years ago
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Tiles course format. Display the whole course as "tiles" made of course modules.
* @package format_tiles
* @copyright 2018 David Watson {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $PAGE, $USER;
// Horrible backwards compatible parameter aliasing..
if ($topic = optional_param('topic', 0, PARAM_INT)) {
$url = $PAGE->url;
$url->param('section', $topic);
debugging('Outdated topic param passed to course/view.php', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
// End backwards-compatible aliasing..
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
if (($marker >= 0) && has_capability('moodle/course:setcurrentsection', $context) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$course->marker = $marker;
course_set_marker($course->id, $marker);
$courseformat = course_get_format($course);
// Make sure all sections are created.
$course = $courseformat->get_course();
$isediting = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('format_tiles');
$ismobile = core_useragent::get_device_type() == core_useragent::DEVICETYPE_MOBILE ? 1 : 0;
$allowphototiles = get_config('format_tiles', 'allowphototiles');
$userstopjsnav = get_user_preferences('format_tiles_stopjsnav', 0);
// JS navigation and modals in Internet Explorer are not supported by this plugin so we disable JS nav here.
$usejsnav = !$userstopjsnav && get_config('format_tiles', 'usejavascriptnav') && !core_useragent::is_ie();
// Inline CSS may be requried if this course is using different tile colours to default - echo this first if so.
$templateable = new \format_tiles\output\inline_css_output($course, $ismobile, $usejsnav, $allowphototiles);
$data = $templateable->export_for_template($renderer);
echo $renderer->render_from_template('format_tiles/inline-css', $data);
if ($isediting) {
if ($cmid = optional_param('labelconvert', 0, PARAM_INT)) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/tiles/locallib.php');
format_tiles_convert_label_to_page($cmid, $course);
// Check if we need to change any session params for teachers expanded section preferences.
if (optional_param('expanded', 0, PARAM_INT) == 1) {
// User is expanding all sections in course on command.
$SESSION->editing_all_sections_expanded_course = $course->id;
} else if (optional_param('expanded', 0, PARAM_INT) == -1) {
// Cancel all epxanded if user cancels it.
} else if ($secnum = optional_param('expand', 0, PARAM_INT)) {
// User is expanding one section.
if ($secnum == -1) {
} else {
$SESSION->editing_last_edited_section = $course->id . "-" . $secnum;
// We display the multi section page if the user is not requesting a specific single section.
// We also display it if user is requesting a specific section (URL §ion=xx) with JS enabled.
// We know they have JS if $SESSION->format_tiles_jssuccessfullyused is set.
// In that case we show them the multi section page and use JS to open the section.
if (optional_param('canceljssession', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
// The user is shown a link to cancel the successful JS flag for this session in <noscript> tags if their JS is off.
if (display_multiple_section_page($displaysection, $usejsnav, $context, $isediting)) {
$renderer->print_multiple_section_page($course, null, null, null, null);
} else {
$SESSION->editing_last_edited_section = $course->id . "-" . $displaysection;
$renderer->print_single_section_page($course, null, null, null, null, $displaysection);
// Include format.js (required for dragging sections around).
// Include amd module required for AJAX calls to change tile icon, filter buttons etc.
if (!empty($displaysection)) {
$jssectionnum = $displaysection;
} else if (! $jssectionnum = optional_param('expand', 0, PARAM_INT)) {
$jssectionnum = 0;
} else if (isset($SESSION->editing_last_edited_section)) {
$jssectionnum = $SESSION->editing_last_edited_section;
$allowedmodmodals = format_tiles_allowed_modal_modules();
$jsparams = array(
'courseId' => $course->id,
'useJSNav' => $usejsnav, // See also lib.php page_set_course().
'jsMaxStoredItems' => get_config('format_tiles', 'jsmaxstoreditems'),
'isMobile' => $ismobile,
'jsSectionNum' => $jssectionnum,
'jsStoredConentExpirySecs' => get_config('format_tiles', 'jsstoredcontentexpirysecs'),
'jsStoredContentDeleteMins' => get_config('format_tiles', 'jsstoredcontentdeletemins'),
'displayFilterBar' => $course->displayfilterbar,
'assumeDataStoreContent' => get_config('format_tiles', 'assumedatastoreconsent'),
'reOpenLastSection' => get_config('format_tiles', 'reopenlastsection'),
'userId' => $USER->id,
'fitTilesToWidth' => get_config('format_tiles', 'fittilestowidth')
&& !optional_param("skipcheck", 0, PARAM_INT)
&& !isset($SESSION->format_tiles_skip_width_check)
if (!$isediting) {
// Initalise the main JS module for non editing users.
'format_tiles/course', 'init', $jsparams
if ($isediting) {
// Initalise the main JS module for editing users.
$jsparams['pagetype'] = $PAGE->pagetype;
$jsparams['allowphototiles'] = $allowphototiles;
$jsparams['usesubtiles'] = get_config('format_tiles', 'allowsubtilesview') && $course->courseusesubtiles;
$jsparams['areconvertinglabel'] = optional_param('labelconvert', 0, PARAM_INT);
$jsparams['documentationurl'] = get_config('format_tiles', 'documentationurl');
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('format_tiles/edit_course', 'init', $jsparams);
if (strpos($PAGE->pagetype, 'course-view-') === 0 && $PAGE->theme->name == 'snap') {
get_string('snapwarning', 'format_tiles') . ' ' .
get_docs_url(get_string('snapwarning_help', 'format_tiles')),
// Now the modules which we want whether editing or not.
// If we are allowing course modules to be displayed in modal windows when clicked.
if (!$userstopjsnav && (count($allowedmodmodals['resources']) > 0 || count($allowedmodmodals['modules']) > 0)) {
'format_tiles/course_mod_modal', 'init', array($course->id, $isediting)
if ($course->enablecompletion) {
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('format_tiles/completion', 'init',
get_string('complete-y-auto', 'format_tiles'),
* Should we display a multiple section page or not?
* I.e. do we display all tiles on screen or just one open section?
* @param int $displaysection the param to say if we are displaying one sec and if so which.
* @param bool $usejsnav are we using JS nav or not.
* @param \context_course $context the context we are in
* @param bool $isediting are we editing or not.
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
function display_multiple_section_page($displaysection, $usejsnav, $context, $isediting) {
global $SESSION;
if (empty($displaysection)) {
// If the URL does not request a specific section page (§ion=xx) we always show multiple secs.
return true;
if (optional_param('singlesec', 0, PARAM_INT)) {
// Singlesec param is appended to inplace editable links by format_tiles\inplace_editable_render_section_name().
return false;
// Otherwise, even if URL requests single, we may show multiple in certain situations.
if ($usejsnav && isset($SESSION->format_tiles_jssuccessfullyused)) {
if (!$isediting && get_config('format_tiles', 'usejsnavforsinglesection')) {
return true;
return false;