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3 years ago
YUI.add('yui2-stylesheet', function(Y) {
var YAHOO = Y.YUI2;
Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.9.0
* The StyleSheet component is a utility for managing css rules at the
* stylesheet level
* @module stylesheet
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @requires yahoo
(function () {
var d = document,
p = d.createElement('p'), // Have to hold the node (see notes)
workerStyle =, // worker style collection
lang = YAHOO.lang,
selectors = {},
sheets = {},
ssId = 0,
floatAttr = ('cssFloat' in workerStyle) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat',
* Normalizes the removal of an assigned style for opacity. IE uses the filter property.
_unsetOpacity = ('opacity' in workerStyle) ?
function (style) { style.opacity = ''; } :
function (style) { style.filter = ''; };
* Normalizes the removal of an assigned style for a given property. Expands
* shortcut properties if necessary and handles the various names for the float property.
workerStyle.border = "1px solid red";
workerStyle.border = ''; // IE doesn't unset child properties
_unsetProperty = workerStyle.borderLeft ?
function (style,prop) {
var p;
if (prop !== floatAttr && prop.toLowerCase().indexOf('float') != -1) {
prop = floatAttr;
if (typeof style[prop] === 'string') {
switch (prop) {
case 'opacity':
case 'filter' : _unsetOpacity(style); break;
case 'font' :
style.font = style.fontStyle = style.fontVariant =
style.fontWeight = style.fontSize = style.lineHeight =
style.fontFamily = '';
default :
for (p in style) {
if (p.indexOf(prop) === 0) {
style[p] = '';
} :
function (style,prop) {
if (prop !== floatAttr && prop.toLowerCase().indexOf('float') != -1) {
prop = floatAttr;
if (lang.isString(style[prop])) {
if (prop === 'opacity') {
} else {
style[prop] = '';
* Create an instance of YAHOO.util.StyleSheet to encapsulate a css stylesheet.
* The constructor can be called using function or constructor syntax.
* <pre><code>var sheet = YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(..);</pre></code>
* or
* <pre><code>var sheet = new YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(..);</pre></code>
* The first parameter passed can be any of the following things:
* <ul>
* <li>The desired string name to register a new empty sheet</li>
* <li>The string name of an existing YAHOO.util.StyleSheet instance</li>
* <li>The unique yuiSSID generated for an existing YAHOO.util.StyleSheet instance</li>
* <li>The id of an existing <code><link></code> or <code><style></code> node</li>
* <li>The node reference for an existing <code><link></code> or <code><style></code> node</li>
* <li>A chunk of css text to create a new stylesheet from</li>
* </ul>
* <p>If a string is passed, StyleSheet will first look in its static name
* registry for an existing sheet, then in the DOM for an element with that id.
* If neither are found and the string contains the { character, it will be
* used as a the initial cssText for a new StyleSheet. Otherwise, a new empty
* StyleSheet is created, assigned the string value as a name, and registered
* statically by that name.</p>
* <p>The optional second parameter is a string name to register the sheet as.
* This param is largely useful when providing a node id/ref or chunk of css
* text to create a populated instance.</p>
* @class StyleSheet
* @constructor
* @param seed {String|<style> element} a style or link node, its id, or a name or
* yuiSSID of a StyleSheet, or a string of css text (see above)
* @param name {String} OPTIONAL name to register instance for future static
* access
function StyleSheet(seed, name) {
var head,
cssRules = {},
// Factory or constructor
if (!(this instanceof StyleSheet)) {
return new StyleSheet(seed,name);
// capture the DOM node if the string is an id
node = seed && (seed.nodeName ? seed : d.getElementById(seed));
// Check for the StyleSheet in the static registry
if (seed && sheets[seed]) {
return sheets[seed];
} else if (node && node.yuiSSID && sheets[node.yuiSSID]) {
return sheets[node.yuiSSID];
// Create a style node if necessary
if (!node || !/^(?:style|link)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
node = d.createElement('style');
node.type = 'text/css';
if (lang.isString(seed)) {
// Create entire sheet from seed cssText
if (seed.indexOf('{') != -1) {
// Not a load-time fork because low run-time impact and IE fails
// test for s.styleSheet at page load time (oddly)
if (node.styleSheet) {
node.styleSheet.cssText = seed;
} else {
} else if (!name) {
name = seed;
if (!node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'head') {
head = (node.ownerDocument || d).getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// styleSheet isn't available on the style node in FF2 until appended
// to the head element. style nodes appended to body do not affect
// change in Safari.
