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* Tests for the enrol_lti_plugin class.
* @package enrol_lti
* @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
use enrol_lti\data_connector;
use enrol_lti\tool_provider;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ResourceLink;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolConsumer;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolProvider;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\User;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Tests for the enrol_lti_plugin class.
* @package enrol_lti
* @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class enrol_lti_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
* Test set up.
* This is executed before running any tests in this file.
public function setUp() {
* Test for enrol_lti_plugin::delete_instance().
public function test_delete_instance() {
global $DB;
// Create tool enrolment instance.
$data = new stdClass();
$data->enrolstartdate = time();
$data->secret = 'secret';
$tool = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_lti_tool($data);
// Create consumer and related data.
$dataconnector = new data_connector();
$consumer = new ToolConsumer('testkey', $dataconnector);
$consumer->secret = $tool->secret;
$consumer->ltiVersion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION1;
$consumer->name = 'TEST CONSUMER NAME';
$consumer->consumerName = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE NAME';
$consumer->consumerGuid = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE GUID';
$consumer->consumerVersion = 'TEST CONSUMER INFO VERSION';
$consumer->enabled = true;
$consumer->protected = true;
$resourcelink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($consumer, 'testresourcelinkid');
$ltiuser = User::fromResourceLink($resourcelink, '');
$ltiuser->ltiResultSourcedId = 'testLtiResultSourcedId';
$ltiuser->ltiUserId = 'testuserid';
$ltiuser->email = '';
$tp = new tool_provider($tool->id);
$tp->user = $ltiuser;
$tp->resourceLink = $resourcelink;
$tp->consumer = $consumer;
$mappingparams = [
'toolid' => $tool->id,
'consumerid' => $tp->consumer->getRecordId()
// Check first that the related records exist.
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_consumer', [ 'id' => $consumer->getRecordId() ]));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link', [ 'id' => $resourcelink->getRecordId() ]));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_user_result', [ 'id' => $ltiuser->getRecordId() ]));
// Perform deletion.
$enrollti = new enrol_lti_plugin();
$instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', ['id' => $tool->enrolid]);
// Check that the related records have been deleted.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_consumer', [ 'id' => $consumer->getRecordId() ]));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link', [ 'id' => $resourcelink->getRecordId() ]));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_lti2_user_result', [ 'id' => $ltiuser->getRecordId() ]));
// Check that the enrolled users and the tool instance has been deleted.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_users', [ 'toolid' => $tool->id ]));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tools', [ 'id' => $tool->id ]));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol', [ 'id' => $instance->id ]));
* Test for getting user enrolment actions.
public function test_get_user_enrolment_actions() {
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
// Set page URL to prevent debugging messages.
$pluginname = 'lti';
// Only enable the lti enrol plugin.
$CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled = $pluginname;
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
// Get the enrol plugin.
$plugin = enrol_get_plugin($pluginname);
// Create a course.
$course = $generator->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
$teacherroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'editingteacher'], MUST_EXIST);
$studentroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'student'], MUST_EXIST);
// Enable this enrol plugin for the course.
$fields = ['contextid' => $context->id, 'roleinstructor' => $teacherroleid, 'rolelearner' => $studentroleid];
$plugin->add_instance($course, $fields);
// Create a student.
$student = $generator->create_user();
// Enrol the student to the course.
$generator->enrol_user($student->id, $course->id, 'student', $pluginname);
// Teachers don't have enrol/lti:unenrol capability by default. Login as admin for simplicity.
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/locallib.php');
$manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course);
$userenrolments = $manager->get_user_enrolments($student->id);
$this->assertCount(1, $userenrolments);
$ue = reset($userenrolments);
$actions = $plugin->get_user_enrolment_actions($manager, $ue);
// LTI enrolment has 1 enrol actions for active users -- unenrol.
$this->assertCount(1, $actions);