// Begin setting up private aliases to the important moving parts
// 1. The stylesheet object
// IE stores StyleSheet under the "styleSheet" property
// Safari doesn't populate sheet for xdomain link elements
sheet = node.sheet || node.styleSheet;
// 2. The style rules collection
// IE stores the rules collection under the "rules" property
_rules = sheet && ('cssRules' in sheet) ? 'cssRules' : 'rules';
// 3. The method to remove a rule from the stylesheet
// IE supports removeRule
_deleteRule = ('deleteRule' in sheet) ?
function (i) { sheet.deleteRule(i); } :
function (i) { sheet.removeRule(i); };
// 4. The method to add a new rule to the stylesheet
// IE supports addRule with different signature
_insertRule = ('insertRule' in sheet) ?
function (sel,css,i) { sheet.insertRule(sel+' {'+css+'}',i); } :
function (sel,css,i) { sheet.addRule(sel,css,i); };
// 5. Initialize the cssRules map from the node
// xdomain link nodes forbid access to the cssRules collection, so this
// will throw an error.
// TODO: research alternate stylesheet, @media
for (i = sheet[_rules].length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
r = sheet[_rules][i];
sel = r.selectorText;
if (cssRules[sel]) {
cssRules[sel].style.cssText += ';' +;
} else {
cssRules[sel] = r;
// Cache the instance by the generated Id
node.yuiSSID = 'yui-stylesheet-' + (ssId++);
// Register the instance by name if provided or defaulted from seed
if (name) {
// Public API
* Get the unique yuiSSID for this StyleSheet instance
* @method getId
* @return {Number} the static id
getId : function () { return node.yuiSSID; },
* The <style> element that this instance encapsulates
* @property node
* @type HTMLElement
node : node,
* Enable all the rules in the sheet
* @method enable
* @return {StyleSheet} the instance
* @chainable
// Enabling/disabling the stylesheet. Changes may be made to rules
// while disabled.
enable : function () { sheet.disabled = false; return this; },
* Disable all the rules in the sheet. Rules may be changed while the
* StyleSheet is disabled.
* @method disable
* @return {StyleSheet} the instance
* @chainable
disable : function () { sheet.disabled = true; return this; },
* Returns boolean indicating whether the StyleSheet is enabled
* @method isEnabled
* @return {Boolean} is it enabled?
isEnabled : function () { return !sheet.disabled; },
* <p>Set style properties for a provided selector string.
* If the selector includes commas, it will be split into individual
* selectors and applied accordingly. If the selector string does not
* have a corresponding rule in the sheet, it will be added.</p>
* <p>The second parameter can be either a string of CSS text,
* formatted as CSS ("font-size: 10px;"), or an object collection of
* properties and their new values. Object properties must be in
* JavaScript format ({ fontSize: "10px" }).</p>
* <p>The float style property will be set by any of "float",
* "styleFloat", or "cssFloat" if passed in the
* object map. Use "float: left;" format when passing a CSS text
* string.</p>
* @method set
* @param sel {String} the selector string to apply the changes to
* @param css {Object|String} Object literal of style properties and
* new values, or a string of cssText
* @return {StyleSheet} the StyleSheet instance
* @chainable
set : function (sel,css) {
var rule = cssRules[sel],
multi = sel.split(/\s*,\s*/),i,
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited selectors
if (multi.length > 1) {
for (i = multi.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.set(multi[i], css);
return this;
// Some selector values can cause IE to hang
if (!StyleSheet.isValidSelector(sel)) {
return this;
// Opera throws an error if there's a syntax error in assigned
// cssText. Avoid this using a worker style collection, then
// assigning the resulting cssText.
if (rule) {
| = StyleSheet.toCssText(css,;
} else {
idx = sheet[_rules].length;
css = StyleSheet.toCssText(css);
// IE throws an error when attempting to addRule(sel,'',n)
// which would crop up if no, or only invalid values are used
if (css) {
_insertRule(sel, css, idx);
// Safari replaces the rules collection, but maintains the
// rule instances in the new collection when rules are
// added/removed
cssRules[sel] = sheet[_rules][idx];
return this;
* <p>Unset style properties for a provided selector string, removing
* their effect from the style cascade.</p>
* <p>If the selector includes commas, it will be split into individual
* selectors and applied accordingly. If there are no properties
* remaining in the rule after unsetting, the rule is removed.</p>
* <p>The style property or properties in the second parameter must be the
* <p>JavaScript style property names. E.g. fontSize rather than font-size.</p>
* <p>The float style property will be unset by any of "float",
* "styleFloat", or "cssFloat".</p>
* @method unset
* @param sel {String} the selector string to apply the changes to
* @param css {String|Array} style property name or Array of names
* @return {StyleSheet} the StyleSheet instance
* @chainable
unset : function (sel,css) {
var rule = cssRules[sel],
multi = sel.split(/\s*,\s*/),
remove = !css,
rules, i;
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited selectors
// so rules are mapped internally by atomic selectors
if (multi.length > 1) {
for (i = multi.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this.unset(multi[i], css);
return this;
if (rule) {
if (!remove) {
if (!lang.isArray(css)) {
css = [css];
workerStyle.cssText =;
for (i = css.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (workerStyle.cssText) {
| = workerStyle.cssText;
} else {
remove = true;
if (remove) { // remove the rule altogether
rules = sheet[_rules];
for (i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (rules[i] === rule) {
delete cssRules[sel];
return this;
* Get the current cssText for a rule or the entire sheet. If the
* selector param is supplied, only the cssText for that rule will be
* returned, if found. If the selector string targets multiple
* selectors separated by commas, the cssText of the first rule only
* will be returned. If no selector string, the stylesheet's full
* cssText will be returned.
* @method getCssText
* @param sel {String} Selector string
* @return {String}
getCssText : function (sel) {
var rule, css, selector;
if (lang.isString(sel)) {
// IE's addRule doesn't support multiple comma delimited
// selectors so rules are mapped internally by atomic selectors
rule = cssRules[sel.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]];
return rule ? : null;
} else {
css = [];
for (selector in cssRules) {
if (cssRules.hasOwnProperty(selector)) {
rule = cssRules[selector];
css.push(rule.selectorText+" {""}");
return css.join("\n");
_toCssText = function (css,base) {
var f = css.styleFloat || css.cssFloat || css['float'],
// A very difficult to repro/isolate IE 9 beta (and Platform Preview 7) bug
// was reduced to this line throwing the error:
// "Invalid this pointer used as target for method call"
// It appears that the style collection is corrupted. The error is
// catchable, so in a best effort to work around it, replace the
// p and workerStyle and try the assignment again.
try {
workerStyle.cssText = base || '';
} catch (ex) {
p = d.createElement('p');
workerStyle =;
workerStyle.cssText = base || '';
if (lang.isString(css)) {
// There is a danger here of incremental memory consumption in Opera
workerStyle.cssText += ';' + css;
} else {
if (f && !css[floatAttr]) {
css = lang.merge(css);
delete css.styleFloat; delete css.cssFloat; delete css['float'];
css[floatAttr] = f;
for (prop in css) {
if (css.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
try {
// IE throws Invalid Value errors and doesn't like whitespace
// in values ala ' red' or 'red '
workerStyle[prop] = lang.trim(css[prop]);
catch (e) {
return workerStyle.cssText;
lang.augmentObject(StyleSheet, {
* <p>Converts an object literal of style properties and values into a string
* of css text. This can then be assigned to</p>
* <p>The optional second parameter is a cssText string representing the
* starting state of the style prior to alterations. This is most often
* extracted from the eventual target's current</p>
* @method StyleSheet.toCssText
* @param css {Object} object literal of style properties and values
* @param cssText {String} OPTIONAL starting cssText value
* @return {String} the resulting cssText string
* @static
toCssText : (('opacity' in workerStyle) ? _toCssText :
// Wrap IE's toCssText to catch opacity. The copy/merge is to preserve
// the input object's integrity, but if float and opacity are set, the
// input will be copied twice in IE. Is there a way to avoid this
// without increasing the byte count?
function (css, cssText) {
if (lang.isObject(css) && 'opacity' in css) {
css = lang.merge(css,{
filter: 'alpha(opacity='+(css.opacity*100)+')'
delete css.opacity;
return _toCssText(css,cssText);
* Registers a StyleSheet instance in the static registry by the given name
* @method StyleSheet.register
* @param name {String} the name to assign the StyleSheet in the registry
* @param sheet {StyleSheet} The StyleSheet instance
* @return {Boolean} false if no name or sheet is not a StyleSheet
* instance. true otherwise.
* @static
register : function (name,sheet) {
return !!(name && sheet instanceof StyleSheet &&
!sheets[name] && (sheets[name] = sheet));
* <p>Determines if a selector string is safe to use. Used internally
* in set to prevent IE from locking up when attempting to add a rule for a
* "bad selector".</p>
* <p>Bad selectors are considered to be any string containing unescaped
* `~!@$%^&()+=|{}[];'"?< or space. Also forbidden are . or # followed by
* anything other than an alphanumeric. Additionally -abc or .-abc or
* #_abc or '# ' all fail. There are likely more failure cases, so
* please file a bug if you encounter one.</p>
* @method StyleSheet.isValidSelector
* @param sel {String} the selector string
* @return {Boolean}
* @static
isValidSelector : function (sel) {
var valid = false;
if (sel && lang.isString(sel)) {
if (!selectors.hasOwnProperty(sel)) {
// TEST: there should be nothing but white-space left after
// these destructive regexs
selectors[sel] = !/\S/.test(
// combinators
sel.replace(/\s+|\s*[+~>]\s*/g,' ').
// attribute selectors (contents not validated)
replace(/([^ ])\[.*?\]/g,'$1').
// pseudo-class|element selectors (contents of parens
// such as :nth-of-type(2) or :not(...) not validated)
replace(/([^ ])::?[a-z][a-z\-]+[a-z](?:\(.*?\))?/ig,'$1').
// element tags
replace(/(?:^| )[a-z0-6]+/ig,' ').
// escaped characters
// class and id identifiers
valid = selectors[sel];
return valid;
YAHOO.util.StyleSheet = StyleSheet;
* Style node must be added to the head element. Safari does not honor styles
applied to StyleSheet objects on style nodes in the body.
* StyleSheet object is created on the style node when the style node is added
to the head element in Firefox 2 (and maybe 3?)
* The cssRules collection is replaced after insertRule/deleteRule calls in
Safari 3.1. Existing Rules are used in the new collection, so the collection
cannot be cached, but the rules can be.
* Opera requires that the index be passed with insertRule.
* Same-domain restrictions prevent modifying StyleSheet objects attached to
link elements with remote href (or "about:blank" or "javascript:false")
* Same-domain restrictions prevent reading StyleSheet cssRules/rules
collection of link elements with remote href (or "about:blank" or
* Same-domain restrictions result in Safari not populating node.sheet property
for link elements with remote href (
* IE names StyleSheet related properties and methods differently (see code)
* IE converts tag names to upper case in the Rule's selectorText
* IE converts empty string assignment to complex properties to value settings
for all child properties. E.g. style.background = '' sets non-'' values on
style.backgroundPosition, style.backgroundColor, etc. All else clear
style.background and all child properties.
* IE assignment style.filter = '' will result in style.cssText == 'FILTER:'
* All browsers support as a read/write property, leaving
only opacity needing to be accounted for.
* Benchmarks of = value vs style.cssText += 'property: value'
indicate cssText is slightly slower for single property assignment. For
multiple property assignment, cssText speed stays relatively the same where
| speed decreases linearly by the number of properties set.
Exception being Opera 9.27, where is always faster than
* Opera 9.5b throws a syntax error when assigning cssText with a syntax error.
* Opera 9.5 doesn't honor = ''. Previous style persists.
You have to remove the rule altogether.
* Stylesheet properties set with !important will trump inline style set on an
element or in
* Creating a worker style collection like document.createElement('p').style;
will fail after a time in FF (~5secs of inactivity). Property assignments
will not alter the property or cssText. It may be the generated node is
garbage collected and the style collection becomes inert (speculation).
* IE locks up when attempting to add a rule with a selector including at least
characters {[]}~`!@%^&*()+=|? (unescaped) and leading _ or -
such as addRule('-foo','{ color: red }') or addRule('._abc','{...}')
* IE's addRule doesn't support comma separated selectors such as
addRule('.foo, .bar','{..}')
* IE throws an error on valid values with leading/trailing white space.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, only FF2/3 & Opera allow creating a
style node, setting its innerHTML and appending to head.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, Safari requires the style node to be
created with content in innerHTML of another element.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, IE requires the style node content to
be set via node.styleSheet.cssText
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, styleSheet.cssText can't be
written until node.type = 'text/css'; is performed.
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, load-time fork on
var styleNode = d.createElement('style'); _method = styleNode.styleSheet ?..
fails (falsey). During run-time, the test for .styleSheet works fine
* Setting complex properties in cssText will SOMETIMES allow child properties
to be unset
set unset FF2 FF3 S3.1 IE6 IE7 Op9.27 Op9.5
---------- ----------------- --- --- ---- --- --- ------ -----
-top-color NO NO YES YES YES
-color NO NO NO NO NO
background -color NO NO YES YES YES
-position NO NO YES YES YES
-position-x NO NO NO NO NO
font line-height YES YES NO NO NO NO YES
-size-adjust ??? ??? n/a n/a n/a ??? ???
padding -top NO NO YES YES YES
margin -top NO NO YES YES YES
list-style -type YES YES YES YES YES
overflow -x NO NO YES n/a YES
??? - unsetting font-size-adjust has the same effect as unsetting font-size
* FireFox and WebKit populate rule.cssText as "SELECTOR { CSSTEXT }", but
Opera and IE do not.
* IE6 and IE7 silently ignore the { and } if passed into addRule('.foo','{
color:#000}',0). IE8 does not and creates an empty rule.
* IE6-8 addRule('.foo','',n) throws an error. Must supply *some* cssText
YAHOO.register("stylesheet", YAHOO.util.StyleSheet, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});
}, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo"]});